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My real life sex party experiences

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ANOTHER REAL EXPERIENCE – Quebecois Father and Son FF   One of the kinkiest experiences I ever had took place at a Fisting Party on the Upper West Side a few years back. Jim, a guy I played with occasionally - but only when his very vanilla partner was out-of-town or occupied - asked if I would go to a leather party with him located near his place. He thought the scene might be a bit much for him alone, but that if I was along, he'd fit in better. Sounded good to me, so with some l



Another Real Experience - How Big Are Those Cocks?

Another Real Experience - How Big Are Those Cocks? This is another true party story from about a year and a half ago. A long term play buddy of mine on the Upper West Side had started using his large floor-thru apartment near Columbia University as almost a full-time party location and meeting place. Additionally as time went by, he began to also help guys find the potions and combinations that enhanced and ramped up their sex experiences. My buddy Jack was a shorter white guy, with a steel g



Another Real Experience - Jersey Boy Gives In To Temptation

Another Real Experience - Jersey Boy Gives In To Temptation   I used to play fairly regularly in and around Jersey City, for a while there were a good number of party guys living there with a lot of excellenT group scenes. It became evident after a year or so of playing with several guys down there regularly that despite being New Jersey's third largest city, AND directly across the Hudson and only a one stop PATH train ride from Manhattan, that it was still a pretty small pnp community where



Another Real Experience (X 2!) - The Porn Star And The Trucker

Another Real Experience (x 2!) - the Porn Star and the Trucker I was watching a Classic Pre-Condom Gay Porn Vid this evening and it brought back two very hot (and very different) experiences. The vid was 1986′s “Oversized Load” about the sexual exploits of some young truckers - and it brought back BOTH the many times I played with one of its’ stars, Scott O’Hara, AND the first time I partied with a trucker in his rig. For those who never saw any of Scott O’Hara’s movies (”Hung and Horny”, “St



Another Real Experience - Elbow Deep Party In Harlem

ANOTHER REAL EXPERIENCE - ELBOW DEEP PARTY IN HARLEM   About a month ago, my candy-man and his roommate were having some issues with their landlord and asked me if I could maybe come down to their place, look over their lease and give them some advice. I had finished my appointments for the day so I told them okay. I got to Washington Heights in less than 30 minutes and sat down with them to examine their lease. They filled a huge water pipe with lots of magic crystals and proceeded to have me



Another Real Experience: - Excelling At Customer Service; Part 2 – Renovation Chemming

The second part of my real experiences that came about because of my work in real estate – to be fair, this doesn’t happen OFTEN, but being a realtor has afforded me a number of unexpected chances to play - even more frequently than my OTHER career, performing. So here's a few more of the hotter sessions that started out as "just work".   RENOVATION CHEMMING. A number of times, bumping into the workmen who are doing a renovation at one of my listings has turned into a hot scene in hot surround



Another Real Experience - Excelling At Customer Service; Part 1 - The Ex's House

I should probably say "experiences" in the title, because this will be a series of posts about more than one session and more than one set of players. One of my blog followers who is very new to the scene likes to call or text me randomly and get some chem pig chat going, particularly on Fridays. On a recent Friday, he called and asked if I was going to be partying that day and I said yes, but that I would also be working as well. He was confused and asked how that was possible, and I told him t



Another Real Experience (X 2!) Part Two - The Porn Star And The Trucker Part Two, The Trucker

Another Real Experience (x 2!) PART TWO - the Porn Star and the Trucker Part Two, The Trucker So, as mentioned in Part One of this double post, I was watching a Classic Pre-Condom Gay Porn Vid recently and it brought back two very hot and very different experiences. The vid was 1986′s “Oversized Load” about the sexual exploits of some young truckers - and it brought back BOTH the many times I played with one of its’ stars, Scott O’Hara, AND the first time I partied with a trucker in his rig.




ANOTHER REAL EXPERIENCE – Unsuspected Pnp’ers Who knew they partied? A recent series of posts on Breeding Zone, discussing whether or not your friends are aware of your partying activities got me thinking about the times I discovered someone I knew and would never have expected indulged, was instead well-acquainted with enhanced sex. For 16 years, I've managed to keep my party life from interfering with my two careers or other "normal world" day-to-day activities. Some peri




Another member on this site recently asked if any of us had slammed at work, or at least pnp'd.  I actually have a few times... never slammed at work, but have blown clouds/snorted at work and had sex at work at the same time. In my blog here, I've written up some of the times I had pnp experiences as both a performer and as a Realtor (usually in an empty house or client's house who pnp'd and gave permission) but I actually HAVE had sex and partied some in office situations over the years.



Another Real Experience - Karmic Chemfuck

This is a real life experience of mine that's pretty hot (at least to me!) on a number of levels - first it involves a military guy, a favorite type of mine; second it has a great (and ultimately harmless) revenge factor in it; and finally it took place in my early 20s and was my first encounter with doing T. Though my family was 4th generation New York City on both sides, my parents chose to move to the burbs 15 miles north of Manhattan before I was born (so of course, as soon as I went to Col




Most of those who’ve read my real life “enhanced” experiences may know that I’ve kept a “sex diary” since I was a teen-ager coming out in pre-AIDS New York City. This multi-part entry tells about the longest party weekend I’ve had in all my years back in 2006. I had started to tell this story on another now defunct site almost 10 years ago, but the notebook of my experiences from that time went missing when a friend borrowed the whole set and returned it with one book missing. He found the mispl



