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Posts posted by rawTOP

  1. I was returning from a job interview and suddenly had to take an urgent dump. I was passing by the city park and noticed a restroom, parked and walked quickly to it. There were a couple guys in the parking lot, but I didn't pay any attention to them because of my urgent need.

    The restroom was old. There was no door, and the outside privacy partition had been knocked down years ago. I walked in and there were two toilets and a urinal all in view of each other (no partitions). I'm kind of nervous relieving myself without privacy, but my need was immediate. I dropped my pants and sat down. As I was about to start, one of the guys in the parking lot comes in and stands at the adjacent toilet as if to take a leak. I tried to wait for him to finish, but nature got the best of me and had to let go. He just stood there watching me and slowly starting to rub his cock (he never peed).

    The other guy showed up at the door and was apparently a lookout. He never came in, but kept looking my way. I tried to concentrate on other things over the next 5 minutes or so while I continued my business. I noticed a jar of Vaseline on the window sill and thought it strange that it was there. I sat there trying to figure out what to do now.

    I was finished and needed to wipe off, but I didn't want to do it while he was still standing there. He had a huge hard-on at this time. Eventually I just stood up and did it, but as I did, my wallet fell out of my pocket. Without thinking, I turned and bent over to pick it up. When I did, I felt two hands on my ass, thumbs pulling my cheeks apart. I started to raise up, but he pushed me back down and told me to bend over and put my hands on the toilet seat. I looked around and he was reaching for the Vaseline and the guy at the door was next to us, jacking his cock.

    He smeared a big gob on my asshole and started pushing it in with his fingers. After a minute or so of this, he began sliding his monster cock up and down my crack, his cockhead snagging on my asshole each time it passed it. He teased me for awhile. Looking down, I could see a continuous stream of precum oozing from my cock. He began sliding faster.

    At this time, several women entered the other side and I could hear them talking and laughing. The guy behind me didn't stop, but chose this time to penetrate me with one quick thrust, pulling my hips to his. I yelled out and it went quiet on the other side. He held me tightly impaled on his cock for a minute before he started pumping. The pain was terrible, but I managed to keep my mouth shut, giving muffled grunts as he thrust into me. He spread my legs fully and pushed me down further so I was almost in a jackknife position, a position that gave him maximum penetration depth. He pounded me for 10 minutes or so and then pulled me tight. I could feel his pulsing cock pumping me full of cum.

    When he finished, he began thrusting again, as his cock slowly deflated. He stopped again, and told me he was going to give me an enema. And with that, I felt my belly getting warm. He quickly pulled out, pulled up his pants and left. I had no choice but to sit down and get rid of everything. When I got outside, they had both left.

  2. I was having a string of bad luck (not to mention a LONG dry spell). I even took a job as security for a university. I was posted to the campus library, which consisted of sitting for 8 hours and turning off lights.

    I was on my way home from working a double, not a happy camper. I was cold, hungry, tired and pissed that I had to work this crapulent job. Halfway home I noticed a cop pull a U-turn and follow me. At that time of the morning there is no one else on the roads, so I thought for sure he was just trying to catch me speeding. I was in no mood for games, so I set the cruise to the speed limit and just drove. He caught up to me and his bright ass lights were blinding me. I was paying more attention to the lights in the rear view than the road when I noticed something "run" across the street and I slammed on my brakes (it turned out to be a plastic bag blowing across the road...) I heard the cop car screech and saw it swerve. Then the lights went on and a woop-woop. I pulled to the shoulder and the cop came up to my car. LSS, he wanted to write me a ticket for slamming on my brakes. I have not had a ticket and can not afford one. My mouth started before my brain and I blurted out "then you better write one to yourself for following too closely, the speed limit is only 45 through here, that bag could have been an animal or child, why don't we go have a chat with your Sergeant and see what he has to say. I hope you have ketchup, so you can eat me!"

    He gave me my license back and said "Just take it easy" after a long pause.

    The next day was warm and sunny and I felt much better and kinda horny. I dreaded another dull day at work, but it was Friday. I put on my 2(x)ist pouch briefs and went to work since it's usually quiet at the library on Fridays (those underwear in my uniform create a very pronounced bulge in the front of the polyester uniform pants.)

    The day was slow, and I noticed that most of the people that used the library were like 20th year seniors. When it was finally time to close everything down, there were still people working on the 4th floor, including a cute book shelver (or whatever they're called). He was about 20, gorgeous blue eyes, dark tan, bottle blond. He said they would be about another half-hour, so I went back downstairs to check the parking lot and turn off the lights to the parking area. I came in and sat back down and was thinking about the guy upstairs when I kept seeing red lights in the parking lot. I went to the windows to see what the Hell they were doing. At first I thought it was someone learning to drive cuz they kept hitting the brakes, then reversing, forward, brakes, reverse, turn... As my eyes adjusted to the dark, I saw that it was a Crown Vic and thought it was one of the campus cops, so I thought I would go shoot the bull with them while I waited.

    When I got up to the car, it was a State Cop, not campus. I figured that he was trying to get a place to hide to nab speeders. I went over to the driver and we started talking. I could vaguely make him out in the dim light from the walkway lights, but what I saw, I liked. Clean cut, square head, buzzed, blond and blue eyes. (Blue eyes make me squishy!) A little older than me, I guess about 30. We were talking about how I hated my job and how boring it was and how warm it was for the time of year. I was thinking about how cute he was and felt my cock start to stir so I leaned against the door to hide it. Honestly I don't remember the next few minutes because I was busy thinking about how embarrassed to have a hard-on and being "caught". The next thing I remember, he leaned over to the passenger floor and got a packet of McDonald's ketchup and looked at me and with a twinkle in his eyes said "Tonight I brought ketchup, get in the back." The air went out of me like I was just hit and for a second thought I would pass out. Holy shit! It was the cop from the night before! I was so pissed off, I didn't realize how hot he was!

    With shaky legs, I walked over to the passenger rear and slid over behind the driver's seat. He got out and came around. He looked around and took off his gun belt and dropped it on the floor of the passenger side. He got closer to the open doorway and undid his belt and zipper and slid out his semi-hard dick from the fly of boxer briefs. I was on my knees on the back seat and started licking at his hardening cock. I put it in my mouth and started going to town as he moaned and rubbed my back. I felt his hands slide down and he started undoing my belt and pants. My tongue was going like a hummingbird when he pushed me back by my forehead. I lost balance and sort of fell off the seat across the floor hump. He grabbed my waist and put me face up along the seat and yanked both my pants and briefs down, raising my legs with his shoulders. He pulled us closer and he grabbed his spit covered cock and began to push it in my ass. It had been awhile and I was tight. The pain was like the first time, but he took it slow and grunted as he slid it up me and said "Oh, shit, yeah." He stuffed me to the hilt and leaned against my legs and started pumping away. He leaned in, trying to get further till I thought he was surely going to snap my damn hamstrings! The pain and pleasure was intoxicating. I could feel his pubes brushing against my ass as he thrusted in and heard the click of his boot heels when he withdrew. He was pulling on my balls like he was taking them home and I felt precum ooze out my dick and my ass tighten even more around him. I looked up at him and saw his eyes slam shut and the most gorgeous squinted cum face and he let out a whimper. I felt a jolt of hot spooge shoot inside me. He pulled out in one move and started jerking it. His cum shot on my ass cheek, leg and thigh, but most clung to his jerking hand. When he finally stopped cumming on my he took his cum covered hand and smeared it on my ass crack, fingering my relieved hole.

    He was stuffing his shrinky-dink back in his pants when he got a call. He responded, breathless and flushed beet red. I quietly tried to slide back into my underwear and pants. He said he had to go and started rushing as I got myself together and got out of the car. As he hit the siren and rolled out, my hard-on must have felt defeated and started to shrink, but I was ready to burst. My nuts were so tight, I could feel the room in the pouch of the briefs. I could also feel his hot sticky cum that covered my lower half cool and dry.

    Not being used to the pounding, I could barely walk and made it back to my chair and plopped down. OK, so now I knew I could not walk or sit! I sat on my tailbone and finally breathed, trying to figure out what had just happened.

    I noticed that it was almost time to go, so I called in the building vacant and turned off the rest of the interior lights and security cameras. I still had fifteen minutes so I walked to the reading area/ desk clusters in the dark just to feel my underwear pull away from my skin that had been stuck on with the trooper's load. The sensation was driving me wild and I felt my rod get tight again. I walked around the room when I heard the unmistakable sound of a dick being stroked! I knew it wasn't me and as my eyes adjusted, I saw the kid that was on the fourth floor before, inches in front of me. He had his pants pulled down to his knees and the front of his shirt pulled over his head, cock out, balls bouncing against the waistband of Hilfiger boxers. He was rubbing his chest and flogging away. He opened his eyes and said "I've been watching you all night. And I mean ALL night! It looks like you need this as much as I do."

    He cupped my pants bulge and rubbed "Yeah, you need this". He stopped jacking and unbuckled my belt and zipper. My pants fell to the floor and he unbuttoned the bottom 2 buttons of my shirt and whispered "Lay down".

    I couldn't believe it! The thought of getting off out in the open was a thrill, even if the building was (mostly) empty and dark.

    I layed back on the library floor in my briefs and looked up at the glass roof. He snuggled down next to me on the floor and slipped his hand down the front of my undies and started squeezing and rubbing as he slowly stroked his. He pulled my underwear down just enough that my cock popped out and I went to pull them down further but he said "Don't, let me do everything" and I put my hands behind my head and concentrated on his meat. He was uncut and I had never seen one "in real life" and wanted to feel it, play with it, taste it. I was entranced as the skin slid back and forth over the head. His balls made a quiet slapping sound as they bashed against his thighs. I closed my eyes to enjoy the handjob and reminisce about the earlier events and wondered what all he saw when I felt my cock hit my stomach and his hand leave it. I was partially scared to open my eyes thinking that "Candid Camera" would be there or something. I opened them and he was stuffing a finger up his ass as he continued to pound with the other. Silently, he let a rope of cum fly and hit on his abs. He leaned towards me and kept jerking and cumming. The rest of the spurts were thick and clung to his hand and were forced into his dark bush and all over his balls. He slid one arm behind my neck and grabbed my dick with his cum covered hand and jerked me with his jizz. He turned to jerk me and felt his dick on my leg, hard, hot and slimey. He ground it into my leg as he palmed me. I was getting close and wanted to grab his uncut cock to feel it since I could no longer see it. He said "ah-ah" and used the arm under my neck to keep my arm from moving. He stuck a finger up to my nose and whispered in my ear "This is my ass, my tight, tight man cunt" It was too much and I started to shoot... a lot! I surprised myself, while not the best quality orgasm, the quantity of cum and distance it shot was amazing. It was all over him, me, the carpet...

    He licked it off of me and smeared it into himself and laughed. I didn't want to move. He got up and started getting re-dressed so I followed his lead. I heard a beep and thought "Oh, shit, the alarm!" (I automatically sets at 1 am). We ran out the doors like we were being chased! Once outside he said "See you around" and headed to the bottom parking lot. I walked toward my car thinking how much more I now liked my job ;>)

    On the way home I was passed by a newer red Porsche Carrera and I tried to follow to gawk at it, but I had to stop to get gas. As I pulled in, the Porsche was there, and the driver was hot, too! (For the type) I thought for sure it would be some old man, but it was a very yuppie looking guy, 30's, short black hair and those damn deep blue eyes! As the gas was filling in my car, I summoned up the courage and went up to him and said "Cool car!" he said thanks and said feel free to look at it. I'm a car nut and took the opportunity to inspect it close up. I was looking though the rear side window and he came around behind me and said "You smell great" and I felt his hard dick brush across my ass. My back went tense and I shot up. I wondered if he meant my cologne or if he could smell the loads of cum all over me! He asked if I wanted to go 'somewhere' and my mouth got ahead of my brain again and I said, I've got to be to work in 7 hours. I couldn't believe I said that! I wanted him, then and there. He gave me a business card and told me to call him sometime and we could eat something. I KNOW what I wanted to eat and wished I kept my mouth shut (or just WIDE open)...

    When it rains, it pours! So what the Hell was the 'lucky charm'? I'll be wearing Nautica Latitude Longitude everyday now, "just in case" Can't wait for Monday! I Love my job!

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  3. Damn, I was horny that night. And I was tired of the same old tail here in Jersey. So I made the decision to go into The City (New York, that is) to get me some new boi tail.

    Cleaned up, got into the pickup truck, lit a cigarette, and I was on my way. I had posted a notice of my intentions on barebackcity.com in hopes that someone fitting the description of what I wanted would call me on my cell phone on the way. I got all the way into Manhattan, and the calls were sparse, and not promising so far. So I went into a local gay pub in the West Village, and had a drink. The usual crowd.

    I went back out to my truck parked outside on Christopher St., and checked my cell phone voicemail. THERE HE WAS!!! "Hi, my name is ___ and I'm 24 years old, blonde, blue eyes, slender, and a bottom. Please come over to my apartment at _____ and you can call me at _____." It didn't take me but a few seconds to call him back and turn my truck around to the East Side towards his place.

    He met me at the door, and my jaw dropped. DAMN, what a pretty boi! Tall and lean, smooth and creamy-skinned, a boyishly handsome face and big pools of medium blue eyes that I could've drowned in. We made very little small talk, but took a minute to burn one. Then it was OFF to his bedroom and OFF with the clothes. He sucked on my already hard dick, which I enjoyed seeing going in and out of those thick sweet young lips. Then I jumped on top of him, and started making out with this hottie...kissing him deeply on the mouth, our tongues darting in and out as we began the dance of male bonding that only guys like us can know.

    Finally, I had to taste that ass. He got up on all fours on his bed, and I was presented with an absolutely perfect lilly-white ass with a sweet little pink asshole surrounded with just enough dark blonde hair. With my mouth watering, I dove in and ate that hot boi ass for all I was worth...licking it, chewing on it, savoring the musky boi smell and taste that I was getting from him.

    It was time to get inside him. Getting up on the bed behind him while he was still on all fours, I mounted him from the rear. Oh, man, it was hot, sweet, and tight in there. He indicated that I should go a little slower, so I gave him time to adjust to my 8+ inches. Finally my pubes were resting against his smooth young asscheeks, and I began to slowly saw in and out of my boi. It suffices to say that this topman was in Heaven at that moment, and the best was yet to come (or cum, that is).

    I asked him after awhile to turn over on his back. Once again I entered him, but with his legs around my neck over my shoulders, so that I could fuck him and at the same time look into those beautiful blue eyes. He was tall, and so am I, so we kissed and fucked at the same time. I couldn've popped my load during that time, but held back to savor the wonderful experience awhile. While I had his legs over my shoulders, I also began to nibble on his blonde furry legs and on the edges of his big boy feet. There was a bonding that took place during these moments as we were making love that I have rarely found recently, and I found myself being grateful for every single moment to be inside this boi. And so we began the dance of male bonding in earnest.

    Finally, I turned him back over on his stomach and entered him from behind above. It was then that I decided it was time to pound, and the more I pounded, the deeper grew his moans. Indicating that I was about to pop my load, he told me "Oh yes, man, shoot your load inside me!" so after a minute of heavenly fucking, my load boiled up from my balls and screaming out the head of my dick into his hot tight willing assguts....again and again....shooting teaspoons of my male DNA as far inside him as I could. It seemed like that it would never stop, and I didn't want it to.

    But my blonde God bottomboi about then started clenching his ass muscles around my cock and moaning louder, and began shooting his hot load beneath us on the sheets of the bed....milking the last drops of oozing cum from my cock in the process. We collapsed on the bed, with me on his back still having my cock buried in his butt. We laid there for a few mintues, kissing and rubbing against each other for awhile. God, life was good that night.

