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That very first visit

After a cop showed me the door of the place I was looking for, (I was literally in from of it), I remember entering the minuscule reception hall. An ATM to my left, another door to my right (black and heavy looking), and this teller window.

In time I would get to know a few of the guys who worked there (definitely not all, but two of them fucked me regularly, later on), but on that day, I wouldn’t remember the teller’s face even if I had to save my life, that’s how nervous I was.

After he checked my ID and took my money for a room (I don’t take lockers, only rooms), I was buzzed in, and a red hallway was in front of me, which forked out in three or more hallways a few yards ahead.

I will describe my visits to CH2 in further blog posts, but two things stood out on that day:

1) I spent a good two hours “investigating” the place. I read the 10 rules hanging on a small paper in my room twice. I lost myself in the dark room, and at one time I lost orientation which way was out.

2, and most importantly) I did get fucked !!!

In fact, I was amazed that on my first visit it would happen. My very first guy entered in my room less than ten seconds after I laid belly down on the mattress, leaving the door open. He walked in, hung his towel on the door knob, put himself between my face and the tiny night stand, and pushed himself into my mouth. He seemed Arab, or Pakistani, and he didn’t say a word! He fucked me for a few minutes and left. 

In the end, I don’t know how many men fucked me that day, but it was more than four and less than ten. One was extra red and extra thick and I remember telling myself “ah, so that’s what a really thick cock feels like!” while he was laying on me, fucking me. He liked it slow.

Another guy, way above 70 said he could live to be a 100 and “one pill a day meant one pussy a day” to him. L


I remember him clearly because he only fucked his boys on their backs, and he pressed hard on my legs until my knees were close to my ears. In time, he would fuck me regularly. I nicknamed him Popeye, because he really always fucked hard, so I avoided him until I was already loosened up by others.

The last thing I remember from that first visit was that there was there was a little blackboard in the toilet, and I saw people were leaving room numbers on it, together with an optional brief message. I made a mental note of that…!


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