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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/14/2021 in Blog Entries

  1. So I went to Philadelphia for a week as a vacation. I found a really nice guy who was able to supply me with some parTy favors. When I got back to my hotel room I cleaned out and loaded the glass cock. I lit the flame underneath and watched as the smoke started to swirl. I took a deep breath in and took it all in. I held it for a few seconds and then let out a huge white cloud. The buzz hit me hard as my hole started to feel empty and needed to get filled. I fired up the the glass cock and smoked a few more. Once I was feeling pretty good, I took out the toys in my luggage and started playing with my hole, opening it up. I was deep into my play when all of sudden my phone went off and I saw this guy I had been talking to messaged me. It was a black guy, about 6' a little bit of a belly and a 9" cock. He wanted to know what I was up to and I said I was free. He said he was on his way and to have toys out. I fired up the bowl and smoked a few more. I was so hungry that I took out gloves and crisco thinking he didn't want to get his hands messy when he put the toys in me (I know I should've seen what was coming lol). When he arrived I met him at the door naked. I pulled him in and started to kiss him. He kissed me back and pulled down his pants and his cock popped out. I got on my knees and started sucking him. He starts moaning and soon pulls me up and pushes me up on the bed. He puts on the gloves and I feel a finger start moving in my hole. I moaned as a second joined in. He worked me like that for a bit and then withdrew. I soon felt his cock enter me as he fucked me slowly. He sped up a little bit and then pulled out all the way. Then I felt something thicker and knew it was the 10"x3" toy I left out. He pushed slowly as I moaned and sniffed some poppers. He moved it in and out slowly at first but then got a real rhythm going once he pushed into my inner ring. Suddenly he pulled it out and started to finger me again one, then two then three. Soon I felt a fourth finger and then there was a sudden pressure. His five fingers slid in and I moaned loudly. He moved around slowly and pushed forward slowly. I moaned until I felt a pressure inside me. I sniffed more poppers and relaxed. He was slow but insistent. The pressure built and built as I sniffed and relaxed until I felt him pop in. My eyes opened wide and gasped out loud as he pulled out a bit then pushed back in. After what felt like a few minutes I came hard. He held his hand then pulled out slowly. My hole gaped open and he pushed his hard cock in. He fucked me hard and came quickly. He thanked me and said I should look him up again.
    1 point
  2. I have been posting accounts of my real life experiences in raw and party sex on a number of different sites... sites that seem to come and go, while this site carries on faithfully. So I finally said to myself, why don't you just post on your favorite site and call it done? So, I will do so. I grew up in New York from a 4th-Generation New York City family and it appears I was just born a kink pig. My first masturbation fantasies at age 10 were of playing sex games with four other of my male friends all at once. It helped having a six-years older brother who let me peruse his porn - at that time in the 70's even straight mags like "Penthouse", "Hustler" and "Oui" had naked men with the women in at least two spreads of every issue. Perfect for this budding homo... and my bro is kind of a straight version of me. Back when I was 16 and 17, he and his girlfriend would get me into Studio 54 with them, then they'd head to "Plato's Retreat" (a STRAIGHT sex bathhouse/club) while I hit the baths or a porn theater before we'd meet back up at a chosen time to go home. It was awesome being gay and a teenager in NYC in the late 70s and early 80s! A funny note, my bro is still in damn good shape at 54, and SO jealous that my partner of 22 years has no problem with me playing with other guys when he is busy or working (and vice versa), but my brother's wife would NEVER consider the same for him playing with some other women... pity... Anyway, for some reason, I've always been adventurous at and about sex and have tried just about everything I could in my 49 years so far, and am trying to get to the things I haven't done YET... I seem to have been blessed with the lucky combination of an almost eidetic memory (runs in the family, not anything I did...), a very active libido even now, and an exceptional writing teacher just around the time when she could interest me in the written word and show me I could actively enjoy writing all sorts of things... so its fun to combine them all and write out some of the wild times I've had over the years, allowing me to relive them, and hopefully having others enjoy them. If you've seen me post them elsewhere, please forgive! I'll start posting each experience in individual posts, starting this evening with a few.