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  4. On my way to I stopped in the men's room at the Roosevelt Ave train station.

    A guy I recognized from other men's rooms around town, was keeping watch at the door. When I walked in this tall thin horse-hung black guy was fucking a young hairy white dude.

    I watched them fuck for a while when the black guy motioned for me to come over. I checked to make sure there was still someone watching the door.

    Then I joined in. The black guy fucked the white guy while the white guy sucked my dick.

    The black guy asked me "do you want to fuck him?"

    I said yes."

    The black guy ordered the white to "Give him your ass."

    Whitey turned around and started to suck the black guy's cock while I fucked his ass.

    The guy at the door started to cough which meant meant someone was coming. We scattered like roaches.

    But guy who came in was also looking for action. I started fucking the hairy white guy again while he sucked the big black cock.

    I turned around to check the door and saw the guy who had been watching the door was getting his cock sucked by the other man who had come in.

    Mr Watch-The-Door wasn't much to look at; but he had a huge cock, one definitely worth sucking and riding.

    I just kept pounding away at the white guy while he was swallowing the big black dick.

    I was getting close to shooting and said "I was gonna cum."

    The black guy told me to shoot my load in the white guy's ass.

    He kept repeating "shoot your load in his ass, I want to fuck his cum lubed ass."

    With that I shot my load up the white guy's ass, which he seemed to milk right out of my cock. I could feel him tighten his ass muscles as I pulled out. He wanted every drop of my load.

    Soon as I pulled out the black guy shoved his huge fat cock up the white's ass.

    "Fuck man this feels great, I can feel his load in you. You're gonna leave here with two loads in you."

    I got turned on watching those two go at it. The white started sucking my cock again. The the black pounded his ass. And I do mean pound. Every time he thrust into the white guy's ass his mouth automatically swallowed my cock.

    I heard the black guy say "Baby I'm gonna cum."

    He started shaking and moaning, then let out a big yelp and stood there all sweaty and slowly pulled his cock out of the other's ass.

    I was still getting my dick sucked when the black guy rammed his tongue down my throat, and I shot my second load in the white guy's mouth.

    As I left the bathroom the guy who had been watching the door said, "It was great watching you guys."

    By the way, I was 20 minutes late for work but it was worth it.

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  5. My friend, the black guy who cracked my ass for the first time two years ago, really loves to watch me get fucked as he coaches the other guy on. He says he really loves that and loves fucking my hole lubed with another guy's cum. So three-ways really turn him on.

    So Friday night we had a three-way with a guy from the net. I met this hot Latin guy from AOL and we went to my friend's place.

    My friend seemed to be happy with my choice of guy. We went right into the bedroom and got down to business.

    I started sucking my friend's dick while the Latin guy watched for a minute before joining in.

    I sucked on two dicks and had them both in my mouth at the same time. My jaw still hurts.

    Then my friend told the Latin guy to fuck my ass. My friend lubed my hole and the Latin guy's dick.

    I was soon on my back with my legs over the Latin guy's shoulders as my black friend straddled my face with his cock down my throat.

    The Latin guy dragged me to the end of the bed and fucked me doggie style. As I was getting fucked, I was tongue-fucked my black friend.

    That's not my favorite thing to do but to me he's so hot! I owe him so much. I wished my tongue was longer. His ass tasted so good.

    My black friend then started fucking my face, and I was getting plugged at both ends.

    My friend told the Latin guy "Fuck him hard, Pound that white ass."

    The Latin guy was getting close. My friend got behind the Latin guy and started to pull on his balls and yelled "Shoot your load in that ass! Lube that hole good for me."

    My friend started eating the Latin guy's ass, and the Latin guy shot his load way up inside me.

    My hole was now all sloppy and wet which is the way my friend wanted it. He shoved his cock into me. I was so sloppy and worked over I had no trouble taking his huge cock. He shot his load after just a few minutes.

    The Latin guy began to eat my ass. Seemed he really enjoyed the taste of mixed cum from my ass. Cum dripped down my ass cheeks and the Latin guy lapped it up.

    While he was eating my ass clean, my friend got behind him and started fucking him.

    The Latin guy started said "No, I don't get fucked."

    My friend shoved poppers under the Latin guy's nose, just as he had once done to me the first time he had seeded me.

    After a few hits the Latin guy was well on his way into becoming a new cumwhore.

    As my friend was fucked the Latin guy I slid underneath them. We became a fucking three-way. My friend fucked the Latin guy while the Latin guy fucked me. I was lying on my stomach feeling the two of them on top of me.

    As my friend pounded the Latin guy I felt the force of both of them. The Latin guy started moaning saying he was gonna cum. And my friend fucked him even harder as the Latin exploded up my ass.

    The Latin guy tried to pull out of me and get my friend off him.

    Again my friend shoved poppers under his nose. He pulled him into the doggie position. I began to suck his cock all the while jerking myself off.

    My friend ask if I was gonna cum.

    I said I was very soon.

    As I shot my load my friend released his into the Latin guy's ass. We just lay on the bed for what must have been half an hour.

    The Latin guy drove me home. On the way back to my place, he told me how he'd enjoyed himself.

    I told him how being a bottom has its advantages.

    He said he hadn't been fucked in years and had forgotten how good it felt.

    He told me he was usually strictly a top.

    I told him it didn't have to be that way anymore. That I used to be a top, too, until a few years ago when my black friend seeded me for the first time.

  6. Aaron went from one cock to another for the next several hours. There seemed to be an endless supply sticking through the glory holes and each load he subsequently took down his throat seemed to wear down his resistance and desire to fight back. My buddy was happy with the progress Aaron had shown during the past few hours. When the kid first entered the club he was very nervous and uptight but here was the same kid, a few hours later, snorting poppers and sucking any guy that wanted oral attention. Everything was proceeding as planned.

    As Aaron continued sucking cock, my buddy started fingering the kid's ass and kept talking dirty to him, telling him that instead of just sucking cock and taking loads down the throat, that he should take them in the ass. Aaron kept saying that he didn't want that but my buddy noticed the kid's resistance was breaking down and that he kept moaning every time he fingered the kid's hole.

    After some time had passed the kid began complaining that he didn't feel so well and that his head was hurting. My buddy went with him to one of the bathrooms and the kid felt very queasy and sick. He started saying that perhaps this wasn't a good idea and that perhaps he should leave, but my friend told him he had something that would help give the kid a buzz and that to just swallow it and that everything would be fine. And so Aaron did as told. After sitting for awhile, Aaron accompanied my friend into a backroom and said he felt much better - in fact, he was flying. Whatever that stuff was earlier it had done the trick and had given Aaron the illusion that he was in control - whereas he really wasn't.

    Standing just inside the doorway of the backroom, several guys began groping Aaron and my buddy kept tonguing the kid's mouth and lobes, telling him to just go with it and let it happen, that he needed and wanted this, not to resist anymore. Aaron stripped off and was soon being sucked by two guys on the floor (cock & balls) and other guys were licking his nipples and pulling on them. My buddy asked Aaron how he felt and the kid said he felt great!

    That's when an older man stepped up behind him and started fingering the kid's butt, working in a finger, then two and rubbing lube in his crack - massaging the lube into the kid's ass. Aaron moaned and was told to snort more poppers (several hits under each nostril) and as he handed the bottle back to one of the guys, the man slid his cock in between his cheeks and started pushing it up inside the boy's ass, till only his balls were banging against his cheeks. Aaron had some difficulty taking the cock in his hole and was moaning quite a bit but the poppers and other substance helped ease the pain and gave him the illusion that his ass wasn't being ripped apart (which indeed it was, as he discovered later).

    So there Aaron was, taking cock from several strangers at each end (the guys sucking him had since gotten off the ground and were fucking his mouth) and the kid slowly grew to love it and not care. He was just a dick machine to be used and used he was - in every way imaginable. By the end of the night, (many hours later), he had taken at least twenty loads in the ass and many more down the throat. Quite a few of the men were poz and some even started saying things like 'charge him up' while fucking him - though Aaron was too far out of it at that stage to question what they meant...

    At the end of the night my buddy told him how great the night had been and that he hoped Aaron had fun. Aaron said he did but that he really hadn't intended to be such a pig. Aaron said he did but that he was a bit worried about all the pain and blood in his ass. My buddy just looked at him and smiled.

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  7. Dropped off Steve at the airport and, since the weather was perfect - and unusual for January - I drove to Cherokee Park to see if 72 degrees and sun had other men in the brotherhood thinking about dick in the park too.

    All of the people I passed, as I drove around the one-way roads towards "gay hill," were both a positive and a negative sign. People were out, alright, but they were mostly joggers, boy-girl couples, families with kids, people with their dogs and not horny guys looking to get off on probably the last good weekend of the January thaw.

    When I finally reached the hill, there were a dozen or more empty cars parked along the side of the road, a good sign. No rainbow stickers or other signs of the brotherhood, however. There were two goodlooking 20 somethings in shorts and tees sitting with their bicycles on the grassy slope between the road and the woods. I pulled past the other cars and parked the truck. For a few minutes, I watched the guys with the bikes in a mirror as I pulled off my sweatshirt and tucked my tee into the jeans.

    I wandered the trails for about 30 minutes but saw no one and the bike guys hadn't followed, so I headed back towards the truck. There were a few condom wrappers on the trails but I figured they were from last summer or fall. When I reached the truck, bike guys had left.

    I drove up to the area over the interstate tunnel. It's usually pretty active at night in warm weather but considering how much brush had been removed last year, I wasn't expecting much in daylight in January. As it turned out, there were a dozen or so cars parked along the road. About half were empty; the occupants of the rest were all men, sitting alone. I figured it was worth getting out and checking out the trails.

    As I left the truck, a guy - looked to be mid-thirties - in a flannel shirt and black jeans who was wearing sunglasses got out of a Ford about 100' or so down the road, and headed back towards the main trail too. We caught up with each other on the main trail and checked each other out. He turned down the trail, looking back a couple of times as I followed about 30'

    feet behind. He looked like he might provide load number one for the day. After we walked a 100' or so, another guy came towards us, passing flannel shirt guy and then me. As he got closer, I shifted interest from flannel shirt to him. He was mid to late-20's. Seemed to have a buzzcut under a U of TN ballcap. A big orange ballcap is pretty unusual in KY. Then I noticed a pair of dog tags hanging on the outside of his gray tee. I figured he could be Army from Ft. Knox.

    The guy was hot looking. He had good muscle definition that showed through the tee, hairy forearms, reflective sunglasses and flashed a big, toothy smile when I said, "Hi." I wanted this dude. I stopped and turned as he passed. He went about another 10', stopped and came back in my direction. This time, as he passed he smiled again and asked how I was doing. I told him, "Man, I think I'm doing great."I followed behind as he went back down the trail, smiling back each time he turned his head.

    We passed flannel shirt guy who was standing in some trees several feet off the trail. He groped himself as he passed and I nodded. UT guy turned down a side trail that led further away from the road in the direction of a large parking area and I followed. After a few minutes, he stopped, with his back towards me. I caught up with him, passed and turned to face him. He was playing with his cock with a hand in one of the pockets in his sweats. I groped myself through my levis.

    He asked, "Wazzup?" I told him I was looking to get into something. He responded, "Yeah, what do you want to do?" For some reason - the tone of his voice, the body language, something - I got cautious. The cops had been cracking down in the park, lately, and for some reason or other, I started wondering if he was setting me up for a bust. (The cell phone on his belt didn't help either.) So, I cooled down some and asked, "Oh, I dunno, what about you?" He says, "I want to suck some cock." (Oh, well, so much for my copdar.)

    I told him, "Sounds hot; so do I." He suggested we walk further up into the woods, away from the trail and I followed. He stopped at a spot where you could see cars and people up by the big parking area but we were far enough away that I figured it was okay if at least one of us was paying attention to what was going on around us.

    He pushed his sweats down mid thigh, showing his hardon which gave me an instant hardon as well. He had a big, 7 or 8 incher that curved to his left. He'd shaved his balls and most of his pubes except for a line that continued from his pleasure trail to the root of his hard shaft. I had to have that hard cock and went immediately to my knees and started sucking him. I managed to work the curve around and into my throat and worked his cock head with my throat muscles and he helped out by pumping it into me. He let me suck him for a couple of minutes, getting a first taste of his precum, before he let me know it was his turn.

    I stood and he unzipped me and pulled my hard cock and balls out over the waistband of my jockeys and went to his knees, pulling off his UT cap. The dude could suck. Damn he could suck. I put my hands on the back of his head, feeling the burr of his haircut and watching my cock slide in and out of his mouth. I came damned close to letting him take it all the way but, fuck, it was early and I didn't want to give up any loads so soon.

    We took turns blowing each other until while as I was totally into his cock, he taps me on the shoulder and says, "We've got company." I stand and look over at an early 30's guy with long black hair standing next to a tree and rubbing his crotch. UT guy asks, "You get into 3's?" I say, "Yeah," wave the guy over and get back on my knees, running my tongue over UT's cock head lapping up more precum. The guy with long black hair joins us, pulls out his cock and holds it a few inches from my mouth and UT's cock and strokes it. He gets hard quickly and I start sucking back and forth between the two of them. The guy with lomg black hair has a long, thin, uncut cock. The head is still covered by his skin even after he is hard.

    As I'm switching back to UT guy's cock, he asks the guy with long black hair if he likes to fuck. The guy tells him yes and UT says "Fuck me, okay?" As I'm sucking UT's curved cock, the other man gets behind him and starts working his bare cock up UT's hole. I reach under and circle my thumb and finger around UT's fuckhole so I can feel the other guy's cock sliding in and out while I deep throat UT. UT's asshole is well lubed and he's taking the thin, uncut cock with ease. Sucking a guy while he's getting fucked, especially when he is standing, is so fucking hot as you feel the fucker's thrusts in the back of your throat as he drives the fuckee's cock in you.

    I'm in cocksucker's heaven, working for the first load of the day when suddenly I feel another cock pressed against my right cheek. At first I think it is long black hair guy looking for a new hole but it's not his thin, uncut cock or UT's which is still buried in my throat. (So much for one of us staying alert.)

    My cheek is getting probed by a thick cock with a big purple head. I look up and see flannel shirt guy. I alternate back and forth between flannel shirt and UT whose still getting his ass plowed by long black hair guy. After a few minutes, I stand and ask flannel shirt to fuck me - why should UT have all the fun?

    I slide my jeans and jockeys to my knees and turn so I'm facing UT. Flannel shirt gets behind and tries to work it in but I'm too tight and dry and the head of his dick is too big. I ask UT to "Get him wet" and step aside so flannel shirt can feed him his cock. UT sucks and slobbers all over flannel shirt's cock. Watching UT taking it at both ends in the woods, especially with all those cars and people several hundred feet away through the bare trees and shrubs is really hot. UT gets him good and wet and I press a hand against the trunk of a tree, bend over and pull the left cheek of my ass away to give flannel shirt a better shot. This time he works it all the way in and start throwing a serious fuck.

    At one point, I look over at UT, still getting drilled by long black hair guy, and we exchange big grins like only two cock pigs can. I'm really getting into having my ass stretched and pounded by flannel shirt guy and, from all the hot verbal about fucking my "hairy ass," he seems to be into the fuck too. Suddenly, I hear someone say, "Shit, where'd she come from?" "She" is a woman walking a German Shepherd maybe a 100' away and seems to have figured out what's going on. As she turns and as flannel shirt is pulling out he pops his load, leaving part of it in my fuck chute with the rest running down the back of my balls.

