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About this blog

I have been writing about my sexual adventures since 2011.  

I write the truth.  Names are changed....except for a few men who know I write and ask me to use their real name or a screen name. 

It is always how it happened:  the good, the bad, the weird, the crazy, the explosive. 

Some entries have pictures.  A few have some video attached.

My format here is certainly to link you to the actual site.  There are over a 1000 entries now--fucking, sucking, felching, fisting, watersports, leather....

Just the way I have sex and glory in it...

Patrick and Me.JPG

Entries in this blog

Bookstore Saturday Three: "I Need Some More..."

Jackson—February, 2022 This picks up immediately after “Even Bigger Than I Thought…” and is the finale.   I take a break and walk around the lounge.  Things seem to be on pause with the other men, so I go out to my car for my lunch.  I listen to NPR for a bit while I watch some men leave and others arrive.  I check the rearview mirror to see if there is any of the Handsome Man’s jizz in my beard, but I don’t see any, so I head back in.  I circle the lounge and end up in the gay en


FelchingPisser in Bookstore

Bookstore Saturday One: "You're a [banned word]!"

Jackson—February, 2022 It was the first weekend of February.  On Saturday morning, I packed a lunch and headed once more to the bookstore with the many varied screens.   I arrive before noon.  The parking lot is fairly full.  I buy my ticket and head into the lounge.  I do my usual tour.  There are men everywhere.  Some are even having sex.  I end up in my favorite alcove, off the gay screening room.  There is a second gay screen here and just the two chairs.  I sit, unbutton and


FelchingPisser in Bookstore

Bookstore Highlights Two: Not In Public

Near Home—August, 2020 Having fun with the Arab (not to mention not getting off) made me go back to the bookstore just two days later.  This time it was an evening…   It’s going to be a good night.  The moment I sit down in the straight theatre, a regular, standing against the back wall, recognizes me.  He comes over and kneels to suck my dick.  It’s great warm-up head.  Another man, who I don’t know, proffers me his dick to suck while the first man works on me.  This new guy give


FelchingPisser in Bookstore

Bookstore Highlights Three: The Free For All

Near Home—August, 2021 Because the last trip to the bookstore had proved to be worthwhile (and ball draining) I went back a few days later.  It was a Thursday evening, who knew it would be hot from the moment I walked into the gay theatre…?   A very large man is sitting in the cocksucker’s chair.  He smiles at me as I pass him and sit against the wall.  He is likely twice my weight.  His dark skin shines in the half light of the reflected video.  I take out my dick.  The porn is g


FelchingPisser in Bookstore

Bookstore Highlights One: The Arab

Near Home—August, 2021 I came home from my quick job in western Indiana right at the end of July.  I self quarantined for a week.   I even did a rapid and then a regular Covid test as the county I had been working in was a hotbed of anti-vaxxers.   All was well.  Thank you, Moderna. Once I was horny again, I found many of the men in my stable seemed to be away for the summer.  So I ended up going to the bookstore for three sessions.  Each trip had its own highlight.  Here is the first…


FelchingPisser in Bookstore

Bookstore Head (and No Tails)

Jackson—May, 2022 The afterglow of CLAW, and then Keshawn’s birthday fuck, kept me going—which was good as I needed to concentrate on a brief work contract.  It was not until the next Saturday that I could even consider playing.  I decided to hit a bookstore—but not my usual haunt.  I went back to the one that is sprawling, with lots of diverse porn viewing stations.  In the past, Saturday mornings and afternoons had been fun there.  I was curious to see who would turn up.  I packed a lunch


FelchingPisser in Bookstore

Bookstore Cocks and a Surprise Ass

Near Home—December, 2023   I went to the nearest bookstore on a Thursday afternoon, my only real free time before I left for my Christmas week in New Jersey with my brother.  I had more fun than I thought possible…   I pay my admission.  The cashier now knows me by name.  We chat about the holiday for a moment before I head into the straight theatre.  A white man is standing on the back wall, watching another slightly older white man, also standing against the wall, get sucke


FelchingPisser in Bookstore

Big Mouth

Near Home—January, 2023   It should be no surprise that after all the ass play with Ross, that I wanted something different.  I went to the closest (and most reliable) bookstore, wanting some oral action.  And I didn’t care which side of it I was on…   The straight theatre is busy.  There are men standing along the back wall.  More are scattered around in the rows of seats.  All the single seats against the wall are taken.  I sit in the middle, on a two-seat bench.  There is