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  3. This is a real life experience of mine that's pretty hot (at least to me!) on a number of levels - first it involves a military guy, a favorite type of mine; second it has a great (and ultimately harmless) revenge factor in it; and finally it took place in my early 20s and was my first encounter with doing T. Though my family was 4th generation New York City on both sides, my parents chose to move to the burbs 15 miles north of Manhattan before I was born (so of course, as soon as I went to College at 17, I went to a NYC university and moved myself BACK there!). Sometime around the time I was about 6 or 7, which would be 1968 or 1969, a feud among two groups of kids in my neighborhood evolved from screaming matches and minor mischief to an all-out "war" - of rotting apples no less - hurled with astonishing accuracy one late summer evening. The combatants included my older brother (now a police sergeant) and most of the other kids of the 13 - 16 year old age group. I was just an innocent by-stander who happened to be considered a prime target by the "bullies" my bro and his friends were fighting. Therefore, one of the toughest kids in the neighborhood, who was also an astonishingly good southpaw pitcher on the playing field, clocked me in rapid succession with an apple to the gut, and then one to the head. I went down like I was pole-axed, gasping to breathe as the wind had been knocked out of me... the result of seeing a little kid down and not breathing broke the battle up immediately and the "bullies" took off majorly chagrined. Within just a year or two, the kid who pegged me was shipped off by his parents to the military to get him under control... Fast forward to 1985. I had just finished a summer stock season and had 10 days before I was due at a regional theater in the midwest for a 5 month run. I had a guy subletting my apartment in NYC through 'til the end of that run, so I really couldn't go back to my apartment for the 10 days. My parents were cool with me staying in my old room in the 'burbs, so I was staying at the old homestead. I was horny - having lived in NYC since 1980 when I headed to college, I was used to sex anytime I wanted it - not just bars, but sex clubs, the Rambles in Central Park, the Trucks in the Village, bathhouses, the Y on 62nd Street, you name it. Back in those days even the burbs had gloryholes in almost every department store... so since I wanted sex and not chat with old buddies at the local gay bar, I popped over to the mall to see if there was any action. Sure enough, the T-room at Bamburgers was hopping - too busy to get anything done, really. I found myself cruising a real hottie - blond buzz cut, 'stache, mirrored sunglasses - screamed "MILITARY"! - and he was cruising me right back. With a jerk of his head to the door, he headed out and I followed. Out on the sales floor he says to me, "got anywhere to go?" and I told him no, I was staying with my parents for a few days. He laughs and says that he was in exactly the same situation! Both of us were very frustrated when he says, "you cool with doing it outside, so long as its somewhere no one could see us?". I told him that was great with me, lead the way. He had taken the bus, so we went to my car and I told him to direct me where we were going. Soon enough, we're headed down the main road my 'rents live on and I say "are we close?" and he said we were. I started to laugh and of course he asked why and I said, "because that green house up there is my parents house..." Turns out HIS parents lived right around the corner - I asked where we were going to play and he asked if I knew the path through the woods behind his house that led to an old cemetery. I knew it well and also knew the abandoned graveyard was not patrolled - it was an excellent suggestion on a warm summer night. He said he needed a few things from inside the house and I said I'd go drop the car back at my parents and meet him on the street in front of his house in five minutes. I dropped off the car and pulled my knapsack from the trunk, stuffing a picnic blanket into it, and returned to his parents house. He was waiting for me with a military rucksack, and I followed him along the side of the house into the back yard and on the path through the woods. There was a moon, so we could see, although everything was in stark contrast. I indicated his rucksack as we walked. "Military?" I asked. "Yep, army helicopter pilot on leave," was the response. "Damn hot" I told him. "You're pretty damn hot yourself, man" was his response. "You grew up to be real eye candy." I stopped walking for a second. "Wait a minute. Do I know you?" He started to chuckle, "I'm afraid you do, but you might not realize its me. I think I've owed you an apology for about 15 years...". And that was when I started to laugh along with him. "See," he said. "You do remember." "Kinda' hard to forget - you pitch a mean fastball..." "I pitch a mean fuck too, but I think I kind