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Dead Man Walking

Today’s entry is brought to you by the Number 55.

55. Fifty-Five. Half-a-Benjamin-plus-five. Forty-five shy of a century - which is really what gets to the point.

Today is my birthday, marking my 55th tour ‘round the Sun. Before any of you reflexively say ‘Happy birthday’, let me save you the trouble - I haven’t had one of those sine number 40, when I acquired a sense of Time, and I now positively dread them since 2014 when I nearly stopped having them.

It’s not as simple as a concern about the naked ageism in sexual attraction among gay men - in some ways, that’s unavoidable. The science explains that sexual attraction relies heavily on visual cues that signal sexual readiness, reproductive viability, and robust ability to provide and defend. This is all back-of-the-brain stuff humans have been conditioned to over 50,000 years of selecting successful reproductive partners. The fact that these couplings aren’t going to be reproductive doesn’t matter; the same mechanism are in use.

As a result, we like abs. We like muscle tone and taut skin. We gravitate toward hair that isn’t white, and isn’t sparse. These characteristics signal youth, vigor, strength, and sexual virility, and therefore advantage those that have them with extra attractiveness. Which is to say, they principally advantage the young.

Not always, of course, and not for everyone. There are plenty of other factors. But where possessing a trait may advantage one man, possessing the opposite may not just not advantage another man, it may actively disadvantage him. Sagging physique, wrinkled skin, grey hair - Time is not kind, and while its effects may be forestalled for a while, it will not be denied.

I have a couple of pretty decent profile pics of my ass. I rather like them. So do other people. But they were taken three years ago, and I believe in Truth In Advertising, so I think I’m going to need to replace them soon. I doubt my ass will look as good now. It probably feels better to a Top now than it did three years ago, because I’ve honed my technique, but you can’t see that.

“Age is just a number,” some of you say. “You’re as young as you feel.” (I feel ancient.) “Fifty is the new Thirty.” (That would make all the 30-year-olds jailbait.) Sorry, not buying any of that. No matter how we try to whitewash it, there’s a reason there’s a general sense that maturing is a death sentence in terms of the gay lifestyle. It doesn’t matter that I get fucked plenty, or that a subset of men may be attracted to older men - that doesn’t change the fact that I’m now too old to put on certain types of slutty clothes and hang out in certain places; my body simply cannot pull it off. I would look ridiculous, sad, and possibly deranged.

But all of that isn’t the big reason 55 is a kick in the teeth now. I suppose every person reaches a point sooner or later, if he lives long enough, where he suddenly realizes that there are only so many birthdays left, and he can count them so easily it startles him. Some men may not hit this reckoning until their 70s - my father has been like that. He turns 80 this year.

My father, unlike me, does not have AIDS. For me, the reckoning started in 2014, when I survived the effects of the disease that was once an absolute death sentence. Now, a twentysomething who starts ART early before his immune system is destroyed can enjoy practically a normal lifespan. I wasn’t twentysomething. I didn’t start ART until my immune system was practically erased. I will not be getting that normal life expectancy.

How many years I’ll loose, science can’t say yet, studies suggest on the order of 7-9. That points to an age of around 70 when ErosWired Has Left The Building. That means that as of today I can count my coming birthdays on the fingers of three hands, and not all of them will be healthy years, thanks to HIV. In a few years, who knows? Science may find a way to beat the Enemy Virus, and I might get an extension. For now, though, I can’t escape a sense of the inevitable approach if Mortality.

Being rejected by a hott muscletwink because you’ve got a little silver in your temples or the crows have stamped their feet around your eyes can give you a taste of it - but at some point you can’t get the taste out of your mouth and you feel like a Dead Man Walking.

Yesterday evening I was cleaning the kitchen and I stopped at an apple on the counter. It had been there, uneaten, a good long while. It wasn’t rotten, but it was soft, and the skin had wrinkled and become spotty. I paused for a moment, and looked at it.

Then I tossed it.

Just sayin’.


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Before reacting to the actual thoughts you have laid out here, I first want to acknowledge the emotion that you express. I'm sorry that you are feeling these things and the associated sadness/negativity/fear/disappointment. Those are not easy emotions to bear. I hope that you can sense the care and solidarity that I am projecting through this imperfect medium.

Regarding the post itself, I could tell you about how I - and so many other tops like me - are maximally turned on by a guy your age, how we project the essence of masculinity onto bodies like yours. (My whole life, my cock has has tended to get hardest and most needy for men 10-20 years older than I.) However, I suspect that these types of reactions wouldn't do much to assuage the gnawing feeling of creeping mortality, the "tooth that nibbles at the soul" as Dickinson put it.

I wonder if you might find more comfort among these questions were you to look for - not answers, per se - but solace in community rather than sexual drive.

For so much of my life, my sexual hunger as been the primary grounding force. If I am sad, or broke, or confused, or disappointed, my cock need always grounded me and helped me feel like my true self. That drive for pleasure has been so reliable that it has helped me wrest myself from some very rough times and situations, and brought delight and wonder back into moments that were otherwise very bleak. It's also been omnipresent with my joys and accomplishments, and a way to celebrate achievements and life markers. However, after I lost a very dear friend to suicide almost two years ago, I too was plunged into periods where I would ruminate on mortality and the nature of consciousness. I was dealing with grief over my friend and preemptive grief for others, also speculating on what might happen to my own insights and experiences when I reach the end of my life. These feelings were hard to deal with on their own. Yet when they became accompanied by a decrease in sex drive, I really felt like I was loosing my bearings. The hunger to fuck had been a force that kept me feeling definitively me.

After circling around these emotions in seemingly repetitive gyres for several months last spring, I was lucky to have my mood recentered by opening up to those close to me, and leaning on old friends. Like righting a capsizing ship, their care and solidity gave me leverage to get my own head screwed back on straight. Prioritizing time well-spent with these good people has allowed me to surf on the chaotic big questions of life instead of getting overtaken by a series of waves. I sincerely wish that for you right now.

As an added bonus to really feeling the support of these people, I have also reignited my sexual urge. I just started barebacking last month, and it is also opening new avenues of lust, pleasure, insight, and understanding about myself, my body, and my place in the world.

Let me be the first person to offer you a big hug with no expectations for any outcome, other than giving you the space to feel safe and cared for long enough to take a deep breath. Be well, good man.

  • Thanks 1

That's one heartfelt post not only by you, Eroswired, but the post after it by b8budj. I hope his response helped you out and gave you some insight you might not have considered. I'm not smart enough to be able to express myself in the articulate way either of you have . I can only say that i am 70 years old in April and poz since 1994 and yes it has taken a toll on me, it's obvious I'm wasting to anyone who knows anything about the disease and the ramifications from it but I'm healthy, my cd4 count has always been high and hardly have ever been sick ever since I was given that death sentence before the cocktail. I've been a smoker through it all..yes dumb I know and now old but my sex drive is in tact if not more than sometimes during my youthful days..and lucky for me still seem to appeal to a certain amount of men, a lot of them these days in their 20's and 30's who like the experience and older slut like myself has and the freedom they feel they have to do things they might not with someone younger. Your obviously intelligent enough to adjust to the changes in your life just as we all do and have to in life. I liked the post but there's no denying there's a sadness in it that would make anyone sad from reading it..the years are closing in on all of us grab what your entitled to every chance you can.. I saw my mother a couple weeks before she died..i asked her how she was. She could hardly see or hear anymore, she could only walk 100 ft.  but her mind was sharp. .She replied ": I've never felt better in my life, I don't know what everyone in this place is complaining about!" Talk about a positive attitude. She was 101 years old. 


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