    Flannel shirt and long black hair guy have quickly disappeared and the woman with the dog is gone, so UT and I take our time. As he's pulling up his sweats, he asks if I took flannel shirt's load. I tell him, "Sort of - He got part of it in my ass and part of it on my ass and balls." He wants to know if he can "taste it, dude." I turn my back to him and he kneels and licks my balls clean, laps up the cum around my asshole and pushes his tongue up me, probing for more jizz. When he stands, he says, "Damn, you do have a hairy ass. Hot."I offer him a cigarette, light them both and he heads up towards the road with me following.

    When I get up along side, we talk some. I learn he is from TN and is in the Army at Fort Knox. He says, "I'm here every Sunday afternoon. Let's do it again, okay?" I say, "You bet." He heads up the trail but I notice long back hair guy with his back to us, facing a large tree, so I head down the trail.

    When I reach long black hair guy, he has it out and is stroking it. I ask him, "You get off?" and he says, "No." I get on my knees and he turns and offers me his thin, uncut cock.

    I grab it and work my tongue up under the skin, licking his cumhole. His cock tastes like lube and precum but there's no sign that he'd been plowing UT's ass. I smile to myself.

    While Steve was showering this morning, I'd used an enema, hoping to connect with someone into hole. What are the odds of hooking up with another guy in the park in January who'd also come prepared to get fucked in the park?

    Long black hair guy is in a hurry. He grabs the back of my head and starts seriously fucking face, jabbing the back of my throat with that skin covered pointed cock. He cums in a few minutes, keeping his cock buried in my throat.

    I leave after he does, get in the truck and, charged and hungry for more cock, drive across the river to an ABS in Southern Indiana.

  8. Recently had my ex's brother and a friend of his stopped by my place for a visit. My ex is bisexual, and his brother knows about us. After a few drinks, my ex's bro tells me his brother told him how good I am at sucking dick, his friend perks up cause he didn't know I was gay. The friend asked me if I liked sucking dick, I said "yeah", and he asked me if I wanted to suck his. I did, while me ex's bro watched. Then I sucked on my ex's brother's cock too.

    His friend said he was always curious about fucking a female in the ass but could never find one to do it with, I told him he could fuck my ass if he wanted, and the 2 of them spent the next hour dicking me down. I layed on my back on the sofa while the friend fucked me first, then my ex's brother. They both came so far up in my ass, that it didn't come back out of me until later the next day while I was in the grocery store. It felt great as all that cum cascaded out of my asshole, filling my underwear while I was standing in line.

    Can't wait to do that again.

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  9. I was shopping the week before Christmas in a large mall near my office. I had in mind a digital camera for my significant other and so I stopped in to a small camera shop. The young Hispanic guy that helped me was HOT! HOT! HOT! He was dressed in a crisp white dress shirt and nice tie, he had on black slacks that outlined his nice ass and also showed that he had a significant basket. We talked about several different cameras and as I looked through the view finder I could see him checking out my ass. So finally I decided on a camera and was standing at the cash register, paying for my camera when another person showed up. This guy told my sales guy that he had it and for my guy to take off. I seized the opportunity to ask my new guy if he had had lunch yet. He smiled looked at my crotch and said no but he had something in mind.

    I followed him from the mall to an apartment complex just a few blocks away. We walked into a very stylish and clean apartment. He turned around and locked the door and when he turn back I was standing right in his face. He just leaned forward and began kissing my face and lips and ears and running his hands up and down my back. I returned the favor by grabbing a hand full of his nice round Jlo butt and another hand full of his tit through his shirt.

    He began walking backwards toward the bedroom door never losing contact with my body. As we arrived in the bedroom he began tugging my shirt out of my trousers and unbuttoning it. I reached up to help but he stopped me and told me that he was going to do this so I just stood and let him undress me. As he pulled off each item he would kiss and nibble and suck on different parts. He worked my nipples until I thought I would cum. He then moved to my feet where he pulled off my loafers and socks and kisses and sucked each toe. He then reached up from his place at my feet and began working on my trousers. I had this huge raging hard-on trying to explode out anyway so when he released the snap I popped right out into the open. My cock had already wormed its way out the door in my boxers so he has a face full of my cock.

    He pulled my trousers and boxers off over my feet and through them on the chair nearby. He then turned back and began sucking and nibbling my crotch area. Not just my cock and balls but all the skin around the area. It was the most erotic feeling to have this fully dressed hot gut working me over and me not able to even touch him. He turned me around and began rimming my ass and I had to stop him because I knew that I would certainly come if he kept that up.

    I finally had had enough I needed to feel this kids skin. I turned around reached down and dragged him up off the floor. I began to work him over like he had done me. When I had him down to nothing but skin I was certain that I had died and gone to heaven. This kid was uniformly dark skinned all over. When I made a comment about how hot and sexy he looked he explained that he laid out naked when ever he had the chance in the summer and used the tanning booth the rest of the year.

    WE finally fell into each others arms and onto the bed. He squirmed around until we were in the old 69 position and went to work on each other. He sucked my cock like a hunger man and I return the favor as best as I could. But I needed his ass. I worked between his thighs and my tongue found his hot asshole. I wormed my tongue around and down into that taste treat. He began squirming and sucking really hard on my cock. Finally he stopped me and rolled up onto his back and stuck his legs up in the air. He begged that I fuck him now hard and fast. I am not one to pass up an opportunity or a request like this so I reached over to the night stand and grabbed a tube of lube he had laying there. I placed a glob on the tip on my cock and a glob on his asshole. I then leaned into him and guided my cock into his hot tight hole. He grunted a little and clamped down and asked that I take it just a bit easy until he opened up a little. I gentle rocked back and forth each time pressing a little more into his ass. Finally I was shoving the entire length on my cock deep into his guts and he was moaning and begging for me to fuck him hard and fast. I picked up the pace and started to really ram it home. I was getting close to coming when he grabbed his cock and aimed it up so that a huge glob of cum shot out and landed on his face. Several more squirted out between us and that was all I needed I unloaded a huge load up this hot latino's ass. He grabbed me and hugged me to him and thanked me for a great Christmas Present. I told that I was thrilled to be able to satisfy him.

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  10. When I lived in the mountains of North Carolina, there were lots of prejudices and being a gay male, it was hard to find sex. I lived in two areas that access to the Blueridge Parkway and that is where I found most of my sexual escapades. The hottest one happend near Boone.

    It was getting dark and was a beautiful summer evening. I went to the parkway to find a dick to suck. As I cruised, a hot young guy (ASU student) passed me in a red camaro and flashed his tail lights. I new he was looking for sex. I turned around and met him at the next overlook. He was very cute. We got out of our cars and chatted for about a 1/2 hour. The traffic was light, so we had some privacy.

    We started rubbing each other's crothes We both were wearing gym shorts with no underwear and I could feel his long thin dick. I decided what the hell and pulled down his shorts and sucked him right there on the parkway. His dick was about 8" uncut but very thin. about 2" around. I usually have trouble deep throating, but because he was so thin, it slid right down. He tasted so good.

    He then lowered my shorts and sucked my 6" cut dick for a while, but wouldn't let me cum. He then turned me around and started rimming my ass. I'd never been rimmed before and was in heaven. His tongue darted in and out and got me really hot. He then stood up and had me to bend over. I thought he was going to rim me some more (I was so niave). He slid his dick up my ass. I'd been fucked twice before and hated it both times, but because he was so thin, I really liked having him up my ass.

    He had been fucking me for a couple of minutes before we saw a car approaching. I just stood up (leaving his dick up my ass), pulled up the front part of my shorts (covering my hard dick), and leaned back against him. As the car got closer, we saw that it was a park ranger. Here I was with a guys dick up my ass and a park ranger driving by. I was so freaked, but stayed still. The ranger rode on by and never slowed. My sex partner just bent me back over and fucked the hell out of me. It was the only time I ever enjoyed being fucked. He came up my ass so powerful that I could feel every squirt.

    He then pulled out, sank to his knees and ate his cum out of my ass. I was so engrossed in what he was doing, I didn't realize that I had shot all over my shorts. After cleaning my ass up, he cleaned off my jizz. He was so hot. He then got in his car, said thanks, and I never saw him again. I had to go home and jack off again before going to sleep replaying that scene in my mind. I've been fucked a few times since, but have never enjoyed it like that one hot time on the Blueridge Parkway.

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  11. This is the story of my first experience. It was on a School trip France. I had just turned 18 and other than the odd quick wank in the school loo's I had no real experience. I can still feel and imagine the days and nights even though I am now 30. It was one of those magical moments in life and they do not come very often. I have tried to write the story remembering the details as best I can. In fact, I have got a rock hard knob sitting in front of me as I recall the events.

    First, I guess I had better introduce myself. My name is Andy, although I use the nickname Drewboy. I live in England and this story took place while I was studying for A-Levels at school. Along with some friends and a teacher, I was going to go to France for a weekend to learn some French and to relax a little, as I had just finished my exams. The downside was that we had to leave at 3am in order to get the ferry.

    I was last but one to arrive. Already in the minibus were Dave and Adrian. Dave, I remember, was around 6' tall and a big, rugby player type. He has brown hair of just the right length that he need not comb it and a nice guy type personality.

    Adrian was the guy I wanked most often over at night, while thinking about him. He was quite short, around 5'5 and has short blond hair. He has a beautiful smile and a kind of cutely skinny body. We were now only waiting for one person - Ian. This was not exactly an unusual state of affairs as he was renowned for being late. Dave had sat down on the second row of seats, with a bag positioned on a seat next to him; with his body language saying 'Don't sit next to me' so, I took the hint and sat down on the third row of seats, next to Adrian. Adrian was one of the school's star soccer players, had those amazing soccer legs, firm, and sculpted a true joy to look at. Unfortunately for me thought, they were covered up in jeans. I sat down and we made conversation, while waiting for Ian.

    After around 15 minutes, Ian arrived and climbed in, and sat down next to Dave. Ian was around 6'2, with short black hair and a nice body; not muscular and not skinny. The minibus soon left and we started our journey to the port. While we chatted for a while it soon became clear that what everyone really wanted to do was sleep. Conversation dried up and we did exactly that. Time passed quickly from this point and I must have fallen asleep. I awoke to find Adrian's head leaning on my shoulder and in front of me, saw that Ian had his arm snuggled behind Dave. It was dark so I guess that the Mr Spencer could not see and Matt was asleep in the passenger seat. I assumed that his arm had just fallen there or something, but as likely as this seemed it was far nicer to believe that they were both gay, as I had also been fantasising about them both on and off for months. I knew I would be able to find out for sure later, because to keep the cost of the trip down all four pupils were going to be sharing one room with Mr Spencer and Matt in the other room. We already knew that the room would have two double beds, and we had arranged that I would share with Adrian and Dave and Ian would share. Leaning my head down onto Adrian's head, I felt myself slip back into sleep. We must have slept for a good few hours because when I awoke light was streaming in through the windows and we were queuing to get onto the ferry. It looked like I was the last one to wake up, as everyone else was talking enthusiastically about the weekend ahead. We soon got on then ferry, and left for France. The journey was uneventful to say the least and we arrived at around 3pm French time. We were all feeling tired again, but we managed to stay awake for the rest of the journey and we arrived at the hotel at about 7pm. having eaten we were sitting in the hotel's bar. Adrian then said he was tired and I agreed with him. We both said we were going to get to bed. Dave and Ian stayed down in the bar.

    Adrian and I walked back up to our room and we lay down on the bed. I was determined to find out if he was gay, as I so wanted him to be so I could get some serious sex. So, I asked if he thought Ian was gay. He thought the question strange and I said I was just curious. In fact, I thought I had blown it. The he dropped the bombshell and asked if I thought he gay. I said I didn't know. He then asked if it would worry me if he were. It was becoming kind of clear to me that he was also trying to establish if I was gay too. I told him that I would not mind at all. He then said he was. I wasn't taking any chances. So I said Yeah yeah ! He just smiled at me and said again that it was true he was gay.

    I could not believe my ears. I then told him I'd been thinking about sex with him for months. He giggled and told be I was pretty damn cute. I moved over to him on the bed and he blushed as I slipped my arm behind his head, testing the ground. He didn't resist and I felt him roll his body on top of me. His blue eyes were deep, almost hypnotising. I softly brushed my lips against his, and he pushed his tongue gently into my mouth. I grabbed his firm ass with my hands and began to grind my crotch into his. I could feel that his cock was rock hard, and while we continued our passionate kissing, I began to undo his trousers.

    His tongue explored every inch of my mouth, as we writhed with passion. His jeans were now undone and he wriggled out of them, while I removed my own. Next, we removed our shirts, necessitating that we broke our kissing for a moment, and soon we were clad only in our underwear. I was wearing briefs, while he was wearing jockey shorts. We frenziedly ground our cocks into each other and continued to kiss frantically. After a while I knew I was close, and wanting to prolong things for as long as possible I broke away from his mouth and slipped off his jockey shorts, now wet with sweat and pre- cum.

    His cock was almost hairless, except for a small patch at the base, and uncut with a tight foreskin wrapped round the head so that it formed the perfect outline of his helmet. It protruded from his body at about 45 degrees, around 6" long, thinner than mine but smooth and hot. Mine is cut and 6.5inches long thicker than his and the helmet has always stood out large. It was the reason I had to be circumcised. He said he had never seen one that had been circumcised before; most boys in our school group still had their skins. His knob was a beautiful sight and I was eager to suck it, long and hard. I licked softly at it first; causing him to moan softly and then engulfed the length of it with my mouth. He moaned some more and I swung around to allow him access to my cock.

    First, he licked it through the now almost transparent fabric of my white cotton briefs and then removed them, engulfing my cock with his hot, velvety mouth. I was now in absolute ecstasy and I moaned softly, the sound damped by my mouthful of cock. I knew I wouldn't last long now, and I could feel that was close to. His skin had pulled back and I was running my tongue round the helmet edge. Suddenly I heard the click of the door handle, and I pushed Adrian up to allow myself to see. In front of me stood Dave and Ian. They looked surprised to say the least!

    Ian was the first to speak. I could see that his cock was rapidly growing, and I saw that Dave had his arm around him. My suspicions were obviously right! Ian and Dave began to remove their clothes, as Adrian and I returned to our mutual sucking. I sucked hard at his hot teen cock and soon enough I heard him moan and his hot cum jetted hard into my mouth. I remember that it was thick and glue like tasting salty but not unpleasant. Over the years, I have seen and tasted lots of spunk but I think his was the thickest I ever ate. That did it for me and I felt my body tense up as I pumped my cum into his mouth. I turned around so that I had access to his mouth again and pressed my lips to his. I wrapped my arms around his back and we kissed passionately, while I held him close to my slender body.

    Dave and Ian had obviously enjoyed the show, as Ian had his tongue buried in Dave's ass. Dave moaned in delight as Ian's tongue invaded his ass. Ian then pulled off and replaced his tongue with his cock. I guess it was about 7" and looked pretty smooth, uncut and the foreskin sat very loose over the head when he was hard. His body was smooth and tanned with quite a nice set of developing muscles. Dave's cock was nice. About 7.5 inches long very narrow but covered in veins that made it really ribbed. He was also uncut but his foreskin didn't stay in place all the time making him often look cut. He had a hairy body. Ian pushed up hard into Dave's tight hole, making Dave moan further, in a mixture of pain and pleasure. Ian then began to slide his cock slowly in and out of Dave's tight hole. Dave writhed in pleasure, and screamed and ecstasy as Ian's big cock brushed his prostrate. Dave began to cum again and the spasms this induced in Dave's ass proved too much for Ian, pushing him over the edge, causing him to pump his load deep into Dave. They lay there for a while, enjoying the post orgasmic haze until Ian pulled his cock from Dave's ass and kissed him deeply. I guess I must have fallen asleep at that point, because the next thing I remember is waking up, with my limbs tangled up in Adrian.

