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Posts posted by rawTOP

  1. I was stationed in Monterey CA some years ago for a Navy School and a bunch of us decided one evening to go out for a few drinks. It was a Friday night and as we crossed the bridge into San Francisco, someone suggested we get a motel room for the weekend. We all agreed and pooled our money and got three rooms....2 guys per room.

    After eating a fast food dinner, we hit a few bars in and around Chinatown, and around 9pm three of the guys decided they wanted to go to a movie, so we split up.

    The three of us continued to cruise around checking out half a dozen bars in the next couple of hours. Around 11pm we stumbled into a bar called The Rodeo. We didn't know it at first, but it was a very gay friendly bar, and when we sat down at a table a couple of guys ambled over and asked if we wanted to dance. We all said no thanks and got up and left.

    I have always been bi, but never out of the closet to anyone but my wife, and the other two guys with me sure didn't seem bi to me. But we were all just drunk enough to laugh and talk about what we had seen in the bar. Mike giggled, "Did you see that guy in the cage dancing? He really looked hot! wow!"

    Matt, who was sharing the room that night with me said, "Mike, are you turned on by that guy?"

    Mike said, "Well, sort of...he was very nicely put together...and what a package he was just hiding there under that g-string!" Matt said, "I noticed him too, and I noticed you looking at him too Len."

    I said, "Well, it was hard not to stare. I was getting hard watching him."

    "You bi?" asked Matt.

    "Yeah," I replied

    "Wow! I am too! Who would have figured?" exclaimed Mike.

    "Me too," said Matt. "I noticed you in school but I was afraid to say anything."

    I looked hard at Matt's face and asked him, "Are you saying you are attracted to me?"

    He looked at me and said "Yes....I've been watching you all week since you got here. I just never figured I'd ever say anything". Mike stopped walking and grabbed us both by the arm and suggested, "Why dont we go back to the room and fool around?" We both quickly agreed and we went back to the motel. We decided to go to Matt's and my room as we weren't sure about when Rob, Paul and Tony were going to return.

    As we went into the room, we started throwing our clothes off and onto the floor. We were as excited as young guys can get, all three cocks standing straight up as theyt came into view. I wanted Matt's cock in my mouth and went right over to him and went down on my knees and started to lick his 7" nicely thick slab of meat. He let out a groan and put his hand on the back of my head and started pumping his cock into my mouth.

    I felt a mouth closing over my own cock as Matt slid down on the floor to make it easier for me to suck him. Mike was making slurping sounds on my cock, and pushing a wet finger into my ass. I was in heaven.

    Just then, there was a tap on the door. We all froze and scrambled for our shorts. We barely had time to get them on when Mike let the other three guys into the room.

    We were still breathing hard and Rob looked at me and said with a grin, "Len is a bit out of breath. I wonder why."

    Tony said, "Don't be an ass Rob....just tell them we found a glory hole in the wall of the bathroom and we've been watching for a good 5 minutes, and just decided to join you guys."

    "Wow!" was all Mike could say, as I breathed in relief.

    Then we all got nude again and started playing with each other on the floor. I quickly resumed sucking on Matt's rock hard cock, and Paul came over and began sucking on Rob.

    Tony stood behind me and started feeling my ass, as Mike was wetting the entrance again with his finger. Tony soon had his fingers in there and was stretching my ass out...it felt wonderful. A few minutes later, I felt Someone put the head of his cock at the entrance to my ass and start to push it in. I looked and it was Tony. As I looked down I saw what had to be 9" of hard cock and thought 'Oh God, he's gonna kill me with that'

    But Tony was very gentle and took his time, and when it was all in he asked me if I was okay, and when I nodded he started to fuck me slowly as I continued to lick and suck Matt's hardon. In the meantime, Matt was beginning to drip a bit and moan as he pumped his cock in and out of my mouth. I could tell he was close to coming, and he suddenly stiffened and started shooting a huge stream of very hot cum into my mouth. I swallowed as much as I could but a little escaped down my chin, which Mike lapped up by licking my chin. Tony was picking up the pace a bit and I glanced over to see Paul and Rob locked in a 69 position.

    As Matt's cock shrunk down a bit, Mike moved over and presented me with his cock. I immediately opened my mouth and took it in. I was filling all my holes and it felt wonderful.

    Tony pulled out and told me to lie on my back and raise my legs. I did and he put his huge cock back in while Mike straddled my face and fed me his cock. Matt came to lie down next to me and started to suck my cock and play with Tony's balls as he fucked me. I got so hot, that i lasted about 1 minute before shooting my load right into Matt's willing mouth. As I came, I clenched my ass muscles very hard and Tony gave out a moan and I felt him shoot his hot cum right into my ass....and that made Mike cum in my mouth. We all shot our loads almost together.

    That was the only time I was with more than 1 guy at a time, but I never forgot the experience...it lasted 2 days after which I was sore for a week but very very satisfied.

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  2. [Remember - this is fiction, not recommended behavior...]

    "Here you go Mrs. Winters, one Grande Cinnamon Spice Mocha," Antonio said, handing the coffee drink to the elderly woman across the counter. "I put an extra bit of cinnamon in it just like you like it," he added, with a wink and a smile.

    "Thank you, Antonio," Mrs. Winters said, sipping the mocha and returning the smile. "You're the sweetest young man."

    "Oh, thank you, Mrs. Winters," Antonio replied flirtatiously, handing her the receipt. "Have a great day."

    Antonio was quite the "Chatty Cathy" type while at work, always talking with the customers. Management liked him, customers liked him, and his co-workers liked him. Antonio was just naturally outgoing, talkative and effusive. All that, coupled with his handsome Italian-American looks and coloring made for one very sexy package.

    The Starbucks in the grocery store was unusually slow this time of the day and Antonio was glad. All the studying he'd been doing for school was starting to wear him down, and he was glad it was Friday because this was the only day of the week when he didn't have classes. He'd been up since 4:30 am to work the shift starting at 5:30 am, and he was already tired. He looked at the clock: it was only 7:30 am. Five hours to go before he was off for the whole weekend. He picked up the newspaper and turned to the classified ads. He was so deep in thought now that he didn't see the handsome man at the counter.

    "I'm sorry, sir," he said, folding the paper and putting it on a shelf behind him and washing his hands. "Just looking for a place to live. What'll you have?"

    "Mmm...," the man said, looking at the menu. "How about a Caramel Macchiato?"

    "Great choice," Antonio said. "What size?"

    "Make it a Venti," the man said. "By the way, why are you looking for a place to live?"

    Antonio, ever the chatterbox, explained his current living situation to the man. He'd been living with his mom and her new husband ever since he got out of the Army and lately things were getting tense. His "step dad" was a real shit and Antonio didn't like him very much. Since he was taking a full load at the community college he could only work part time, which meant that he didn't have enough money for his own place. But he really wanted to get out, so every day he scoured the newspapers looking for cheap studios or people who were looking for roommates. Anything would be better than living under the same roof with that asshole.

    There was no one else in line so the man stayed and continued to chat. "You were in the Army?" he asked incredulously. "How old are you?"

    "Twenty-two," Antonio replied. "I know, I look younger." In fact, he looked 16 or 17.

    "Why the Army?"

    "I kinda had to go in," Antonio said.

    "Why's that?" the man asked, taking a drink.

    Antonio rolled his eyes and shook his head as he went on. "Well, I got into a little legal trouble after I graduated. Nothing too bad, but bad enough. Part of the plea arrangement was that I join the Army. I just got out six months ago, thank god, but I still gotta see my probation officer every week for the next two years. But it beats prison."

    The man nodded. "I'd have to agree with that. By the way, my name's Craig." He reached out and shook Antonio's hand.

    Antonio pointed to his nametag. "Antonio... but then I'm sure you probably already knew that." He smiled his big, infectious smile and Craig felt all warm inside. The kid was hot! He looked him up and down quickly. Antonio was about five foot eleven. There was a workout room in the condo complex where he lived that he used whenever he wasn't working or studying. As a result, he was toned in all the right places but not too muscled. He had wide shoulders and a narrow waist. His pecs were well defined and he had a flat stomach with the beginnings of a six-pack. He had a round bubble butt and, from what Craig could see, a nice bulge in his pants. He had floppy, disheveled-looking hair that looked like he spent a lot of time on it to make it go that way, but which in reality, had a mind of its own and did whatever it wanted. Over the years he had learned to just go with it. All in all, Antonio was what you would call a pretty boy.

    "Have you thought about getting a second part time job?" Craig asked.

    Antonio sighed. "Yeah, but it's kinda tough, what with my school schedule and all, you know? I haven't been able to find anything that fits."

    "Well," Craig said, reaching into his wallet and handing Antonio a business card. "I manage this club and we could always use an extra waiter. It'd only be a couple nights a week and the tips are pretty good."

    Antonio took the card and looked at it. Craig Powers, Manager, the card read. The name of the club was The Fly and the "Y" in Fly was in the shape of an open zipper. "Is this a gay bar?" Antonio asked.

    "Yes," Craig replied. "Would that be a problem?"

    "Well I'm straight," Antonio said. "Wouldn't that be a problem? Or at least awkward?"

    Craig smiled. "Most of the guys who work for me are straight," he said, lying through his teeth. "In fact, most of them are students just making some extra cash. Like I said, the tips are good. Some of the guys make a couple hundred a night."

    Antonio looked at the card again. "I wouldn't have to do anything queer would I? I mean, I wouldn't have to... you know..."

    Craig laughed out loud. "No. There are no strings attached. Now I'm not saying that some of the guys don't, how should I say it, 'go the extra mile' for some of the regulars. But that's not a requirement. You'd be there strictly to serve drinks. Nothing else."

    Antonio looked at the card, then at Craig, and then back at the card. "I don't know, man," he said.

    "Hey," Craig said with a wave of his hand, "the job is yours if you want it. No pressure. If you're interested, the shift is from 9:00 pm till closing."

    Antonio put the card in his back pocket. "I'll think about it Craig," he said. "And by the way, the coffee's on me."

    Later that afternoon Antonio had a nasty argument with his step dad. He slammed the door to his room and stripped out of his uniform. He rarely wore underwear and his fat, eight-inch cock flopped around as he tossed his pants onto the bed and dug through his drawer for his jock strap. He figured he'd go to the work out room for a couple of hours. At least there he wouldn't have to put up with his step dad. He remembered his jock strap was in the wash and rummaged around until he found a pair of briefs. He found a new, unopened package and tore it open. He only wore briefs when he played sports or worked out and then only if his jock was dirty. He didn't like the feel of butt-huggers and would rather free-ball or wear boxers. He pulled a pair of shorts over the crisp white briefs and then his track pants. He made sure all the snaps were closed on either side before he put on his Duke t-shirt and shoes.

    The work out room was locked so instead of going back to the house, he got into his car and drove around. As he drove his mind kept going back to the conversation he'd had with Craig Powers that morning. Shit, a couple hundred bucks in tips a night! A couple weeks working there and he could get a place of his own fast. A nice place, too. But a gay bar? The thought turned him off. He knew people who were gay and all, but he didn't really hang out with any of them. But the money was tempting and he kept thinking about Craig's job offer. He was a little worried about getting felt up or something, but he kept pushing that thought away. Who the fuck cares! He wasn't gay. So some faggot copped a feel. Big deal! It hardly seemed an inconvenience for a couple hundred a night. He decided to give it a shot.

    At 8:30 pm that night Antonio walked through the front door of The Fly. The place looked upscale, but it was a total fag hangout! There were drag queens and dudes dressed in leather and all kinds of shit. Then Antonio saw the waiters. They were all dressed in tight 2xist boxer briefs (white, black, or grey), and equally tight, brightly colored lycra t-shirts that totally clung to their bodies and showed off their chests and nipples through the thin material. Plus, the shirts were short enough that the guys' bare stomachs showed. He also noticed that most of the waiters had bills of various denominations tucked into the waistbands of their underwear.

    Shit, Antonio said to himself, I can't do this. I can't parade around in my underwear in front of a bunch of queers. He was about to turn and leave when he saw Craig making his way across the room toward him.

    "Antonio!" He said smiling, sticking out his hand. "I'm glad you decided to come by. What do you think?"

    Antonio swallowed nervously as he looked around the room. "Well, to be honest, I think I'm gonna take a pass. I don't think I'd be too comfortable walking around in my underwear."

    "Well, that's the uniform," Craig said. "I probably should've told you earlier. But I understand your position. Like I said this morning, it's your choice. We only want you here if you want to be here. Sorry it didn't work out."

    Antonio saw one of the waiters pulling bills from his waistband. Shit, there must be fifty bucks there! He could sure use that kind of money. He turned to Craig, who could almost see the dollar signs in Antonio's eyes. "What the hell," he said. "I'll do it."

    A huge smile spread across Craig's face and he patted Antonio on the back. "Way to go! Just follow me and I'll hook you up with an outfit and show you your section."

    Antonio followed Craig to the back office as Craig continued to explain the job. "It's pretty easy, really. You just take their drink order, the bartender makes them, and you serve the customer."

    "I saw some of the customers patting guys on the butts and stuff," Antonio said. "I'm not so sure about that."

    "Ah," Craig said, waving his hand again. "That's nothing. To be honest, the friendlier you are, the better the tips. All you have to do is smile and be nice. Just pretend you're working your other job."

    Antonio laughed. "That's easy for you to say. I don't work at Starbucks in my underwear."

    "Yeah, and I bet you don't get $20 tips, either," Craig countered. He could see the dollar signs flash in Antonio's eyes again and knew he had the naïve stud hooked.

    Antonio gulped. "Shit..." he murmured. "Sorry... I mean shoot. That's not too shabby." He was torn. On the one hand, he could really use the money, but on the other hand, he didn't want any fag touching his ass or anything. The money quickly won out.

    Craig opened a cabinet and flipped through several packages of t- shirts and underwear before settling on black boxer briefs and an ice-blue lycra t-shirt. He handed them to Antonio. "Here. I think these'll look good on you. You can change in the bathroom if you want."

    Antonio took the clothes and went out of the office and into the bathroom. He went into a large stall, noting the glory hole, and quickly stripped out of his clothes. He put on the boxer briefs. They were snug and totally highlighted his package. He put on the t- shirt and went to look at himself in the mirror. He looked like a total fag. At that moment Craig walked in.

    "Dude," he said, looking Antonio up and down, "I have a feeling you're gonna make some nice tips tonight."

    "Really?" Antonio said, adjusting his big cock and balls. At least he wouldn't have to worry about getting a hard on.

    "Oh yeah," Craig said. "You look good enough to eat."

    Antonio blushed. "Where should I put my stuff?"

    Craig gestured toward a row of lockers against one of the walls. "Use number fourteen. Here's the key." The key was on a hot pink bracelet and Antonio slipped it around his wrist.

    "Time to start," Craig said, looking at his watch. They stepped into the bar and Craig pointed to a set of booths and tables near the bar. "That'll be your section. Tables one through twelve. They're all numbered so don't worry about it. Just be yourself and you'll be fine. Oh," he continued, pointing to another guy, "and this is Nathan. He just started last night. He'll be working this section with you."

    Antonio looked at the guy. Nathan was about Antonio's height but wasn't as toned, although he did have a great body. He was more cute than handsome, with brown hair and eyes and a big, Midwestern- looking smile. He looked the picture of innocence. His uniform was white boxer briefs and a bright yellow top. Just by looking at him Antonio was positive he was straight, too.

