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Hey guys name change and chasing



Hello everyone,  My posts are limited here, so I'll talk about 2 things in this post.

First, thank you for everyone who voted!  It looks like BugBoyEric won!  Which is pretty cool cause that's what BB meant when I created my profile here.  I though bareback was assumed on this site when I used BBEric, so it's cool to be more open about it.  Open legs, open hole and open mind 🙂

Next I had this really great hook up last night from a Poz detectable couple in Ft Lauderdale!  I just signed up for BBRT and I'm loving it!  I don't even use Squirt or Scruff anymore.

The best part of the hook up was the connection and excitement.  We literally talked for about 2 hours before we got down to business 🙂  They were completely cool and validating!  They've helped subs convert before, so they've been there before!  They were confident, passionate, and totally open about pervy sex in general.  They even let me stay over and the next morning we had breakfast and more sex!  Morning sex is the best!!!!!!  One even joked when he was making breakfast and asked me if I wanted HIV with my pancakes.  Now I think if I smell pancakes cooking I'll get hard lol.

It was the most emotionally sexually charged (yes, I picked that word on purpose) night of my life and my hole has never been so sore.  When I got home I literally crashed for 8 hours!  

Anyway, those are just my unorganized thoughts, I'm sure I forgot something, but just wanted to get this up!

Licks for everyone!  👅

Bug Boy Eric

P.S. eating ass while getting fucked is heavenly and having your ass eaten by razor stubled Daddies is even better.  My hole is razor burned and I couldn't upload a pic in the message I put it as a feature pic.

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