    I lay there with my body entangled with Adrian. It was a truly wonderful experience, but as is too often the case, my bladder forced me to leave him and take a morning piss. On the other bed, I could see that Ian was lying draped. After leaving for breakfast we were to head out to a French hypermarket. I had realised that there may be more to my developing relationship with Adrian than just sex. He wasn't someone who I had ever had much to do with in the past at school, with him being the soccer player, and me being more the thinker, but I had soon realised after taking the time to talk to him that he was a genuinely nice guy, and fun to be with. Ian and Dave seemed to be getting along nicely too, although I guess they had to be doubly careful with Dave's dad being around.

    That evening we returned to the Hotel for dinner and then watched some Football on TV. Soon we were all tired and all slowly walked up to our room. Sitting on the bed together Adrian leant over and kissed me, deeply and passionately. Taking the hint, I kissed back and pushed him down onto the bed. We began to frantically remove clothing and judging by the noises, Dave and Ian were doing something similar. Soon we were both naked, and filled with passion. We hadn't fucked each other yet, so I said, "Fuck me Adrian". I had never done that at all not even with a toy so I was a little concerned about the pain, but filled with a desire to feel Adrian inside me. Adrian asked if I was sure and I just nodded.

    I slipped my lips around his cock, and began to lube him up at little with my spit. After a while of this he pulled off turned me onto my tummy and I felt his tongue penetrate my asshole. It felt great, and I knew that his cock would feel even better. I lay down on the bed my cock jutting into the mattress and parted my legs. I slipped a pillow under myself to aid Adrian 's access and then felt his cock brushing at my rosebud. I gasped as his cock pushed into me, and felt a stab of pain. Adrian must have sensed this because he stopped for a while, allowing me to get used to the feeling. After a while, he began to push the rest of his perfect 6" cock into me. I groaned, now in a mixture of pleasure and pain. He began to slide his cock in and out of my asshole. I felt waves of pleasure envelop me as his cock brushed my prostrate. I remember telling him to push in harder. He did as requested and began to pound his cock hard into me. His balls slapped against my cheeks, as his cock pushed deep up my ass. I felt overcome by the beautiful sensations, and knew that I was about to cum. Adrian moaned, obviously enjoying the feeling of my hot, tight ass around his cock, and soon I my cum jetted onto the bed. The spasms in my ass must have finished Adrian off, because I felt hot jets of cum pumping up my ass. We stayed like that for a few minutes, enjoying the feelings of bliss induced by our orgasms. I felt Adrian pull his cock out of my ass, leaving an empty feeling and I turned over, pressing my lips to his. I felt his tongue invade my mouth, wildly exploring every corner. I looked across to Dave and Ian, whom we had both pretty much forgotten about. They were currently engaged in a 69. Ian was lying on top of Dave, each with the other's cock in their mouth. Ian's ass was pumping up and down, as he fucked the face of Dave. Dave's arse looked so inviting and I looked across to Adrian, who was evidently thinking the same thing I was, judging at least by his grin. He told me to go ahead go ahead. I slid away from Adrian and climbed across to the other bed. I knelt behind Ian and pushed my tongue up his ass. He gave a surprised groan, but you can't really complain when you've got your mouth full of cock! I pushed up hard and found it tasted good. A musty taste but with a tang of sweat. After a while I decided that his ass was pretty well lubed, and looked down to my cock. It was still slimy with cum and pre-cum, and rock hard. I positioned it at the entrance to Ian's ass and pushed in gently and slowly. I heard a muffled groan and a "Fuck me", so decided to oblige. I pushed again feeling some degree of resistance then slid quickly and effortlessly in past his ring. I noticed that the beautiful cock of Adrian had appeared in front of my face, and not one to miss an opportunity; I wrapped my lips around it.

    He began to fuck my face a little, and I started to fuck at Ian. I wildly thrusted my cock into Ian, and I heard his muffled groans of pleasure and pain. I felt my balls slapping against his butt cheeks, and his hot tight hole around my throbbing cock. He was wet and the more I pumped the easier it got to fuck him. I felt his ass spasm around my cock, probably due to his orgasm, and this did it for me, making my cum pump up his ass. I pulled out; shooting a spurt over his arse cheeks and gave my full attention to Adrian 's beautiful cock. Soon enough he pumped his cum into my mouth, the taste of which I savoured.

    I guess I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I remember is waking up, desperate for a piss. I looked over to the other bed and saw Ian and Dave lying naked together. This had certainly been an interesting weekend so far.

  12. I have been bi for many years, but this is the first time I'm writing this story out.

    It was 1970....I was stationed in Da Nang...attached to a Navy Medivac squadron from the USS Repose....as a pilot I shuttled wounded to the hospital ship, while the medics tended the guys.

    Occasionally, I was allowed to fly up to Saigon for a weekend. This story takes place at the Marine Corps base in Saigon, where we usually parked our choppers while on liberty.

    This particular day, while putting the chopper to bed, a Marine corporal was hanging out watching me close up the chopper and we struck up a conversation. We talked for a few minutes and then he said he was on his way into town would I like a ride. I said sure, and we took off in his jeep.

    I was feeling really horny, and that corporal was really good looking....he was about 19yo, 6'1, 180, nice package bulging in his pants. He must have seen me looking because he asked me if I was bi. When I said yeah...he smiled and said, "Me too".

    So much for going into town!! We turned the jeep around and headed back for the base. I had private quarters at the BOQ and after a stop at the O-club for a couple of six packs we went to my room.

    Viet Nam was almost always hot, and I wanted to shower as soon as we got to the room so I stripped down to my skivvies and headed for the bathroom. He opened a beer and sat on the bed.

    I was in the shower soaping up when the shower curtain opened and he came in and stod there behind me soaping up my back. His hands on me were electrifying! His big warm hands roaved all over my body slowly and I began to get weak at the knees and when he touched the entrance to my ass, I started to moan.

    He gently bent me over and started to finger my ass. He slipped his middle finger in as far as it would go and began finger fucking me with a slow steady motion that made me dizzy. I turned to him and said, "Please fuck me...I need it bad".

    He dried me off with the towel, and we went into the bedroom....and made me lie down on the bed. He climbed onto the bed and raised my legs up to his shoulders and guided his 8" cock to the opening of my ass and gently started to push it in. As my ass opened to let him in, I couldn't hold it in any more....I came all over his belly and shot straight up to his chest....He took some of my cum to help lube his cock....and put some on my tongue, then licked his fingers, all the time fucking me with that same slow in and out motion he used when his fingers were inside me.

    After about 5 minutes....{it seemed to go on forever!!} he said "I'm gonna cum" then shot a huge load of hot cum right inside me. It was so much that it was dripping out of me while he was still inside me.

    He stayed the night with me, and we sucked each other off a little later and I never saw him again....

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  13. I was out for a all-day ride. Needing a break I decided to stop in an Adult Book Store I had been in a few time before. Pulling into the parking lot I saw a number of cars. While the booths did not have any glory-holes, they were quite large, easily holding 2 with plenty of room.

    As I walked through the store into the booth area, I saw a number of guys who appeared to be cruising. As I entered the back I caught the eye of one guy who was hot. A little over 6' and muscular, wearing a tank-top and jeans. As the booth area was a little stuffy, he had a little sheen of sweat. I nodded at him and he joined me in the booth. As he closed the door he pulled me close and we kissed. I felt his tongue caress my lips. As I opened my mouth I felt him pull me tight as his tongue pushed pass my lips and began probing my mouth. I could feel his cock pressing against me. I reached for his cock but hem pulled back, keeping out mouths together.

    He broke the kiss and began to nibble my neck. I started to kiss his neck and tasted his sweat and started to lick his neck and shoulder. Then I felt his tongue in my ear and he started to rub my chest. When he found a nipple he began to rub it so hard it was beginning to hurt. It felt so great. My body took over and a moan escaped from my lips. As he started to pinch my nipple he kissed me again, this time his tongue darting in and out. I was melting. It wasn't long before I would have done anything, I was so hot. Somehow, the next I knew he had removed my shirt and I was helping him unfasten my pants.

    My pants down I tried reaching for his cock again but he stopped me. I then felt his tongue teasing my nipple as his hand moved down my cock. He teased my balls as he bit my nipple and pulled it out. As he started sucking my nipple I felt his fingers tease my ass, touching the hole but not entering.

    He pushed me back so I was sitting on the edge of the bench then knelt between my legs. He continued teasing my nipples with one hand and the other to tease my ass. Then I felt his tongue licking and caressing my cock. My mouth was screaming for something so I started sucking my fingers, forcing them in as far as I could. As he took my cock into his mouth he rammed two fingers into my ass. How wonderful it felt, I was ready to cum. He moved his hand from my nipple to my mouth. Feeling my hand there he pulled my hand from my mouth and pushed his fingers into it.

    I was going crazy, my mouth and ass being finger-fucked as he sucked my cock. I started to pinch and pull my nipples, wishing for a real cock in me. Just as I was ready to cum, he stopped! Everything, sucking and finger fucking me. After waiting what seemed forever, he kissed my nipples then started finger fucking my mouth and ass while sucking me.

    By this time I was so hot. My need for a cock in me was so great I would have done anything for one. It was not long before I felt an orgasm approaching. And, again, he stopped. I was so delirious I couldn't move. I begged for his cock. He answered, telling me soon, then started working me again.

    But, suddenly, I felt a cock by my mouth. As he fingers left my mouth I took the cock between my lips. As my mouth closed around it I felt how massive it was. It was huge! Before I could relax, it was rammed deep into my mouth. Almost heaven! Now, if I could only get a cock in my ass….. Well, I kept the cock in my mouth, enjoying everything. All too soon the cock exploded cum in my mouth. I tried swallowing as much as I could but there was soon much. I kept sucking and, when the cock was limp. It was pulled from my mouth.

    My own orgasm neared and I expected my partner to be stopping soon. And, he did. By now I felt hat if he just licked my cock I would cum. I reached for my cock, wanting to cum so badly, but he stopped me. Then I heard him ask if I wanted to cum or be fucked. I begged him to fuck me, knowing that I would cum while he was fucking me. He smiled and kissed me. Then, to my surprise, he wrapped a leather strap around the base of my cock, tight enough to prevent me from cumming!

    He then grabbed me by my nipples and had me stand. Still pulling my nipples he kissed me then had me kneel before him. I helped him unfasten his pants, releasing his hard cock. I quickly took it in my mouth, covering it with spit. As he work his cock in and out of my mouth I realized that it was large, both in length and girth. I was having a difficult time taking it in my mouth. I knew when he rammed it into me it would stretch me like I have never been before.

    He took his cock from my mouth and stepped behind me. As he knelt at my ass I could see that the door to the booth was open and a group of guys were watching us. This only made me hotter and I hoped that someone would let me suck them while I was being fucked. Realizing that there was not enough room in the booth I quickly moved so my head would be in the door-way. As I felt the head of the cock pressing against my ass I was asking for a cock to suck. Then the cock entered my ass. He pushed it in so slowly, very slowly. I tried going backwards, speeding the entry of the cock into my ass but was stopped. This was driving me crazy! After what seemed to be forever I felt the cock deep in me then slowly begin to withdraw. I was begging for more and harder but he just kept moving it slowly.

    My pleas for more were stopped by a cock being put into my mouth. Hungry for it, I started sucking, tasting its pre-cum. I was almost in heaven, having a cock in my mouth and ass at the same time. I could hear them kissing as they used me but that only made me want more.

    When I felt the cock in my mouth begin to cum I started swallowing as fast as I could. Then I felt cum filling my ass. How I wanted even more.

    Both cock limp, they withdrew from my mouth and ass and I heard myself begging for more. The guys who had been watching us were standing with their cocks in their hands and I could tell they were close to cumming. Hoping for more I started to move to them when one shot his load, covering my face. The others soon followed and I was trying to catch the cum with my mouth.

    Finished, they put their cocks into their pants and left me covered with cum. I started to wipe the cum up with my fingers then suck my finger clean when I heard a voice behind me. I had forgotten about him! He told me not to clean-up but to come to his house for some more fun. Agreeing, I grabbed my clothes and followed him out.

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  14. The other day I had a date with a guy who got tied up in a job interview. So having a few minutes to kill, I decided to go to the local adult bookstore and get some necessary items like poppers and a butt plug. When I got to the bookstore (no arcade), there was a guy sitting in his truck in the parking lot. He looked at me as I went in and then he came in. He looked over at me and I looked him in the eye and it was obvious what he wanted.

    I left the bookstore and went to my car and he pulled out behind me. I pulled onto a side street and he pulled in behind me in a parking lot and pulled his truck up next to my car. Rolling the window down, he said a hesitant hello. I said hi and asked what he was looking for. He stammered and then I jumped in and told him I liked to get fucked.

    He asked me if I wanted to come over to his vehicle and I said yes. I climbed into his truck and he said he did not have a place to go and I told him I lived a distance out of town. He then drove to a parking lot near a local college and parked in the parking lot. It was on a hill and had a very good view of oncoming traffic. He also had tinted windows but I could see in when he came up next to me and was sure anyone passing by could see in as well.

    He told me that he liked being pleased and wanted me to take all my clothes off but by tee and briefs. I did as I was told. Sitting there in my underwear, I became extremely aroused and my cock started to grow. I reached down and rubbed and he grabbed my hand. He told me not to touch my cock that he was going to rip my briefs off and shove them in my mouth if I did. Once again, I did as I was told.

    I reached over and put my hand on his crotch and felt a massive tool bulging inside his jeans. He undid his zipper and lowered his pants and he had a cock that was about 8" long and very very fat. I told him I wanted him to fuck me. He said he did not want to hurt me and I told him I could take his cock. Not here he said. He pulled his pants up and started his truck. He drove across town to his office and said we could go in there. When we arrived not everyone had left so he said we would drive someplace else.

    We drove to a development which was under construction and, parking among the vehicles of the construction workers, he made me lick his balls. They were very fat, low hanging balls and all I wanted to do was feel them slapping against my ass. I started to rub my cock and he reached over and grabbed my briefs. He said he had warned me as he ripped them off me and shoved them in my mouth. He then got out of the truck and opened the passenger door. Jerking me out of the truck, he grabbed my tee and ripped it off as well. I was standing there wearing nothing but the elastic band from my jockey shorts as he bent me over the seat and proceeded to put some spit on the head of his cock. He put the thick mushroom head against my hole and shoved the entire girth of his cock in my ass. It did hurt like hell for a moment but then I got use to his animalistic thrusts and enjoyed every second of the assault. I did not notice that he had not bothered to put a condom on and was fucking me raw. This is the way I like it as I usually get fucked bareback. I reached around and felt his bare cock slamming in and out of me and this turned me on so much that I begged him to cum in my ass. He rammed even harder and told me to beg for it. I did as that was all I could possible think of was getting his cum in my ass. I felt his cock get harder and harder and knew he was about to cum, so I tightened up the muscles on my ass as I felt him squirt hot gobs of his thick white cum inside me.