    Nathan reached out and shook Antonio's hand. "Nice to meet you."

    "Yeah, you too," Antonio replied. By now Craig had left and Antonio turned to Nathan. "So, you started last night?"

    Nathan nodded. "To be honest, this place wouldn't be my first choice. I work at another restaurant downtown but I'm only a back- waiter. I made more in tips here last night than I do in three days at the other place."

    "Really?" Antonio was intrigued. "Did you have to do anything, you know, queer?" he asked.

    Nathan shook his head. "No. Well, I got my ass pinched and patted a couple of times, but that's not bad, considering I walked out of here with $150.00 in tips."

    Antonio's jaw almost dropped. "Shit! That much? Fuck, I'll let these fags feel me up for $150.00 bucks!" Nathan and Antonio laughed, unaware that Craig was standing just a few feet away and had overheard everything they said.

    An hour later Antonio was on his way to drop off a drink order when he saw Craig. "Hey Craig," he said. "Have you seen Nathan? Is he on a break or something? He's been gone awhile."

    "Nathan went home sick a little while ago," Craig explained. "I think he has the stomach flu or something. He wasn't looking too good so I sent him home."

    Antonio had no idea that at this very moment a drugged-up Nathan was bent over a table in Craig's office getting his ass and mouth fucked. In fact, Craig had just come from plowing the poor kid's virgin ass. Earlier Nathan had gone to use the restroom. As he was leaving, a cloth soaked in chloroform had been clamped over his face. He had resisted but someone grabbed his arm and he felt the prick of a needle. Then everything began to get hazy and swirly. He was half-carried, half-dragged to Craig's office where he was now being raped.

    Antonio went about with his work for the next couple of hours, completely unaware of the stares he was getting from the guys at one of his tables. They had come in together about an hour ago. As he walked over to check on their drinks one of them said to him, "Why don't you join us?"

    "Oh, I don't think I can," Antonio said. "I'm not sure I'm allowed. This is my first night."

    "Sure you can join them," Craig said, as he just happened to walk by. "Jimmy'll cover for you," he said, pointing to the waiter who had taken over for the absent Nathan. He whispered into Antonio's ear, "if you play your cards right, you can make some extra cash here."

    Antonio shrugged his shoulders and smiled. He looked at the guys at the table. "I guess I can sit down for a few minutes," he said.

    The guys introduced themselves. There was Todd, Mike, Steven and Bruce. Apparently they were regulars. They were expensively dressed in designer clothes. Antonio could tell they were wearing Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, Kenneth Cole and Hugo Boss clothing. Apparently these guys were well off. He just might make some good tips if he were extra nice to these guys.

    "So, Antonio," Todd said. "What'll you have?"

    "Uh... just a beer. I probably shouldn't have anything too strong, since I still have a few hours on my shift." He stood up to get his beer but Todd put his hand on his shoulder and pushed him back into his chair.

    "I'll get it," he offered. "Relax a bit."

    Antonio began talking to Steven, Mike and Bruce while Todd went to get his beer. Todd returned a couple minutes later. He had ordered Antonio an MGD in a frosted mug and the guys watched as Antonio took a long draw on it, savoring the taste as it went down. He had no idea that Todd had slipped a mild but fast-acting sedative into the beer. He also had no idea that these were the same guys who had been in the back fucking poor Nathan silly just an hour earlier.

    After a few minutes of talking, Antonio stood up. "Thanks for the drink guys, but I'd better get back to work." He words sounded slurred and he looked a little unsteady on his feet.

    "You okay, Antonio?" Todd asked, concerned.

    "Yeah," Antonio said, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand. "It just feels warm in here all of a sudden."

    "Hmm... maybe you're coming down with something," Todd replied. He stood up and put his arm around Antonio's shoulder, gently massaging it. "How about we get a little air out back?" he said, steering Antonio toward the back exit. He looked at the guys at the table. "You guys gonna give me a hand?" They all got up.

    As Todd led the increasingly unsteady Antonio through the bar, they came across Craig. "What's going on?" he asked.

    "Not feeling good..." Antonio tried to say but he was having a hard time getting the words out. For some reason his mind seemed foggy.

    Todd winked at Craig. "We were gonna take him out back to get some air."

    "Oh, I think Antonio would be much more comfortable in my office, wouldn't you?" Craig said. He took a quick look around as he pulled a syringe from his coat pocket. He took Antonio's arm and injected the drugs into him.

    "What was that..." Antonio started to say, but found he couldn't continue. He found it hard to focus, let alone speak, and the room began to spin. It looked like the guys' faces were melting.

    They took Antonio into Craig's office and locked the door behind them. Craig turned on the stereo to drown out some of the sound. He motioned to a small table in the corner. It was about eighteen inches high and had hooks on either side. They bent Antonio over the table, tying his hands and feet down.

    Antonio's head was buzzing. As much as he tried, he couldn't make sense of what was happening. His mind kept drifting in and out of a haze.

    Craig shoved something into his mouth and told him to swallow. Everything seemed cool. He had no idea it was viagra.

    Next Todd took a pen-knife and sliced off Antonio's clothes.

    The dazed stud just looked at Todd with a blank expression on his face. "What're you doing?" he managed to slur.

    "Getting ready to fuck you," Todd answered. The guys all laughed. Antonio saw a bright flash and then another. He had no idea pictures were being taken.

    Antonio cocked his head to one side and looked at Todd. Then he looked at Craig and the others. No one was smiling. He started to laugh. "You're gonna fuck me?"

    "Yup, just like we fucked your buddy Nathan." The smile disappeared from his face and he struggled furtively, but to no avail. Whatever was in the syringe had really done a number on him. He felt a slicked-up finger run up and down his ass crack and work its way up his virgin chute. The finger began to move around slowly in an ever- widening circle.

    "Oh..." Antonio moaned, his face twisted in a grimace. "Please stop!"

    But instead of stopping, a hand grabbed his cock and start to jerk it. Another hand slapped at his balls and yet another hand began flicking his rubbery nipples. All the sudden sensations were too much and Antonio's moans turned to moans of pleasure.

    Craig smiled at this. He lowered his slack and boxers and was lubing up his cock. Bruce pulled his finger out of Antonio's ass and Craig thrust his fat cock in. Antonio opened his mouth to cry out in pain but Todd shoved his waiting cock into it, muffling Antonio's cries.

    "That's it, pussy boy!" Craig yelled, as he thrust his hips back and forth, raping Antonio's virgin ass.

    Antonio was in agony. His asshole felt like it was being ripped apart and he could hardly breathe with Todd's big cock in his mouth, stretching his lips wide apart. He could feel pre-cum sliding down his throat. It tasted salty and he wanted to gag. All of a sudden Todd's body shuddered and Antonio's mouth was filled with hot, sticky cum. It ran out of his mouth and down his chin, but most of it went down his throat. Todd pulled out.

    Antonio was just catching his breath when Mike moved in and shoved his dick into his mouth. Antonio was just catching his breath when Bruce opened two small bottles of poppers and put them to his nostrils. "Here, bitch," he said, "sniff these."

    Antonio had never sniffed poppers before, but he had no choice. He needed to breathe. He held his breath as long as possible, but finally gave out. He sniffed the aroma and he felt lightheaded almost immediately.

    "Uhhhnnn..." was the only sound that could escape from his cock- filled mouth.

    "Oh yeah," Mike said, grabbing Antonio by the back of his head and pumping away at his pretty face. "Nothing like a drugged up pussy slut all high on poppers."

    Craig laughed as he continued to slam his cock up Antonio's ass. "Whattaya think guys? Is Antonio here better than Nathan?" The guys laughed with him. They all had their pants and underwear down and were stroking their cocks, waiting their turn with poor Antonio.

    Antonio couldn't move. He tried to turn and twist his hunky body, but there were hands holding him still. He could feel Craig's dick violating his ass and then, all of a sudden, he felt a rush of warmth up his insides. The faggot was cumming inside of him! What the fuck! Before he could even process it, Bruce pulled his cock out of his mouth and, giving it a couple of jerks, shot load after load of cum all over Antonio's face. It got in his eyes, up his nose, in his hair and in his open mouth. He didn't even have time to react because Mike's cock immediately took its place.

    More poppers were shoved under his nose and he became buzzed all over again. Another cock (or was it a dildo?) was sliding in and out of his ass, but Antonio was so gone, flying so high, that it just didn't seem to matter.

    For the next hour and a half all the guys from the table, Todd, Mike, Steven and Bruce, as well as Craig, fucked Antonio. They shot their loads up his ass, down his throat, and all over his hunky body. In no time at all, Antonio went from being a pretty boy ladies man to a fucked-out cum dump.

    When they were finished they pulled Antonio to his feet. He was still unsteady and could hardly stand. There was drying cum in his hair and on his face. Craig retrieved his street clothes from his locker and tossed them to him. "Get dressed," was all he said.

    Antonio's dick and ass hurt and he felt like crying as he pulled his underwear up over his raped ass and dick. The guys all snickered at his tightie whities. Before he could get the rest of his clothes on, though, he was pushed out a door and into the back alley. His clothes and money were thrown out with him. "It's time for you to go, boy," Craig said. "By the way, you're fired, but thanks for the fuck." He slammed the door.

    And with that poor Antonio, naked except for his white briefs, was left alone in the alley. He hunted for his clothes, not noticing the police car parked only steps away. He was just reaching for his shorts when a bright light flashed on him. He dropped the shorts and grabbed his track pants instead, stumbling badly as he tried to pull them on. Two officers stepped out of the back seat of the squad car.

    "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" one of them asked, as Antonio pulled the track pants up over his bulging crotch. Even with the sweat pants on, you could still notice the tent his viagra- induced erection made. "I think the kid's got something down his shorts," he said to his partner.

    "Do you have any ID?" his partner asked.

    "Yes, officer," Antonio said. His voice was still thick and slurred. He reached into the pocket of his sweats and retrieved his wallet. He handed it to the cops.

    "Have you been drinking tonight young man?" one of the officers asked as his partner took Antonio's drivers license back to the squad car to run a check.

    Antonio shook his head. "No... just one beer, sir." He was still all wobbly.

    The officer took Antonio by the shoulder and helped him walk over to the car. "One beer, my ass. I want you to put your hands on the hood and spread your legs. I need to do a pat down."

    "But I didn't do anything," Antonio protested.

    "Just do what I said, punk," the officer said, his voice sounding rougher now.

    Antonio assumed the position and the cop began to frisk him. But it was more of a feeling-up than a pat down. The officer let his hands slide slowly over Antonio's chest and the semi-dazed stud was sure that he felt a slight tweak on his nipple. Then the officer's hands roamed over his ass and up and down the insides of his legs. A hand reached around and cupped his balls, giving them a noticeable squeeze. Antonio knew better than to say anything.

    "Feels like you're packing something in here," the cop said as his partner got out of the car, holding Antonio's ID.

    "Looks like we've got a possible probation violation here," he said, looking at his partner and the fucked up young man.

    "Why's that?" his partner asked.

    "According to computer, this young man isn't supposed to be in public drinking."

    "But I wasn't," Antonio tried to explain.

    The cops looked at each other and then back at Antonio. "Well," one of them said, "if you cooperate with us, we'll just forget we saw anything."

    Antonio had a sick feeling in his stomach. He knew what was coming. "What do I have to do?" he asked, resigned.

    "Not much," one of the cops said. He reached out and grabbed hold of Antonio's track pants. With one quick pull he ripped them completely off Antonio's body, leaving the young stud in nothing but his bulging briefs. He reached out and grabbed Antonio's dick through his briefs. "Not much at all."

    "Oh no, guys," Antonio whined.

    The other cop had unzipped his fly and lowered his pants and briefs to his knees. His cock was hard and dripping. He put his hand on Antonio's head and pushed the young man to his knees. "Suck it bitch," he said, forcing his cock into Antonio's mouth. "Take it all down."

    As Antonio gagged on the massive cock in his mouth, his eyes caught a glimpse into the back seat of the cops' car. There was Nathan, his head thrown back and his eyes glazed over. It looked like he was only half-conscious. It also looked like he was naked. Apparently the cops had been lying in wait, almost as if they had been tipped off, and had been working on Nathan for some time now. But Antonio didn't have time to ponder any of that. He was too busy being face-fucked by one cop while being finger-fucked by the other. If he'd looked into his wallet, he would've found that all the tips he'd made that night had somehow disappeared.

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  3. I just had to tell some one about what just happened to me... I guess I should give you some back ground first. I am no stranger to cruising. There is a park less than a mile form my house. But never in all the years that I have been going there have I ever had as hot a time as I just had tonight.

    I had walked three blocks from my house to a mini mart for a few things I needed. About half way back I got stopped by a bum. He asked for spare change. I told him I didn't have any. It wasn't a lie. I only had dollars. He started walking away. As I started walking I got a great idea. I turned around and called to him to stop. When I got to him I told him again that I didn't have any change but I asked if he wanted to earn 5 bucks. He asked how. He smelled like alcohol so I asked a few questions first. "Can you get your dick hard?" was the first question. "I never had a problem why?" was his reply. I didn't answer but instead asked another question " Are you big?" " Never had a complaint why?" was his reply." If you go with me up this alley up here and fuck my ass till you blow your load in me I will give you the 5 bucks." I waited for a reply. I didn't wait long. " Fucken fagot" and he started walking away. So I started on.

    I didn't get more than about ten steps when he came up behind me and said he would do it. So we went down the alley about half way. I was so horned up not to mention I couldn't believe what was going on. I unbuckled his pants and reached in. (No underwear, not that I was surprised). I pulled out a beautiful peace of meat. He was about 8 inches and pretty thick. I started playing with it and in no time it was hard. I pulled out a tube of Vaseline (which I always keep with me, as I am sure any guy that cruises can attest to... LOL) and lubed up my ass and his cock.

    I bent over the hood of an old car we standing by and braced my self. He stepped up and started easing it in me. It was pure heaven. Once he got all the way in me he started picking up the pace. The faster he got the loader he moaned, as did I. I guess he had more than a little booze him cause he banged away at me for almost 25 minutes. Never stopping or slowing down. Finally he mumbled he was gonna cum. I was in pure heaven. It must have been a while for him cause I actually felt him shoot. That has only happened twice in my life. Not to mention he came so much I couldn't hold it all. It started dripping out of my ass before I could even straighten up. It was FUCKING AWESOME..

    We got ourselves together and I gave him his 5 bucks. We started walking out of the alley. I told him if he ever wanted to do it again that I lived on this street and walked at night a lot. Guess we'll see if he comes back..

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  4. Who the hell could that be? I thought as I heard the knock on the door. I was on vacation and didn't want to be bothered by anyone. "One sec" I said as I walked into the living room and opened the front door. Shit I thought when I saw who it was Bub, the person I was going to jack off to. "What's up?" I said as he walked in, covered from head to toe in mud. "Is your Dad here?" "Nope" I said, "what the fuck happened to you?" "I got my truck stuck out in the field." "That sucks" I returned. "Yeah it does. I got it out but I can't drive home in it like this." "You're welcome to get a shower, Bub." "Thanks, but I don't have any clean clothes to put on after I'm done." Sweet I thought - this gorgeous 24 year old stud naked with water sluicing off his rock hard body. "Listen, after you undress just throw your clothes out and I'll wash them while your getting a shower. If they're not dry by the time you get out I lend you a pair of jeans. Okay?" "That sounds good. Thanks Terri would kill me if I came home like this." "I bet she would." Terri was the bitch he was currently fucking. "Like I said, just throw your clothes out and I'll run downstairs and wash them." "Okay" he answered, pulling his shirt from his waistband and over his head. "Just a minute and I'll give you the rest" he said as he closed the bathroom door behind himself. I could just imagine what he looked like - naked - his large bulge jutting from his hairy crotch, his smile lighting up his face.

