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8 minutes ago, infoseekeruk said:

It is a shame Martin can not get put in prison and somehow be framed just like Paul was and Carl could walk free

Carl is out of prison somehow as of the end of the last chapter and Martin may pay for everything he has done but those chapters are still in my imagination so who knows 

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2 hours ago, negchaserlooking said:

Well you obviously have a major twist coming p with Carl on the outside!

There will be lots of twisting... and fucking 😈

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Dear Bobby:


The man giving you this letter is my husband, Carl. He’s there to poz you and Mike before Martin can


I know this is not a perfect solution but as I read things, you are going to be infected one way or the other. Martin taking custody of your brother makes it to where Carl can’t just simply take you boys away from him. He could be charged with kidnapping Marc if he did and there is a prosecutor out there who would love nothing better than to have an excuse to put Carl back in prison. 


I think if Martin is the one to poz you two it could be the final blow in his battle to control you r minds. From what you say he is close to it as it is. 


Choosing to become poz and picking someone else to do it behind his back may just have the opposite effect. The virus Carl carries in the same virus in my veins and he’s the one who pit it there. It can be a family bond we share and make our family love even stronger


At this point, the main concern is protecting Marc’s health, It’s a huge sacrifice for you two to make but  it will all be over when Marc turns 18. Even if the plan to get me out fails. Carl will be there to support you. He can take you away as soon as Marc is an adult and you can trust  Carl, I promise. He has been my lover and protector for years now 


I am so sorry I can’t do more. If I was there I would never have let Martin touch you. Believe me, he will pay for trying to take my sons from me. 


Please give Carl a chance. He’s a truly good man despite how he looks. I trust him with my life, you can too


Write me back to let me know what you decide and with any further news


Your loving father 



Bobby finished reading the letter and then looked at Carl with stunned eyes. He would have to talk to Mike about  it but if he was going to be pozzed he would rather a total stranger do it than Martin. At least this Carl loved their dad. They had that in common


Carl stood looking at them, his eyes were not filled with lust or desire, they were filled with sadness, worry and concern. 


“You should talk to your brother, I am willing to do what Paul asks. It may even be easy for me because you two look so much like him, but I have not been able to get it up for any man but him since our wedding. I haven’t wanted to” the hulking man said


Mike looked confused by all of this so Bobby handed him the letter from their Dad. After he had read it he looked just as stunned as Bobby had. 


“I think Dad is right” Bobby said “I’d rather get it from a man who our Dad loves than Mast… than MARTIN any day. I’d rather not be pozzed at all but there is no way around it”


Mike nodded slowly “You are right. If we make a choice it takes the power away from Martin. Being pozzed by someone else means Martin's virus can’t ever touch us” he  said 


Mike didn’t know how right he was


After his recent tragedy and with the prosecutor falsely charging him, Carl had gotten gone a little crazy. Out on bail he had self destructively sought out the virus. He heard about a man on a gay bareback fattish website called Breeding Zone. The man and his two lovers had an entire section dedicated to them. There were testimonials and fan fiction stories as well as actuarial pozzing stories about them


Carl had gone to the bathhouse that was they ruled and lost his anal virginity to a man named Zeke.


He didn’t know it but Carl now had The Angel Strain of HIV. He had been poz for 14 years now and suffered no ill health effects, nor had anyone he had ever pozzed


He had gotten his biohazard tattoo while awaiting trial and had pozzed several man before he was found guilty of crimes he had not committed and was sentenced to three life sciences. 



One week ago:  


Paul sat in despair holding the letter from Bobby. There was nothing he could do tp help his sons, nothing at all/


Carl came back into the cell after his meeting with the warden and the look of shock and worry on his face snapped Paul out of his circling thoughts 


“Carl! What is wrong?” He said rushing to take his husband in his arms 




ey found out who really killed my wife and daughters” he said in a stunned voice


Paul had never asked what Carl was in prison for and he listened as the stunned Carl told his story 


Carl had inherited a fortune, His dad had left it all to him despite him having a brother, the reason being that Carl’s brother was irresponsible to the point of Idiotcy. He blew every penny he got his hands on on booze and prostitutes. 