    He pulled out and took what was left of my tee shirt and wiped-off his cock. We were both startled when two constructions workers came-up behind him asked if he minded it they got tail. He told them to be his guest and the first one stepped up behind me and lowered his pants. I could see his cock was nice one, if not quite as fat as the one I had just had. He said he didn't have a condom and the man who had just fucked me told me to take his cum in my ass as well. As the man pumped my ass, I surmised he would cum very quickly - and he did. As he stepped away the other construction worker (a black guy) stepped up for his turn. I was very very impressed with the size of his cock and knew I needed to do a hit of poppers for him. His tool was probably over 10" and fat. I did a hit of poppers as he walked up and without any hesitation, put the head of his cock on my cum lubed hole and slammed his entire cock inside me. I begged for him to cum in my ass and knew that he was shoving the other two guys cum as far up inside me as he could. He fucked me for a while and then grabbed my waist and I knew he was going to flood my ass. I begged for his cum in my ass as well as he exploded inside me. I could feel his cock spasm as his jizz squirted deep in my guts.

    I grabbed my cock and jerked it a few times and shot cum all over the ground. The guy who owned the truck took what was left of my underwear and wiped me clean. I took the butt plug from the bag of goodies I had bought and he inserted it for me. I did not want to lose any of the cum in my ass as my bf likes for me to take loads from other guys and then let him fuck me. Needless to say, I did not make it to see the first guy I was going to see, but I did go home with a lot of cum in my ass and when I told my bf the story, I got the fucking of my life.

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  15. On my day off I decided to go to the gay movie theater. after spending a few minutes there, I went into what they call the dark room. And dark room it was, you could barley see in front of you. Carefully moving into the room I found a wall I could lean against. Since it was a side wall I stood on my side to look at the film being showed of this black guy practically raping this white guy with his enormous cock.

    The look on the white guys face was incredible. I really believe he was in real pain being impaled by this horse dick. As I was watching the flick I could feel someone stand behind me. I didn't turn around not that I would have been able to see him anyway, but by now I was hot and horny. My 7 inch cock was pushed hard into my jeans.

    Rubbing my cock thru my jeans I backed up slightly and could feel this guy's hard cock hit my ass. he started a few thrusting motions with his hips, his cock banging against my ass. I was really hot now and pushed my ass against his hard crotch. He started to moan slightly, but from the sound of his moan I could tell that he was an afro american. He reached around me and rubbed my hard cock, then unbuckled my belt. I helped him along by undoing my zipper and pulling them down along with my thongs. He dropped his pants and underwear and rubbed his fuckin big cock up and down my asscrack. I had already lubed my asshole prior to coming to the theater, so he had no problem sticking a finger up my hot hole.

    He worked his finger then two in and out my fuckhole for a few minutes as I jerked my cock. He pulled is fingers out and pressed his cockhead against my opening. It was electric. I bared down to accept his cockhead andhe pushed his mushroom head into me. My ass muscles reacted immediatley to the pain. I guess he realized this and stopped pushing till i got used of his massive cockhead inside of me. As my asshole opened up for the intrusion he pushed more hard cock in till I could feel is cockhairs and balls against my asscheeks. He stood like that for a moment then started to work his giant black cock in and out my chute.

    By now I was reacting by pushing back on his cock with each of his hard thrusts. This guy was raping my fuckhole and I was loving every bit of it or should I say inch of it and there were a lot of inches.He grunted every time he rammed his dick into my hot asshole. All I could do was moan and jerk my dripping cock. this went on for a while. This guy had great stamina, but I could tell he was ready to give me his manjuice. His thrusts became fast and strong. Holding on to my hips as he drove his fuckin cock deep inside my manhole. then I could feel his cock go into spasms as he shot his load deep inside me. With his juice putting out my ass fire I exploded, my cum shooting out of my cockslit. I don;t even know if i hit anyone with it, and I didn't care.

    He pulled out his softening cock out of me and said thanks. His voice sounded familiar. I said myself could it be my boss. I hadn't spoken till now. I said Trevor and turned around. He said "Art?" With this we both got dressed and left the dark room. In the better light we were both rather surprised to see each other, but I have to say it was fuckin hot to be fucked by your own boss and enjoy it too.

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  16. i went on a blind date saturday night... a hot hung guy i met off the chat lines... he was 6'4" 210 blk hair and blue eyes (the deepest blue i've ever seen) greek 24 yrs old and hung about 10 x 5 cut. i went over to his house saturday night where we had a few drinks...

    after we both had a little bit of a buzz, i started to rub his crotch through his jeans. i was surprised when his cock start to grow and throb and came popped out above his waist band. he was even more in shock when i took it in my mouth and started to suck on it... when it was good and wet, i was able to go all the way down on it (thank god for no gag reflexes). i went down a few times and he started to moan. before i knew it and could get horny myself, he shot a large load down my throat.

    the next thing i knew, he pick me up (a very muscular man) flipped me over the back of the couch and litterly ripped my jeans down. he lubed up his still hard throbbing cock and my ass hole and shoved it in. i almost came with the first shove. luckily i didn't. he was pounding away (when i say pounding, i mean putting all of his 210lbs behind it). i have never been fucked like this before. he fuck me for about 15 minutes when i heard the door behind me slam. i look around him (as he did not miss a stoke) and saw a few of his buddies had showed up for a visit. frank (my blind date) told the guys to strip and join in.

    ben was a tipical german, 30 blond blue 6'0" about 195lbs and had about 9" thick and uncut....he started to fuck my mouth while standing at the end of the couch. frank was now on his knees on the couch fucking the shit out of me while ben was fucking my mouth. after frank dumped his load in my ass it was ben's turn. as he started to pound away, carlos, a very good look and well built mexican man (33yrs 5'9" blk/brn 9"x5" couldn't tell if he was cut or not because he was already hard) came over to take ben's place in my mouth.

    the head of his cock was the biggest i have ever seen. it was about the size of a beer can. then shoved it down my throat and for the first time, i almost gaged. this was a strange feeling. ben fucked just like a german, fast short hard strokes. i wanted to grab my cock and stroke it off but frank came over and held my hands flat on the couch (allowing me to support myself in my all fours stance). carlos shot his load down my throat at the same time ben shoved his thobbing meat deep to dump his. i could feel the precum dripping out of my cock at this point. but i was not done yet.

    meason, he is 22 and italian 6'1" 170 brn/brn and also built with about 10" x 3" came over to shove his cock down my throat. i thought that was it. then carlos told me he was still was horny. he shoved the huge head in my open hole and started fucking away. i was well lubed up with lube and cum and loosened up. he started pulling his cock out letting my lipps close around that big red light bulb of a head and then shoving it back in. meason and carols were kissing above me. meason shot his load down my throat and pulled out.

    carlos informed me he could go a long time the second time around. he then pulled out. frank picked me up in his arms and placed me on my back on the coffee table. carlos again shoved his cock into my now somewhat sore and totally filled hole and continued to slam fuck while frank bent my head backward off the edge of the coffee table. he then got on his knees and fuck my mouth again. the other two guys stood next to me (one on either side) and started to jerk off. almost as if we were in a porno movie... carlos and frank shot there loads inside of me... then i came without touching myself (a first for me) and i was shocked when i felt it hit my face and hair... my body started to shake a little at this point... ben and meason then shot there loads onto my chest and face.

    it was a messy cum filled night... the bad news is i am still really sore... the good news is i have another date with frank next week...

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  17. After a tough workout at the gym, I went into the locker room to check out the action. There were many guys in various states of undress. Some were naked, but there were men in Calvin Klein boxerbriefs, jockeys, and jockstraps. I love the sight of these almost naked men. When I see a man fully dressed, I always try to imagine what he's wearing underneath. You see, I've always had a thing for underwear (especially jockstraps). A man in a worn and well used jockstrap really gets my juices flowing. There's something about sucking a man through the cotton of his jock that's a turn on for me.

    One guy was tall and very good looking. He was wearing a blue jockstrap, which barely contained his big package. Turning towards his locker, gave me an unencumbered view of his tight buns, perfectly framed by the straps of his jock. I felt my dick respond, making me tent the front of my running shorts. Before he could see me watching him, my gaze was averted to an equally appealing dude.

    Naked, the stud had black hair, and a mustache. He was also very hairy. The hair on his chest swirled down to form a beautiful bush, on which nested the largest uncut dick that I'd ever seen. Reaching for a small, white Speedo, I was taking bets as to whether, or not, he would be able to conceal his crotch. I looked in amazement as he stuffed himself into the small pouch! Once he did, I marveled at the basket that he was showing. Seeing my burgeoning basket, the man smiled at me and stroked the front of his suit.

    Before I could react, someone bumped into my back. I turned and saw a young guy, about 22, dressed in Levi's, with a yellow tank top. Opening the locker next to mine, I watched him strip off the tank top. His muscular arms were outdone by his perfectly chiseled chest. The large pecs and "six pack" abs, made me yearn to see more.

    Unbuttoning his jeans, he lowered them until I saw his toned and muscular legs. A body builder, I thought. He removed his watch, and the gold chain around his neck. The only piece of jewelry that remained was his wedding ring. Damn, I thought, why are all the studs I find married? Folding his jeans, he placed them in the locker. There he stood, completely naked. Evidently, he had muscles everywhere, as I stared at his dick. It was as perfect as the rest of him! Even flaccid, it was huge. At least 5 inches long, and very thick. He bent over into his gym bag, giving me a perfect view of his bubble butt. I saw him take out a crisp, white jock. When he got it on, I was staring at the man of my dreams! Slipping into a tight pair of gym shorts did nothing to hide his massive basket. I watched, as he put his hand down his shorts, squeezed a few times and, then, rearranged it. He went off to his workout, leaving me with an erection that wouldn't quit.

    When I slipped into my brief swim trunks, I could feel all the men staring at my hard-on. After successfully jamming my dick into my grey Speedo, I headed for the steam room. I thought this would take care of my stiff dick. The steam clouded my view of the room, so I used the walls to guide me to an empty spot. I found a spot on the second ledge. As I hoisted myself into position, I raked my body over a dude on the first level. In an effort to help me up, I felt his strong hands on the front of my suit. Feeling my erection, he cupped my dick. The feeling was electric. After a few more sensual gropes. I took my seat, immediately above the man.

    Once on the ledge, my eyes became accustomed to the steam. I saw two men wearing Speedos, like mine, and three others naked, with towels draped across their crotches. The blonde man who helped me up, sat naked, slowly stroking his own dick. I also noticed that two of the other men, were stroking their dicks beneath their towels. Boy, if I came here to control my hard-on, I was certainly in the wrong place!

    I was about to start fondling myself, when the door opened. Through the haze of steam, I saw that it was the guy wearing the blue jock. He stood in the middle of the room, looking around. When he saw me, he moved over to sit beside me. Even through the steam, I could tell his was looking at me. A moment later, he took my hand and placed it on his crotch. Squeezing it lightly, I could feel him getting hard. His moans told me that I way pleasing him. The blue jock tented to the point of bursting. The cloth rose to expose his balls. I rubbed them until he shifted his position, Bracing his back on the wall next to us, his knees came up, inviting me for a closer inspection.

    With my head between his knees, I lapped the sweat from his sac. He moaned louder this time, pulling the pouch away from his, equally sweaty, dick. My lips moved to capture the smell of his man-sweat. Licking it slowly, the guy grabbed my head, and I felt the tip of his dick enter my mouth. The blonde beneath us stroked my dick through my Speedos. I grunted as I felt his hand freeing my erection. Stroking both of our hard-ons. I noticed another man joining in and sucking on the blondes stiff prod. Soon, we were surrounded by the other men in the steam room. I felt hands everywhere. My back and legs were treated to gentle caresses from all sides. The man in the blue jock also had his share of hands, as they rubbed his nipples, arms, and belly. He was breathing heavy, and groaning at all the attention being paid to him. I could hear the other men beating off.

    The steam room orgy was cut short when the door opened. I raised my head off of the dick I had been sucking, as the other men scrambled back to their places. From my vantage point, I could see that is was the muscle stud that I'd been lusting after in the locker room. He had doffed his gym shorts, and untied his hair. It flowed around his shoulders, making him look like a Greek God. He stood in the center of the room, giving me another chance to feast on his beauty. He sat next to two of the men who had been a part of our little group. One man was stroking his own hard dick, while the other one reached over to fondle Mr. Muscle. Pushing away the hands, the man walked away. Scoping out a familiar face, he recognized me, and joined me on my perch. "I was at the gym just to work out. That other stuff in the steam room was totally uncalled for! "I was taking some steam to relax my overworked muscles."

    "I'm a great masseur." I said. "You want me to work out some of those kinks?" He relaxed, and let me begin. His beefy arms were first. Kneading them, with the proper amount of pressure, had the man moaning with delight. Both shoulders were next. My massage became more sensual. I let my hands stray from his shoulders, to brush across his pecs, This feeling caused him to emit a satisfied moan. My hands played on his rock, hard chest. He groaned, quietly. Running my fingers across his nipples, I could feel them getting as hard as his pecs. My hands moved lower, kneading his abs. His tight muscles relaxed to my touch. Spreading out my fingers, I rubbed his stomach, and waist.

    Groaning with pleasure, he scooted his back closer to me. My Speedo came in contact with his perfect butt. I was afraid, that when he felt my hard-on, he'd move away as he did with the others. Instead, he nuzzled closer, and I felt him rubbing himself into my groin.

    I don't know if it was the steam, but I was getting awfully hot in that room! Hearing the anonymous sounds of other men, grunting and groaning, had it's effect on the Greek God sitting against me. My wary fingers made their way to the front of his jock. I felt his dick trapped inside the pouch of the strap. I snuck my fingers under the pouch, and his downy soft balls were churning away, making the stuff that he, regularly, gave to his wife.

    "Man, that feels great!" he said. At the same time, his hands reached behind him, and lowered the waistband of my suit until my dick sprang forth, finding its resting place between my partners solid asscheeks. Raising his hips, he soon had my dick slipping and sliding between his tight buns.

    At the same time, I had started stroking the front of his jock. Neither of us had said anything. My hands were too busy stroking his cock, and he was giving my dick a ride between his cheeks. I moaned when I felt some of his pre-cum soak his pouch. Turning him to face me, I continued to stroke him. His dick got rock hard. and began to empty his load inside the jockstrap. "AAAWWWW!" he moaned. The other sounds in the room, made his final grunt almost imperceptible. as he humped my hands, as they worked on his dick. I felt the cotton of his pouch become saturated with his ejaculate.

    The blonde sitting below us tried to get involved by stroking us with his hands. My partner, however, pushed his hands away, so that we could concentrate of each other. He pulled my Speedo up over my dick, and rubbed furiously. Now I know how guys feel as I'm rubbing them through their underwear! After a few, quick stroke, my suit was filled with my hot, steamy load Laying back, our eyes finally met, and I could see a big ‘thank you' in his eyes.

    He left, obviously, to find a shower. Me, I just lay there, until I disappeared in the steam. After a few minutes, I felt the need for a shower, myself. Padding down the hall with my towel, I heard one of the showers still running. Walking into the showers, I saw the man from my earlier encounter. Naked, he was rinsing off his cum-stained jock. His prick, though not hard, still lived up to the man of my dreams. Taking the shower next to him, I said "What went on in the steam room was pretty hot, wasn't it?"

    "I'll say, he replied. "You know, I've never done anything like that before! I guess it was just the heat of the moment. It was obvious that everyone was enjoying themselves, judging from the sounds round us. You know, making it with another guy has always been a fantasy of mine."

    "Well you certainly rose to the challenge" I said, soaping up the front of my Speedo. I had stains to rinse off, too. "I can't remember when I've had a more exciting time at the gym!"