    "Here you go Mike, and thanks again." "No problem, Bub." I looked at the clothes he handed me and noticed that he had included his boxers. Electric blue I thought as I pulled them to my nose and inhaled his manly scent. God, I wanted to be fucked by him. I threw his clothing in the washer and turned the setting to the long cycle, knowing they wouldn't be dry by the time Bub was done in the shower. Ten minutes later I heard the shower shut off and knew this was my chance. I walked up the stairs just in time to see Bub walk out of the bathroom with a white towel draped on his hips. "Sorry but your clothes aren't dry yet." "Shit." "I'll loan you a pair of jeans to slip on until they are dry. Hold on." "I'm not going anywhere" he laughed.

    Fuck, he was gorgeous. I went to my dresser and pulled out the oldest most worn pair of jeans I had, and took them to Bub. "Here you, sorry but there the only clean pair I have." "That's okay, they're better than nothing. Can I use your room to put them on?" "Sure go ahead." At least I could picture him standing naked in my room while I jacked off to his image. "You want a beer while you wait for your clothes?" "That would be cool."

    As I walked to the refrigerator all I could think of was Bub naked in my room. I grabbed a couple of beers and walked back to my room. "Did the pants fit?" I asked knowing I was a couple sizes larger than his 30 inch waist. "Yeah, they're cool' he answered as he walked out of the room. My tongue almost hit the floor. My jeans rode low on his hips just covering the private parts but making him look like he just got up from a long nap. "I was just going to watch a movie if you were interested." "Sure, what movie?" "Actually it's porn." "Sweet. Terri doesn't like to watch porn saying it grosses her out. I wish she would try - then maybe she'd put out for me a little more than once a week." "You only get laid once a week?" "Yeah, it sucks cause I'm always horny." "Well, if you don't think it's to weird feel free to stroke it during the movie." He responded by groping his crotch and smirking "Maybe I will have to take matters to hand."

    The movie was a new one called Ranch Hands Wife. It was a bisexual movie with lots of nasty scenes between the owner and his foreman. I took the recliner and Bub sat on the leather couch. It was a couple scenes into the movie before the man on man side of the video came out so I hoped he wouldn't even think about it when it started. After the first scene I looked over and saw that Bub's crotch was swelling and he was giving himself a rubdown. Gauging the time was ripe I opened by saying "God I'm hot. Mind if I start stroking?" pulling my eight inches out. "Go ahead, this is a hot fucking movie." He had no clue as to how hot.

    The best scene of the movie was just starting and I knew this was my only chance as the rancher just told the cowboy to strip. "Are they going to fuck?" Bub asked. "Yeah do you mind watching?" "I'm not so sure about watching two guys go at it." "Well maybe I can change your mind" I said as I stood up and walked over to him. "What the fuck you doing Mike?" "Something I've wanted to do for three years now" I said as I fell to my knees in front of him. "Just relax Bub. Relax and enjoy." "Get the fuck away from me" he said as my hand reached for the zipper of the his jeans. "Just relax" I whispered as my tongue tasted the tip of his ten inch cock. The man was hung like a horse. Bub started to stand up so out of desperation I swallowed as much of him as I could. "Oh god" he moaned. "Does this feel good, stud?" I asked. "Shit yes." "Do you want more?" "Yes, p-l-e-a-s-e!" he moaned. My tongue was wrapped around his manhood as my head bobbed up and down in his lap, his hands holding onto my head. "Where did you learn to suck cock, Mike?"

    "Around." The scene on the movie changed to the foreman rimming the rancher and I decided to follow suite. "Have you ever had a rim job, stud?" "No." "Good then this is your first." I let my hands come up and pull the jeans down to his ankles and spread his legs a little more. I then placed a kiss on my favorite spot of a man at the back of the cock and before the juicy manhole. "Tell me what you want Bub." "I want you to taste me." "Where, Bub." "My juicy hole." "Here?" I asked as my lips touched his manhole. "Yes, Mike, yes." He started to buck as my tongue went inside him. "Do you want to fuck me?" I asked. Kissing my way down to his ankle and back upper his inner thigh. "God yes. I want to be inside you so bad." "Help me get my jeans off then" I said, while standing and reaching into the end table drawer to get the lube. I felt his hands on my crotch. "Do you have condoms?" he asked. "I want you to do me bareback." "Are you sure?" "Yes. Now put you arms above your head" I said as I pulled my belt from my jeans. "Why?" "Just do what you're told, Bub." He put his hands in the air and I tied them together with my belt. "Why did you do that, Mike?" "Because I can." "Let's go to your room."

    "No, I'm gonna ride your cock right here on this leather couch" I said as I leaned forward and touched his lips to mine. Our tongues met and I straddled his rock hard lap, reaching behind myself to lead his cock to my tight wet hole. "Make my ass your's" I whispered into Bub's ear. 'Yes" he groaned as I slammed myself down on his ten inches. "Who does your cock belong to stud?" "What?" "Tell me who owns your cock, bitch." "You, Mike, you." "You're damn right. I do. Now tell me what you want." "I want you to ride my cock" Mike screamed back. "I've waited so long for this. I'm going to ride you like you've only dreamed of being ridden." "You're so tight. I'm going to explode." My hands gripped his hair for leverage as I rode his cock hard. My balls were slamming into his six pack abs. Our tongues kept meeting as are our mouths were locked together. My mouth then dipped down so my tongue could flick over his beaded nipple. "Cum inside me Bub. I want it, I need it!" "Ride me, Mike, p-l-e-a-s-e." "Say it again!" "P-L-E-A-S-E!" "You're so fucking hot. Bub" I said. "Open your eyes I wanna look into them as my ass makes you explode. Do you feel my tight ass around your cock?" "Yes, Yes, YES, p-l-e-a-s-e let me cum in you" Bub screamed as I felt the first hot explosion inside me. My lips go to his again. Before I slide down and clean him up. "That was the best fuck I've ever had." "Me to." "Good because you'll be keeping me happy at least once a week. I can't forget that big throbbing cock in my tight ass. But for now you got to get home. Wear my jeans home." "By the way, remember this anytime, anyplace, anyway." "What?" "I own you now."

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  5. I used to hang out in a town that was 15 miles south of the town that I lived in. Well one night when I was about 18 years old I was at a party drinking and having a good time it was getting late so I thought I would leave but my old beat up car that most 18 y/o's have would not start. so down the road I walked until I came to the main drag that would take me into the next town.

    This drag is well known for its X rated video shops and peep shows. But not thinking anything about it I started hitch-hiking home. About 5 minutes after I started a older gentleman pulled to the side of the road and asked me how far I was going, I told him were I was headed and he said he is going that way and would give me a lift. So we headed down the road about mid way into the trip I felt his hand against my leg. I was kind of shocked but I did not say anything than he started to slowly slide his hand to my leg and than he started to work his hand up to my groin. I never had any thing like this happen to me but I started to get a hard on. He asked me if I had ever been with a man and I said no.

    He than reached for my cock and felt my hard cock and smiled at me, He than turned of the road to a industrial area and parked behind an old factory. He slid over to me on the seat and put a arm around me and reached down fondling my hard cock. He than started to kiss me and I grew scared and told him to stop but he grabbed my face and made me take his tongue deep in my mouth. He than stopped and sat back down and undid his pants and pulled his huge hard cock out I never seen such a big thick cock. He than took my hand and made me stroke his meat he was dripping precum all over and it was making him very hot.

    He told me to suck him, I never sucked cock before and I was scared and I told him no. But he grabed my head and forced me to his hard cock and told me to suck it I told him no no no but he was holding my head and forcing my lips apart with his cock so I let his cock in my mouth. He told me now suck it bitch wile he was pushing my head down making me gag on his huge cock.

    I felt his hand now going down the back of my pants playing with my ass wile he was squeezing my small cheeks he told me what a hot ass I have and that he was going to make it his. Meanwhile I was really starting to enjoy the taste of his precum and starting to enjoy his hard cock. He started to moan and found my virgin fuck hole and started pressing on it he told me mmm what a tight ass and began to pull my pants down around my legs. He told me to stop sucking him and as I rose from his cock I saw a stream of precum from my mouth to his wet shiny cock head.

    He than pulled my pants off completely and started to suck my hard cock slowly but deeply. He than opened the glove box of his car and grabbed a jar of Vaseline wile sucking me he reached between my legs and started to finger my ass I moaned deeply and he stopped. He said to get in the back seat with him so we both got in the back. He started to suck my nipples wile playing with my ass he told me he was going to fuck me and make me his bitch.

    I said no maybe next time That was when he pushed my face to the seat of his car and made me lay out flat on my face he got on top of me and grabbed me around my neck and started to lick my ear I felt his cock pressing on my ass and sliding up and down my crack. I told him No I did not want to do this any more, He said shut up bitch I than felt his hand drop to his cock and his cock lined up with my virgin hole. I told him No No than I felt a sharp burning pain as he entered my tight hole I yelled out but he thrusted in deeper and harder, Oh than he hit it that spot I never dreamed of having oh it felt so good I said "fuck me" he than raised his body as I lifted my ass to him and he started to fuck me doggie style.

    He told me he was going to cum and pushed his cock in as deep as he could And hit my spot I felt his cum in side my ass and pumping on my spot I than started cumming all over the place. He told me I was his from now on and my ass belonged to him. He was in his late 50's or early 60's and passed as an uncle or something and we did it on the regular basis and I enjoyed it always like are first time I would play hard to get and he would play the aggressive masterful Dad. I love to role play like this ever since than and I always date older men.

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  6. I can't wait for summer. I love to get out in the sun, cover myself in oil and bake. Unfortunately, I live in the Midwest, far away from the beach, so it is to the local park that I head. One park in particular is known for its action in the bushes. Running down the middle is a levee, built years ago to control flood water. Lots of hot gay men sun themselves on the levee, and if the right stud happens by, then into the woods they go.

    It was a warm day. The humidity was high and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. I walk to my favorite spot on the levee and opened up my lawn chair, one of those flimsy banana types, that hinge on both ends to make a lounge chair. I never sit or lay on it. It is simply a shield to lie behind, and to keep those driving by on the road, from seeing what is really going on. I open my bag and pull out an old sheet and towel, and spread them out on the soft grass. I get the suntan oil, spray bottle and a timer out. I always use a timer. Never burn that way.

    When everything is set up, I set down and untie my shoes, and remove them and my socks. I pull my shirt up over my head and toss it across the lounger. I lay back and lift my hips, as I pull my shorts down over my ass. I wear one of those "socks." I don't like the ones you can buy, so I make my own. Very thin elastic waist and an ample basket, to hold the equipment and no butt strap. I found this hot, very stretchy red fabric, that clings like a second skin when it gets wet.

    I pour the oil all over my body, and slowly begin to massage it into my skin. I start with my shoulders and slowly work down each arm. I work the oil into my neck and over my face. I then move to my chest and rub the oil over my rock hard pecs, and already hard nipples. My hands move slowly down over the ridges on my stomach and along the sides of my torso. I then start on my feet and work up my calves and hips. I move the waistband of my "sock" to allow me to cover every inch of skin with oil. Finally I pull my cock and balls out and oil them up really good. I always carry a cock ring with me and slip it over my balls, and tuck my slick cock through it. As everything begins to firm up, I put everything away once again into the "sock." For a final finish, I cover myself with water from the spray bottle. The water and oil make my skin even slicker, as I run my hands over my body. I set the timer and lay back to soak up some rays. My cock is now hard and straining at the fabric. I douse the fabric with oil and massage it into my cock through the material. More water and oil as I work my cock inside my fabric cage. I like to tease my cock, keep it hard and ready should someone happen by.

    Ding! My timer goes off, and I open my eyes and sit up. Time to turn over on my stomach. When I roll over, I notice him. T his hot guy is standing in the shadows, watching me. He is wearing a tank top and short cut off jeans. His hair is blond, cut short on the sides, but left long on the top. He looks at me with a wicked smile. I wink and smile back.

    "Excuse me!" I say, "Could you do me a big favor?"

    "Sure," he replies, "Course it depends on what it is?"

    "Could you put oil on my back for me?"

    "Yeah, I could do that." He says, as he walks over to where I am laying. I reach him the bottle of suntan oil. Our hands brush each other as he takes the bottle. He kneels down next to me and pours some oil over my shoulders and down the small of my back.

    Um, I love the feel of hot oil, as it hits my skin. I feel his hands, as they rub the oil over my shoulders and then down my back. I feel my cock throb as he nears my ass.

    "You want me to put some oil on your legs?" he asks.

    "Yeah, sure. Don't want any bare skin to burn!"

    Oil is poured down my legs and he then pours more over my ass cheeks. He begins to knead it into my calves and work his way up my legs. His hands work around my thighs and under my legs. He works slowly between my legs and his hands brush my balls inside my "sock." He then begins to massage my ass cheeks. He pours more oil over them and then works it slowly down into the crack of my ass. A finger finds my pucker hole and lightly prods it. More pressure and it slides in. He pushes it further in and then slowly pulls it out.

    Oh man does that feel good. This time he puts two fingers to the opening and they pry it open. He pushes them in as far as he can and begins to slowly move in and out, twisting them and massaging my asshole.

    I moan with pleasure. I lift my ass to meet his thrust and he reaches under me and cups my cock and balls in his free hand. He pulls at the fabric and releases my straining member and tightened balls. He grasps my pole as he continues to finger fuck my ass.

    "More," I cry. "Fuck me man!"

    He stops and undoes his cutoffs and lets them drop. He isn't wearing any briefs and his cock is already hard and dripping precum. He straddles my legs and rubs his cock up and down the length of my asscrack. He then takes aim and ever so slowly, pushes his 8" cock into my ready hole. I look around to make sure no one is coming, that shouldn't be. I meet his thrust and he buries his hard pole all the way into my ass. He begins to fuck me faster. Moving in and out harder. He is moaning and grunting, as he takes possession of my ass.

    "Oh, yeah. Fuck me!" I yell. "Do it man! Fill me with your hot cum."

    I'm on all fours now. He fucks me, while running his hand up and down the length of my cock. I can feel my cum getting ready to shoot. I feel him tensing and then he bucks, and begins to shoot his load into my hole. I feel my own cock let go, and spray my towel with hot cum. He shoots more cum into me and then collapses on top of me; his cock still embedded in my ass. We lay like that for some time, and then he raises up and slowly pulls his now soft cock out of my ass. He gets his cut-offs and pulls them on and then turns to leave.

    "Thanks, man." I say.

    "Sure thing guy. Maybe I'll see you out here again?"

    I certainly hope so.

    I roll over on my back, and adjust my cock and balls and put them back into their fabric sack. More oil and then let the sun beat down on me. I'm half dozing, when I feel a hand on my basket.