Another Real Experience - A Surprise Cloudy St. Patrick’S Day

Another Real Experience - A Surprise Cloudy St. Patrick’s Day A quick one about a quick one two days ago. It’s been a really stressful couple of weeks work-wise and my patience was wearing incredibly thin on Tuesday. Despite being in communications hell, at least several commission checks finally came in so money was one thing NOT causing stress. I was done with work by noon and was to meet family and friends in the city at 8PM for St Pats celebrations. I really wanted to kick back with som




AS I STATED IN PART ONE OF THIS MULTIPART EXPERIENCE: Most of those who’ve read my real life “enhanced” experiences may know that I’ve kept a “sex diary” since I was a teen-ager coming out in pre-AIDS New York City. This multi-part entry tells about the longest party weekend I’ve had in all my years back in 2006. I had started to tell this story on another now defunct site almost 10 years ago, but the notebook of my experiences from that time went missing when a friend borrowed the whole se



Another Real Experience: - Excelling at CusTomer Service; Part 3 – Rental Surprise

Another Real Experience: - Excelling at CusTomer Service; Part 3 – Rental Surprise I had actually posted this true story elsewhere but those sites are "no more", now's the perfect time to include it with my real experiences that came about because of my work in real estate – to be fair, this doesn’t happen OFTEN, but being a realtor has afforded me a number of unexpected chances to play - even more frequently than my OTHER career, performing. Therefore, here's a few more of the hotter sessi



Sling Party Uptown

Here's another real experience for you guys that like the true stories (not that we ALL don't like the fiction! Some of these guys are awesome writers!). It was a get-together in late winter with my twisted bud Darren for a pig session at his place up in Inwood. I had actually worked with him professionally before I knew what he was into - he was director for a musical I had a large role in, and then we appeared together in a drama, before he pulled me aside one night and said "I've been told by



My Real Life Rawsex Experiences...

I have been posting accounts of my real life experiences in raw and party sex on a number of different sites... sites that seem to come and go, while this site carries on faithfully. So I finally said to myself, why don't you just post on your favorite site and call it done? So, I will do so. I grew up in New York from a 4th-Generation New York City family and it appears I was just born a kink pig. My first masturbation fantasies at age 10 were of playing sex games with four other of my male fr



A FF in Brooklyn

Got together a while back with a hot couple I play with sometimes - they were having a small group scene at their brownstone in Brooklyn. When I first met them, they did not party and though both were hot, and very nice guys to boot, the travel time for me to get there wound up being more than the time we spent having sex, then I had the same trip in reverse to look forward to going home... kinda tough. Recently, however, they both started to pnp and I was pleased as I really like them and this



The Candyman Came...

Not my MOST recent, but I was playing with a group during the winter at the very large apartment of a couple I know down in Jersey City. It was still fairly early and though we had been doing some puffing on the glass cock, we were waiting for their candy man to arrive. In the past whenever he'd come during a party, he had his girlfriend with him and one or both of the hosts would meet him on the stairs and no one else would ever see him. I was surprised to hear steps coming up from the lower le




AS I STATED IN PART ONE OF THIS MULTIPART EXPERIENCE: Most of those who’ve read my real life “party” experiences may know that I’ve kept a “sex diary” since I was a teen-ager coming out in pre-AIDS New York City. This multi-part entry tells about the longest party weekend I’ve had in all my years back in 2006. I had started to tell this story on another now defunct site almost 10 years ago, but the notebook of my experiences from that time went missing when a friend borrowed the whole set a


versmetropig in real experiences

Guess Who's Coming To The Party?

I have a friend who's been a fuckbud for 18 years - since we lived across the street from each other in the theatre district in Manhattan. My own partner was always thrilled that Sal was so close by as he knew my buddy Sal would get into all the kinker scene-stuff that I liked and my partner didn't. Now, years later I still play with this guy even though my partner and I live in the northern burbs of NYC and he and his partner live in Jersey City. I'm in my 40s (though still play the roles of 30



Married Boys With Toys

In September of 2004, I got a message from a guy I knew who lived near Columbia University - seems he had started getting party favors for a couple of guys who were from the Northern Burbs of the city. One was a Professor at Columbia, the other a low-level attache at the Italian Consulate (from Italy). Both were married to women, and both loved to play with big, and I mean BIG toys. Somehow they had met and got together every two weeks at a Hotel in Westchester to spend 6 or 7 hours opening up t




Apologies for the delay, here's the fourth installment of probably the best party weekend of my extensive "career" - back in 2006 in Provincetown. My hubby was at a 4 day business convention in New Hampshire and was happy for me to do my partying in Ptown during those 4 days, joining me after his convention (for his much more vanilla style sex). After having spent Thursday with my buddy Jimmy who'd planned a whole weekend for me, including a hot orgy Thursday night, he had to turn me loose for F


Installment number Six of probably the best party weekend of my extensive "career" - back in 2006 in Provincetown. My hubby was in New Hampshire at a 4 day business convention and during those 4 days he was happy for me to do my partying in Ptown ,  with him joining me after his convention for his much more vanilla style sex. Thursday night my buddy Jimmy hosted a hot orgy for me but had to change Friday's plans for a personal emergency, so did Lou the local candy-man, who had an emergency leavi


Installment number Eight of what was probably the best party weekend of my extensive "career" - back in 2006 in Provincetown. My hubby was in New Hampshire at a 4 day business convention and during those 4 days he was happy for me to do my partying in Ptown ,  with him joining me after his convention for his much more vanilla style sex. Thursday night my buddy Jimmy hosted a hot orgy for me but had to change Friday's plans for a personal emergency, as did Lou the local candy-man, who had an emer
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