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Tattoo Suggestions


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I was reading the scorpion tattoo thread, and thought I might solicit a few suggestions from my fellow pigs here.

I'm approaching a fairly major birthday here in a few months, and I've decided that one thing I'm going to do, that I've always wanted to do is get some ink.

My problem is that I've always known I wanted to get something done, but the question was always what.

Now, I definitely want this to incorporate some things that are important to me. There'll be a few milestones in my life worked into the design that I don't need to go over here.

But I'm also looking for suggestions for what would look good on me and where I should get it (I have some pretty revealing pics posted on my profile here, so feel free to take a look).

Also, nobody say a biohazard tatt. That's already on the list.

If I see a suggestion I like, I'll take a picture and post it when it's done.

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I was just thinking about tattoos today (not for me - ones I think would be hot for bottoms)...

"FUCK ME" in block letters right above your ass crack. If you're daring it would be visible when you have your shirt off, but you always run the risk if it being seen when you're wearing t-shirt and jeans and you bend over for something...

"CUMHOLE" in old English lettering arching over the top of your back with a biohazard symbol for the O. Actually what I was thinking about this morning was not so in your face and obvious... Do CUMHLE in ink that only shows up under black light. So on a day-to-day basis only the biohazard symbol would be visible, but go to a club or a bar with a black light or put a black light in your bedroom and suddenly people see what you're really about...

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"CUMHOLE" in old English lettering arching over the top of your back with a biohazard symbol for the O. Actually what I was thinking about this morning was not so in your face and obvious... Do CUMHLE in ink that only shows up under black light. So on a day-to-day basis only the biohazard symbol would be visible, but go to a club or a bar with a black light or put a black light in your bedroom and suddenly people see what you're really about...

I didn't know they had blacklight ink for tattooing. That sounds like a really good idea...doing something that just turns up under the right lighting. I'll have to look into that.

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I was just thinking about tattoos today (not for me - ones I think would be hot for bottoms)...

"FUCK ME" in block letters right above your ass crack. If you're daring it would be visible when you have your shirt off, but you always run the risk if it being seen when you're wearing t-shirt and jeans and you bend over for something...

"CUMHOLE" in old English lettering arching over the top of your back with a biohazard symbol for the O. Actually what I was thinking about this morning was not so in your face and obvious... Do CUMHLE in ink that only shows up under black light. So on a day-to-day basis only the biohazard symbol would be visible, but go to a club or a bar with a black light or put a black light in your bedroom and suddenly people see what you're really about...

I think it would be hot to have "INSERT COCK HERE" on my lower back and an arrow pointing to my hole.

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