    I look up, to see this hot stud kneeling beside me, his hand on my cock and balls. He is dark-haired and wearing sunglasses. He only has a pair of running shorts on, and I could tell he was excited by the tent in the fabric. He uncovers my cock and balls and takes my pole into his mouth. His tongue circles my prick, as his lips caress the length. He then takes the whole 7" into his throat and then out again. He licks the underside of my cock, and then takes each ball into his wet mouth. My cock is at full mast now. While he is working on my cock, I notice that another stud is watching us from the edge of the brush. He looks on, cock in hand as I get blown.

    My cocksucker stops working on my prick. I watch as he stands up and drops his shorts to reveal a hard pole. He returns to where I am laying, but instead of going back to my cock he stands over me and slowly sits down on my own hard prick. Slowly he takes the whole cock up his tight hole. He then begins to ride my cock. I notice that our watcher has now started to move toward us. He kneels down and takes my fucker's pole into his mouth and sucks him in rhythm, to his movements up and down on my pole. I feel my own cock swelling and throbbing inside my hot stud.

    Suddenly I feel my cum flooding his ass. He moans and I can tell that he is filling the other guy's mouth, with his own flood of cum. I lay back exhausted, as he pulls off my cock. He finds his shorts, and our other participant, moves back into the woods. Off they go.

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  7. After a night of cruzin the bars in the village & only making out with a few guys & exchanging numbers, I decided to call it a night & head home. I stumbled down into the subway & waited for the train to pull in. I hopped on the train & as usual I fell asleep. When I woke up not only had I missed my stop but I ended up at the end of the line. Not uncommon for me, so I got off the train to cross over to the other side, to get the train back to my stop. But as I was heading to the other side I noticed the men's room was open.

    I figured I would check the bathroom & see if there was any action going on. To my surprise, I walked in and saw this HOT tall Latin guy I know from other cruzin areas around the city. I've been after him for years. I stood beside him at the urinal as he was jerkin his huge uncut cock. He kept moving further & further away from the urinal. Before long my mouth was finally wrapped around his cock. After sucking his dick for a while he pulled out of my mouth & walked away & into one of the stalls. I followed him with my jeans wrapped around my knees. I once again started sucking his cock while he fingered my hole.

    He pulled out again & turned me around & bent me over the toilet bowl. He bent over & spit into my hole & with nothing but spit on his dick, he shuved his thick cock into me. I was sucking on poppers & in heaven. I've wanted this for 3yrs. He kept pounding my ass while I was holding onto the toilet trying to keep my head from falling into the bowl. I told him when he's ready to cum not to pull out. He said "I know that Papa, I've heard about you, you like cum in your ass." He asked me if I was ready to shoot, he wanted to cum before someone came in. I told him to shoot, I was ready whenever he was. I could feel him explode in me & I immediately shot my load. He kept pumping my ass & told me to squeeze his cock when he pulls out. He said "I want you to have every drop of my load, after all these years I finally got to fuck that hot ass." He pulled out & I could see his huge swollen reddish raw uncut cock dripping a little cum. So I licked it off, then cleaned his cock with my tongue from shaft to base. Then he just zipped up & said "I gotta go Papi, see you around."

  8. Eric was justifiably proud of his long, thick, veiny cock. Easing back the foreskin, he pushed the moist end between young Billy's pouty lips, ready to thrust straight into him. Billy pulled back a little, his palms against Eric's hairy thighs.

    "Wait a second."

    Eric was now irritated. "C'mon, blow me."

    "No, it's that funny smell in here. I don't like it. They haven't cleaned this place in days."

    "Okay, we'll go into my office. It'll be okay there."

    In a moment Billy rose to his feet, and Eric gathered him in his arms, and kissed him deeply. Billy moaned as Eric's tongue probed deeply into Billy's mouth. Christ, Eric thought, he was about to explode. All he could think of was burying his cock inside Billy's warm, accommodating young mouth.

    As the door to the john creaked open, Eric was buckling his belt. As he strode across the hall and wrenched open the door to his office, holding it for Billy, Eric's cock vibrated with a sweet ache. He thought he could never get enough of the potent rush of sensation as he filled Billy's mouth with his cum. The fact that he was a married man and that Billy was in his charge made what they did even more exciting to him. Eric locked the door behind him. "We'll be fine here. Everybody's gone for the day."

    Billy was still dubious. He had always blown Eric in the john. It was always furtive, the danger of it making Eric come in mere seconds. Now, in Eric's office after closing time, with the outside world locked out, Billy knew he was in for something more. Not that he didn't want something more, it's just that Eric never asked for more. After he had blown Eric and gone back to his desk, Billy would still be hard, and after Eric had gone back to work he would sit there, stroking himself, wondering what it would be like to have Eric's big cock up his ass, and he would mess his pants.

    Eric took Billy in his arms and kissed him again.

    Billy shivered with delight as Eric stripped him, caressed him. Billy was feeling hot over every inch of on his skin. Even where Eric did not touch, Billy could feel him. And the burning touch of Billy was in Eric's mind too. His long pale fingers reached between Billy's thighs, expertly stroking him. Billy grew ever more swollen under his touch, his cock pulsing and throbbing until wanting him was agony. Now Eric did something he had never done, not in all the months Billy had been working here, Eric took Billy's cock in his mouth. Billy fell back, across Eric's desk, and his legs parted to permit Eric full access to his body. He wanted Eric to take whatever he wanted.

    The sucking, nice though not as expert as his own, lasted only moments. Billy lifted up so that Eric could lick and probe his asshole with his tongue. "Oh, yes," Billy groaned, and Eric knew what the boy liked. He wanted to please the boy. "Spread your legs," he ordered. Something in his tone of voice made Billy obey him. "Wider!" he barked. Billy didn't need a second bidding. His hole was stretched wide to receive the three horny fingers which were thrust roughly into him. Billy's head sank back on the desk

    "Jerk yourself," Eric commanded.

    Eric's nostrils flared with concentration and his face beaded with sweat as he finger-fucked Billy and Billy jerked his own cock. Eric had never finger-fucked anyone with such vigor. Meantime Billy rubbed himself like crazy. Before long, Billy felt his mouth opening in a long "Oh" of excitement, and he bucked himself to orgasm.

    "Oh, shit," Eric cried.

    Billy couldn't help himself, but the fact of the orgasm did not dampen Eric's intense desire to enter Billy.

    Billy looked down and saw Eric's prick was hard and throbbing and aimed directly at his asshole, which was open and vulnerable.

    Eric dipped down, then, when he straightened up, his prick went straight in, up to the hilt. It took Billy's breath away. Billy's head went back and he gasped out loud. But before Billy had recovered from that first thrust, Eric had pulled his cock out and then rammed it home again. And again. Soon he had a rhythm going, a good steady fucking. Billy felt his warm, panting breath in his ear.

    After a while, Eric swayed back from Billy so he could get a grasp on Billy's hips. It also meant his cock was angled for even sharper thrusting.

    Every now and then he would stop and grind his pelvis against Billy's. In turn, Billy gyrated his hips against Eric's. Billy could feel the thick prick twisting and squirming inside his body. He was amazed at Eric's self- control, because several times he thought Eric would come, but he stopped, held back, went back in again. But, all good things come to an end and Billy was overwhelmed by Eric's thunderous orgasm.

    Eric helped Billy off the desk. Billy's clothes were all rumpled and there were papers everywhere, but Eric looked cool as a cucumber in his pinstripe suit. He sat in the armchair and sipped what was left of his coffee, looking at Billy through narrowed eyes as Billy dressed. "Just remember who's boss around here," he said quietly.

    And that was the start of it. From then on, it became a regular occurrence, which suited Billy just fine. Before five o'clock, it was all business, getting the stock orders filled, boxing, tagging. Billy worked hard. But after five, when the building had cleared, they got down to the real business of the day.

    Once, out of curiosity, Billy asked Eric where he had learned to satisfy a man so thoroughly. He narrowed his gaze and gave Billy a penetrating look through those clear blue eyes. "Many years of experience, my boy," was all he would ever say.

    Several weeks later, Eric was becoming careless, and on a Saturday, when he had brought Billy in on overtime, he had forgotten to lock his office door.

    In fact, he had even left it ajar. They were hard at it when Billy looked over and saw the hunky driver Aaron Slater standing in the doorway watching them. Aaron's cute face was expressionless as he tried to comprehend what he had stumbled upon. Billy smiled at him in mid-fuck and Aaron winked back. The desk was at an angle to the door, so all Aaron could see of Eric was his back and his clenched white buttocks dipping in and out between Billy's stretched thighs. Eric quickened his thrusts and started panting his way towards orgasm, and Billy, even though he had already come, began jerking his cock again, mainly because being watched by Aaron turned him on. Billy started moaning even louder than usual in time with Eric's thrusts.

    Aaron stepped inside the room, and his breath quickened. Suddenly Eric realized something was amiss. He turned and saw Aaron. In surprise Eric jerked his organ out of Billy's ass. But he had already gone past the point of no return. With a grunt, Eric grabbed his cock just as it exploded. Aaron's eyes were wide with excitement as he watched the boss achieve the heights of ecstasy before his eyes. Aaron by now had his own cock out of his pants and was stroking it. Coming down from his high, Eric smiled at him. "Well, Aaron, I got it warmed up for you...." And he stepped aside, giving Aaron a clear shot at Billy's now sopping- wet ass.

    "Oh, man," Aaron said, approaching them. "I've been wantin' to do this for weeks."

    As Eric stepped back, Aaron took up a position between Billy's legs. With a cheeky grin, he took hold of Billy's ankles and stretched his legs wide apart, peering straight down into his bunghole. He gave Billy another wicked smile and a wink as he stroked his cock to full hardness. Aaron's longish fair hair flopped down attractively over his forehead as he aimed his thick prick at the target. Before Billy had time to admire the cock too much, it was in him, all the way, and Aaron's hairy balls were slapping Billy's buttocks. Eric was impressed with the earnestness Aaron applied to the job. He had never shown much sign of eagerness about any of his other duties, but this he excelled at. Eric's cock began to twitch again, and Billy reached out and took hold of it, bringing it to his mouth. As Aaron screwed him, Billy went at sucking Eric's cock with renewed interest. Cum soon was jetting from it, and Billy backed up to allow the sperm to fall on the dark mahogany desk. At just about the same moment, Aaron withdrew his cock and fisted it until a geyser of cum spurted into the air and landed on Billy's hard, hairless stomach. After that, Billy came again, and the two of them massaged the resulting cum into Billy's trembling body.

    Thus began an after-hours routine that often turned into a threesome. Sometimes Eric would fuck Billy while Billy sucked on Aaron's cock. Or else Billy would suck Eric while Aaron fucked him. As Aaron was so much younger, only nineteen, and single, he was able to meet Billy out of the office, and a short romance began. Seeing how the young beauties got along, Eric often would simply sit in his chair and watch them make love, jerking himself off.

    As Aaron plunged into Billy, Billy arched his back, matching him thrust for thrust. Billy became shameless in Aaron's strong arms, rotating his hips and rubbing himself against the base of his shaft. Eric laughed aloud with delight at the wantonness of young Billy.

    In the aftermath of their fierce lovemaking, Aaron would hold Billy tight, feeling a vicious delight that Eric, always hovering somewhere nearby, had to content himself with a pleasure solely of the senses. All too brief and empty. Aaron and Billy had found love after taking their pleasures in any way they could in the past. As their love blossomed, as Eric thrust his cock strongly into Billy's mouth, the glimpse of the past relationship between Billy and Eric added fuel to the flames of Aaron's desire for Billy. As time wore on, Aaron came to see Eric as someone apart, cold, and often ruthless, a boss taking advantage of his position. It was inevitable that this would happen, and it was also inevitable that Billy and Aaron would eventually leave their jobs and start a new life-together.

  9. Went to my favorite haunt last night. Very horny. Didn't look like much would happen. Could, Rainy night here in Seattle. But knew there had to be other horny studs out there. Sure enough.....

    Saw a very well built black guy walking through. Nice very muscular build. Only about 5'6", which I like to be topped by TALLER and LARGER STUDS! He was walking around like he was looking for something. So after he walked by the second time. I walked towards the other side f the park. He was right behind me.

    Went into the bushes, again he was on my ass, Literally! I wasn't all the way in and he was yanking down my sweats and feeling up my ASS! Got my hand into his crotch and was surprised by a HUGE COCK! Dude was HUNG BIG! Started sucking on him and he kept reaching back to feel up my ass. Even started lube it. Not sure where he pulled the lube from, but his finger FUCKING was HOT! He worked my sweatshirt off and started play ing with my tits. HARD! Love to have them pulled on and sucked hard! Gets me HOT and ready for a HARD FUCK!

    He wanted me naked and so I kicked off my sweatpants. Standing in nothing but socks and shoes. He leaned into and started SLAMMING that HUGE DICK into my HOT ASS! He FUCKED like a rabbit, but felt so GOOD! Had me leaning against a tree pushing back to meet his FUCKING! He started slapping my ass and grunting loud!

    He bit into my shoulder as he SHOT his LOAD!! Felt lick a telephone pole exploding!!

    He gave one last slap and was gone....

    But I was quickly joined by someone who was watching in another corner. Didn't notice him before. But he had watched most of it...

    He had his mouth on my ass in nothing flat. Surprised the hell out of me to fell his tongue slip into my ass. He ate my ass like a very HUNGRY man. Think he got all the other guys load. When he couldn't get more, he started fingering my ass. Chewed on my neck and worked three fingers in. Wanted to know if I could get fisted. Said not here...

    Shot a BIG LOAD in his hair...

    Came home and went to sleep.

  10. I went into a rest room last week at the college I go to. It's where guys go to meet up for sex or to have sex. I'm 19, slim, dark hair, average dick. After a short wait a guy came in that I've been with before. He's a professor, in his 30's, average looks, husky, dark hair, real hairy body, about 8 fat inches of hairy dick. I've been with him before.

    I was looking for someone younger and nicer looking so I ignored him. Another young college boy came in: slim, blonde hair, turned out to have about 7 long inches of cute dick, nice patch of blonde dick hair. To my surprise he and the professor started leaving together. I stood up as they were leaving and motioned to the professor asking if he would like a 3-way. He waved for me to join them.

    The professor took us out to his car and we drove a short way from campus to his secluded apartment. We all stripped and got in bed together. The blonde guy and I laid back on the bed while the professor played with both our bodies. He went down on both of us taking turns sucking our young boy dicks. He sucked on our tits. Then the blonde guy and I started doing each other. We took turns sucking each others dicks while the professor was feeling up our bodies.

    Blonde guy climbed on top of me and we started to 69. Professor started taking turns working his wet finger up both our asses. Then professor laid down and blonde and I went ot work on him. He had a nice big fat hairy dick. We took turns sucking his dick. While one was sucking his dick the other licked his hairy balls. We both started working his dick at the same time, one on each side. He kept talking dirty to us telling us to suck his dick and asking if we liked it.

    Professor asked us if we fucked. We both answered yes. He told us to get on our hands and knees with our asses up in the air. We knelt next to each other and stuck our asses up. He greased both our asses and his dick. He did blonde first. He eased his big dick up blonde's ass and slowly started fucking him. After a few minutes he pulled out and put his dick up my ass hole. He kept going back and forth between those two young asses stuck up in the air. He kept talking dirty telling us how sweet our asses were and asking us who wanted his dick next. We both started begging him to give us his dick and fuck us.