of owe it to you to let you start this thing on top..." "Damn straight, man." "Nothin' straight about it...". We both laughed. "So you're... John, right?" I said. "Yep," he said, "and if I recall, so are you?" I nodded as we both continued to chuckle. We came out of the woods at that point and came into the rear portion of the old cemetery. The land was cleared of trees but only a few tombstones were scattered around here and there - the main portion of the graveyard was up a 20 foot slope on the other side of the field. There were hundreds of monuments and tombstones and even a couple of crypts up there. We found a flat likely spot away from the path and screened by a few stones. I threw down the picnic blanket. I let him know that I had poppers and KY in my kit as we sat down. "Cool" he said, and pulled something out of his rucksack. It was a pipe made out of glass, and although I'd never seen one like it, it was not a pot pipe nor a crackpipe. He put something that looked like a big piece of road salt into it and heated it up from underneath with a lighter. "What is that?" I asked. "You not cool with getting high?" he replied. "No problem, I've done a bunch of different things, but what is that?" It being the '80s and having been a club kid all through university, I'd done pot, which bored me; and ecstasy, which made me throw up; and coke, which could be fun during sex, but damn expensive, and faded too fast. I wasn't interested in PCP or anything that would make me hallucinate, and crack was something I was leery of. He assured me it wasn't crack, it was crystal and after taking a big hit himself he leaned over and shotgunned it to me. The vapor was much smoother than any weed I'd ever had (I wasn't then and never have been a cigarette smoker) and it was easy enough to inhale from him. After I exhaled, he held the pipe up to my lips with the lighter underneath and told me to draw slow and steady. I did, amazingly not coughing like I would with 420, and after a few moments, exhaled a pretty big cloud of white vapor. "Excellent," he said. "Now take another big hit and shotgun it back to me." I did so, and the next few minutes were spent shotgunning hits back and forth and making out. It only took a little while for me to feel an effect and I thought it was awesome. "Fuck!" I said. "I thought I was horny before, this stuff has me ready to tear your clothes to shreds!" "Then let's get naked" he replied. We both started ripping our clothes off and tossing them aside - we were screened enough, and I was getting high enough that being totally naked where someone just might see us didn't concern me in the least. Turns out he had a great body (no surprise) with awesome pecs, with the right amount of blond fur all over. He was about two inches shorter than me, so about 5'10" but with that muscled chest he was a bit broader than my ripped but trimmer dancer frame and he outweighed me by probably 15 pounds. Our cocks were basically a match - average in length, but both fatter than normal and circumsized, though his ballsac hung down a LOT lower than mine did - I envied him that! Despite the tina, we were both sporting hardons. We did a few more puffs on the pipe while feeling each other up, then fell down into a 69, both of us sucking cock like our lives depended on it. I remember that cock being so amazing to suck and this went on for quite sometime, but I kept being distracted by little glimpses of paradise beyond his lowhangers. I came up for air... "Damn, I gotta get my tongue in your hole man...". "Yeah, baby," he replied. "Let's take another hit, then get your face in my ass and get it ready for your cock." Out came the lighter, white vapor curled, we puffed and shotgunned a few times and then he lay down on his back and lifted those legs. I pulled my poppers out of my bag. This was the real stuff in those days - amyl - and handed him the bottle. He took a big huff and passed them to me, and I took a huge huff as well. I got the top back on and slipped the bottle back in his hand just as they hit me and I went animal. I slid my knees on either side of him, pulled his legs way up and dove face first into that hairy hole. I was so intent on eating that hot manhole for all I was worth that I felt like I was shoving my tongue and half my head up his channel. He was nearly apoplectic with horniness as he thrashed and moaned under me, muttering "eat me man, eat me..." between moans for at least 15 minutes. Finally, I heard him huff the poppers and he said "Do it now man. FUCK ME!" I lowered his legs to my shoulders and dripped saliva onto my cock. No way I was stopping to find the KY now! He held the poppers under my nose while I did a hit, then returned the bottle to his nose while I slowly but steadily pressed into that butch butthole. Heaven. Between the poppers, the crystal, the fact that he was a hot military dude it was already one of my hottest fucks to date. That's when he pulled the final card. "Do me man! Fuck that hole. Punish me for being the fucked