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About this blog

I have been writing about my sexual adventures since 2011.  

I write the truth.  Names are changed....except for a few men who know I write and ask me to use their real name or a screen name. 

It is always how it happened:  the good, the bad, the weird, the crazy, the explosive. 

Some entries have pictures.  A few have some video attached.

My format here is certainly to link you to the actual site.  There are over a 1000 entries now--fucking, sucking, felching, fisting, watersports, leather....

Just the way I have sex and glory in it...

Patrick and Me.JPG

Entries in this blog

Back to Reality

My Desk—April, 2023 I came home totally sated from CLAW and the Horse Market.  I was sorry that I hadn’t been able to stay longer at the leather weekend, but I was in the middle of a short-term contract that was taking up a lot of time.  I made some notes about the event and went back to work. But something felt off.   It was 10 days later—and after that wholesale fucking event, I wondered if I had brought something home with me.  On the same day, I got the usual group email from the o


FelchingPisser in History

The Masked Marine

So with Covid--and me being very careful until I could figure out how to play--I didn't  have a lot to write up.  I did some reposts.  I did some equipment closeups of the toys and hardware in my playroom.  And I dipped back into time.   Here's one of those.  And a warning.  I was still using condoms...   Near Home—September. 1997(?) As it is Memorial Day here in the United States, I looked for a post about a marine I knew.  This was a hook up that I had long before I was doing th


FelchingPisser in History

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