    After about 15 minutes of fucking he stuck his big hairy dick up my ass and started fucking hard. He told blonde to get in front of me and he told me to suck blonde's dick. I was being pounded from the rear by a big hairy older dick and had a cute blonde dick in my mouth. Blonde shot first, a big load in my mouth. I swallowed it. Professor then rolled me on my back, put my legs up in the air, and started fucking me again. He told blonde to suck my dick. After a few minutes professor started shooting in my ass. I shot about the same time in blonde's mouth.

    Great afternoon!!!

    • Like 1
  11. I was returning from a job interview and suddenly had to take an urgent dump. I was passing by the city park and noticed a restroom, parked and walked quickly to it. There were a couple guys in the parking lot, but I didn't pay any attention to them because of my urgent need.

    The restroom was old. There was no door, and the outside privacy partition had been knocked down years ago. I walked in and there were two toilets and a urinal all in view of each other (no partitions). I'm kind of nervous relieving myself without privacy, but my need was immediate. I dropped my pants and sat down. As I was about to start, one of the guys in the parking lot comes in and stands at the adjacent toilet as if to take a leak. I tried to wait for him to finish, but nature got the best of me and had to let go. He just stood there watching me and slowly starting to rub his cock (he never peed).

    The other guy showed up at the door and was apparently a lookout. He never came in, but kept looking my way. I tried to concentrate on other things over the next 5 minutes or so while I continued my business. I noticed a jar of Vaseline on the window sill and thought it strange that it was there. I sat there trying to figure out what to do now.

    I was finished and needed to wipe off, but I didn't want to do it while he was still standing there. He had a huge hard-on at this time. Eventually I just stood up and did it, but as I did, my wallet fell out of my pocket. Without thinking, I turned and bent over to pick it up. When I did, I felt two hands on my ass, thumbs pulling my cheeks apart. I started to raise up, but he pushed me back down and told me to bend over and put my hands on the toilet seat. I looked around and he was reaching for the Vaseline and the guy at the door was next to us, jacking his cock.

    He smeared a big gob on my asshole and started pushing it in with his fingers. After a minute or so of this, he began sliding his monster cock up and down my crack, his cockhead snagging on my asshole each time it passed it. He teased me for awhile. Looking down, I could see a continuous stream of precum oozing from my cock. He began sliding faster.

    At this time, several women entered the other side and I could hear them talking and laughing. The guy behind me didn't stop, but chose this time to penetrate me with one quick thrust, pulling my hips to his. I yelled out and it went quiet on the other side. He held me tightly impaled on his cock for a minute before he started pumping. The pain was terrible, but I managed to keep my mouth shut, giving muffled grunts as he thrust into me. He spread my legs fully and pushed me down further so I was almost in a jackknife position, a position that gave him maximum penetration depth. He pounded me for 10 minutes or so and then pulled me tight. I could feel his pulsing cock pumping me full of cum.

    When he finished, he began thrusting again, as his cock slowly deflated. He stopped again, and told me he was going to give me an enema. And with that, I felt my belly getting warm. He quickly pulled out, pulled up his pants and left. I had no choice but to sit down and get rid of everything. When I got outside, they had both left.

  12. I was having a string of bad luck (not to mention a LONG dry spell). I even took a job as security for a university. I was posted to the campus library, which consisted of sitting for 8 hours and turning off lights.

    I was on my way home from working a double, not a happy camper. I was cold, hungry, tired and pissed that I had to work this crapulent job. Halfway home I noticed a cop pull a U-turn and follow me. At that time of the morning there is no one else on the roads, so I thought for sure he was just trying to catch me speeding. I was in no mood for games, so I set the cruise to the speed limit and just drove. He caught up to me and his bright ass lights were blinding me. I was paying more attention to the lights in the rear view than the road when I noticed something "run" across the street and I slammed on my brakes (it turned out to be a plastic bag blowing across the road...) I heard the cop car screech and saw it swerve. Then the lights went on and a woop-woop. I pulled to the shoulder and the cop came up to my car. LSS, he wanted to write me a ticket for slamming on my brakes. I have not had a ticket and can not afford one. My mouth started before my brain and I blurted out "then you better write one to yourself for following too closely, the speed limit is only 45 through here, that bag could have been an animal or child, why don't we go have a chat with your Sergeant and see what he has to say. I hope you have ketchup, so you can eat me!"

    He gave me my license back and said "Just take it easy" after a long pause.

    The next day was warm and sunny and I felt much better and kinda horny. I dreaded another dull day at work, but it was Friday. I put on my 2(x)ist pouch briefs and went to work since it's usually quiet at the library on Fridays (those underwear in my uniform create a very pronounced bulge in the front of the polyester uniform pants.)

    The day was slow, and I noticed that most of the people that used the library were like 20th year seniors. When it was finally time to close everything down, there were still people working on the 4th floor, including a cute book shelver (or whatever they're called). He was about 20, gorgeous blue eyes, dark tan, bottle blond. He said they would be about another half-hour, so I went back downstairs to check the parking lot and turn off the lights to the parking area. I came in and sat back down and was thinking about the guy upstairs when I kept seeing red lights in the parking lot. I went to the windows to see what the Hell they were doing. At first I thought it was someone learning to drive cuz they kept hitting the brakes, then reversing, forward, brakes, reverse, turn... As my eyes adjusted to the dark, I saw that it was a Crown Vic and thought it was one of the campus cops, so I thought I would go shoot the bull with them while I waited.

    When I got up to the car, it was a State Cop, not campus. I figured that he was trying to get a place to hide to nab speeders. I went over to the driver and we started talking. I could vaguely make him out in the dim light from the walkway lights, but what I saw, I liked. Clean cut, square head, buzzed, blond and blue eyes. (Blue eyes make me squishy!) A little older than me, I guess about 30. We were talking about how I hated my job and how boring it was and how warm it was for the time of year. I was thinking about how cute he was and felt my cock start to stir so I leaned against the door to hide it. Honestly I don't remember the next few minutes because I was busy thinking about how embarrassed to have a hard-on and being "caught". The next thing I remember, he leaned over to the passenger floor and got a packet of McDonald's ketchup and looked at me and with a twinkle in his eyes said "Tonight I brought ketchup, get in the back." The air went out of me like I was just hit and for a second thought I would pass out. Holy shit! It was the cop from the night before! I was so pissed off, I didn't realize how hot he was!

    With shaky legs, I walked over to the passenger rear and slid over behind the driver's seat. He got out and came around. He looked around and took off his gun belt and dropped it on the floor of the passenger side. He got closer to the open doorway and undid his belt and zipper and slid out his semi-hard dick from the fly of boxer briefs. I was on my knees on the back seat and started licking at his hardening cock. I put it in my mouth and started going to town as he moaned and rubbed my back. I felt his hands slide down and he started undoing my belt and pants. My tongue was going like a hummingbird when he pushed me back by my forehead. I lost balance and sort of fell off the seat across the floor hump. He grabbed my waist and put me face up along the seat and yanked both my pants and briefs down, raising my legs with his shoulders. He pulled us closer and he grabbed his spit covered cock and began to push it in my ass. It had been awhile and I was tight. The pain was like the first time, but he took it slow and grunted as he slid it up me and said "Oh, shit, yeah." He stuffed me to the hilt and leaned against my legs and started pumping away. He leaned in, trying to get further till I thought he was surely going to snap my damn hamstrings! The pain and pleasure was intoxicating. I could feel his pubes brushing against my ass as he thrusted in and heard the click of his boot heels when he withdrew. He was pulling on my balls like he was taking them home and I felt precum ooze out my dick and my ass tighten even more around him. I looked up at him and saw his eyes slam shut and the most gorgeous squinted cum face and he let out a whimper. I felt a jolt of hot spooge shoot inside me. He pulled out in one move and started jerking it. His cum shot on my ass cheek, leg and thigh, but most clung to his jerking hand. When he finally stopped cumming on my he took his cum covered hand and smeared it on my ass crack, fingering my relieved hole.

    He was stuffing his shrinky-dink back in his pants when he got a call. He responded, breathless and flushed beet red. I quietly tried to slide back into my underwear and pants. He said he had to go and started rushing as I got myself together and got out of the car. As he hit the siren and rolled out, my hard-on must have felt defeated and started to shrink, but I was ready to burst. My nuts were so tight, I could feel the room in the pouch of the briefs. I could also feel his hot sticky cum that covered my lower half cool and dry.

    Not being used to the pounding, I could barely walk and made it back to my chair and plopped down. OK, so now I knew I could not walk or sit! I sat on my tailbone and finally breathed, trying to figure out what had just happened.

    I noticed that it was almost time to go, so I called in the building vacant and turned off the rest of the interior lights and security cameras. I still had fifteen minutes so I walked to the reading area/ desk clusters in the dark just to feel my underwear pull away from my skin that had been stuck on with the trooper's load. The sensation was driving me wild and I felt my rod get tight again. I walked around the room when I heard the unmistakable sound of a dick being stroked! I knew it wasn't me and as my eyes adjusted, I saw the kid that was on the fourth floor before, inches in front of me. He had his pants pulled down to his knees and the front of his shirt pulled over his head, cock out, balls bouncing against the waistband of Hilfiger boxers. He was rubbing his chest and flogging away. He opened his eyes and said "I've been watching you all night. And I mean ALL night! It looks like you need this as much as I do."

    He cupped my pants bulge and rubbed "Yeah, you need this". He stopped jacking and unbuckled my belt and zipper. My pants fell to the floor and he unbuttoned the bottom 2 buttons of my shirt and whispered "Lay down".

    I couldn't believe it! The thought of getting off out in the open was a thrill, even if the building was (mostly) empty and dark.

    I layed back on the library floor in my briefs and looked up at the glass roof. He snuggled down next to me on the floor and slipped his hand down the front of my undies and started squeezing and rubbing as he slowly stroked his. He pulled my underwear down just enough that my cock popped out and I went to pull them down further but he said "Don't, let me do everything" and I put my hands behind my head and concentrated on his meat. He was uncut and I had never seen one "in real life" and wanted to feel it, play with it, taste it. I was entranced as the skin slid back and forth over the head. His balls made a quiet slapping sound as they bashed against his thighs. I closed my eyes to enjoy the handjob and reminisce about the earlier events and wondered what all he saw when I felt my cock hit my stomach and his hand leave it. I was partially scared to open my eyes thinking that "Candid Camera" would be there or something. I opened them and he was stuffing a finger up his ass as he continued to pound with the other. Silently, he let a rope of cum fly and hit on his abs. He leaned towards me and kept jerking and cumming. The rest of the spurts were thick and clung to his hand and were forced into his dark bush and all over his balls. He slid one arm behind my neck and grabbed my dick with his cum covered hand and jerked me with his jizz. He turned to jerk me and felt his dick on my leg, hard, hot and slimey. He ground it into my leg as he palmed me. I was getting close and wanted to grab his uncut cock to feel it since I could no longer see it. He said "ah-ah" and used the arm under my neck to keep my arm from moving. He stuck a finger up to my nose and whispered in my ear "This is my ass, my tight, tight man cunt" It was too much and I started to shoot... a lot! I surprised myself, while not the best quality orgasm, the quantity of cum and distance it shot was amazing. It was all over him, me, the carpet...

    He licked it off of me and smeared it into himself and laughed. I didn't want to move. He got up and started getting re-dressed so I followed his lead. I heard a beep and thought "Oh, shit, the alarm!" (I automatically sets at 1 am). We ran out the doors like we were being chased! Once outside he said "See you around" and headed to the bottom parking lot. I walked toward my car thinking how much more I now liked my job ;>)

    On the way home I was passed by a newer red Porsche Carrera and I tried to follow to gawk at it, but I had to stop to get gas. As I pulled in, the Porsche was there, and the driver was hot, too! (For the type) I thought for sure it would be some old man, but it was a very yuppie looking guy, 30's, short black hair and those damn deep blue eyes! As the gas was filling in my car, I summoned up the courage and went up to him and said "Cool car!" he said thanks and said feel free to look at it. I'm a car nut and took the opportunity to inspect it close up. I was looking though the rear side window and he came around behind me and said "You smell great" and I felt his hard dick brush across my ass. My back went tense and I shot up. I wondered if he meant my cologne or if he could smell the loads of cum all over me! He asked if I wanted to go 'somewhere' and my mouth got ahead of my brain again and I said, I've got to be to work in 7 hours. I couldn't believe I said that! I wanted him, then and there. He gave me a business card and told me to call him sometime and we could eat something. I KNOW what I wanted to eat and wished I kept my mouth shut (or just WIDE open)...

    When it rains, it pours! So what the Hell was the 'lucky charm'? I'll be wearing Nautica Latitude Longitude everyday now, "just in case" Can't wait for Monday! I Love my job!

    • Upvote 1
  13. Damn, I was horny that night. And I was tired of the same old tail here in Jersey. So I made the decision to go into The City (New York, that is) to get me some new boi tail.

    Cleaned up, got into the pickup truck, lit a cigarette, and I was on my way. I had posted a notice of my intentions on barebackcity.com in hopes that someone fitting the description of what I wanted would call me on my cell phone on the way. I got all the way into Manhattan, and the calls were sparse, and not promising so far. So I went into a local gay pub in the West Village, and had a drink. The usual crowd.

    I went back out to my truck parked outside on Christopher St., and checked my cell phone voicemail. THERE HE WAS!!! "Hi, my name is ___ and I'm 24 years old, blonde, blue eyes, slender, and a bottom. Please come over to my apartment at _____ and you can call me at _____." It didn't take me but a few seconds to call him back and turn my truck around to the East Side towards his place.

    He met me at the door, and my jaw dropped. DAMN, what a pretty boi! Tall and lean, smooth and creamy-skinned, a boyishly handsome face and big pools of medium blue eyes that I could've drowned in. We made very little small talk, but took a minute to burn one. Then it was OFF to his bedroom and OFF with the clothes. He sucked on my already hard dick, which I enjoyed seeing going in and out of those thick sweet young lips. Then I jumped on top of him, and started making out with this hottie...kissing him deeply on the mouth, our tongues darting in and out as we began the dance of male bonding that only guys like us can know.

    Finally, I had to taste that ass. He got up on all fours on his bed, and I was presented with an absolutely perfect lilly-white ass with a sweet little pink asshole surrounded with just enough dark blonde hair. With my mouth watering, I dove in and ate that hot boi ass for all I was worth...licking it, chewing on it, savoring the musky boi smell and taste that I was getting from him.

    It was time to get inside him. Getting up on the bed behind him while he was still on all fours, I mounted him from the rear. Oh, man, it was hot, sweet, and tight in there. He indicated that I should go a little slower, so I gave him time to adjust to my 8+ inches. Finally my pubes were resting against his smooth young asscheeks, and I began to slowly saw in and out of my boi. It suffices to say that this topman was in Heaven at that moment, and the best was yet to come (or cum, that is).

    I asked him after awhile to turn over on his back. Once again I entered him, but with his legs around my neck over my shoulders, so that I could fuck him and at the same time look into those beautiful blue eyes. He was tall, and so am I, so we kissed and fucked at the same time. I couldn've popped my load during that time, but held back to savor the wonderful experience awhile. While I had his legs over my shoulders, I also began to nibble on his blonde furry legs and on the edges of his big boy feet. There was a bonding that took place during these moments as we were making love that I have rarely found recently, and I found myself being grateful for every single moment to be inside this boi. And so we began the dance of male bonding in earnest.