    "I think it's going to get better" he said. "You know, that suit should be rinsed off to avoid any embarrassing stains" as he took over scrubbing the front of my suit. The combination of seeing him naked, plus what he was doing to me, was getting my dick hard again. If he didn't stop what he was doing, there would be another stain to clean up. As if he was reading my mind, he said "Hey, I took my jock off to rinse it out, so why don't you slip out of your suit?" I did so, immediately. We both stood naked, letting the spray of warm water cascade over our bodies. With my suit in his hands, he lovingly cleaned, and rinsed, it off. What a sight! Draping my suit on the shower pipe, he soaped up my crotch. "You've got to be clean all over." Clean, and hard, I thought, as his hands caused my dick to lengthen even more. I also noticed this his cock was on the rise as swell. Grabbing the soap, I lathered up his crotch. "Aaww, man, you've got such a nice touch," he said. as he increased the speed on my cock. Soon, both of us has ball-busting erections.

    "Maybe we should continue this someplace a little more private." We rinsed off. He grabbed his jock, and my suit. Wrapping our towels around ourselves, he followed me. "The sauna is closed for repairs. Why don't we go in there?" The sign on the glass door read CLOSED FOR RENOVATION. We walked in to the darkened room and sat on a bench behind a high pile of wood panels that were going to be installed. Away from prying eyes. I said "Well, you can't get more private than this." I reached over to caress his crotch. I could feel him through his towel. "Well, well" I said, feeling his cock respond. "It feels like you'll be ready to go again, soon." Reaching under his towel, I wrapped my hand around his rising dick.

    Groaning, he said "I think you're right. You know, I thought this was going to be a one time experience for me, but after what happened earlier, I want to do more!" With that, he yanked off my towel, and handed me his jock. "Here, put this on." I shimmied into the wet jock. It was so cool, remembering that he had been wearing it when the came, and it gave me an instant hard-on. "Does it feel good?"

    "Hell, yeah" I said, as he started stroking my dick. "It feels wonderful!" Kneeling between his legs, I parted his towel. "I want to make love to your beautiful body." Gently, I pulled on the towel, moving him closer to the edge of the bench. "Get ready. because what I'm going to do with you will be something you'll always remember." Parting his legs, I began to lick and suck on his balls. Then, lifting his balls, I spread the cheeks of his ass, and blew my hot breath around his hole.

    "Mmmmm, yeah, dude. That feels so good!" When my tongue connected with his hole, he yelped. "Aaahhh, yeah, man!" He shuddered when he felt my tongue invading his impossibly tight hole. His legs wrapped around my head, as he forced more of his ass onto my tongue. Putting his legs against the walls, I sucked and rimmed him, until his moans got so loud, that I was afraid they would be heard throughout the gym. "Aaawww, lick it! Suck it!" he yelled. He braced his back with his hands, allowing me to keep up my rim job, I grabbed for his hard cock, and stroked him. "You've got be on fire!" he gasped, luxuriating in all of the sensations I was causing. "Ooohhhh, man, stop it! Stop it, or I'll shoot again!" My mouth left his ass, and his legs slid off the wall. His cock was already so hard that I released it to prolong his orgasm.

    Sitting up, he mashed his mouth on my lips in a deep, sensuous kiss. I'd never expected him to react like that. "Ohh, yeah, kiss me, you muscle stud! Kiss me harder" I said, burying my tongue into his mouth. He sucked on it, as his hands roamed across my back. "Uunnhh" I groaned, as his fingers grabbed and twisted my nipples. "Do it to me. Pinch my pecs, man. Squeeze ‘em tight! Aaawwww, yeahhh!" His mouth traveled down my body, and he sucked and bit both of my nipples. I was trembling, and my cock was threatening to rip through the pouch of his jock. Standing him up, I rubbed our crotches together.

    "Yes," he cried, as our bodies ground together. "More! I'm so turned on by you right now. Suck me, lick me. Do whatever you want!" He was begging me for it, now. He wanted me, and I wanted it all! "Love me, baby." he growled, as his hands cupped the cheeks of my ass. He was consumed by his lust. Kissing me fiercely, his fingers began to probe my ass pucker. "I want you, dude! I want to do everything!"

    Grabbing my nylon Speedo, he attempted to put it on. He couldn't get it over his rock, hard asscheeks, only managing to pull the front up over his hard-on. Though he managed to contain his steely rod, his balls wouldn't fit, and they hung down between his legs. "Oh, baby, yes" I grinned at the sight before me. "It's like trying to put a cork back into a bottle of Dom Perignon." Pulling him down to the floor, I got us into a 69 position. He licked my legs outside his jock. "Mmmmm, lick me. Use that hot tongue of yours, stud! My body is all yours, man. Do whatever feels good to you!" His mouth sucked the entire jock that I was wearing. My lust was uncontrollable. I sucked and licked the balls that wouldn't fit his entire crotch.

    "I need another taste of your gorgeous ass!" Since my Speedo covered only half of him, it was for my fingers to part his cheeks. Bending slightly, I pulled his ass over my face.

    "Aaawww, yeah" he groaned, as my tongue delved deeper into his waiting hole. "Damn. that feels abso-fucking-lutely wonderful!" he panted, as he grabbed my cock beneath the jock. Sucking the tip through the pouch, soon gave way to pulling out my cock, and licking and sucking all over my sensitive cock. "This is what I want! I need to suck on your bare cock, as it slides in and out of my mouth!" For a novice cocksucker, he knew just the right buttons to push. As much as I wanted to, I resisted ramming my whole length down his throat. I wanted him to take it as his own speed, and it certainly paid off. Each bob of his head drew my cock deeper into his mouth. Soon I felt his lips in my pubic patch.

    "Aaaaawwww, yeah, baby! You've got all of me inside you!" His primal instincts took over and, soon, he was fucking my face like a pro. I sucked the rim of his hole, introducing one of my fingers. His groaning told me that one finger wasn't enough would not be enough to satisfy his new-found desire. That's when I added a second.

    "Do it, man! Slip those fingers night up my ass!" I moved farther up his straining, and very tight, virgin ass. That's it, dude. Ream me out with those fucking fingers!" Knocking his prostate, caused him to shiver. "UUUUUHHH, fuck! Hit it again" he yelled, twisting his ass onto my fingers. The second time, caused a copious amount of pre-cum to dribble out of his cock, staining my Speedo, which became useless as a covering for his stiff poker. "Keep it up, man. What you're doing to me now is driving me up the wall!

    Pulling my prick from his hungry mouth, prompting me to say "I think you're ready for the next step of your initiation." Yanking my Speedo from his body, I Shoved it into his open mouth. "Here. Chew on this, while I get you ready to experience a fuck that you'll never forget!" Moaning, he sucked on the nylon, while my tongue went back to work on his ass.

    His ass was slick, and sweaty. My mouth clamped down on his hungry hole. "Oh, y-yes!" he muffled, with my suit in his mouth. My tongue slid back into his hole. Spitting out my Speedo, he yelled "Sweet fuck, push it in deeper!" I was happy to oblige. The deeper I went. the louder he screamed. "Mmmmmm. aauuuggghhhh, shit! You've got me hotter than I've ever been before" he grunted. I put my trunks back into his mouth.

    I stretched his hole, and inserted three fingers. His grunts were telling me that he was enjoying what I was doing. Wiggling my fingers up his ass, brought more grunts and groans from my Greek God. "That's it, my muscle stud. I want you so hot, that you'll be begging for my cock!" Moving my head to his chest, my mouth clamped down on one of his sensitive nipples. Biting down hard, he gasped, as my fingers connected with his prostate. He was moaning, and trembling. Releasing my hold on his tit, my mouth went to his face. Kissing and licking his face, he spat my nylon gag from his mouth. Kissing me full on the mouth, I felt his tongue ram down my throat. I broke the very wet, and passionate kiss. "Damn, it looks like you're almost ready for the next step."

    He was panting and grunting, as he tossed his body to and fro. "Yes, oh yes! Hurry. I don't think I can take much more!" I knew he was ready, but I had to hear the words from his own mouth. My three fingers were fucking his ass in deep and steady strokes His cock was sending out a steady stream of pre-cum. I knew that if I touched it, his cum would blast out of his swelling cock. After another minute of my extreme torture, I finally heard the words that I'd been waiting for. "I can't take it anymore! Fuck me!! Fuck my ass! Aaawww, man, fuck my ass!" That's all I needed to hear. Shoving my Speedo gag, once again, in his mouth, I raised his legs, and teased his hole with my cock. "Fuck, don't tease me, fuck me! Ram your big cock inside me!" My teasing ended, and I shoved the tip of my cock past his sphincter muscles. Tensing, for just a moment, I heard his guttural cries of "YESSSSS! Y-YESSS!"

    Shoving more of my cock into his ass, I felt his muscles relaxing. "My big dick is reaming out your hole." When I felt my balls brush against his ass, I knew that I had managed to get all of my cock, deep into his ass. That's when I started pulling back and pushing forward a slow, and gentle, fuck. "I'm fucking your ass, stud. Do you like my dick up your ass?" He nodded, and his grunting and groaning told me that he was enjoying his first fuck. "You want it harder?" Another nod. "You want it faster?" He grabbed my hips, pulling me in and out of his steamy fuck hole. All the while. he was chewing, and sucking, on my Speedo. My cock, feeling the heat, and pressure, from his asshole, was ready to explode. I saw that his cock was still as hard as a rock. "I hate to cum alone" I said, as I grabbed his throbbing penis.

    When I scraped his prostate again, combined with my stroking of his cock, he let out a high pitched scream, that even my suit could not squelch. "MMMMM, UNGHH, UNGHHH, UUNNGGGHHHH! OOOOHHHH!!!" His load blasted from the tip of his cock with such force, that it sprayed all the way to my face! The feel of his hot cream on my cheeks, made me fuck him even faster. His hands were on my asscheeks, urging me deeper. The contractions of his ass muscles, caused by the sheer force of his orgasm, sent me over the edge.

    "F-FUCK, YEAHHH!" I screamed. "TAKE IT UP YOUR ASS, MAN! FEEL ME COATING YOUR INSIDES! UUUUUHHHMMMMMMM, FUCK!" Slamming into him one, last time, I fell on top of him. Withdrawing his gag, our lips met in the most wonderful, passionate, kiss.

    Untangling ourselves, we managed to put on our respective jocks and Speedos. Opening the sauna door a crack to see if the coast was clear, he kissed me one last time. "You were so right about promising me something that I'll never forget." We hugged and went our separate ways.

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  18. I was on my lunch break and needed some relief BAD. I decided to go to the usual restroom to see if there was any action. I walked into the stall, and only had to wait a few minutes till the next stall was taken. Since there is no hole, the only way to know if someone is looking for action, is to tap your foot. I looked down and the guy was definitely tapping. I slipped a note under the stall but got no reply. When it was safe to make a move, the guy in the next stall knelt down and spread his legs. I quickly bent over to reach under the wall. He had a soft cock. Only about 6 in. and uncut. His balls were small and clung tight. From the way his cock felt I knew who it was.

    Norbert frequented this restroom and we had played with each other on numerous occasions. Usually we would leave a mess on the floor. About that time someone walked in, so we quickly righted ourselves. When the new guy left it was my turn. I knelt down for him. He reached under and started stroking me. This went on for a little while. Due to others coming in to the restroom we could never finish, so we kept on switching positions.

    On one time while I was stroking him he moved my hand back to his asshole. As I touched his bud he moaned. I knew what he wanted. I inserted the tip of my finger in his bunghole and he sighed even more. I pulled out and spit on my finger for lube.

    Someone entered so again I had to stop. I heard a lot of shuffling going on in the stall. When it was safe again, I got a bigger surprise. The guy had taken off his shoes and pants and was sitting on the floor. He shuffled as much as possible into my side so I could finger fuck him. As I did that he played with his limp dick. He had put on a leather cock strap during one of our interruptions. This helped his cock stay soft. He wasn't allowing it to get engorged and hard.

    Due to the nature of this restroom we were getting interrupted often. The next time we were interrupted before we could start up he whispered to me. He wanted to know if I had time to fuck him. I said I would make time. Normally he would want me to come back, but this day he wanted it bad. He unlocked his stall, and when it was clear I stepped in. There he was, already bent over and waiting. His ass was small and round. I tried to enter him but he was tight. Being new to this I wasn't sure how tight it should be. He stood up and grabbed a bottle of lotion out of his coat. He put a little on my cock head. Spread his cheeks and lathered his hole up. I proceeded to try again. He bent over and spread his ass for me again. I tried a couple more times to get my cock in but his hole was tight. Each time I tried I got more excited. Precum was oozing out profusely. I really need to bury my cock somewhere.

    We were interrupted again. This time someone brought their kid in to use the restroom, so we had to be very careful. I turned around so my feet were facing the right way and Norb moved off the side of the commode so his weren't seen. He wanted to try one more time so I gave it a shot. This time though, he reached back and pulled the hole open a little. That was all it needed. I put my cockhead to the opening and started sliding it in. Since he was so tight I took it easy at first. But once his sphincter loosened enough, I rode him.

    Not knowing how long we had till someone else came in, I fucked him fast. He reached around and played with my nutsack as I fucked him. I also reached around and was jerking his as I plowed his ass. As I went deep he would force my cock deeper. Man, he was tight. Much tighter than my wife's ass.

    Soon I felt it. Cum was wallowing up and I was ready to explode. I asked him where he wanted it. Since I wasn't wearing a rubber I figured he would want me to pull out. But he didn't. He wanted me to cum in him. A few more strokes and I shot. I spurt at least 5 good shots into that ass before I withdrew.

    As soon as I withdrew someone walked in. We had to shuffle around so you couldn't tell there were two guys in one stall. It turned out that it was just a kid. Norbert was sitting on the john this time and I was standing next to it. With my cock at the right height he started sucking it. Trying to get the last drops out. When it was clear I excused myself and left.

    I have not been able to catch him at the right time since that day. Normally we just jerk each other off. Whomever cums first gets satisfied then leaves. So the other has to wait.

  19. Saturday was rainy and cold, but still went to the park. SUPER HORNY and just wanted to suck some dick! Didn't look hopeful, some of the usual where there, none that I really wanted to play with. So walked around and even went to the other side of the Park. Where I met a really HOT LATINO BEAR!!! DUDES, this guy was to fine for words and he was ready to play. He made it real clear that he was the TOP and he wanted to FUCK! LONG AND HARD!

    So down the stairs behind the wall and into the bushes we went. Dude has his BIG and THICK DICK out and ready in seconds. Started by sucking him, He really got into grabbing the back of my head and FUCKING FACE big time. We weren't to quiet about what was going on. Just having to much fun to care. He reached down and spread my ass and started spitting on my ass cheeks. BEAR wanted to FUCK! He pulled me up and started swapping spit, while DADDY worked lube into my HOT PUSSY! He didn't just turn me around, but pushed me against the cold cement and started FUCKING!! SLAMMED right into my PUSSY ASS! Was talking in spainish, but puta was used a lot, so guess he was REALLY into FUCKING a WHORE (-;!

    We attracted attention, because I noticed Herman (a tall thin black guy who lurks in the bushes and watches, also know to break up HOT SEX when he frightens the hell of guys) watching from the top of the wall. The SOB had climbed up on the wall, which is 10-15 feet @ that point and wedged himself between it and tree limbs. The dude doing the FUCKING didn't notice him and I certainly wasn't going to stop him to point it out. Matter of fact, the police could have been video taping and I doubt we would have stopped!

    Needless to say he came big time. Think they heard his moans @ the airport. But that was not the end. When he finally pulled out I turned him around and chewed on his HOT LATINO ASS for a good 10-15 minutes. Dude was totally into being eaten. So maybe next time, more than one of us will get FUCKED!