up bully I was to you. Take it out on my hole man - punish me good and make me your bitch tonight." THAT sent me into maniac mode. I literally roared (probably loud enough for some houses back in the neighborhood to hear if their windows were open) and WAILED on his hole. I fucked him missionary, I fucked him doggie, I pulled him onto my lap and made him ride me, then stood us up with his legs around my back and fucked him standing - which if I'd thought about it made us visible to anyone who happened to be cutting through the woods. We wound up back on the ground face to face when I finally blasted him full of cum, an orgasm that in my enhanced state felt like none I'd ever had before. "Now that was a grudge fuck for the ages, man. Way to go!" I remember him saying. "Let's puff up and then its my turn... you'll be amazed at the stamina this shit gives you." He put more rocks in the pipe and we puffed and made out and shotgunned and puffed. Then he had me stand up. "Show me that dancer butt you're going to give me." I turned around and heard him huffing poppers behind me then he grabbed my ass from his kneeling position and dove face into my crack. Locking my knees, I bent forward at the waist, and moaned as that tongue hit my hungry hole. I picked up the poppers and took two hits, closed the bottle then reached back and pulled my cheeks open further to allow his tongue better access. Then utilized my dancer's flexibility by wrapping my hands around my lower legs, sticking my head between my legs and licking and slurping on his balls and the tip of his cock. That set him off and he pulled away from my hole and hissed, "on your back, on your back, gotta fuck this ass...". Happy to oblige, I got on my back, spread and lifted my legs and smiled. He handed me the poppers, I hit them as he was spitting on his cock, and handed him back the bottle. His hard tool brushed my pucker as he took his hit and when the euphoria hit me I practically pulled him into me. No KY for me either, and I didn't seem to need it either (which was unusual for me, who topped way more than bottomed). His cock felt amazing, I'd never taken a cock so quickly, so easily and so comfortably before... the stuff in that pipe was freakin' awesome! He threw me an excellent fuck - as promised - and like I did with him, he changed our position a number of times. He got me back onto my back on the ground and skitched around to pull out the pipe and lighter and we traded hits with his cock still in me. When he put the equipment down he wrapped my legs over his back and leaned in and drove his tongue into my mouth, deeply frenching while he ground his cock in deep, slow, insistent circles in my willing hole and after a few minutes of this mind-blowing screwing, blew his wad into my butt and collapsed onto my chest laughing. When his cock deflated a bit and slipped out of me, he rolled over and got out the stuff to reload his pipe. It was obvious that neither of us was remotely close to being finished with this play session, just like he warned me. We puffed some more and then he smirked at me, "so both our slut holes are full of manjuice just waiting to be licked out man... up for it?". Hell yes I was! We each took a hit of poppers and threw ourselves into a violent anal 69 driving our tongues as far into each other's hairy hole in order to find the nectar there. We were both insane with lust, and loving every minute. We went on for a few more hours, fucking, sucking, rimming, 69ing and each dropped another load or two in the other's willing hole when we realized we probably should draw this to a close. It had to be around 3AM. We packed up and started walking back through the woods. As we walked I thanked him for bringing the pipe and told him I thought it was incredible. "That it is," he replied. "But I gotta tell ya' there's a bit of a downside. You probably won't be able to sleep tonight, but you should lie down and relax anyway... and you'll likely still be horny as hell in the morning. What's your day like tomorrow anyway?" I told him it was totally free and he smiled. "Excellent. I think I know a way we can continue this later... give me your parents number" (Remember, this was before cellphones). He turned aside to go into his house and promised to call me around 11AM. I got home and tiptoed up to my old room, where I basically lay on the bed tweaking my nips, jerking my cock or fingering my hole. It all felt just fine. Just after 11 he called and said he'd "figured it out" and to pick him up at noon at his parents. We drove back to the mall and he had me head to the area where the buses came in. A few minutes later, a bus pulled up and among those getting out was another military looking guy who I was told was coming with us, and that we had a room waiting at the Holiday Inn around the corner. His friend got in the car and introductions were made, and we laughed over us being, John, John and Sean. Sean was a square-jawed soldier, african-american taller than either of us but slimmer