    Finally, I turned him back over on his stomach and entered him from behind above. It was then that I decided it was time to pound, and the more I pounded, the deeper grew his moans. Indicating that I was about to pop my load, he told me "Oh yes, man, shoot your load inside me!" so after a minute of heavenly fucking, my load boiled up from my balls and screaming out the head of my dick into his hot tight willing assguts....again and again....shooting teaspoons of my male DNA as far inside him as I could. It seemed like that it would never stop, and I didn't want it to.

    But my blonde God bottomboi about then started clenching his ass muscles around my cock and moaning louder, and began shooting his hot load beneath us on the sheets of the bed....milking the last drops of oozing cum from my cock in the process. We collapsed on the bed, with me on his back still having my cock buried in his butt. We laid there for a few mintues, kissing and rubbing against each other for awhile. God, life was good that night.

    • Upvote 2
  14. On my way to I stopped in the men's room at the Roosevelt Ave train station.

    A guy I recognized from other men's rooms around town, was keeping watch at the door. When I walked in this tall thin horse-hung black guy was fucking a young hairy white dude.

    I watched them fuck for a while when the black guy motioned for me to come over. I checked to make sure there was still someone watching the door.

    Then I joined in. The black guy fucked the white guy while the white guy sucked my dick.

    The black guy asked me "do you want to fuck him?"

    I said yes."

    The black guy ordered the white to "Give him your ass."

    Whitey turned around and started to suck the black guy's cock while I fucked his ass.

    The guy at the door started to cough which meant meant someone was coming. We scattered like roaches.

    But guy who came in was also looking for action. I started fucking the hairy white guy again while he sucked the big black cock.

    I turned around to check the door and saw the guy who had been watching the door was getting his cock sucked by the other man who had come in.

    Mr Watch-The-Door wasn't much to look at; but he had a huge cock, one definitely worth sucking and riding.

    I just kept pounding away at the white guy while he was swallowing the big black dick.

    I was getting close to shooting and said "I was gonna cum."

    The black guy told me to shoot my load in the white guy's ass.

    He kept repeating "shoot your load in his ass, I want to fuck his cum lubed ass."

    With that I shot my load up the white guy's ass, which he seemed to milk right out of my cock. I could feel him tighten his ass muscles as I pulled out. He wanted every drop of my load.

    Soon as I pulled out the black guy shoved his huge fat cock up the white's ass.

    "Fuck man this feels great, I can feel his load in you. You're gonna leave here with two loads in you."

    I got turned on watching those two go at it. The white started sucking my cock again. The the black pounded his ass. And I do mean pound. Every time he thrust into the white guy's ass his mouth automatically swallowed my cock.

    I heard the black guy say "Baby I'm gonna cum."

    He started shaking and moaning, then let out a big yelp and stood there all sweaty and slowly pulled his cock out of the other's ass.

    I was still getting my dick sucked when the black guy rammed his tongue down my throat, and I shot my second load in the white guy's mouth.

    As I left the bathroom the guy who had been watching the door said, "It was great watching you guys."

    By the way, I was 20 minutes late for work but it was worth it.

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  15. My friend, the black guy who cracked my ass for the first time two years ago, really loves to watch me get fucked as he coaches the other guy on. He says he really loves that and loves fucking my hole lubed with another guy's cum. So three-ways really turn him on.

    So Friday night we had a three-way with a guy from the net. I met this hot Latin guy from AOL and we went to my friend's place.

    My friend seemed to be happy with my choice of guy. We went right into the bedroom and got down to business.

    I started sucking my friend's dick while the Latin guy watched for a minute before joining in.

    I sucked on two dicks and had them both in my mouth at the same time. My jaw still hurts.

    Then my friend told the Latin guy to fuck my ass. My friend lubed my hole and the Latin guy's dick.

    I was soon on my back with my legs over the Latin guy's shoulders as my black friend straddled my face with his cock down my throat.

    The Latin guy dragged me to the end of the bed and fucked me doggie style. As I was getting fucked, I was tongue-fucked my black friend.

    That's not my favorite thing to do but to me he's so hot! I owe him so much. I wished my tongue was longer. His ass tasted so good.

    My black friend then started fucking my face, and I was getting plugged at both ends.

    My friend told the Latin guy "Fuck him hard, Pound that white ass."

    The Latin guy was getting close. My friend got behind the Latin guy and started to pull on his balls and yelled "Shoot your load in that ass! Lube that hole good for me."

    My friend started eating the Latin guy's ass, and the Latin guy shot his load way up inside me.

    My hole was now all sloppy and wet which is the way my friend wanted it. He shoved his cock into me. I was so sloppy and worked over I had no trouble taking his huge cock. He shot his load after just a few minutes.

    The Latin guy began to eat my ass. Seemed he really enjoyed the taste of mixed cum from my ass. Cum dripped down my ass cheeks and the Latin guy lapped it up.

    While he was eating my ass clean, my friend got behind him and started fucking him.

    The Latin guy started said "No, I don't get fucked."

    My friend shoved poppers under the Latin guy's nose, just as he had once done to me the first time he had seeded me.

    After a few hits the Latin guy was well on his way into becoming a new cumwhore.

    As my friend was fucked the Latin guy I slid underneath them. We became a fucking three-way. My friend fucked the Latin guy while the Latin guy fucked me. I was lying on my stomach feeling the two of them on top of me.

    As my friend pounded the Latin guy I felt the force of both of them. The Latin guy started moaning saying he was gonna cum. And my friend fucked him even harder as the Latin exploded up my ass.

    The Latin guy tried to pull out of me and get my friend off him.

    Again my friend shoved poppers under his nose. He pulled him into the doggie position. I began to suck his cock all the while jerking myself off.

    My friend ask if I was gonna cum.

    I said I was very soon.

    As I shot my load my friend released his into the Latin guy's ass. We just lay on the bed for what must have been half an hour.

    The Latin guy drove me home. On the way back to my place, he told me how he'd enjoyed himself.

    I told him how being a bottom has its advantages.

    He said he hadn't been fucked in years and had forgotten how good it felt.

    He told me he was usually strictly a top.

    I told him it didn't have to be that way anymore. That I used to be a top, too, until a few years ago when my black friend seeded me for the first time.

  16. Aaron went from one cock to another for the next several hours. There seemed to be an endless supply sticking through the glory holes and each load he subsequently took down his throat seemed to wear down his resistance and desire to fight back. My buddy was happy with the progress Aaron had shown during the past few hours. When the kid first entered the club he was very nervous and uptight but here was the same kid, a few hours later, snorting poppers and sucking any guy that wanted oral attention. Everything was proceeding as planned.

    As Aaron continued sucking cock, my buddy started fingering the kid's ass and kept talking dirty to him, telling him that instead of just sucking cock and taking loads down the throat, that he should take them in the ass. Aaron kept saying that he didn't want that but my buddy noticed the kid's resistance was breaking down and that he kept moaning every time he fingered the kid's hole.

    After some time had passed the kid began complaining that he didn't feel so well and that his head was hurting. My buddy went with him to one of the bathrooms and the kid felt very queasy and sick. He started saying that perhaps this wasn't a good idea and that perhaps he should leave, but my friend told him he had something that would help give the kid a buzz and that to just swallow it and that everything would be fine. And so Aaron did as told. After sitting for awhile, Aaron accompanied my friend into a backroom and said he felt much better - in fact, he was flying. Whatever that stuff was earlier it had done the trick and had given Aaron the illusion that he was in control - whereas he really wasn't.

    Standing just inside the doorway of the backroom, several guys began groping Aaron and my buddy kept tonguing the kid's mouth and lobes, telling him to just go with it and let it happen, that he needed and wanted this, not to resist anymore. Aaron stripped off and was soon being sucked by two guys on the floor (cock & balls) and other guys were licking his nipples and pulling on them. My buddy asked Aaron how he felt and the kid said he felt great!

    That's when an older man stepped up behind him and started fingering the kid's butt, working in a finger, then two and rubbing lube in his crack - massaging the lube into the kid's ass. Aaron moaned and was told to snort more poppers (several hits under each nostril) and as he handed the bottle back to one of the guys, the man slid his cock in between his cheeks and started pushing it up inside the boy's ass, till only his balls were banging against his cheeks. Aaron had some difficulty taking the cock in his hole and was moaning quite a bit but the poppers and other substance helped ease the pain and gave him the illusion that his ass wasn't being ripped apart (which indeed it was, as he discovered later).

    So there Aaron was, taking cock from several strangers at each end (the guys sucking him had since gotten off the ground and were fucking his mouth) and the kid slowly grew to love it and not care. He was just a dick machine to be used and used he was - in every way imaginable. By the end of the night, (many hours later), he had taken at least twenty loads in the ass and many more down the throat. Quite a few of the men were poz and some even started saying things like 'charge him up' while fucking him - though Aaron was too far out of it at that stage to question what they meant...

    At the end of the night my buddy told him how great the night had been and that he hoped Aaron had fun. Aaron said he did but that he really hadn't intended to be such a pig. Aaron said he did but that he was a bit worried about all the pain and blood in his ass. My buddy just looked at him and smiled.

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  17. Dropped off Steve at the airport and, since the weather was perfect - and unusual for January - I drove to Cherokee Park to see if 72 degrees and sun had other men in the brotherhood thinking about dick in the park too.

    All of the people I passed, as I drove around the one-way roads towards "gay hill," were both a positive and a negative sign. People were out, alright, but they were mostly joggers, boy-girl couples, families with kids, people with their dogs and not horny guys looking to get off on probably the last good weekend of the January thaw.

    When I finally reached the hill, there were a dozen or more empty cars parked along the side of the road, a good sign. No rainbow stickers or other signs of the brotherhood, however. There were two goodlooking 20 somethings in shorts and tees sitting with their bicycles on the grassy slope between the road and the woods. I pulled past the other cars and parked the truck. For a few minutes, I watched the guys with the bikes in a mirror as I pulled off my sweatshirt and tucked my tee into the jeans.

    I wandered the trails for about 30 minutes but saw no one and the bike guys hadn't followed, so I headed back towards the truck. There were a few condom wrappers on the trails but I figured they were from last summer or fall. When I reached the truck, bike guys had left.

    I drove up to the area over the interstate tunnel. It's usually pretty active at night in warm weather but considering how much brush had been removed last year, I wasn't expecting much in daylight in January. As it turned out, there were a dozen or so cars parked along the road. About half were empty; the occupants of the rest were all men, sitting alone. I figured it was worth getting out and checking out the trails.

    As I left the truck, a guy - looked to be mid-thirties - in a flannel shirt and black jeans who was wearing sunglasses got out of a Ford about 100' or so down the road, and headed back towards the main trail too. We caught up with each other on the main trail and checked each other out. He turned down the trail, looking back a couple of times as I followed about 30'

    feet behind. He looked like he might provide load number one for the day. After we walked a 100' or so, another guy came towards us, passing flannel shirt guy and then me. As he got closer, I shifted interest from flannel shirt to him. He was mid to late-20's. Seemed to have a buzzcut under a U of TN ballcap. A big orange ballcap is pretty unusual in KY. Then I noticed a pair of dog tags hanging on the outside of his gray tee. I figured he could be Army from Ft. Knox.

    The guy was hot looking. He had good muscle definition that showed through the tee, hairy forearms, reflective sunglasses and flashed a big, toothy smile when I said, "Hi." I wanted this dude. I stopped and turned as he passed. He went about another 10', stopped and came back in my direction. This time, as he passed he smiled again and asked how I was doing. I told him, "Man, I think I'm doing great."I followed behind as he went back down the trail, smiling back each time he turned his head.

    We passed flannel shirt guy who was standing in some trees several feet off the trail. He groped himself as he passed and I nodded. UT guy turned down a side trail that led further away from the road in the direction of a large parking area and I followed. After a few minutes, he stopped, with his back towards me. I caught up with him, passed and turned to face him. He was playing with his cock with a hand in one of the pockets in his sweats. I groped myself through my levis.

    He asked, "Wazzup?" I told him I was looking to get into something. He responded, "Yeah, what do you want to do?" For some reason - the tone of his voice, the body language, something - I got cautious. The cops had been cracking down in the park, lately, and for some reason or other, I started wondering if he was setting me up for a bust. (The cell phone on his belt didn't help either.) So, I cooled down some and asked, "Oh, I dunno, what about you?" He says, "I want to suck some cock." (Oh, well, so much for my copdar.)

    I told him, "Sounds hot; so do I." He suggested we walk further up into the woods, away from the trail and I followed. He stopped at a spot where you could see cars and people up by the big parking area but we were far enough away that I figured it was okay if at least one of us was paying attention to what was going on around us.

    He pushed his sweats down mid thigh, showing his hardon which gave me an instant hardon as well. He had a big, 7 or 8 incher that curved to his left. He'd shaved his balls and most of his pubes except for a line that continued from his pleasure trail to the root of his hard shaft. I had to have that hard cock and went immediately to my knees and started sucking him. I managed to work the curve around and into my throat and worked his cock head with my throat muscles and he helped out by pumping it into me. He let me suck him for a couple of minutes, getting a first taste of his precum, before he let me know it was his turn.

    I stood and he unzipped me and pulled my hard cock and balls out over the waistband of my jockeys and went to his knees, pulling off his UT cap. The dude could suck. Damn he could suck. I put my hands on the back of his head, feeling the burr of his haircut and watching my cock slide in and out of his mouth. I came damned close to letting him take it all the way but, fuck, it was early and I didn't want to give up any loads so soon.

    We took turns blowing each other until while as I was totally into his cock, he taps me on the shoulder and says, "We've got company." I stand and look over at an early 30's guy with long black hair standing next to a tree and rubbing his crotch. UT guy asks, "You get into 3's?" I say, "Yeah," wave the guy over and get back on my knees, running my tongue over UT's cock head lapping up more precum. The guy with long black hair joins us, pulls out his cock and holds it a few inches from my mouth and UT's cock and strokes it. He gets hard quickly and I start sucking back and forth between the two of them. The guy with lomg black hair has a long, thin, uncut cock. The head is still covered by his skin even after he is hard.

    As I'm switching back to UT guy's cock, he asks the guy with long black hair if he likes to fuck. The guy tells him yes and UT says "Fuck me, okay?" As I'm sucking UT's curved cock, the other man gets behind him and starts working his bare cock up UT's hole. I reach under and circle my thumb and finger around UT's fuckhole so I can feel the other guy's cock sliding in and out while I deep throat UT. UT's asshole is well lubed and he's taking the thin, uncut cock with ease. Sucking a guy while he's getting fucked, especially when he is standing, is so fucking hot as you feel the fucker's thrusts in the back of your throat as he drives the fuckee's cock in you.

    I'm in cocksucker's heaven, working for the first load of the day when suddenly I feel another cock pressed against my right cheek. At first I think it is long black hair guy looking for a new hole but it's not his thin, uncut cock or UT's which is still buried in my throat. (So much for one of us staying alert.)

    My cheek is getting probed by a thick cock with a big purple head. I look up and see flannel shirt guy. I alternate back and forth between flannel shirt and UT whose still getting his ass plowed by long black hair guy. After a few minutes, I stand and ask flannel shirt to fuck me - why should UT have all the fun?