    Dude #2 was up on another point of the waterfalls stroking a nice Dick. When his say the Bear leave he made several jumps to make his way to where I was pulling things together. He didn't even say a word, just walked up stroking the dick and pushed my head onto it. Not as big as the Latinos, but enough to chew on. Dud was on poppers and sadly kept losing his hard-on. He wanted to Fuck and even tried, but just wasn't hard enough. Finally I suggested we take a break and we both left the bushes.

    Well, two dicks in less than an hour got me really going. So went over to Melrose and checked out the area. To early for much, but did have some fun. I really HOT BEAR was walking pay, gave me the once over and walked into the parking lot. I met him behind the bushes and took his HARD DICK in my mouth. Dude was super horny, he came very quickly. He left just as quickly. I was still on my knees when this 20 something came up and presented is dick. Not much to talk about, but sucked him off anyway.

    So now up to four Dicks and it's not even 2:00am. Had a 5th dick. Another amazing one, but dude was drunk and couldn't stay hard.

    As I was leaving to go home, got cruised by what could have been #6. But the dude was just coming from Club Z. We've played before. He has a HUGE DICK and loves to FUCK! A LOT! Last time he fucked me 4 different time. It was in the old Basic Plumbing where I was working. Was supposed to be cleaning, but got one last FUCK in the sling. DUDE really knows how to throw a GOOD FUCK! Well, gave him my number and we're supposed to get together. When we do, I tell Ya about it.

  20. I was standing in the doorway talking to the guy inside. I'm not sure how we started talking, conversation is rarely one of the things that occurs in a place like this.

    I occasionally frequent the local "bathhouse," this one billed at a gym and club. It has the usual universal gym machine that only gets used by guys quickly trying to pump up, a TV room showing porn movies, and about 50 or so small cubicles with locker, platform bed, and door.

    I hadn't been there more than 30 minutes and had already fucked the hell out of some tight little guy who had shot his wad in the process and left. Unfortunately - or maybe fortunately - I hadn't dropped my load. I had talked to a guy in the shower who was refreshing himself after some dude tried to suck him dry, he said. He was an older guy decent shape, but not a turn on. He went back to his cube where I found him and was now talking to him. Strictly platonic, though he did occasional adjust his cock under his towel as he sat on his bed.

    I had actually noticed the cute little blond guy before as I made my first round of the club. He was a little dream, slender, not especially muscled up but still with a nice build, blond as the noon day sun, and a face that could be a model anywhere. There were more than me checking this little prize out as he walked around. Somehow, I sensed this guy had an "attitude." Now, standing in the doorway and talking to Jim, I noticed him walk by, glance at me and peer into the room. I smiled.

    On his second pass, I said hello, and he stopped just long enough to me to reach out and stroke his back down across his towel-covered little ass. "Nice." I said. "Yeah," he said. "Everybody is trying to get me!" "And were they successful?" I asked. "Not a chance with this crowd. I don't screw around with anybody." I smiled as I kept stroking his back. Then I took his other hand and slid it down to my crotch, letting him feel the size of my growing cock. He looked down as his eyes widened. I glanced at the guy in the room and picked up the imperceptible nod and glint in his eyes. Then in one seamless motion, I moved into the cubicle drawing the little blond with me, shutting the door. He didn't resist. And at this point, all conversation had ended.

    I pulled the little guy close to me and let my lips pass his to judge his willingness. And they were willing. My tongue probed deeply down his throat, the location that soon would be filled with more than my tongue. I pulled him back and pushed him down to his knees so he could see that bulging tent in my towel. I undid my towel, letting my hard cock spring forward, right into the little guy's face. He didn't hesitate and forced his mouth over the massive head of that heated rod. He was doing pretty well in starting on about eight and a half inches of cock that could probably cut steel at this point.

    Oh, yes, that's a thick eight and a half inches by the ruler....and on a couple of occasions in a hot group, has even cracked the nine plus inch barrier. That baby is attached to a pretty good body - 6'1", 195 pounds. I've kept in damn good shape, continuing working out from my days when I played college football ten years ago. I'm not bad looking and usually don't suffer from lack of attention, though I must admit - and have been told - I'm a pretty decent, considerate guy. Blondie was sucking like hell, gagging at about half way. I could tell he wasn't the greatest cocksucker I've had. I held the back of his little blond head as I fucked his face, stopping just when I sensed he could take no more. Jim, the guy whose room we were in, reached over and stopped his bobbing head still for a minute as he held a bottle of poppers under his nose. Gasping for air, he breathed deep. Jim looked at me and I smiled, knowing the fury that was soon to come. And it did. When those poppers hit the little blond guy, he went crazy, trying desperately to consume as much saliva-covered cock as he could. I just leaned back and let him work, enjoying the incredible pleasure - both physically and psychologically - on having this sweet little sucking machine on the end of my meat.

    The most blondie got down his throat was about three-fourths of that rock hard cock. I remained passive as not to hurt him, letting him take as much as he could. Jim, meanwhile, was sitting on the edge of his bed stroking a raging hard, keeping the poppers handy. After another deep intake of poppers, I reached down and literally pulled blondie's head off my cock and turned him toward Jim. With the attack of the poppers raging through his brain, he just continued from one hard cock to the other. Now Jim's cock was an average six plus inches and blondie could take that baby all the way down to the base, and that he did.

    As he bent over Jim, he exposed his beautiful little ass to me. I slid my hand across the white glowing little cheeks, slipping my hand between the crack. I almost missed feeling his little hole it was so incredibly tight. I dropped down to my knees now, spreading those cheeks apart, and letting my tongue circle that tender little target, causing shudders to run through his body. His body arched back, willingly giving me full access to my objective. My tongue finally dented that little rosebud, letting me feeling him tense and relax as I kept bombarding what was becoming his hole now. His ass was completely shiny with saliva as I eased one finger into that little spot. Going gently - easing in a bit and then pulling back, only to return a little deeper - and alternating with my probing tongue, I felt his ass begin to unconsciously beg for more.

    Finally, I got one finger completely up his tight little hole, finger-fucking him as I felt it become accustomed to that intruder. I stood up now, seeing his blond head bobbing up and down on Jim's cock, Jim's thumb covering a bottle of ready poppers. I pulled my finger out of his hole only to be replaced with my thumb. Another top had taught me this trick years ago. It was just another step up in size as I felt his little body arch up as something larger entered his hole.

    I started my thumb fucking his hole, pushing in deeply to let the joint stretch his little ring. My other two fingers slipped down on either side of his tight little nuts and small cock, giving leverage and stimulating those little bags of sensation. That also let my thumb drive in and massage the prostate, that internal gland that few know is the center of pleasure. His ass was beginning to go crazy.

    It was time. I had already opened his tight little ass with two big fingers and loosened it up further with a probing thumb that could have gotten any guy off. I looked at Jim and nodded. He held the poppers under blondie's nose again, this time forcing him to take three long breaths.

    After grabbing Jim's lube, I pointed my slick cock right at that reddening hole, and let the one-eyed monster slide back across his crack. I felt him tense a bit, but the poppers were beginning to react. I pushed and the head finally made it inside his first ring. I looked down and saw that stretched hole finally covering the edge of that cockhead. I probed a little further, mentally glad that I had loosened his hole before I attempted to fuck him. He arched his back as the pain shot through his body. But I pulled back, stroking gently in the area I had opened up. He had quit sucking now, and had just buried his head on the pillow next to Jim. The poppers had full control over his body now, creating a demand that he couldn't deny, even with any associated pain. I felt his ass rotate and cautiously thrust back. I gave him more, each time going in a bit deeper. He moaned. I looked down and saw I had just about my whole hard rod pegged deep in his stretched hole. I smiled now, knowing I had his ass in complete control and that now the fucking would begin.

    He arched his back as a couple of more strokes got almost the whole cock into his ass. I pushed him back down and slid in and out a couple of times more, knowing that any pain would subside and give him a feeling of warmth. When I felt he was relaxed enough, I started nice slow stroking, hearing him moan even more. He seemed to relax now, turning his body and glorious ass over to my control. I held his hips as I long-dicked his sweet hole, pulling that glistening cock almost all the way out and then steadily sliding it back in. This continued for a few minutes as I began to pick up speed. Jim was watching wide-eyed, his hand stroking his cock. I motioned for Jim to do his task, and he held the poppers under blondie's nose once again. This time, I took a long hit of poppers, knowing what the wonderful results would be.

    The poppers took hold of both of our bodies at about the same time. I felt him tense as his insides surrounded my cock. I felt a roaring building in my own sweat-covered body now. I slapped my hands on each of his cheeks, a thumb on each side spreading open that beautiful crack, exposing his stretched hole that was gaining experience fast. As the poppers hit, I slammed the whole length of cock up his ass, causing a muffled cry of terror as that baby took complete control. I would pull back and drive in that insatiable cock in what I thought must be the sweetest ass in the world. I rotated that baby, churning the complete insides of my collapsed partner. I leaned across his back, pulling his non-resisting little body into my hard muscles as I fucked his hole with short but deep little strokes, giving him the pleasure that any bottom guy craves. He virtually gave no resistance now, almost being a collapsed piece of hot flesh serving as a container for my hungry meat. And did that baby feed!

    I must have fucked his ass for a good half hour as Jim watched in unbelief. I fucked blondie every way imaginable! I turned the little guy on his back and remounted his ass, this time flipping his legs over my broad shoulders as my cock had full access to his well-fucked hole. I long-dicked him continually, driving that monster right up to the limits, feeling those tight little cheeks nestled right into my crotch. I moved forward, forcing his ass up even higher as my cock just simply acted as a battering ram, pumping in and out like an oil well pump! His head was thrashing about as he took cock like a champ!

    I turned him back over so he was leaning across the bed, his hole now fully opened. I re-entered his sweet little ass in one full thrust, now causing only a continued moan as he buried his head again in the pillow. Jim gave both of us a shot of poppers which I knew would be my last. I wasn't going to hold back much longer.

    As the poppers again hit both of our bodies, I drove in with a final hunger, letting that great cockhead feed deep inside this hot little body. I grabbed his hips for leverage as I started to hit the Big O. He was screaming into his pillow as that massive cock tore into his ass repeatedly, scoring direct hits into parts this little guy didn't know existed. That pulsating cock poured out massive amounts of boiling juice, coating his insides with all that cockhead spit out into him. It lasted what I though was a century - and wished it had been - but I knew was less than a minute. It was probably 45 seconds of pure emotional and physical pleasure, satisfying the primordial urges that we have all had since the beginning of mankind.

    As I came down from that incredible climax and the poppers began to loosen their effect, I kept stroking in and out of his ass, now with a steady rhythm. I looked at Jim who was staring in amazement, still stroking his cock. I motioned him over as he stepped into the saddle where I had opened up a wonderful love pit. He started fucking, sliding effortlessly into that well-fucked hole that was fully lubed with a hot load of cum. Blondie just kept his head down in the pillow, letting this new cock take whatever it wanted from the remainder of his hole.

    I stepped around Jim who was now fucking like a machine. I opened the door a crack and found about several guys standing there. They had been listening intently to the sexual sounds of conquest coming through the door. I smiled as I stood in the door, my towel again wrapped around my sweat-covered body. I motioned for the two best looking bodies to step inside. Others crowded around to get a view, but I held control of the door. Still, they could see Jim fucking this sweet little blond ass while the other two guys now inside lubed up their hard cocks. I pulled the door shut, hearing it click with the secured lock and headed off to the showers.

    I smiled, knowing that this would be one humbled guy, a literal whore now, his arrogance replaced with more cocks than most guys get in a couple of months.

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  21. Hey guys.... I wanted to tell you about a nice hot encounter I had at the baths somewhere here in Los Angeles yesterday... so here's the story. I walk into the baths about 4 p.m, horny as fuckin hell, and immediately I see this Latino guy who got in there about the same time I did, just finished showering and toweling off.

    Man, this was the same guy I met sometime ago whom I fucked and took my load! on that first time, we had fucked standing up, him bent over and me plowing into him and slapping his butt cheeks at the same time till I finally came and dropped my load into him. what made me remember that particular encounter was him wiggling his butt up to the very end to catch my last remaining jizzzz..... HOT!

    And that time when we walked out of the baths, I had a HUGE smile on my face knowing some guy was carrying my load inside him... probably with an equally big grin and whistling, contented and happy..... so here we are again today. I had been thinking about this guy and wondered why the fuck we never traded numbers that last time.

    So.... chance to connect today. this guy's about 5'8, shaved head with a little left on the top, some hair on the chest and legs -- the kind that curls on itself -- nicely muscled, small waist, average cock, GREAT legs, and a BIG BUTT that sticks out. me? I'm 5'5 150 beefy and muscular, built like a wrestler, good arms and legs, Asian mutt, smooth. I'm normally a bottom and can take a severe pounding... and the only thing that can convert me to a top is seeing another stud pussy who needs it more badly than I do. I zero into this guy in the corridor, and our eyes lock.

    We recognize each other. no smiling, no nothing. but I touch him and he stops, and I go behind him. he stands still, his legs spread slightly apart. I slip my hand and reach behind the towel draped over his butt. I know what to expect -- like what I found the first time we played: his butt is lubed and ready. big stud. moist hole. nice pussy.

    I signal him to follow me and we go to the only available room: an open cubicle with the doors taken out. he lies on the bed and right away I slip a finger inside his hot hole. he moans loudly... I smile a little to myself; I know how this is going to end. we get lubed up and again, I know what he wants. no rubbers. just pure raw fucking sex. man to man skin.

    "You like taking loads up your hole, don't you?" I whisper in an evil tone into his ear. "yessssss," he puffs out. I raise his legs on my shoulders and slip my ready cock into his hole. he gasps audibly. and then I proceed to fuck him. it's an intense fuck. we lock lips and suck tongue. I hold his head in a vise as he chews on my nips, and my other hand is squeezing his right tit as well.

    I turn him around and fuck him some more while he's on his knees, and this time, my hand goes into his mouth and he sucks hungrily on my fingers. before I know it, a small crowd has gathered to watch. we're oblivious and continue to fuck for several more minutes. finally, I get up and pull him up. standing,

    I cradle him against my chest and motion to the one nearest us to come and fuck him. he's there in an instant. he slips his cock into my partner's, while my partner's head is bent down chewing my nips, his body angled back, legs splayed to get maximum penetration. I feel like a pimp, whoring this boy out, and I use my hands to spread his butt cheeks even farther apart. "fuck his ass, fuck him" I rasped. "fuck his pussy and shoot your load into him. the pig wants it!"

    My partner is huffing now, and he meets each thrust with a gasp. in a few minutes, the first guy cums in his hole. I slip my fingers into my partner's hole to check him out. he's wet. nice. I go behind him and crouch down, eating his ass out, licking the cum. then I motion to the second guy waiting, and he comes forward to continue the fuck. I do the same thing I did... I spread my partner's cheeks wide open, shouting obscenities in his ear and egging the second guy to deposit his load in his hot manpussy. in another five minutes, my partner's got his second load in his hole.

    That's it, I thought to myself. my turn now. I push him savagely against the bed and fuck him now. man, it's great -- I can feel the cum of the two guys ahead of me in his wet cunt... and his pussy feels nice and warm and slushy.. the way it is when a hot guy gets a couple o loads. I fuck and I cum in his hole. third load. "I'm cumming...." he groans. he shoots. we get up, laughing a bit shakily. as we head for the showers.

    He keeps saying, "man, that was a first time for me.. I feel like such a total tramp." but I could tell he liked it with that nasty glint in his eye, and he admitted as much when he said "hey, I'm gonna be thinking about this for awhile."