Carl’s dad had known he would take care of his brother and keep him from blowing his inheritance in six months. Carl had arranged a generous monthly stipend for his brother and went on with his life.


His brother, off course, resented this because he wanted it all, even Carl's share  and had ceased the opportunity to get Carl out of the way by taking advantage of a tragedy


Carl had come home home to find his wife and daughters…. We won’t go into that beyond saying that the circumstances exactly matched a string of other such crimes that had been happening around the state and were very much in the news at the time 


Carl’s brother had gone to the police and told them that Carl had confessed to him that he had done it and just tried to make it look like the other crimes 


The police and prosecutors', desperate to look like they were doing SOMETHING about the situation had done the rest


Carl was convicted based on very shaky evidence and his brother’s testimony. All his efforts  to appeal were stone walled. Somehow, despite their best efforts, Carl’s lawyer could never get a date set to actually hear any appeal. The judge kept granting the prosecution's requests for delays 


They tried to pin all the crimes on Carl but they kept happening even after he was in prison and not even his scumbag brother would say he had confessed to more than his wife and daughters 


Then about a year ago the real killer was caught. The police and prosecutors even charged him with the three crimes Carl was convicted of while trying to keep Carl in prison for the same crimes "Just to make sure"


The killer had actually been the one who made it very clear that Carl was innocent, In several interviews with reporters and under oath, in court he had angrily said so. He hated that someone else was getting credit for “his work, He even had items belonging to Catl's wife and daughters


Carl had given up years ago and even refused to see his criminal attorney or read the letters the man sent him. To tell the truth, Carl was perfectly happy exactly where he was with Paul


“Babe! That’s wonderful!” Paul told him 


“You don’t understand Paul! They are releasing me tomorrow! You are here for at least five more months and you will be alone! I won’t be here to protect you!” Carl said with tears in his eyes


Then he whispered “I don’t know how I am going to get through five months without you and the worry of what is happening to you will drive me insane! On top of that, what if Tony’s plan fails? Tonight could be our last night together for 20 years!”


Then it hit Paul, Carl was right about all of it Tony’s plan was good but it depended on someone keeping his word and without Carl, Paul could never protect himself here. But the worst part was being separated from Carl for five months or maybe till the end of Paul's 30 year sentence. With the way he was being treated by the parole board, he doubted he would get time off for good behavior


Paul broke down and started crying himself even as he explained the contents of Bobby’s letter 


“The only good thing is you can protect them now, even if I don’t ever get out of here” he said sadly, then the thought of Carl pozzing  Bobby and Mike before Martin could popped into his mind 


Carl reluctantly agreed and Paul started trying to write Bobby back through the tears


That last night together they had clung to each other and in the morning, when the guards came to escort Carl to the out processing area the last thing he had seen in Block C was a group of his largest lieutenants, led by the blond man who had been the first man Paul had ppzzed himself,  entering the cell he had shared with his husband 




Carl spared the boys what he thought was probably happening to their dad. Paul would survive most likely and hopefully in five months would be free to join them 


His criminal attorney had been waiting for him at the prison gates. Within a few hours Carl had a new ID and access to his bank accounts. The lawyer showed him how to use his new phone, the original fruity company E Phone had come out the year Carl had been convicted and things had changed quite a bit since then 


“My last phone had limited text and you had to wit for nights and weekends to make free local calls” Carl told the man, who laughed good naturedly 


The first call he made was to the lawyer controlling his finances. The courts had blocked him from cutting off his brother, though they had also prevented his brother from getting access to anything more than the monthly payments Carl had set up for him as well.