    I slide my jeans and jockeys to my knees and turn so I'm facing UT. Flannel shirt gets behind and tries to work it in but I'm too tight and dry and the head of his dick is too big. I ask UT to "Get him wet" and step aside so flannel shirt can feed him his cock. UT sucks and slobbers all over flannel shirt's cock. Watching UT taking it at both ends in the woods, especially with all those cars and people several hundred feet away through the bare trees and shrubs is really hot. UT gets him good and wet and I press a hand against the trunk of a tree, bend over and pull the left cheek of my ass away to give flannel shirt a better shot. This time he works it all the way in and start throwing a serious fuck.

    At one point, I look over at UT, still getting drilled by long black hair guy, and we exchange big grins like only two cock pigs can. I'm really getting into having my ass stretched and pounded by flannel shirt guy and, from all the hot verbal about fucking my "hairy ass," he seems to be into the fuck too. Suddenly, I hear someone say, "Shit, where'd she come from?" "She" is a woman walking a German Shepherd maybe a 100' away and seems to have figured out what's going on. As she turns and as flannel shirt is pulling out he pops his load, leaving part of it in my fuck chute with the rest running down the back of my balls.

    Flannel shirt and long black hair guy have quickly disappeared and the woman with the dog is gone, so UT and I take our time. As he's pulling up his sweats, he asks if I took flannel shirt's load. I tell him, "Sort of - He got part of it in my ass and part of it on my ass and balls." He wants to know if he can "taste it, dude." I turn my back to him and he kneels and licks my balls clean, laps up the cum around my asshole and pushes his tongue up me, probing for more jizz. When he stands, he says, "Damn, you do have a hairy ass. Hot."I offer him a cigarette, light them both and he heads up towards the road with me following.

    When I get up along side, we talk some. I learn he is from TN and is in the Army at Fort Knox. He says, "I'm here every Sunday afternoon. Let's do it again, okay?" I say, "You bet." He heads up the trail but I notice long back hair guy with his back to us, facing a large tree, so I head down the trail.

    When I reach long black hair guy, he has it out and is stroking it. I ask him, "You get off?" and he says, "No." I get on my knees and he turns and offers me his thin, uncut cock.

    I grab it and work my tongue up under the skin, licking his cumhole. His cock tastes like lube and precum but there's no sign that he'd been plowing UT's ass. I smile to myself.

    While Steve was showering this morning, I'd used an enema, hoping to connect with someone into hole. What are the odds of hooking up with another guy in the park in January who'd also come prepared to get fucked in the park?

    Long black hair guy is in a hurry. He grabs the back of my head and starts seriously fucking face, jabbing the back of my throat with that skin covered pointed cock. He cums in a few minutes, keeping his cock buried in my throat.

    I leave after he does, get in the truck and, charged and hungry for more cock, drive across the river to an ABS in Southern Indiana.

  18. Recently had my ex's brother and a friend of his stopped by my place for a visit. My ex is bisexual, and his brother knows about us. After a few drinks, my ex's bro tells me his brother told him how good I am at sucking dick, his friend perks up cause he didn't know I was gay. The friend asked me if I liked sucking dick, I said "yeah", and he asked me if I wanted to suck his. I did, while me ex's bro watched. Then I sucked on my ex's brother's cock too.

    His friend said he was always curious about fucking a female in the ass but could never find one to do it with, I told him he could fuck my ass if he wanted, and the 2 of them spent the next hour dicking me down. I layed on my back on the sofa while the friend fucked me first, then my ex's brother. They both came so far up in my ass, that it didn't come back out of me until later the next day while I was in the grocery store. It felt great as all that cum cascaded out of my asshole, filling my underwear while I was standing in line.

    Can't wait to do that again.

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  19. I was shopping the week before Christmas in a large mall near my office. I had in mind a digital camera for my significant other and so I stopped in to a small camera shop. The young Hispanic guy that helped me was HOT! HOT! HOT! He was dressed in a crisp white dress shirt and nice tie, he had on black slacks that outlined his nice ass and also showed that he had a significant basket. We talked about several different cameras and as I looked through the view finder I could see him checking out my ass. So finally I decided on a camera and was standing at the cash register, paying for my camera when another person showed up. This guy told my sales guy that he had it and for my guy to take off. I seized the opportunity to ask my new guy if he had had lunch yet. He smiled looked at my crotch and said no but he had something in mind.

    I followed him from the mall to an apartment complex just a few blocks away. We walked into a very stylish and clean apartment. He turned around and locked the door and when he turn back I was standing right in his face. He just leaned forward and began kissing my face and lips and ears and running his hands up and down my back. I returned the favor by grabbing a hand full of his nice round Jlo butt and another hand full of his tit through his shirt.

    He began walking backwards toward the bedroom door never losing contact with my body. As we arrived in the bedroom he began tugging my shirt out of my trousers and unbuttoning it. I reached up to help but he stopped me and told me that he was going to do this so I just stood and let him undress me. As he pulled off each item he would kiss and nibble and suck on different parts. He worked my nipples until I thought I would cum. He then moved to my feet where he pulled off my loafers and socks and kisses and sucked each toe. He then reached up from his place at my feet and began working on my trousers. I had this huge raging hard-on trying to explode out anyway so when he released the snap I popped right out into the open. My cock had already wormed its way out the door in my boxers so he has a face full of my cock.

    He pulled my trousers and boxers off over my feet and through them on the chair nearby. He then turned back and began sucking and nibbling my crotch area. Not just my cock and balls but all the skin around the area. It was the most erotic feeling to have this fully dressed hot gut working me over and me not able to even touch him. He turned me around and began rimming my ass and I had to stop him because I knew that I would certainly come if he kept that up.

    I finally had had enough I needed to feel this kids skin. I turned around reached down and dragged him up off the floor. I began to work him over like he had done me. When I had him down to nothing but skin I was certain that I had died and gone to heaven. This kid was uniformly dark skinned all over. When I made a comment about how hot and sexy he looked he explained that he laid out naked when ever he had the chance in the summer and used the tanning booth the rest of the year.

    WE finally fell into each others arms and onto the bed. He squirmed around until we were in the old 69 position and went to work on each other. He sucked my cock like a hunger man and I return the favor as best as I could. But I needed his ass. I worked between his thighs and my tongue found his hot asshole. I wormed my tongue around and down into that taste treat. He began squirming and sucking really hard on my cock. Finally he stopped me and rolled up onto his back and stuck his legs up in the air. He begged that I fuck him now hard and fast. I am not one to pass up an opportunity or a request like this so I reached over to the night stand and grabbed a tube of lube he had laying there. I placed a glob on the tip on my cock and a glob on his asshole. I then leaned into him and guided my cock into his hot tight hole. He grunted a little and clamped down and asked that I take it just a bit easy until he opened up a little. I gentle rocked back and forth each time pressing a little more into his ass. Finally I was shoving the entire length on my cock deep into his guts and he was moaning and begging for me to fuck him hard and fast. I picked up the pace and started to really ram it home. I was getting close to coming when he grabbed his cock and aimed it up so that a huge glob of cum shot out and landed on his face. Several more squirted out between us and that was all I needed I unloaded a huge load up this hot latino's ass. He grabbed me and hugged me to him and thanked me for a great Christmas Present. I told that I was thrilled to be able to satisfy him.

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  20. When I lived in the mountains of North Carolina, there were lots of prejudices and being a gay male, it was hard to find sex. I lived in two areas that access to the Blueridge Parkway and that is where I found most of my sexual escapades. The hottest one happend near Boone.

    It was getting dark and was a beautiful summer evening. I went to the parkway to find a dick to suck. As I cruised, a hot young guy (ASU student) passed me in a red camaro and flashed his tail lights. I new he was looking for sex. I turned around and met him at the next overlook. He was very cute. We got out of our cars and chatted for about a 1/2 hour. The traffic was light, so we had some privacy.

    We started rubbing each other's crothes We both were wearing gym shorts with no underwear and I could feel his long thin dick. I decided what the hell and pulled down his shorts and sucked him right there on the parkway. His dick was about 8" uncut but very thin. about 2" around. I usually have trouble deep throating, but because he was so thin, it slid right down. He tasted so good.

    He then lowered my shorts and sucked my 6" cut dick for a while, but wouldn't let me cum. He then turned me around and started rimming my ass. I'd never been rimmed before and was in heaven. His tongue darted in and out and got me really hot. He then stood up and had me to bend over. I thought he was going to rim me some more (I was so niave). He slid his dick up my ass. I'd been fucked twice before and hated it both times, but because he was so thin, I really liked having him up my ass.

    He had been fucking me for a couple of minutes before we saw a car approaching. I just stood up (leaving his dick up my ass), pulled up the front part of my shorts (covering my hard dick), and leaned back against him. As the car got closer, we saw that it was a park ranger. Here I was with a guys dick up my ass and a park ranger driving by. I was so freaked, but stayed still. The ranger rode on by and never slowed. My sex partner just bent me back over and fucked the hell out of me. It was the only time I ever enjoyed being fucked. He came up my ass so powerful that I could feel every squirt.

    He then pulled out, sank to his knees and ate his cum out of my ass. I was so engrossed in what he was doing, I didn't realize that I had shot all over my shorts. After cleaning my ass up, he cleaned off my jizz. He was so hot. He then got in his car, said thanks, and I never saw him again. I had to go home and jack off again before going to sleep replaying that scene in my mind. I've been fucked a few times since, but have never enjoyed it like that one hot time on the Blueridge Parkway.

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  21. This is the story of my first experience. It was on a School trip France. I had just turned 18 and other than the odd quick wank in the school loo's I had no real experience. I can still feel and imagine the days and nights even though I am now 30. It was one of those magical moments in life and they do not come very often. I have tried to write the story remembering the details as best I can. In fact, I have got a rock hard knob sitting in front of me as I recall the events.

    First, I guess I had better introduce myself. My name is Andy, although I use the nickname Drewboy. I live in England and this story took place while I was studying for A-Levels at school. Along with some friends and a teacher, I was going to go to France for a weekend to learn some French and to relax a little, as I had just finished my exams. The downside was that we had to leave at 3am in order to get the ferry.

    I was last but one to arrive. Already in the minibus were Dave and Adrian. Dave, I remember, was around 6' tall and a big, rugby player type. He has brown hair of just the right length that he need not comb it and a nice guy type personality.

    Adrian was the guy I wanked most often over at night, while thinking about him. He was quite short, around 5'5 and has short blond hair. He has a beautiful smile and a kind of cutely skinny body. We were now only waiting for one person - Ian. This was not exactly an unusual state of affairs as he was renowned for being late. Dave had sat down on the second row of seats, with a bag positioned on a seat next to him; with his body language saying 'Don't sit next to me' so, I took the hint and sat down on the third row of seats, next to Adrian. Adrian was one of the school's star soccer players, had those amazing soccer legs, firm, and sculpted a true joy to look at. Unfortunately for me thought, they were covered up in jeans. I sat down and we made conversation, while waiting for Ian.

    After around 15 minutes, Ian arrived and climbed in, and sat down next to Dave. Ian was around 6'2, with short black hair and a nice body; not muscular and not skinny. The minibus soon left and we started our journey to the port. While we chatted for a while it soon became clear that what everyone really wanted to do was sleep. Conversation dried up and we did exactly that. Time passed quickly from this point and I must have fallen asleep. I awoke to find Adrian's head leaning on my shoulder and in front of me, saw that Ian had his arm snuggled behind Dave. It was dark so I guess that the Mr Spencer could not see and Matt was asleep in the passenger seat. I assumed that his arm had just fallen there or something, but as likely as this seemed it was far nicer to believe that they were both gay, as I had also been fantasising about them both on and off for months. I knew I would be able to find out for sure later, because to keep the cost of the trip down all four pupils were going to be sharing one room with Mr Spencer and Matt in the other room. We already knew that the room would have two double beds, and we had arranged that I would share with Adrian and Dave and Ian would share. Leaning my head down onto Adrian's head, I felt myself slip back into sleep. We must have slept for a good few hours because when I awoke light was streaming in through the windows and we were queuing to get onto the ferry. It looked like I was the last one to wake up, as everyone else was talking enthusiastically about the weekend ahead. We soon got on then ferry, and left for France. The journey was uneventful to say the least and we arrived at around 3pm French time. We were all feeling tired again, but we managed to stay awake for the rest of the journey and we arrived at the hotel at about 7pm. having eaten we were sitting in the hotel's bar. Adrian then said he was tired and I agreed with him. We both said we were going to get to bed. Dave and Ian stayed down in the bar.

    Adrian and I walked back up to our room and we lay down on the bed. I was determined to find out if he was gay, as I so wanted him to be so I could get some serious sex. So, I asked if he thought Ian was gay. He thought the question strange and I said I was just curious. In fact, I thought I had blown it. The he dropped the bombshell and asked if I thought he gay. I said I didn't know. He then asked if it would worry me if he were. It was becoming kind of clear to me that he was also trying to establish if I was gay too. I told him that I would not mind at all. He then said he was. I wasn't taking any chances. So I said Yeah yeah ! He just smiled at me and said again that it was true he was gay.

    I could not believe my ears. I then told him I'd been thinking about sex with him for months. He giggled and told be I was pretty damn cute. I moved over to him on the bed and he blushed as I slipped my arm behind his head, testing the ground. He didn't resist and I felt him roll his body on top of me. His blue eyes were deep, almost hypnotising. I softly brushed my lips against his, and he pushed his tongue gently into my mouth. I grabbed his firm ass with my hands and began to grind my crotch into his. I could feel that his cock was rock hard, and while we continued our passionate kissing, I began to undo his trousers.

    His tongue explored every inch of my mouth, as we writhed with passion. His jeans were now undone and he wriggled out of them, while I removed my own. Next, we removed our shirts, necessitating that we broke our kissing for a moment, and soon we were clad only in our underwear. I was wearing briefs, while he was wearing jockey shorts. We frenziedly ground our cocks into each other and continued to kiss frantically. After a while I knew I was close, and wanting to prolong things for as long as possible I broke away from his mouth and slipped off his jockey shorts, now wet with sweat and pre- cum.

    His cock was almost hairless, except for a small patch at the base, and uncut with a tight foreskin wrapped round the head so that it formed the perfect outline of his helmet. It protruded from his body at about 45 degrees, around 6" long, thinner than mine but smooth and hot. Mine is cut and 6.5inches long thicker than his and the helmet has always stood out large. It was the reason I had to be circumcised. He said he had never seen one that had been circumcised before; most boys in our school group still had their skins. His knob was a beautiful sight and I was eager to suck it, long and hard. I licked softly at it first; causing him to moan softly and then engulfed the length of it with my mouth. He moaned some more and I swung around to allow him access to my cock.

    First, he licked it through the now almost transparent fabric of my white cotton briefs and then removed them, engulfing my cock with his hot, velvety mouth. I was now in absolute ecstasy and I moaned softly, the sound damped by my mouthful of cock. I knew I wouldn't last long now, and I could feel that was close to. His skin had pulled back and I was running my tongue round the helmet edge. Suddenly I heard the click of the door handle, and I pushed Adrian up to allow myself to see. In front of me stood Dave and Ian. They looked surprised to say the least!

