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The Cliff's Notes of a Readers' Digest basic outline on my journey from Evangelical to posting blogs on breeding.zone.


Entries in this blog

Cloud Tales - Take Me Out To The Ballgame Son

I was out of town for this experience too. I was in another city just to visit a friend but the visit was over and I was in my car headed home when a fit 20 years younger than me otter (with abs) messages me on Grindr. This kind of event was just about as rare as the then president telling the truth, so I pulled over and parked and quickly messagedback. I get my second shock when he tells me that he wants to get high and roleplay father/son with me. That's a no brainer I thought. Of course! We


spoonboy44 in Cloud Tales

Cloud Tales - The First Time

Dear Sirs, Hey there, 48 gay m living in the US here, and I'm not sure if this qualifies me to join your club or not? But I'm happy to tell my story and let you be the judge. This happened about 10 years ago when I was out of town on a business trip, lying in my hotel bed, snooping around on Grindr to see what the local flavor offered. It was a state college town so my hopes were high. It wouldn't take long before a guy in his mid 20's hit me up. I don't remember the exact conversation


spoonboy44 in Cloud Tales

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