His brother had gotten nothing at all from destroying Carl’s life


“We anticipated what you would want to do and have already gotten the courts to lift the restrictions on you” the lawyer told him on the phone “Your assets have grown substantially through careful management and are now somewhere in excess of 500 million dollars. We will forward a full report to you when you settle somewhere” 


Carl was tempted, very tempted to cut his brother completely off but he had promised his dad so... “Lets cut my brother from living the high life down to just being able to pay for his rent, utilities and food. He’s going to have to work for anything beyond that from now on” he said and the lawyer saud it would be done


Then he called his brother and told him what he had just done and hung up in his face right in the middle of the scream of “You can’t do that!”  because. yes he could do that so why argue


“Oh by the way, the judge in your original case is pressing the D.A. to charge your brother with perjury and the D.A. is having trouble of his own since the feds are looking into your conviction, We have the paperwork all prepared to file a civil suit for malicious prosecution. Just give us the word and we will get that going” 


Carl nodded and said "Do it"


“I have taken the liberty of hiring you a personal assistant to help you adjust to the changes in the world. He can show you how things work now” The lawyer said, indicating a nondescript man who had been standing off to the side. "Is there anything else I can do for you?” 


“Yes, I want you to start looking into the conviction of my husband Paul. I believe him when he says he was innocent and his appeals were stymied the same way mine were. We actually know who stole the money but have no proof” 


The lawyer nodded, shook his hand and said “I will get right on that” then he left 


Carl looked at his personal assistant and said “There is somewhere I have to go. I have to help my step sons” 



Inside the prison in C Block, Just as Carl had feared, Paul was getting used as a sex toy.. Well… kind of how Carl had feared 


Paul had watched his husband being escorted out of the block and then turned to confront the five men who entered his cell. 


“So, what can I do for you gentlemen?” He asked. He had decided he would not fight because that would only lead to pain and injury. 


Sean, the blond bully boy who had been the first man he had ever pozzed himself leered at him. He had bulked up a lot since then and become one of Carl's men


“So, no more Carl to protect you, huh?” Sean said, coming forward and looming over Paul. who nodded sadly


Sean tilted his chin up with a finger and surprisingly kissed Paul rather gently then looked him in the eye


“You belong to me now. If you don’t fight I  won’t make this hard on you” Sean said and put a hand on Paul’s shoulder pushing down “You know what to do” 


The other four men moved out to guard the door from several disappointed looking men who had probably all been planning on making Paul their bitch.


These were the five biggest, toughest, most feared men in C Block though and Sean was their ring leader 


Paul sank to his knees and pulled Sean's pants down . The man had a hefty eight inches, uncut with blond, fuzzy balls and Paul noticed he smelled clean. like he had just showered


Paul had always been a good cock sucker and soon had the blond man moaning as he worked the shaft in his mouth and throat


"Teah, pretty baby, suck that cock. I have wanted your lips around my cock for so long. Show me how much you love it" Sean moaned  ahs he fucked Paul's throat till he shot a load down down it


Paul could not help but get hard and as Sean caught his breath he stood. Hos cock was not quite as big as Carl’s but it was still huge by most people's standards and it tented out the fabric of his pants 


Paul saw that Sean was staring at that bulge and decided to take a chance. He put his hand on the bulge and rubbed it invitingly 


“Remember how much you loved this inside of you Sean?” He said in a soft sexy voice


Sean looked up and they locked eyes. It was Sean who looked away first and Paul smiled, stepping closer  


He leaned in and nuzzled Sean's neck then bit his earlobe, whispering “I think you got it wrong Sean. I think I own you, not the other way around. Now go lay, face down on the bed and spread your legs for Master, birch” It was an order ordered and Sean did as he was told 


“Told you he wouldn’t last long” one of the other four men said and there were nods and laughs 


“You all want my cock, don’t you?” Paul asked as he finally understood the situation 


All four men nodded. Together with Sean they could handle the rest of C Block with no problem and everyone knew it. So what if they wanted to get fucked? They could still kick your ass so what difference did it make?


“We will have to work out a schedule but I can probably keep all five of you happy. In return you will keep those animals off me” Paul told them “Oh and you will also bring me every new boy or man who comes to C Block, I am in charge here now so I get to breed every ass first” 


“That’s kind of what we figured” Buster, the largest man not only in C Block but in the entire prison said


“”Fucking him is going to be interesting, it will kind of be like fucking a mountain” Paul thought as he turned and got on top of Sean sliding his cock up that smooth blond ass 


Sean moaned and pushed back, begging for more. Paul drug it out, fucking this tough boy for nearly an hour, making Sean pay for that forced blowjob and scaring Paul but finally loaded that pretty hairless ass with a nice big load