    End of story? not quite. we shower together, soaping each other. we kiss. we towel off. pigs that we are, we haven't had enough.... so I drag him back to a toilet cubicle. round fuckin-whatever; we've lost count. I sit on the bowl, and with his ass facing me, I make him bend over and spread his cheeks again while I lick his hole and finger fuck him all over. the next moment, my cock has sprung back, simply at the sight of that hole and the thought that this pig wants it again.

    I push him down on my cock, thinking about how he's just taken three loads... and I fuck him harder. so we're there in toilet, a couple of pigs, his muscled back and thighs bouncing up and down, his hole clamping down on my cock. this guy's hole is obviously insatiable... just like mine, by the way (but that's the subject of another story).

    We fuck like that for a few more minutes until his legs start to give out. reluctantly, I pull out and turn him around. I start sucking him while my fingers snake around into his hole. I suck harder... and slowly, sweetly, he cums a second time into my mouth, with the load pouring out of him like warm milk. I swallow it tenderly. he's raining soft kisses on my head as he pumps out the last of the cum into my mouth. again, we laugh and shake our heads. we trade numbers. M..., his name is. I'm sure we'll catch each other again.

  22. luckily when i got there one of the booths with a glory hole was enpty. i went in and left the door unlocked. just as i was undressed the door opens and in walks a hot latino about 30 yrs old. he comes in and locks the door. i dropped to my knees and undid his pants, pulled them down. no undies so i guess he was in a hurry :)

    as i started sucking that hot brown cock another cock came through the hole. black, about 6-7" long and very thick. since my mouth was occupied i shifted myself over so that my ass was near the hole and as my ass was bumping against the cock the guy behind the wall seemed to get the idea and backed off just a bit so i could lean my body weight against the wall and my ass was open and ready at the hole. he managed to get the head inside, i was dry so that part hurt a bit. but after that he started with short quick strokes and soon had it buried as far in as he could through the wall. this went on for 5-10 minswhen the latino finally blew his load in my mouth.i swallowed all if it, god i love cum. he got up and i leaned my hands on the bench as the anonymous cock behind the wall kept fucking away.

    when my latest sperm donor left he didnt close the door so there i was, leaning on the bench with my ass against a hole in the wall getting fucked. the first person to walk by came on in and locked the door then dropped his pants and sat on the bench. i immediately began sucking his cock. about this time the cock behind the wall shot his hot load of cum up my ass and pulled out. i continued sucking and soon the cock in my ass was replaced by an even bigger one. i never did see it but he came up my ass right before the 2nd cock shot a load down my throat.

    by this time my legs were getting weak so i sat down on the bench after my visitor left and i lit a cigarette. no sooner than i took my first puff another man came into the booth. i motioned for min to take his cock out and i masturbated him while i smoked a bit more. he must have already been there for a while because he came really fast. i knelt down as he came and jerked him off into my mouth. more than a little bit actually shot on my face. i didnt mind since i like to leave and show what ive been doing.

    he left i finished my cig and another cock appeared through the hole. i sucked it a bit and then told him through the hole that i wanted to be fucked again. he backed off and i put my ass against the hole and he shoved it right in to the root. by that time i was well lubed and took it easily. i was there, bent over with my ass against the hole looking at the wet spot i had left on the bench when the door to my booth opened again. i must have been quite a sight. my ass up against a hole in the wall and my face with sperm drying on it. he came in, a nice rugged looking black man about 50 y.o. i'd say. he dropped his shorts and sat on the bench. i started sucking him and soon he was too full hardness. i was in heaven as i sucked that ~8" black cock. the cock in my ass blew his nut pretty fast and withdrew so i knelt down and kept sucking until the man in my mouth blew his load down my throat. he liked to be deep when he came and damn near choked me as he held my head down on his cock. my eyes had to be bugging out like a stepped on fish, lol. i took his load like a man and licked his cock clean when he was done cumming.

    i put my shorts back up, pulling them over my cum encrusted knees and feeling them wipe the leaking cum back up the insides of my legs. i put my shirt on and went up to the head shop in the front of the book store. when the girl clerk saw me she kinda giggled and sold me some new screens for my pipe.

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  23. This took place in Topeka, KS., at the adult video store on North Kansas Ave. I was really horny one morning, it was a slow weekday, and I was really craving a hard cock to service. I'm attractive, very fit & tan, and rarely have trouble satisfying this craving, but weekday mornings in Topeka can be really slow, and for some reason, I really needed a hard fucking that day. Even though I work as a professional bdsm escort, I ccasionally have an itch that needs scratching also. Don't we all?

    I decided to try something new. I went into a large video booth, taped an 8.5" x 11" sign up inside the booth which said:


    I stripped down to nothing but my cock ring, put on a blindfold and a pair of handcuffs (behind my back), opened the booth door, knelt down, and waited. Before to long, I heard someone walk to the door, and pause. He conferred in a whisper with someone else, and then I heard two sets of footsteps entering the booth. From their voices, I assume they were black, but with my blindfold on I really couldn't tell. Imediately, I was raised off my knees, & bent at the waist. I heard two zippers, pants dropped, and then A very large cock was slid into my mouth. At the same time, his buddy started fondling & fingering my ass. He immediately applied a generous portion of the lube which I had laid out on the bench, then, jammed a second hard cock deep, hard, and painfully up my unstretched asshole, and started fucking my ass, faster & faster. One grabbed my ears and hammered his cock down my throat while the other grabbed my hips and hard fucked my tight ass. These two waisted no time with pleasantries. They grabbed me, and starting using both my orifices at once to satisfy their two hungry cocks. My hands were handcuffed behind my back, so I had absolutely no choice but to take it.

    Before long the cock in my mouth erupted, shooting hot spooie deep into my throat, squirt after delicious squirt,overflowing my mouth and running down my chin. Shortly thereafter, the cock in my ass made a passionate, deep thrust, and just stayed there, shooting squirt after squirt inside me, until my bleeding asshole had milked him dry. I could feel the massive warmth spreading deep inside me, and eventually drain out my ass and down my balls, as he slowly slid out his softening cock.

    The two men quickly zipped up, and left. They simply left me there in the booth, naked, blindfolded, handcuffed, and dripping, wearing two loads of hot, sticky, cum. I never knew their names or saw their faces.

    God I enjoyed that.

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  24. I went to Mount Morris Baths in Manhattan last night and it was the sleaziest place I've ever been. When I walked in I smelled oil burning from an oil burner. The place was dirty and was a cross between a prison and a YMCA. It just oozed of sex. I don't think they renovated since it opened in the twenties.

    I walked around to get a feel for the place. There was an open area filled with bunk bed styled beds (not sure what happens there but will be back to fund out).

    Then I went to the shower,steam room, sauna and pool area. I didn't have the stomach to go into the pool but I did go into the sauna.

    When I opened the door there were five black guys fucking and sucking in there. Something you don't see much of here in NYC.

    My presence didn't seem to stop them and I quickly joined in. I was getting my dick sucked by this guy who was getting fucked. Then this other guy came over and started to suck me off. After a few minutes I turned him around and fucked him.

    It was HOT, there were 3 of us fucking 3 guys as others came in watched. After I dumped my load in him another guy moved in and took over.

    I went back to my "cell" room and left the door open. I was lying on my bed face down when this big black guy came in and without a word started fucking me. He kept pulling out which I found odd. I finally gave up and said lets take a break.

    When he left I saw a big load of cum on the bed and realized he'd pulled out because he'd cum. So I did the next best thing and licked it off the bed.

    Then I cruised the rooms and went into this Latin guy's room. He had one of the biggest uncut cocks I've ever seen.

    We sucked each other off till he turned me over and started to fuck me. It wasn't easy. I needed a lot of lube and poppers. I was getting sore and couldn't take much more, so I told him I was ready to cum.

    He then pulled out. I then I put his cock back in me. He said "what are you doing" and I told him to shoot inside me. He kept saying "NO" "NO" as he moaned and groaned and his muscled jerked and shot his load in me. I guess "NO" really does sometimes mean "YES."

    I must say I really loved the decadent and sleazy atmosphere of the place but wish it wasn't so well lit. For anyone who's interested, its still a great place to visit.

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  25. I was about 18 when I first discovered what a glory hole was. I encountered a glory hole at a local mall. The bathroom at this mall had four stalls and it was between the first and second stall when you walked into the bathroom that had the glory hole.

    The mall had at one point been run down and not very popular so I hadn't really been there before. I had gone with my mother and as per usual, I separated myself from her in case we ran into someone I knew.

    I went into the bathroom to take a piss but all three urinals had out of order signs on them so I went into the second stall and began to pee. About half way through the deed, I had two realizations. First, there was someone in the first stall and second, that there was a fairly large hole in the stall wall between the first and second stall. Being a bit self conscience about someone seeing me go to the bathroom, I stopped myself from peeing long enough to pull my pants right down and then sat on the toilet.

    It took awhile before I could loosen up a bit to begin going to the bathroom again but I stole a quick glance through the hole and was shocked at what I saw.

    Some guy was obviously laying back and was casually swinging what appeared to be a 9 inch cock back and forth, periodically gently jerking himself off. I glanced down under the stall wall to see his legs strectched out and spread apart, so the guy was obviously relaxed and enjoying himself. I was mesmerized by the cock as at that point, I had only seen pictures in porno mags or my friend's dicks.

    I immediately grew hard and could barely continue to urinate but I held my guy down and finished going. I don't know why if I was so interested in looking at that guys cock that I had to "pretend" that I wasn't really looking at his cock, but I did. I pretended that I was getting toilet paper, all the while watching in fascination as the guy in the next stall continued to play with his big cock. Suddenly he sat up and I couldn't see what he was doing but I thought the show was over and I was disappointed.

    I was surprised because he was sliding a piece of folded up toilet paper through the hole and I opened it to see that he had written a note on it. It asked if I wanted to meet him upstairs in a department store that had a more "private" bathroom. I took the pen that he had slid through and wrote back that I would meet him there.

    He left and then a couple minutes later I did too and I was very anxious because I was about to encounter that big cock, one on one.

    I went into the other bathroom and this one only had two stalls but they were very poorly lit and one was sort of around the corner and you couldn't really see into it unless you were sticking your eye up to the crack.

    As I walked in, the stall most private opened and a slim but really cute guy poked his head out. He was about 30, well dressed, had longish brown had and a moustache and goatee. He stepped back into the stall but left the door open so I went in. Once inside I didn't know what to do so he kind of pushed me down so that I was sitting on the toilet and then he got my legs up so that I was sitting cross legged on the toilet and I realized he wanted to give the impression that there as only one person in the stall.

    Next, he undid his pants and popped his big cock out and I pounced on it like there was no tomorrow. I believe that I sucked it so hard that he would have cum right away had he not pulled out. He kind of whispered "Whoa" and then kind of leaned back against the stall door calming his cock down.

    He looked me in the eye and I was immediately attracted to his sexyness.

    "You're Native aren't you?" he asked. "Yeah" I said. He kind of nodded his head and then stepped forward again and slid his cock back into my mouth but he held my head and fucked my face very slowly. He would slide himself into me until I'd put my hand up to stop him from gagging me but I was really loving having my face getting fucked. I looked up into his face while he humped my face and I got more turned on by the look of ecstasy on his face. His head was back, eyes closed and mouth slightly open. He stopped fucking my mouth again and then told me to stand up, so I did. He took my place on the toilet and began to suck my cock.

    At that point, I had never even had a blow job, much less from another guy. I almost came the moment he put his mouth on my cock and I guess he realized that because he stopped. He turned me around and I didn't know what he was going to do until I felt his tongue sliding into my ass and then I DID cum. My load shot out so fast and I can still remember the resounding splatting sounds as gusher after gusher creamed the stall door. All the while I was trying to be as quiet as I could as my orgasm rocked my body. I wanted to shout out how good I was feeling.

    "I'm sorry" I said, apologizing for cumming so soon. "Don't sweat it. Your young, you'll be ready to go again in a bit. I'm Gary by the way" Gary said.

    Gary sat me back down and shoved his cock back into my mouth so that I'd have something to do until I was ready to go again. I didn't mind. I guess Gary realized how new to this I was and began to teach me how to suck a cock the proper way. First, he'd hump me for a few minutes, his teeth gritted and his face squeezed together in pleasure, then he'd stop, pull out of my mouth and slap my face a few times, his hand holding my chin and his other hand using his big cock as a billy club. The whole time, I looked up into his face, just in total awe of this sexy man. Next, he'd gently squeeze his cock and pump it at the same time, producing some nicely sized droplets of precum which he proceeded to sensuously spread around my lips. Gary went back to fucking my mouth, pulling out and then sliding himself all the way back in. I was really turned on by how he caressed my hair and face while he humped my mouth, I felt really sexy by that. It wasn't long before I was almost able to take all his cock down my throat.

    After about 15 minutes of this, I was so hot and bothered that there was no way my cock was going back into my pants without another working over. Instead of sucking me off again though, Gary had me get on my hands and knees on the toilet and again I felt his tongue go to work. He just about drove me nuts with the rimming that he gave me and I found it real hard to stay still on that toilet. I heard Gary spitting and then he had his cock in between my boy cheeks, rubbing his length up and down my crack. I was so nervous but so exhilarated by all that was happening.

    "I'm gonna fuck you ok?" Gary whispered in my ear. "O-o-ok" I said. I braced myself. Luckily Gary has a cock that is slim almost pointy at the end but gets very thick near the base so it didn't hurt to much. He slid the tip into my hole and held it there and I was in disbelief that another guy had his cock inside me. He held my hips and began to push more of himself into me and it was then that I had to grit my teeth and muffle my sounds of pain.

    "Oh god" Gary whispered through clenched teeth. "So fuckin' tight"

    I relaxed as much as I could and it wasn't long before Gary was riding my 18 year old ass like a buckin' bronco. Gary did pretty much the same thing in that he'd hump me real hard and long before he'd pull out only to thrust himself into me again. I began to love that sensation so much and I did actually cry out a couple times but I couldn't help it. Luckily not a lot of traffic went through that bathroom but there were a couple times where we'd have to stop because someone would come in to piss. During those times, Gary would be standing there, his beautifuly big cock buried deep within me and I'd clench and unclench around the huge meat that was making me fall in lust with him. He'd lean down and whisper for me to "STOP THAT". I'd grin and love being able to make him feel good that way.

    As soon as the person left the bathroom, Gary would resume humping me for all he was worth. I think there was a point where we didn't even care if someone happened to walk in during our sex because Gary was fucking me so hard and deep and I was getting these body racking shivers up and down my spine that we had to have been making noise.

    I've always loved to look down and back to see the legs of any guys who have fucked me, that always turns me on. I looked back to see Gary's legs as they supported himself while he ravaged my young hole.

    It wasn't long before Gary began to hump real fast and hard and I knew he had thrown all caution to the wind because the slapping sound of his hips against my ass was very loud in that small bathroom. Gary began to moan and groan and began to make this rapid "unghunghunghunghungh" sound. It was a good thing that the entrance to this bathroom was down a long hallway from the department store.

    "I'M BLOWING MY LOAD!" Gary said and then I felt his cock expand inside me. Gary gave a final thrust that sent shiver after shiver up and down my spine as he exploded inside me. All the while I had been playing with my cock and blew my own load all over the toilet seat. I felt Gary as he heaved, trying to cathc his breath. His cock was still inside me, his chest was against my back and his arms were wrapped around my chest. My legs were shaking so hard and I had to stand up, just barely.

    This all happened 15 years ago and Gary and I still hook up once in awhile because I still find him to be a very sexy guy and as long as we both find each other attractive...why not? He still looks real good for his age and he introduced me to threesomes and groups.

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