in build. While Sean and I stayed in the car around the corner from the office, John went into get keys. He came around the building and signaled us the room number. We waited for him to walk to it and open the door, then I parked and we went over to the room. I pulled my trusty knapsack with me and both of the guys had their rucksacks. Once in the room, John explained that Sean was also on leave, was a fuck buddy of his (though very carefully for both, as they were in active service) and that when Sean was home on leave, he was the one that could supply John, and now us, with those magic crystals. Sean had a water pipe with him which he loaded up and this was even smoother than the small straight pipe John and I used the night before. We puffed and puffed and shared smoke and the clothes came off... Sean proved to have another toned military body, and was pretty much hairless except pubes, eyebrows and head. His ass was beautiful and his cock was long and thin, definitely longer than either John's or mine. We got higher and then got to business, Sean's cock and ass proved as tasty as they looked, and what followed was an awesome three way where each one of us was fucked by each of the others, rimmed and sucked by each of the others, filled with cum by each of the others, and generally had an awesome chem-filled fuckapalooza. Though I had DP'd before as a top, and did so for both of these guys too, I had never had two cocks up MY butt at the same time... but after Sean pushed a few crystals up mine and I huffed on the poppers, I soon was sitting on two soldier's rifles at the same time... freakin' amazing! I was seriously glad that an older buddy had taught me how to be a good fisting top when I was 19 because at one point I had the two soldiers in front of me, on their knees side by side, while I had my whole hand and wrist in each manhole. It was truly awesome. I had done threeways before this in my young life, but none this hot. We played until Sunday morning, when I need to get home and they needed to get ready to finish their leave. Never did get to see either of them again, but DAMN, what a hot weekend, and what a great way to get back at a bully!
    1 point
  4. I've been watching a lot of "vintage" porn on VHS, and I think I found my favorite porn actor, Pierre Buission who starred in some Cadinot films like Aimé comme minet. Somebody made a tribute vid of him on youtube. (He died in 1987) Naturally it's g-rated there lol.
    1 point
  5. My Playroom—January, 2021 We had chatted on two different hook-up sites over the years. But timing had always worked against us. In January it clicked. We had both been keeping pretty much to ourselves with the pandemic. We weighed the risk and decided to meet. Davis and I soon moved to text. Once he was told I had a playroom, he couldn’t wait to get in the sling. 😧 “I cannot wait to meet you and be fucked by you.” FP: “Great. Are you ok with some piss on your ass as I am rimming?” 😧 “I am game for that.” And before I could respond: “I have never done WS, but am open to trying it and anything else that you want to do.” FP: “Hot. We will play it all by what feels good at the moment…as long as we are fucking bare and you take the load.” 😧 “I cannot wait to get naked with you and be fucked by that monster cock of yours.” He arrived in the early afternoon. Davis is tall-ish, in his mid 30’s, with dark hair and a happy grin—even after a long drive in the snow. He went to shower for a check and I took a pitcher of water down to the playroom. Soon enough we were both in our jocks—with me in boots and Davis in sweat socks… I point to the floor in front of me. His response is instantaneous. Davis kneels and begins licking the mounded pouch. I have worn a new jock, not knowing how he would react to the grungy one. My cock is soon filling his mouth. I grab his head and fuck his throat. I get in at least three strokes before he gags. I let go and let him recover. He takes the lead and quickly swallows every inch of me. He pulls off me—bringing up two strands of deep throat spittle. I catch them on my hand and smear them all over my dick. Again he takes me to the root—holds it—chokes—and comes up for air. There is a larger amount of spittle. I catch it in my wet hand and tell him to get on the fuck bench. I smear his spittle down the crack of his moderately hairy ass. I slide a wet finger into his warm, fresh from the shower, hole. He groans—and uncaps his poppers. I go to my knees—and my tongue makes contact with his pucker just as the popper wave hits him. He groans—and I poke my tongue as deeply as possible into his ass. It opens more with each prod. I spit more gob into his hole I stand up—and my cock slaps his upturned ass. The head instinctively disappears into Davis. He groans again. I hold still—waiting for his ass to adjust and to let him take another hit. The moment I hear the cap replaced, I begin a slow fuck of his wet ass. It is a relentlessly slow in and out. Making his feel every inch of my hard, thick