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3 Days Off PrEP, 14 Loads…

So I did it. I went on vacation (9 days, 8 nights) and didn't take my PrEP. It feels weird going out, taking loads, and then not taking the pill that night. I wake up every morning wanting to get pozzed, but at night I'm tired and doubtful. But can't say I've got any major doubts – it's more like a nagging feeling to do the right thing. 

So far Fantasy Fest has been pretty slow and I've struggled to get loads. I was hoping to get 100 loads this week, which would have required I get 13 every day. But after 3 days I've only gotten 14. I'm confident things will pick up, I'm just not sure how much they'll pick up. I've never been to Key West before. The gay community here is a lot smaller than I expected. I can imagine living here you probably see the same faces all the time, but then a cruise ship or two will come in and you get fresh meat. It's like here the world comes to you. Whereas NYC just has the world all the time. But in Key West you can openly fuck at the bars. God, I wish that were more the case in NYC.

I was also hoping there might be a way to attract straight guys, but the straight crowd here is pretty out there sexually. I'm seeing guys fuck women and women giving blowjobs at the gay bars. I'm sure there are straight bars where there's activity as well. Point being, if the women are putting out, the horny straight guys don't need a gay guy to service them.

So far I've gotten most of my loads at Saloon 1. I even got fucked right at the bar yesterday, though that seemed a bit too public so I took the guy to the outdoor patio to continue to fuck. But I've also gotten fucked on the top deck at New Orleans House / Bourbon Street Pub. And then my buddy and I had a gangbang early evening on Monday and Tuesday. The one on Monday went well – at least for me – I got 5 loads from 4 tops, my buddy wasn't so lucky (the guys who came were a mix of 1-on-1 guys for me, and gangbang sign ups that mostly wanted to play with me, not with my buddy). But then no one came to the gangbang the next day. Sunday night pretty much every guy that fucked me at Saloon 1 came in my ass (and pretty quickly too). But last night I had gotten fucked by 5 guys and still hadn't taken a load. Then they started happening in rapid succession. After the 3rd load this guy was fucking me and I guess he went too deep and my douche failed. I was really frustrated since I was on a roll, but had to go home at that point.

Cleaning out has been difficult. Trying to clean out after a 3-4 hour plane flight plus a 3-4 hour drive isn't easy. I think I fucked up something in the process and my hole got really sore (in a bad way). The next day (particularly after the gangbang) I was so sore I was worried I might have to stop getting fucked, so I did take it a bit easy that evening when I went out "only" 3 dicks (and 2 loads). But last night things seemed a lot better, so hopefully those problems are behind me. But my diet is all fucked up. I'm basically just eating when I go home at night and then the next morning. So there's not a lot of food in there. And things aren't coming down normally. Yesterday I went to clean out and I was actually pretty much clean. I'd stick my long dildo up there and it kept coming out clean. So I invited a guy over, but he would up going to the wrong Hyatt. And just as we were figuring that out, more came out and I was actually sorta glad he hadn't come over. But then I checked and the dildo was continuing to come out clean. So it wasn't like that was part of something more. And then of course, things "failed" when I was actually out getting fucked. So yesterday was tough in that regard.

One good thing about Key West is that it seems a lot of the guys are only into oral. So when I'm willing to get fucked I get a fair amount of attention. It's not like I'm competing with a million other bottoms who want cum in their ass. And the age skews pretty old here, so the bottoms I am competing with aren't hot young muscle guys – meaning I've got an actual chance to get loads. We'll see if that continues into the weekend though.

Bottom line, I'm hoping things get a lot busier this weekend, and the soreness of my ass goes away completely, and I've gotten into a groove with douching – 'cause I really need a lot more cum in my ass!


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