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From Straight Laced To Method To My Meth Madness


I grew up in ST Louis but now live in burbs of KC. I became poz about 30 years ago and I became the sober good safe sex guy but after my lover died and then all my poz friends had gone back to barebacking when the new HIV meds came out. Although I have relatively good looks, negative guys would turn me down because I was poz and poz guys just wanted me to give up being sober and bareback anyone anytime.

I was confused and horny. My friends in AA said you will met the right guy but it wasn’t happening. I started going to sites like BBRT and Breeding Zone. I finally broke down one night and went back to the baths. It was great to fuck without rubber to feel my cum go down a guy’s ass and to take loads too but now guys were offering me serious drugs.

Pot made me goofy but I always fantasized about doing Meth. All the stories in Breeding Zone made it sound incredible but there were also the risks. I finally decided I didn’t care and I hooked up with a guy who was having supplied delivered to house. He wanted to help him slam and I agreed if I could smoke some Tina.

He got out the glass cock pipe put a few shards in and lit the torch took a hit and showed me how to do it. Soon I was shotgunning with him and was incredibly horny.

I tried to slam him but his veins were bad so his supplier came in and slammed us both. He started to give me the same amount as my new found Tina friend but I told him this was my first time. He slammed with a much smaller dose and then the supplier slammed himself and gave us some extra Tina if we would fuck together. My partner and I agreed and we were up from 7 at night until 4 in the afternoon fucking and fisting. We had Gatorade and lots of water and took some vitamins earlier. I felt tired and had a bit of a headache but I am kicking in big time for the stash next week.

I don’t know where this road will go but I am enjoying the ride. I cannot pretend to think I will be a normal user but who knows?blogentry-44197-0-02451100-1439123593_thumb.jpg :confused:http://www.asspig.com/home


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So hot! My mind imagined the whole sequence and I applied my first time to yours and yes, it felt so fucking good. Mmmm... only advice I can give is the old cliche of mind over matter, but when u start to worry just remind yourself all the time that your mind is stronger than the drug when it comes to who's in charge of who. Also, remember this: Worrying is like paying interest on a debt you may never owe.

OK this is just suicidal you are prone to ddiction snd you decide to do of sall things thiis shit. Why ar so many fags so Bat Shit Crazy. My lover is an Alpha Male and he is unclear on te rare occassion I say absolut4ly not to one his hair brained shemes  he tests me. It took the big cock 4 days of me being at my mom to agree he was never going to be on a rugby team as long as I am alive. He is 290I  am 18 he is an absoltr ssuprtathlette a totaljock and pussy hpund all through school he fucked over 300 cunts bt 16. He is my best frind from almost birth at 14 Intell mt totally sraight puswsy houfde jock  best friend I am gay scared shitless he is gonna ditch me mme and all will hate me but nope he says willyou be my lover why the fuck did have to waid  and make me admit I am gay he was my absolute dream fuck for years. He had an almost obsession with me and always wanted me with him. He finally admits he wants me as lover he is 16 and fuck a tome of cunts like over 2000 and I have never asked about guys. No one would ever even believe he was my lover I as confused. He is iffy about gttig arrird OK itsbrrn 4 years I'm still here So the bonuuus iiis he is a Alpha Male and we need to rewire his fucking head I do anything he says like 98% f the time when I flipout he waits me out I wont compromise he folds  it is always the same I am certaain this is a dister what ever itt is he knows I wont give in but yet he must test me then he gives in he has his dick in me in less than 30minutes he had zero ssex fr like 4 days

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