cock. “Fuck me,” he groans. “Fuck me hard.” I build on the stroke. My balls are now smacking his ass. The small room is filled with sounds of wet, sloppy sex. Just as suddenly I stop. I pull out and move to his head, hoping he is ready for ass to mouth. He cranes down from the fuck bench to clean my cock. “So good,” he hisses. And takes me fully back into his mouth. “Get it good and wet. It’s the only lube I’m gonna use this time.” I go back to his hole—my cock dripping with fresh spittle. I plunge into him. His head shoots up. Our eyes meet in the full length mirror in front of us and I begin a faster pace—giving him maybe three quarters of my length on each stroke. “Fuck me, sir. Love…it. LOVE…IT.” And his eyes close to concentrate… * I take some pictures of the fuck on the bench. Not great shots with just one hand… as I continue to fuck… We switch to the sling. Davis loves the mirror above him. He watches me relish eating out his well fucked hole. He loves the feel—and look—of my hot piss hitting his puffy ass lips. And how it makes me redouble my efforts at slurping it off him. I poke some into his loose hole, too. I stand up and enter him again. He raises the popper bottle to uncap it. My hand touches his. He looks from the mirror to me. “Just take it,” I murmur. He does. He closes his eyes. I can see every thrust go across his eyelids. That makes me fuck him harder. I kneel and go back to his hole—it is frothy with his own juices and my spit and piss. I swallow some and make a show of spitting some back into him. “Now take a hit,” I tell him. I continue eating his hole until I hear the cap go back on. I stand up and slide into him. I start slowly and build to a chain rattling fuck. He has floated somewhere other than the sling—in a good way. He is all about the sensation. I finally slow and he returns to the earth—and the sling. “Fuckkkkk….” He moans. “You want more piss?” He groans assent. I cover his ass again. And the pouch of his jock, where his half hard dick protrudes from one side. I lick it off. Including the piss on his dick. “I need to load you. You want my cum?” He nods. “Say the words.” My tone is hard. “Breed me.” I enter him. Our eyes lock on each other. “Fill my ass with your cum.” That’s all it takes. I shoot. A week’s worth of cum into his hole. I hold onto the frame and marinate in his ass for a long time. Only then do I go to my knees and taste all the juices in his butt… You will likely want to look at the pictures of me in his ass on the original: [think before following links] [think before following links] http://felchingpisser.blogspot.com/2021/06/breeding-davis.html
    1 point
  6. Another Real Experience (x 2!) PART TWO - the Porn Star and the Trucker Part Two, The Trucker So, as mentioned in Part One of this double post, I was watching a Classic Pre-Condom Gay Porn Vid recently and it brought back two very hot and very different experiences. The vid was 1986′s “Oversized Load” about the sexual exploits of some young truckers - and it brought back BOTH the many times I played with one of its’ stars, Scott O’Hara, AND the first time I partied with a trucker in his rig. Part One was about Scott O’Hara, now it’s time to talk about the Trucker… A few years back I was up by the New York/Connecticut border by I-84/684 for a workshop I was conducting. Knowing I’d be heading south in Upper Westchester I had contacted a pair of pig buds who have a home or actually, kind of more of a “compound” really, in the far north of Westchester to see if they’d want me to stop by for some parTy Time on my way home. They were very much up for it, so prior to the workshop I had cleaned out and I was wearing 501s, a black t-shirt and my engineer boots; which I knew would not be out of place at the Acting Workshop I was going to be conducting, strange as that may sound to some. I always got a bit horny conducting these workshops for the 18-20 year old theater students, so stopping at my friends’ place after was perfect. Perfect seldom stays perfect, and that’s what happened that evening. There was an electrical fire at the school where I was conducting the workshop which required clearing the building and ending the workshop an hour and a half early. I texted my buds to see if I could come early, something that normally would not have been too much of a problem, but they texted back that they were stuck in NYC and the train they’d be coming back on would not get them home for another 3 hours, and unusually, there was no one at their place that could let me in until they all arrived back together. Fortunately, they suggested that to pass a few hours until then, since going home and coming back would be flat out stupid and they did NOT want to give up our playdaTe, I should check out the Truck Stop on I-684 near Brewster. They said I could likely find some action to keep me busy and might even find someone hot to bring along for our session later. That sounded like a plan to me, so I headed my car in the direction of I-684. Now since I was a