Big Balls

Near Home—September, 2023 I did one more trip to the bookstore, a few days after seeing Kieran.  I had gotten rid of the blue balls by jerking for the devil’s dick, but I wanted a really good mouth or ass (or both!) to make me cum.  It suddenly felt that it had been quite some time since that had happened...   I am in the straight theatre.  A bigger white guy is in the cocksucker’s seat.  On his phone.  I sit along the side wall.  A couple of men are also in here, but they don’t s


FelchingPisser in Bookstore

Back to a Bookstore

South Central Michigan—December, 2020 My third meeting in December of last year was different.  I had been corresponding with a man on AssPig.  He wondered if I’d even been to the bookstore that had once been an old strip bar, fairly near my new home.  I told him I had, but not for a long time.  (I later checked back in these posts—it was 2015, so a long time indeed.)   He wanted to meet there.  He wanted more cock than just me. I hemmed and hawed as I responded.  I wasn’t sure I was r


FelchingPisser in Bookstore

At Least the Porn Was Good

Near Home—August, 2022 It was a Sunday afternoon.  I thought I had a fuck bud coming over.  He cancelled.  But I was still horned.  I went to the bookstore nearest me.  I had pulled back on public sex for a bit with Mpx being everywhere in the news.  I went—not sure what I would be comfortable doing…   The straight side is all but empty.  And the movie is adequate at best.  I go around to the gay theater.  As I open the door, I realize I am interrupting a couple in the back corner


FelchingPisser in Bookstore

Another Bookstore Bonanza

Near Home—January, 2024 The morning after I played with GaryM, I knew I would be headed to my favorite haunt. I had ended that session quite content, but I was hankering for more. What I found proved to be an explosive session…   I arrive just before 2pm.  There is one older white man in the straight theatre.  He is in the cocksucker’s seat, but I am pretty sure he’s not there to give head.  He seems enthralled by what I think is very average porn.  I sit off to the side.  My dick

After the Blizzard

Near Home—January, 2024 I was excited.  An old friend and fellow fuck bud had told me he would be in Chicago the second weekend of the month and asked if we could meet at the piss party held that Saturday.  It seemed a perfect way to reconnect.  And get wet together as we caught up. But winter in the Great Lakes area had other plans.  It started to snow on Friday.  Seven to eight inches for my area.  Then freezing rain that night and more snow all day Saturday.  I was snowbound.  An

A Trio of Cocksuckers

Eastern Illinois—July, 2021   The next morning I went on to my new job in western Indiana—a contract that would take me through July.  I spent almost two weeks getting the preliminaries done—and finally had some time for sex.  I decided I wanted to go back to the bookstore over in eastern Illinois, where I had so much fun the last time I was in this area. Here is the description of the theatres I wrote on my first visit:  “I loved the layout.  Both theatres and a restroom were thr


FelchingPisser in Bookstore

A Tale of Three Men

Near Home—November, 2022 Keshawn’s motel party was supposed to be the first part of a sex weekend away from home.  I had visions of spending all Saturday at the best bookstore in northern Indiana before heading back to Michigan.  The weather stopped me.  As I woke up Saturday morning after the party, the weather report was for a large amount of snow, coming in from Lake Michigan by the afternoon.  Northern Indiana and southwest Michigan were to be a mess.  The last thing I wanted to do was


FelchingPisser in Bookstore

A Super Super Bowl Sunday

Near Home—February, 2022 After the less than stellar bookstore experience, I was still horned.  I decided it was time to go back to my usual stomping grounds slightly closer to home.  It was now Super Bowl Sunday—I was intrigued to see who wasn’t a sports fan…   The place is busy.  Lots of men in and out of the two video rooms.  The porn is exceptionally good on the gay side.  A Lucas Entertainment daddy epic.  My cock drools as mouths on screen suck the cock fresh from the perfec


FelchingPisser in Bookstore

A Night of Wigs and Walkers

Near Home—January, 2023   After the marathon fucking event of New Year’s Eve I was left sated.  The day after the filling of James, I was hard as a rock the next morning.  It was time to head back to the bookstore.  I waited until after dinner.  I wanted to prowl the two theatres and see what trouble I could get into on a Saturday night.  Who knew what I might find…?   I buy my ticket.  I always seem to check the straight theatre first.  Not tonight.  I have seen the back of