After a rest he climbed Mount Buster. The huge man was very meek and submissive in bed and he quickly became Paul’s favorite, comfort fuck He had an incredible ass that almost seemed to suck Paul’s cock as he fucked the huge man till they came together 


It was Sean who slipped into his cell and into the bed with Paul that night 


“No more, Sean. My balls need a rest” Paul groaned. He had managed to fuck all five today and sealed their loyalty to him with sticky cum, and he could not have gotten it up again today if his life depended on it 


“I’m not here for that, I know you are used to sleeping with someone and while I am not Carl I’m a warm body. To be honest, I have been in love with you since that first fuck, I don’t expect you to love me back but would you please let me be there for you? We both are going to be here for a while, I have a couple years leftand I would love to at least be special to you someday” Sean said and Paul could tell he meant it.


No one knew about Tony's plan but he, Tony and Carl. He should send this love struck boy away and spare him the pain of losing Paul after only a few months but he was so hurt and so he decided to be selfish


Paul didn’t answer with words but he did kiss Sean before clin to him and  crying into his smooth, muscular chest as the blond man stroked his hair and told him everything would be all right


The day had been to busy to really think about things but now he faced his first night without  Carl. Sean was right, he wasn't Carl but he was there...


The next day a new man was brought into C Block. He was dark haired and handsome, Well muscled, hairy. in his mid 30s and walked through the block like he was the Alpha Male. He reminded Paul of Martin, bith in looks and attitude


"This is about what I imagine Martin looks like now" Paul thought as he motioned to his men and nodded at the man


The Alpha Male changed his tune when his hands were tied to a cell bar above his head and his legs were held up by Sean and Buster so that Paul could force his HIV  tainted cock up that straight neg, virgin ass 


“By the way. I’m HIV positive and by the time I’m done with you, you will be too” He told the man as he placed the large head of his cock to that puckered hole and pushed in with no mercy 


The man groaned in pain as Paul worked something close to 10 inches of cock up his never before fucked ass. The look of pain on the man’s face just made Paul fuck him harder, imagining that it was Martin screaming under him. Paul bred him three times despite being a littler tired from the day before. The man glared at him the entire time. Paul slapped his face as he got up and left th4 man tied for the block to use 


For the rest of the time he was there Paul fucked the man three or four times a week, simply because the man hated it so much, That glare had reminded him even more of Martin when he was angry and Paul took his frustrations out on this straight man unlucky enough to have remind Paul of the wrong person 


Paul would approach the man with Sean and Buster and they would pin him to the wall while Paul pulled down his pants and rammed into him. All he wanted to do was bust a quick load in the man and it never lasted more than ten minutes. Oddly enough after the first few times the man seemed to go out of his way to catch Paul's attention, though he always pretended to hate the fucking he got


About a week after Carl had been released Paul got a letter from him with a return address that was a post office box in the town his boys lived in, It begging to know if he was ok. He wrote back quickly and told Carl that the worst thing that was happening to him was having to cry himself to sleep each night because he missed him so much and detailing the new situatio, he didn't mention Sean in his bed every nihjy though/ He would tell Carl, but not till they were together. Sean was no threat to what he felt to Carl he was just a warm body and a shoulder to cry on


Carl’s letter had also said he had just met the boys that day and that they were thinking the matter over. He would write again as soon as there was a decision




The next morning after meeting the boys Carl’s phone rang 


“We will do it” Bobby said “Better you than Martin” 


“If you are sure, come to my hotel suite and we will get started” Carl said 


As he hung up se smiled down at the rock hard bulge in his pants and the wet spot forming in the fabric at the tip 


“Well that answers that question“ he thought and got ready to poz his step sons 


Next Chapter: Bobby and Mike finally get the gift every boy dreams of


Let me know what you think!