teenager, I’d had many a hot time at truck stops and rest areas all over the country, but interestingly though I’d played with Truckers among others at such locations, we’d always played in the woods, the men’s room itself, or gone elsewhere. Up until this time, in more than 20 years of hooking up at such places, I’d never been inside the cab of any Truck. I’d also had less chances to play at such places as the older I got, the far less time I spent driving all over the country for shows, and the far more time I spent at home in the NY metro area – where such locations with action and no hassle became fewer and fewer as the years went by. I pulled off the highway and rather than park with most of the few passenger cars, I parked further away and closer to the couple of big rigs that were there without making the location I chose totally suspicious. Checking to see that no one but someone in one of the rigs could see me, I pulled my small “travel pipe” out of my leather motorcycle jacket along with my torch and took a few quick hits of T. After blowing a couple of clouds, I cooled it off and carefully packed them back into the hidden special pockets hidden in the lining of my jacket, then zipped up and got out of the car. Once out, I pretty obviously adjusted the package in my 501s while pointedly looking in the direction of the parked rigs, and then sauntered toward the rest area building. There didn’t seem to be any obvious paths running back into the woods and so I assumed any action either occurred inside the building or inside the vehicles. Stopping to read pretty much every sign and map posted outside, I hoped I was at once giving a signal and at the same time wasn’t being too obvious. A smaller, wiry blond white guy in jeans, sneakers, denim jacket and cowboy hat stepped from the shadows behind me and quite obviously groped himself, showing a lot of package for a little guy. I groped myself in response and he jerked his head towards the men’s room, mouthing “follow me”. I followed into the men’s room and rather than going to one of the stalls he led me to the most remote urinals and whipped out his dick starting a heavy piss, while indicating me to do the same one urinal over rather than right next to him. Actually needing to piss as well, a minute passed while we both took care of business. The room seemed pretty deserted as I subtly looked around and he whispered, “lookin’ for action?” I nodded yes and he chuckled softly when he said, “…thought so when I saw you givin’ our girl Tina a kiss before getting out of your car. You okay talkin’ in my truck? This place ain’t too safe.” I nodded yes, and he indicated for me to follow. Trying not to be too obvious, I trailed about 20 feet behind him back toward my car and his truck. He continued past my car to the first rig parked closest to me. Checking to see that no one “inappropriate” might be watching, he popped the passenger door of the cab and told me to jump in. I got in quickly while he jumped up from the driver’s side and then pulled some shades down in the windows. He laughed a bit as he whipped out a glass pipe that was already loaded and took a nice big pull on it before handing it and his torch to me. “I’m only cool with lightin’ up right away ‘cuz I already seen you hit your own pipe earlier,” he said as I warmed the bowl and breathed in the curling white vapor. “Name’s Tom” he said as I blew out my cloud. I introduced myself and he asked what I was up to, and I told him my tale of my workshop ending early and my buds coming home late and looking to play until then, and the possibility of continuing later. He liked the sound of everything I said, but let me know that the rest area we were in had very recently become dangerous as it was being regularly patrolled by the State Police who came through on an almost predictable schedule at night. Any car like mine that was there without the driver inside on two consecutive trips through the lot was suspicious and they would begin to look for the driver assuming there was something going on. “We can play in my rig until your buds are ready for us, but we gotta’ get your auto out of here and elsewhere… there’s a diner right off the next exit where you can leave it for now and we’ll head back on goin’ north and park and play in the northbound rest stop until your buds call, then we’ll head back to your car, leave my rig in the truck parking at the diner and head to their place in your vehicle. Cool?” I nodded yes. “Then follow me bud.” He pulled the shades back a bit, took a look around the lot and since the coast was clear, indicated that I should hurry to my car. I did, and followed his truck as he pulled out of the lot. The next exit and the Diner were not too far away and I parked, grabbed my play bag, and walked over to his rig and got back in the front passenger seat. I got in and pulled the door behind me and laughed when he pulled his jacket aside to show he was naked from the waist down, except for his sneakers. “Pull them pants off and