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My Real Life Rawsex Experiences...



I have been posting accounts of my real life experiences in raw and party sex on a number of different sites... sites that seem to come and go, while this site carries on faithfully. So I finally said to myself, why don't you just post on your favorite site and call it done? So, I will do so.

I grew up in New York from a 4th-Generation New York City family and it appears I was just born a kink pig. My first masturbation fantasies at age 10 were of playing sex games with four other of my male friends all at once. It helped having a six-years older brother who let me peruse his porn - at that time in the 70's even straight mags like "Penthouse", "Hustler" and "Oui" had naked men with the women in at least two spreads of every issue. Perfect for this budding homo... and my bro is kind of a straight version of me. Back when I was 16 and 17, he and his girlfriend would get me into Studio 54 with them, then they'd head to "Plato's Retreat" (a STRAIGHT sex bathhouse/club) while I hit the baths or a porn theater before we'd meet back up at a chosen time to go home. It was awesome being gay and a teenager in NYC in the late 70s and early 80s!

A funny note, my bro is still in damn good shape at 54, and SO jealous that my partner of 22 years has no problem with me playing with other guys when he is busy or working (and vice versa), but my brother's wife would NEVER consider the same for him playing with some other women... pity...

Anyway, for some reason, I've always been adventurous at and about sex and have tried just about everything I could in my 49 years so far, and am trying to get to the things I haven't done YET... I seem to have been blessed with the lucky combination of an almost eidetic memory (runs in the family, not anything I did...), a very active libido even now, and an exceptional writing teacher just around the time when she could interest me in the written word and show me I could actively enjoy writing all sorts of things... so its fun to combine them all and write out some of the wild times I've had over the years, allowing me to relive them, and hopefully having others enjoy them. If you've seen me post them elsewhere, please forgive!

I'll start posting each experience in individual posts, starting this evening with a few.


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as someone who also grew up in the 70's as well, Penthouse and Oui were really important to helping me figure out I was gay,,,, Playboy never did anything for me, then I found Penthouse,,, at first I just thought the pictures with the naked women and men turned me on because it was more sexual then the airbrushed playboy centerfolds, then I realized that what was turning me on was the erect penis on the guys. but as they were considered 'straight'porn as I was growing up in small town midwest, they were a great safe closeted way to get 'gay' porn

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I am so very glad you started this blog... Your entries are absolutely brilliant and for solo puff sessions they are the erotica i crave. Thank you so much and keep sharing your adventures

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Guest takingdeepanal


12 hours ago, versmetropig said:

Thanx 'takingdeepanal' if you find yourself in the US in the NYC area, we'll arrange ThaT somehow!

Plus hopefully a couple of your acting buddies to join us ...

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