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2 hours ago, negchaserlooking said:

wow that was a hot chapter and you managed to bring Zeke into it as well. Can't wait for Martin to meet karma

Had to work Zeke in somehow 

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5 hours ago, Scanbu said:

Had to work Zeke in somehow 

A multi-threaded universe. Nice. I'd like to see your work as a TV series, but unlikely.  Already imagining the cute guys to play the main characters ☺️

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4 hours ago, MNNegHole4Poz said:

A multi-threaded universe. Nice. I'd like to see your work as a TV series, but unlikely.  Already imagining the cute guys to play the main characters ☺️

It would be hard to take this mainstream I think 

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Carl showered as he waited for the boys to get there. He had 19 days left to poz them counting today 


He was just coming out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel when he heard a knock on his door 


He opened it to find the boys standing nervously in the hall. He stepped back and motioned them in 


Carl hated the terrified looks on their faces. He could not get the thought of Paul with the same look as the men in C Block surrounded him and…. “NO! I can’t think about that! It will drive me insane!” He thought pushing the image away


“Look,” he said to the boys “This can be a bad experience for you or you can chose to make it as good as it can be. I’m here to listen to you and will do this how ever you want. Your Dad told me to tall you that this is his gift of protection for you… He’s all alone now and… I'm sure he misses me as much as I miss him” 


Carl couldn’t tell them about the realities of prison life and what was probably happening to Paul. It wasn’t these two’s fault and it would just make them feel guilty


“I don’t have any preferences” Bobby said dully “Though it does help to think that it’s Dad’s gift to us. It makes it easier somehow”


Carl kept his face neutral when Mike said how he wanted it, but the look on Bobby’s face mirrored his thoughts


“Martin needs to pay for breaking this boy so badly”  he snarled in his mind 


Bobby shook his head sadly and said “Lets get started, I will go first” he said to break the tension


Carl took them to the bed and  as Bobby stripped he asked “Is Martin harassing you two?” 


“He went somewhere last night and told us he won’t be back until tomorrow” Bobby said 


Carl looked the boy up and down. Where Paul was soft and feminine, despite being in shape, Bobby was buff and masculine. Paul just went with when nature gave him but Bobby obviously put a lot of work into his body and Carl could appreciate it but he preferred his Paul’s softness


”I guess on my hands and knees would be easiest” Bobby said and assumed the position with a resigned attitude 


His ass looked almost exactly like his Dad’s and that helped a lot. Carl got rock hard and reached for the lube 


“Fuck, he’s bigger than Martin!” Mike said, but Bobby didn’t look 


“I’m ready for my Dad’s gift now” Bobby said as Carl mounted him. He sounded like he was  trying to convince himself 


It was not hard getting into Bobby, he had been fucked many times by a large cock and knew how to take it, but he did grunt as Carl popped  completely through the inner ring that Martin could only tease 


Instinct took over for Carl at that point. He was in a vulnerable neg boy ass with his toxic poz cock and he felt that rush of power that always gave him. He gripped Bobby’s hips and slid in and out faster Popping through that inner ring with every thrust  making his step son moan as his cock finally responded getting rock hard. 


Soon Bobby’s cock drizzled pre all over the damp towel Carl had put on the bed under him. He began pushing his hips back on Carl’s huge toxic cock, despite his fear 


“Give it to me! Give me my Dad’s toxic viral gift! I want it from you, NOT Martin!” Bobby said in a demanding voice that made Carl think of all the nights he had submitted to Paul 


“Here it comes, Bobby Boy! Here comes the virus that is living in your Dad right now! Take it! Let it invade your blood and take you over!” Carl moaned as he hilted in Bobby’s neg hole and his balls pumped his poison HIV filled cum into that defenseless neg ass 


Bobby felt the pulsing throb accompanied by that wet feeling inside as Carl pumped him full of virus. The lust and fear were too much and he started cumming himself as he took his first poz load from his step dad 


Carl pulled out and sat on the edge of the bed to catch his breath as Bobby rolled onto his back, propped himself up on some pillows into a sitting position and held his arms out to Mike, who had stripped while Bobby was being pozzed 


Mile crawled into the bed and got into the same position Bobby had been in then started kissing his brother 


“I love you so much Baby girl” Bobby told his brother. That was part of what Martin had broken in Mike. He had to be referred to as “girl” during sex. He also needed some form of humiliation to get off but playing with his large, pumped nipples did that because Mike hated them


