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About this blog

I have been writing about my sexual adventures since 2011.  

I write the truth.  Names are changed....except for a few men who know I write and ask me to use their real name or a screen name. 

It is always how it happened:  the good, the bad, the weird, the crazy, the explosive. 

Some entries have pictures.  A few have some video attached.

My format here is certainly to link you to the actual site.  There are over a 1000 entries now--fucking, sucking, felching, fisting, watersports, leather....

Just the way I have sex and glory in it...

Patrick and Me.JPG

Entries in this blog

Day Two at the Campground:  “Use Me Before Breakfast…”

The Wilds of Michigan—May, 2021 My host was actually up and at the fire pit as I stumbled in from the woods. I told him a couple of the highlights of my evening, but bed called.  I made it up the steps, stripped and fell asleep in nothing but my grungy Fukdto jock.  I am sure it was with a happy grin on my face. The next morning…   I am up first.  I make a cup of tea and take it outside with my book.  Soon enough he is stirring and asks how I feel about French toast for break


FelchingPisser in Outdoors

Deep In the Woods...and Several Asses

The Wilds of Michigan—May, 2021 I have written about this gay campground before, but it has been awhile.  I had to look it up myself to see--and be surprised—that the last time I visited was in 2018.  My host was the same man.  He’s around my age, with iron grey hair, ex-military and with a large cock that bulges in the middle.  I have mentioned before what a challenge he is to suck.  I got there on a Friday, in the middle of the afternoon.  We took a tour—both walking and by his golf cart—


FelchingPisser in Outdoors

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