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So Close...



Jackson—October, 2021

The ass of the guy in the Tiger’s jersey kept me satisfied for almost a week.  On Friday, I went to the sprawling bookstore with different areas for different genres of porn.  I arrived around noon…


There are men sprinkled throughout the various viewing areas.  Perhaps half a dozen.  Some are stroking.  Some are groping themselves.  One is asleep.  I go through the larger gay area and settle into the smaller alcove there with its own large screen television.  You would think maybe this room might have some sort of gay fetish porn showing, but no.  It is the same feed as the larger room.  But it’s warmer.  And today the whole building is cool.

I stroke.  Alone.  No one is in either gay area.

But almost instantly, two guys come in.  They are both white, early 30’s and dressed in ripped jeans and flannel shirts with the sleeves ripped off.  John Deere hats cover longish hair.  One is thin—the other much more cubby.  Cubby sits in the only other chair in this alcove.  The tall guy stands by him, then walks over to me.  “May I suck you, sir?”  He has a slight Southern drawl—and the ‘sir’ comes from there and not the leather community.


He kneels, unzips himself and gets to work on me.  Cubby stands up and strips out of his jeans.  He sits, half naked and strokes a tiny little cock as he watches his friend or boyfriend suck me.  The guy on my dick is good.  Not terrific, but fairly skilled.  He turns his body slightly to give his friend a better view.  Cubby can’t sit still.  He grinds into the chair as he strokes—his bent legs opening wide.  Invitingly. 

Now this is getting interesting.  The very thought that the skinny one is prepping me to fuck his friend is making the pre-cum spew out of my cock.  The kid on my dick grunts appreciatively as his tongue swirls it away. 

I ask him to do my balls as I stroke a little.  He does.  Cubby loves this even more as he can now really see my dick.  Soon enough the entire shaft is engulfed again by the Skinny Guy’s mouth.  I let him suck for a few more moments.  I want to get to part two with the squirming Cubby.  I tap Skinny Guy on the shoulder and stand up—showing off my angry looking erection to both of them.  I turn to Cubby…

He grabs his pants and all but runs out of the room and down the hall to the bathroom.  Skinny Guy goes after him.  I sigh, thinking ‘Just a voyeur…’ and go back to stroking my wet cock.


I find them again when I venture a walk around to see who else is here.  They are doing the same thing with a large older man—Skinny Guy sucking and Cubby Guy squirming and stroking.  I nod at them and go back to the gay area.


I eat my lunch out in my car.

When I come back in there is a new man in the main gay area.  He is stroking a large seven incher to the porn as he sits on the couch.  I sit in the chair next to him and do the same.  We glance at each other often.  He looks familiar, but I can’t place him.

Eventually I make the first move.  I sink to my knees and take his mocha colored dick into my mouth.  He sighs and calls me by name.  Fuck!  I continue sucking him and giving his slightly darker balls a good tongue bath.  My tongue trails up the shaft and licks up his pre-cum.

And the light bulb goes off.  It’s the guy from my regular bookstore who I have made out with twice.  (Hot, But Sweet and A Bookstore Rematch)  Here he is in new territory and confusing me…

I stand up.  He sucks me down with great pleasure.   He is far better than the first and only mouth on me today.  We pause and he removes his trousers for better access.  I bunch mine up on my boot tops.  I know just what he’s going to do.  And he does it—he kneels on the seat of the couch with his arms on the back—presenting me with his full, round ass.  “Rim me—please…”

I kneel again and bury my face in his butt.  He spreads his cheeks apart—helping me violate his tight pucker with my tongue.  I have no idea how long I eat him out, spitting, tongue drilling him and using the beard on my chin to stimulate his hole.  I do know that at least three scenes go by on the porn that is playing.

I am once again licking his butt and stroking his cock.  The way he is moaning seems to confirm that he is close.  His cock is swelling.

And he stops me.  He has to go back to work.  He gets dressed hurriedly and takes off, promising he will text me.

No one else is around…or at least wanting to play.  I leave, after tucking my blue balls carefully into my jock.


The original, with lots of comments, is here:  From My Side of the Sling: So Close... (felchingpisser.blogspot.com)  November 29.2021


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