“Is there more between you two than brotherly love?” Carl asked after watching the tender moment. It had hit him hard and made him miss Paul even more 


“We are in love with each other, is that a problem?” Bobby said a bit pugnaciously. He would fight anyone who denied them the right to love each other after what they had been through together. Even the hugs Carl 


“No, not at all! I think it’s wonderful! It is something good coming out of a bad situation!” Carl said warmly and Bobby relaxed 


“You two ready for round two?” Carl asked and Bobby nodded 


“Baby girl, Carl is going to give you Dad’s gift, just let him fuck that pretty little ass and infect you. I promise you it will be ok. I will take care of you. Your Big Brother Man will always be there for you” Bobby whispered to Mike who looked like a dear in the headlights as Carl mounted him


Bobby took Mike’s nipples in his fingers and began playing with them, pulling, pinching and tugging as Carl started to enter his second neg ass in less than an hour 


Mike’s body was somewhere between Bobby’s and Paul’s and his ass was so like his Dad’s that Carl could easily pretend he was fucking his his husband 


He got all the way in and showed Mike what his inner ring was for as he popped through, then he pulled out and slammed back in. Mike had asked for it round and Carl would give it to him rough. He pounded the ginger neg boy’s ass hard as Mike’s brother whispered nasty things in his ear and milked his nipples hard   


“That’s it my beautiful girl, let your Step Dad breed you with the virus he infected our Dad with/ Let him poz you forever! We know you want it. You know you deserve it. You want Carl’s baby in you! You want to be pregnant with his toxic virus baby! Don’t fight it! Just let him give you our Dad’s gift and love!” Bobby whispered softly 


Mike had his eyes closed tight so he didn’t see the tears in his Brother’s eyes 


Bobby hated using Martin’s twisting, manipulative words but Mike had begged. He said he needed them 


Bobby could tell when Carl came in his brother because Mike groaned, shuddered and shot cumm all over his legs 


Carl had to lay down after that second load. Bobby’s words to his brother had gotten him off so hard his balls ached 


He lay on his back and the boys snuggled up to him, one under each arm with their heads on his chest 


He kissed both of them on their ginger harr and said “I know we just met but I do love you boys, you are part of Paul and I can see why he is so proud of you both”


“Thank you Daddy Carl” Mike said and that’s what the boys called him for the rest of their lives 


They took a nap then showered and went out for a late lunch 


That afternoon Carl fucked them both again. The pace was grueling but it give them the best chance of getting the boys pozzed in time


A few days later he got Paul’s first letter saying he was safe and fine. Carl almost passed out with relief. He smiled with pride. He could just see his Paul ruling C Block with his cock and his attitude


A few days after that they got Paul’s second letter and found out where Martin had gone on his little trip 


Carl was worn out when, after two weeks of four loads a day, both boys got sick. He had pozzed enough boys to recognize the bug flu when he saw it, He sent them back to Martin feeling he had done his job and that the evil man’s virus could not touch Paul’s two older sons now 



Paul was eating breakfast when a guard came to tell him he had a visitor 


He was surprised to see Martin sitting at a table waiting for him when he entered the visitation room 


“So, was the PrEP your idea?” Martin asked without preamble once the guard stepped away 


Several other prisoners were talking to visitors at other tables around the room. Sean was talking to a woman who was probably his mom two tables away 


Paul decided not to play coy “No. Bonny thought of it on his own before he ever wrote me. I’m rather proud of him for that” he said 


“He’s smarter than he looks then” Martin muttered in an irritated voice “Well no matter, will have my virus in him and Mike in a couple weeks and I will have it in Marc on his 18th birthday. Your son’s are going to spend their lives as my slaves while you rot in here for the next 20 years. I will have enslaved your grandsons by the time you get out” 


“You are going to pay when I do get out Martin” Paul said quietly


Paul’s mind was working very quickly.  “He’s here so he does  not know Carl is there. He probably does not know about Carl at all!" he thought


“By that time the boys will be so devoted to me I will just let them handle you” Martin sneered 


“I have built all the right triggers into the older two and Marc will be the easiest of all to control so I will have them all in just over six months. It’s such a good plan” the evil man said needling Paul for all he was worth 