FelchingPisser in Bookstore

A Minor Epiphany at the Bookstore

Near Home—August, 2021 I came home from Chicago and holed up in my duplex.  It was the largest group I had mixed with in ages.  It was also the largest group of all vaccinated men I had mixed with ever.  I felt fine, but I kept to myself for twelve days to make sure.  So, of course, now that I was ready, the hook ups sites were dead.  I went to the bookstore nearest to me…   It’s slow, but it is a Friday afternoon.  I do no more than look into the empty straight theatre befor


FelchingPisser in Bookstore

A Busy Black Friday at the Bookstore

Near Home—November, 2022 I have found that Black Friday, the shopping day after Thanksgiving, is often a very good day at the bookstore.  Husbands seem to disappear to fill the theatres—leaving wives in the department stores.  I went to the bookstore in the afternoon—and the place was packed…   I go into the straight theatre first.  There is not a chair to be had.  I stand against the back wall.  Men are groping themselves, but not stroking.  I don’t see action on the horizon anyt


FelchingPisser in Bookstore

A Brief Bookstore Bang

Near Home—June, 2021 I did my work contract—and eleven days later I was finally back at the bookstore…   I have arrived slightly earlier than usual.  From the number of men in the theatres, I seem to have caught the last of the late afternoon crowd and the beginnings of the evening group.  I sit in the straight theatre, off to the side.  I have interrupted a man getting head as he stands at the back wall.  The moment I sit, the two go at it again.  Noisily. Other men are scat


FelchingPisser in Bookstore

A Bookstore Two-Parter: One -- Losing his Virginity

Near Home—December, 2023   Part One:  In the Straight Theatre   The trip home from Jersey was technically trouble free, but it had the longest layover I have ever experienced.  I got home exhausted in the middle of the afternoon on the Thursday after Christmas.  The last thing I wanted was sex.  I awoke on Friday feeling totally refreshed—and horned.  Seriously hard.  I went to the bookstore…   I have my hand on the doorknob of the straight theatre when he stops me


FelchingPisser in Bookstore

A Bookstore Two Parter: Two -- Cute College Kid Gets Naked

Near Home—December, 2023   Part Two:  In the Gay Theatre (This picks up where we left off in the last post.) As I come out of the rest room, I see a familiar face.  It’s the cute college kid who jerked off on the woman’s breasts when we both played with the bisexual couple.  He smirks at me, nods and goes into the gay cinema.  I follow his hot little ass into the gay theatre. He is just sitting down, in the corner, to the left of the open cocksucker’s seat.  Of course, I


FelchingPisser in Bookstore

A Bookstore Re-match

Near Home—May, 2021 It took me a couple of days to recover from the orgy.  But by day three I was horny.  I didn’t feel like hosting—so of course I went to the bookstore nearest to me…   The crowd is sparse.  I find some warm up head in the gay cinema.  He is decent with his mouth, if not inspired.  The movie I am viewing is not good.  The guys in the film are way too young and tentative—and all look alike. Finally we take a break.  There is no way he is going to get me off. 


FelchingPisser in Bookstore

A Bookstore Full of Big Dick

Northern Indiana—August, 2022   I was headed home after my five weeks in Indiana.  Somewhere, along the way, my balls began begging for release.  I veered a little west and decided to stop at the bookstore where on one side of the lobby there are booths with glory holes and on the other a cinema.  I paid, pissed and went to the cinema…   There are two older men in the space.  I sit down on a bench that is against the waist-high wall that runs along the back.  Often the action


FelchingPisser in Bookstore

“You Think He’d Fit Inside You?”

Near Home—March, 2023 I started the month off with a trip to my usual bookstore—but it was not my usual type of visit.  I happened on some different type of play.  Yes, there is some straight sex happening in this post.   Well, there is a good gay twist…If this doesn’t work for you—you might want to skip this entry.    It is a Thursday afternoon.  I was quite sated from the back-to-back days of Evan and Zane (both so different, yet both fun.)  I am going, frankly, to suck some coc


FelchingPisser in Bookstore

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