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About this blog

I have been writing about my sexual adventures since 2011.  

I write the truth.  Names are changed....except for a few men who know I write and ask me to use their real name or a screen name. 

It is always how it happened:  the good, the bad, the weird, the crazy, the explosive. 

Some entries have pictures.  A few have some video attached.

My format here is certainly to link you to the actual site.  There are over a 1000 entries now--fucking, sucking, felching, fisting, watersports, leather....

Just the way I have sex and glory in it...

Patrick and Me.JPG

Entries in this blog

A Farewell Fourway

My Playroom—October, 2020 This was the last sex in the playroom in my old home.  It was a memorable way to say good bye to the space.   Don and Reid, the couple who have found incredible sex by opening their relationship, let me know they wanted to meet one last time at my house—before I moved even farther away from them.  We set a date and I shot a text to Braydon, the hairy cub Reid had loved to fuck the last time we all met.  Braydon was available—and was taking constant C


FelchingPisser in Four Way

A Quartet of Cum

I had a number of fisting encounters as I got back to playing that I am not reprinting here.   If you care about those, follow this link for the first of them:  [think before following links] http://felchingpisser.blogspot.com/2020/11/fisting-ginger-bear.html     Lansing—September, 2020 I stayed home each time after my fisting meets.  Work was over, so that part was pretty easy.  A week into my second self-isolation, I got a text from the couple who live north of me—and who I


FelchingPisser in Four Way

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