“And the best part is there is nothing you can do about it. You are stuck in here for a crime I committed and I will make sure you don’t get out one day early, My friend the D.A. will make sure you don’t get paroled” Martin whispered viciously, just loud enough for Paul to hear 


Paul simply stood up and walked out as Martin’s mocking laughter followed him 


Back in  C  Block Paul went looking for his favorite fuck toy. The one who reminded him of Martin. The man saw him coming and paled, swallowing as he saw the look on Paul’s face 


He just went, stood against the wall and lowered his pants even though Paul was alone 


Paul pulled his cock out and rammed into the poor man balls deep making him groan in pain. The fuck was a brutal grudge fuck. Paul wanted to hurt Martin so bad and this man was just unlucky enough to be in his way. He came in the sobbing man four times before yanking out and stumbling to his cell to seethe in anger as he stared at the wall


Sean came in and for once didn’t go away when Paul told him to. He was much bigger than Paul after all 


He sat next to him and wrapped the smaller man in his arms, holding him until Paul broke down and wept like a child in his arms


Sean stroked his hair and whispered what comfort he could in Paul’s ears 


When he had calmed down Sean asked “Who was that man who pissed you off so much?” 


“He’s the man I left my three sons with. He’s mistreating them badly, He came here just to rub that in” Paul said and started crying again, more softly this time 


It took Paul three days to calm down. He could barely hold it together long enough to write Carl and tell him what had happened 


Sean was there the entire time, He and his four lieutenants kept everyone away from Paul during that time 


“You have been so good to me and I don’t understand why” Paul said to Sean as the two of them lay together in bed after that third day 


“I told you, I love you and I will be there as long as you let me. I think Carl is the luckiest man on earth to have your love and the unluckiest to have to be away from you. I know you can never love me like you love him but I will take what I can get” Sean told him and held him tight   


Paul should tell this sweet man the truth but again his situation made him ti afraid to, He was just glad to have the man’s protection and friendship for his remaining time there 


The next day he sought out the man who reminded him of Martin and apologized


The man laughed and said “It’s ok, I have come to love and even crave it. You have ruined me for women. All I want is cock up my ass hard and rough now” 


Paul made sure he kept getting that as long as he could 



Martin summoned Bibby and Mike to the dungeon after the 30 days were up. 


“I’m not going to bind you today. You will strip and bend over this table with your hands flat on it and present your asses to me. You will beg me to infect you with HIV and to will not move while I breed you. You will take my poz cum voluntarily and thank me for it” Martin said 


“Yes Master” Bobby and Mike said together and bent over the table begging as the were instructed 


Martin took Mike first. The boy's nipples stuck out almost an inch when erect now and Martin had finally let him stop pumping them except to maintain what he had. 


“Please poz your pretty girl Master!” Mike begged convincingly and pushed out his ass 


Martin slid in easily and began to fuck his slave from behind while milking those huge nipples “You want my poz baby don’t you girl? You need Master to infect you and knock you up! You know yu deserve to be pozzed for defying your Master! This time there is no PrEP protecting you from my virus and I WILL infect you! You are MINE!” he told Mike, slamming in balls deep and shooting his poz cum up the ass he though was vulnerable to his virus with that last word. The load was huge but it didn’t do Martin any good at all


He repealed pretty much the same process with Bobby, just replacing “Pretty girl” with “Pretty wife”


The boys had noticed that Master was a bit repetitive, like he lacked imagination sometimes 


Martin blasted Bonny full of his importantly poz seed and then shoved plugs up both their asses 


He fucked them both at least once a day after that and three months later they both tested positive for HIV 


Martin gloated thinking he had won “Less than two months till Marc’s 18th birthday and then all three of you will be mine” he told them in the car on the back from getting their test results 


Next Chapter: Marc’s Birthday Gift 


Let me know what you think! 




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2 hours ago, deepnrawnyc said:

Can't wait to see how Martin finds out his virus wasn't the one to gift the boys!  Please post next chapter soon! Just love this story, one of the best on BZ

I will get to it soon 🙂

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