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[Defiant Barebacker] Straight Guys!


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Do they get it?

There is this one straight guy at my work who is over the top sexy. My perception is that he is the perfect 'alpha male'. Confident, a little cocky - but not enough to ruin his calm self image. Tall and oozing sexuality without even trying, he definitely knows he is cute, that is clear. But does he know what effect he has on gay guys?

I kind of think he does. He will come sit in my cube and have a discussion, often about nothing; which, of course, is a bit disconcerting. I think he revels in putting me off kilter. And, actually, I do to. But, does he really know the full extent of the possibilities?

Since I have been letting my bottom side re-emerge I find his visits even more off putting than they used to be. Yeah, he has always been attractive, but I cannot say that I previously had this overwhelming urge to get on my face for him. Now, his presence makes that "squirm" reflex kick in and that has its own challenges indeed (is this what it feels like to be a cat in heat?).

I think he has no clue that all he would have to say is "let's fuck" and it would be a done deal. Nope, he has no clue!5659550056261962395-3585829324599052439?l=rawone408.blogspot.com


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  • 2 years later...

He might be well aware of the effect he has on gay guys and sees your discussions as a power trip. My philosophy has always been that ANY man can be had, if one knows how to handle the situation. If you're confident enough, let him know you'd be willing to see to his needs, it's worked for me.

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He knows what he is doing...I know this one "straight" boy who is 21, hung quite well, tall, thin, and hairy as hell. He knows I want him and he'll tease me to no end. He get off on it I think. He made me suck on his feet and toes once and made me jerk off while I did it. He had a disturbing smirk on his face the whole time. Then he shoved his cock in my mouth and made me swallow his piss, laughing at me as I did. I jerk off all the time reliving that!

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  • 1 year later...

He def knows and he is testing it out really. He loves the attention, if the guy acted more like he wasn't interested chances are the guy would turn it on even more. I say get him to go out somewhere..Get the balls to ask, somewhere chilled & public, not a gay bar or anything. Then have a few drinks and play it by ass, or I mean ear and go to a more secluded place. Don't come onto him, still act as though it's just a get together & then maybe make a quick comment like say you didn't realize how hot he was etc then go from there most likely to ur knees or a bed lol.

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