let me see what all I’ll be workin’ with this evening, while I get us someplace more private,” he suggested. As he pulled back onto the road I unlaced my boots and pulled my jeans and black jock strap down and off leaving them in a lump at my feet. My half-hard cock was surrounded by a black leather snap cock ring and he looked at me smiling, saying “fuck yeah”. He got back on the Interstate going north and headed for the northbound twin to the same rest area we met at. He pulled in and parked between to other rigs and proceeded to pull the shades back over the windows. He grabbed his kit with his pipe and pulled himself up into what looked like a loft above the main part of the cab, saying “come on up bud – the boots are hot but please leave ‘em down there, this ain’t the place for ‘em. In fact, get naked down there and just pull yourself up!” I ditched the rest of my clothes, while pulling my supplies and pipe from my jacket and popping them in my play bag and pulled myself up and into his bed/loft/whatever. When I got myself in and my eyes began to adjust, I saw there was a small screen playing some pretty hot looking BB gay porn, scattered pillows, a few bottles of lube and such, and Tom sitting cross-legged heating up the bowl of an even larger bong. He was a wiry little guy, as I said, covered with lots of tribal tatts and several body piercings, with a hairy chest and very hairy legs. Between his legs was a half-hard cock that appeared to be not particularly long, but nicely thick and HUGE balls that explained the big bulge he pushed in his jeans. I liked what I saw, he looked like fun, and the setting was VERY hot to me. He apparently liked what he saw too. I had worn my leather harness under my clothes, so it was in place and highlighting my pecs as I pulled myself over to him. “Fuck yeah, got me a leather muscle daddy… hot damn! I seen you blowin’ some huge clouds daddy, y’all ever share it – you know, shotgun?” “One of my favorite ways to indulge,” I let him know, before sucking in a huge hit, pulling his face to mine and slowly releasing a very large hit into his mouth while his eyes grew wider and wider. As we smoked we started stroking each other’s dicks, and feeling each other up. We chatted about what we were into, and we were both pleased to find the other versatile AND to find the other all ready to play – cleaned inside and out, with just some sweat and musk from the couple of hours since we’d each gotten prepped. Though the porn was hot and so was he, and he was definitely into me as well, it was a bit disappointing that we were both only semi-hard. I was about to scrounge a “vitamin v” from my play bag to split with him, when he stopped me and said he had something better. Seems he kept Caverject in his hidden supply area and though I’d only done it once before and was frankly wary of needles near my pride and joy, I let him shoot both our cocks with a shot and soon we both were sporting major solid wood. We sixty-nined our dicks, and then dove for the holes – he with as much enthusiasm for rimming a hairy hole as me! We took turns sucking, rimming and fucking each other, and passing around both of our pipes. He got on his radio for a bit and found another trucker in one of the other trucks who wanted to join us for a bit and shortly we had a third climbing into the rig and up to our perch… a big hairy bear of a man with a bit of belly, a big fat long cock, a heavy Boston accent, and a horny mind. He puffed up too and Tom gave him the cock shot, and soon he was happily switching back and forth from my hairy hole to Tom’s. He didn’t get fucked, but he was clean, so we each rimmed him while the other was being topped, and he was thrilled to be able to fuck both of us bareback – something he didn’t get to do too often. After dumping two loads, he took his leave of us, and we went back to pleasuring each other. I checked with my buds and sure enough they were on their way home from the train station and told us to head over, excited that I had managed to score a trucker to play with us. Tom pulled the rig back onto the highway, got off the next exit and got back on headed south. We passed the rest area where we met and continued to the next exit and headed for the diner. He locked his rig up in the rear of the diner lot where there were a couple of other trucks, and climbed into my car. Ten minutes later we pulled into the long hidden driveway of my buddies home and discovered my two pals – one a white bearish daddy, the other a younger tall lean Hispanic guy – along with their tenant Bobby who was another bear type, a hot trim Black guy and as usual, a twink who was already flying. Clothes flew, and we all headed to the hot tub outside, and proceeded to party, fuck, fist, suck, rim, double fuck and more until it was time for me to head out. My Hispanic bud promised to bring Tom back to his truck when they were done, and I headed home pleased that I had FINALLY had sex in a big rig!
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