    Ian was the first to speak. I could see that his cock was rapidly growing, and I saw that Dave had his arm around him. My suspicions were obviously right! Ian and Dave began to remove their clothes, as Adrian and I returned to our mutual sucking. I sucked hard at his hot teen cock and soon enough I heard him moan and his hot cum jetted hard into my mouth. I remember that it was thick and glue like tasting salty but not unpleasant. Over the years, I have seen and tasted lots of spunk but I think his was the thickest I ever ate. That did it for me and I felt my body tense up as I pumped my cum into his mouth. I turned around so that I had access to his mouth again and pressed my lips to his. I wrapped my arms around his back and we kissed passionately, while I held him close to my slender body.

    Dave and Ian had obviously enjoyed the show, as Ian had his tongue buried in Dave's ass. Dave moaned in delight as Ian's tongue invaded his ass. Ian then pulled off and replaced his tongue with his cock. I guess it was about 7" and looked pretty smooth, uncut and the foreskin sat very loose over the head when he was hard. His body was smooth and tanned with quite a nice set of developing muscles. Dave's cock was nice. About 7.5 inches long very narrow but covered in veins that made it really ribbed. He was also uncut but his foreskin didn't stay in place all the time making him often look cut. He had a hairy body. Ian pushed up hard into Dave's tight hole, making Dave moan further, in a mixture of pain and pleasure. Ian then began to slide his cock slowly in and out of Dave's tight hole. Dave writhed in pleasure, and screamed and ecstasy as Ian's big cock brushed his prostrate. Dave began to cum again and the spasms this induced in Dave's ass proved too much for Ian, pushing him over the edge, causing him to pump his load deep into Dave. They lay there for a while, enjoying the post orgasmic haze until Ian pulled his cock from Dave's ass and kissed him deeply. I guess I must have fallen asleep at that point, because the next thing I remember is waking up, with my limbs tangled up in Adrian.

    I lay there with my body entangled with Adrian. It was a truly wonderful experience, but as is too often the case, my bladder forced me to leave him and take a morning piss. On the other bed, I could see that Ian was lying draped. After leaving for breakfast we were to head out to a French hypermarket. I had realised that there may be more to my developing relationship with Adrian than just sex. He wasn't someone who I had ever had much to do with in the past at school, with him being the soccer player, and me being more the thinker, but I had soon realised after taking the time to talk to him that he was a genuinely nice guy, and fun to be with. Ian and Dave seemed to be getting along nicely too, although I guess they had to be doubly careful with Dave's dad being around.

    That evening we returned to the Hotel for dinner and then watched some Football on TV. Soon we were all tired and all slowly walked up to our room. Sitting on the bed together Adrian leant over and kissed me, deeply and passionately. Taking the hint, I kissed back and pushed him down onto the bed. We began to frantically remove clothing and judging by the noises, Dave and Ian were doing something similar. Soon we were both naked, and filled with passion. We hadn't fucked each other yet, so I said, "Fuck me Adrian". I had never done that at all not even with a toy so I was a little concerned about the pain, but filled with a desire to feel Adrian inside me. Adrian asked if I was sure and I just nodded.

    I slipped my lips around his cock, and began to lube him up at little with my spit. After a while of this he pulled off turned me onto my tummy and I felt his tongue penetrate my asshole. It felt great, and I knew that his cock would feel even better. I lay down on the bed my cock jutting into the mattress and parted my legs. I slipped a pillow under myself to aid Adrian 's access and then felt his cock brushing at my rosebud. I gasped as his cock pushed into me, and felt a stab of pain. Adrian must have sensed this because he stopped for a while, allowing me to get used to the feeling. After a while, he began to push the rest of his perfect 6" cock into me. I groaned, now in a mixture of pleasure and pain. He began to slide his cock in and out of my asshole. I felt waves of pleasure envelop me as his cock brushed my prostrate. I remember telling him to push in harder. He did as requested and began to pound his cock hard into me. His balls slapped against my cheeks, as his cock pushed deep up my ass. I felt overcome by the beautiful sensations, and knew that I was about to cum. Adrian moaned, obviously enjoying the feeling of my hot, tight ass around his cock, and soon I my cum jetted onto the bed. The spasms in my ass must have finished Adrian off, because I felt hot jets of cum pumping up my ass. We stayed like that for a few minutes, enjoying the feelings of bliss induced by our orgasms. I felt Adrian pull his cock out of my ass, leaving an empty feeling and I turned over, pressing my lips to his. I felt his tongue invade my mouth, wildly exploring every corner. I looked across to Dave and Ian, whom we had both pretty much forgotten about. They were currently engaged in a 69. Ian was lying on top of Dave, each with the other's cock in their mouth. Ian's ass was pumping up and down, as he fucked the face of Dave. Dave's arse looked so inviting and I looked across to Adrian, who was evidently thinking the same thing I was, judging at least by his grin. He told me to go ahead go ahead. I slid away from Adrian and climbed across to the other bed. I knelt behind Ian and pushed my tongue up his ass. He gave a surprised groan, but you can't really complain when you've got your mouth full of cock! I pushed up hard and found it tasted good. A musty taste but with a tang of sweat. After a while I decided that his ass was pretty well lubed, and looked down to my cock. It was still slimy with cum and pre-cum, and rock hard. I positioned it at the entrance to Ian's ass and pushed in gently and slowly. I heard a muffled groan and a "Fuck me", so decided to oblige. I pushed again feeling some degree of resistance then slid quickly and effortlessly in past his ring. I noticed that the beautiful cock of Adrian had appeared in front of my face, and not one to miss an opportunity; I wrapped my lips around it.

    He began to fuck my face a little, and I started to fuck at Ian. I wildly thrusted my cock into Ian, and I heard his muffled groans of pleasure and pain. I felt my balls slapping against his butt cheeks, and his hot tight hole around my throbbing cock. He was wet and the more I pumped the easier it got to fuck him. I felt his ass spasm around my cock, probably due to his orgasm, and this did it for me, making my cum pump up his ass. I pulled out; shooting a spurt over his arse cheeks and gave my full attention to Adrian 's beautiful cock. Soon enough he pumped his cum into my mouth, the taste of which I savoured.

    I guess I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I remember is waking up, desperate for a piss. I looked over to the other bed and saw Ian and Dave lying naked together. This had certainly been an interesting weekend so far.

  22. I have been bi for many years, but this is the first time I'm writing this story out.

    It was 1970....I was stationed in Da Nang...attached to a Navy Medivac squadron from the USS Repose....as a pilot I shuttled wounded to the hospital ship, while the medics tended the guys.

    Occasionally, I was allowed to fly up to Saigon for a weekend. This story takes place at the Marine Corps base in Saigon, where we usually parked our choppers while on liberty.

    This particular day, while putting the chopper to bed, a Marine corporal was hanging out watching me close up the chopper and we struck up a conversation. We talked for a few minutes and then he said he was on his way into town would I like a ride. I said sure, and we took off in his jeep.

    I was feeling really horny, and that corporal was really good looking....he was about 19yo, 6'1, 180, nice package bulging in his pants. He must have seen me looking because he asked me if I was bi. When I said yeah...he smiled and said, "Me too".

    So much for going into town!! We turned the jeep around and headed back for the base. I had private quarters at the BOQ and after a stop at the O-club for a couple of six packs we went to my room.

    Viet Nam was almost always hot, and I wanted to shower as soon as we got to the room so I stripped down to my skivvies and headed for the bathroom. He opened a beer and sat on the bed.

    I was in the shower soaping up when the shower curtain opened and he came in and stod there behind me soaping up my back. His hands on me were electrifying! His big warm hands roaved all over my body slowly and I began to get weak at the knees and when he touched the entrance to my ass, I started to moan.

    He gently bent me over and started to finger my ass. He slipped his middle finger in as far as it would go and began finger fucking me with a slow steady motion that made me dizzy. I turned to him and said, "Please fuck me...I need it bad".

    He dried me off with the towel, and we went into the bedroom....and made me lie down on the bed. He climbed onto the bed and raised my legs up to his shoulders and guided his 8" cock to the opening of my ass and gently started to push it in. As my ass opened to let him in, I couldn't hold it in any more....I came all over his belly and shot straight up to his chest....He took some of my cum to help lube his cock....and put some on my tongue, then licked his fingers, all the time fucking me with that same slow in and out motion he used when his fingers were inside me.

    After about 5 minutes....{it seemed to go on forever!!} he said "I'm gonna cum" then shot a huge load of hot cum right inside me. It was so much that it was dripping out of me while he was still inside me.

    He stayed the night with me, and we sucked each other off a little later and I never saw him again....

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  23. I was out for a all-day ride. Needing a break I decided to stop in an Adult Book Store I had been in a few time before. Pulling into the parking lot I saw a number of cars. While the booths did not have any glory-holes, they were quite large, easily holding 2 with plenty of room.

    As I walked through the store into the booth area, I saw a number of guys who appeared to be cruising. As I entered the back I caught the eye of one guy who was hot. A little over 6' and muscular, wearing a tank-top and jeans. As the booth area was a little stuffy, he had a little sheen of sweat. I nodded at him and he joined me in the booth. As he closed the door he pulled me close and we kissed. I felt his tongue caress my lips. As I opened my mouth I felt him pull me tight as his tongue pushed pass my lips and began probing my mouth. I could feel his cock pressing against me. I reached for his cock but hem pulled back, keeping out mouths together.

    He broke the kiss and began to nibble my neck. I started to kiss his neck and tasted his sweat and started to lick his neck and shoulder. Then I felt his tongue in my ear and he started to rub my chest. When he found a nipple he began to rub it so hard it was beginning to hurt. It felt so great. My body took over and a moan escaped from my lips. As he started to pinch my nipple he kissed me again, this time his tongue darting in and out. I was melting. It wasn't long before I would have done anything, I was so hot. Somehow, the next I knew he had removed my shirt and I was helping him unfasten my pants.

    My pants down I tried reaching for his cock again but he stopped me. I then felt his tongue teasing my nipple as his hand moved down my cock. He teased my balls as he bit my nipple and pulled it out. As he started sucking my nipple I felt his fingers tease my ass, touching the hole but not entering.

    He pushed me back so I was sitting on the edge of the bench then knelt between my legs. He continued teasing my nipples with one hand and the other to tease my ass. Then I felt his tongue licking and caressing my cock. My mouth was screaming for something so I started sucking my fingers, forcing them in as far as I could. As he took my cock into his mouth he rammed two fingers into my ass. How wonderful it felt, I was ready to cum. He moved his hand from my nipple to my mouth. Feeling my hand there he pulled my hand from my mouth and pushed his fingers into it.

    I was going crazy, my mouth and ass being finger-fucked as he sucked my cock. I started to pinch and pull my nipples, wishing for a real cock in me. Just as I was ready to cum, he stopped! Everything, sucking and finger fucking me. After waiting what seemed forever, he kissed my nipples then started finger fucking my mouth and ass while sucking me.

    By this time I was so hot. My need for a cock in me was so great I would have done anything for one. It was not long before I felt an orgasm approaching. And, again, he stopped. I was so delirious I couldn't move. I begged for his cock. He answered, telling me soon, then started working me again.

    But, suddenly, I felt a cock by my mouth. As he fingers left my mouth I took the cock between my lips. As my mouth closed around it I felt how massive it was. It was huge! Before I could relax, it was rammed deep into my mouth. Almost heaven! Now, if I could only get a cock in my ass….. Well, I kept the cock in my mouth, enjoying everything. All too soon the cock exploded cum in my mouth. I tried swallowing as much as I could but there was soon much. I kept sucking and, when the cock was limp. It was pulled from my mouth.

    My own orgasm neared and I expected my partner to be stopping soon. And, he did. By now I felt hat if he just licked my cock I would cum. I reached for my cock, wanting to cum so badly, but he stopped me. Then I heard him ask if I wanted to cum or be fucked. I begged him to fuck me, knowing that I would cum while he was fucking me. He smiled and kissed me. Then, to my surprise, he wrapped a leather strap around the base of my cock, tight enough to prevent me from cumming!

    He then grabbed me by my nipples and had me stand. Still pulling my nipples he kissed me then had me kneel before him. I helped him unfasten his pants, releasing his hard cock. I quickly took it in my mouth, covering it with spit. As he work his cock in and out of my mouth I realized that it was large, both in length and girth. I was having a difficult time taking it in my mouth. I knew when he rammed it into me it would stretch me like I have never been before.

    He took his cock from my mouth and stepped behind me. As he knelt at my ass I could see that the door to the booth was open and a group of guys were watching us. This only made me hotter and I hoped that someone would let me suck them while I was being fucked. Realizing that there was not enough room in the booth I quickly moved so my head would be in the door-way. As I felt the head of the cock pressing against my ass I was asking for a cock to suck. Then the cock entered my ass. He pushed it in so slowly, very slowly. I tried going backwards, speeding the entry of the cock into my ass but was stopped. This was driving me crazy! After what seemed to be forever I felt the cock deep in me then slowly begin to withdraw. I was begging for more and harder but he just kept moving it slowly.

    My pleas for more were stopped by a cock being put into my mouth. Hungry for it, I started sucking, tasting its pre-cum. I was almost in heaven, having a cock in my mouth and ass at the same time. I could hear them kissing as they used me but that only made me want more.

    When I felt the cock in my mouth begin to cum I started swallowing as fast as I could. Then I felt cum filling my ass. How I wanted even more.

    Both cock limp, they withdrew from my mouth and ass and I heard myself begging for more. The guys who had been watching us were standing with their cocks in their hands and I could tell they were close to cumming. Hoping for more I started to move to them when one shot his load, covering my face. The others soon followed and I was trying to catch the cum with my mouth.

    Finished, they put their cocks into their pants and left me covered with cum. I started to wipe the cum up with my fingers then suck my finger clean when I heard a voice behind me. I had forgotten about him! He told me not to clean-up but to come to his house for some more fun. Agreeing, I grabbed my clothes and followed him out.

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  24. The other day I had a date with a guy who got tied up in a job interview. So having a few minutes to kill, I decided to go to the local adult bookstore and get some necessary items like poppers and a butt plug. When I got to the bookstore (no arcade), there was a guy sitting in his truck in the parking lot. He looked at me as I went in and then he came in. He looked over at me and I looked him in the eye and it was obvious what he wanted.

    I left the bookstore and went to my car and he pulled out behind me. I pulled onto a side street and he pulled in behind me in a parking lot and pulled his truck up next to my car. Rolling the window down, he said a hesitant hello. I said hi and asked what he was looking for. He stammered and then I jumped in and told him I liked to get fucked.

    He asked me if I wanted to come over to his vehicle and I said yes. I climbed into his truck and he said he did not have a place to go and I told him I lived a distance out of town. He then drove to a parking lot near a local college and parked in the parking lot. It was on a hill and had a very good view of oncoming traffic. He also had tinted windows but I could see in when he came up next to me and was sure anyone passing by could see in as well.

    He told me that he liked being pleased and wanted me to take all my clothes off but by tee and briefs. I did as I was told. Sitting there in my underwear, I became extremely aroused and my cock started to grow. I reached down and rubbed and he grabbed my hand. He told me not to touch my cock that he was going to rip my briefs off and shove them in my mouth if I did. Once again, I did as I was told.

    I reached over and put my hand on his crotch and felt a massive tool bulging inside his jeans. He undid his zipper and lowered his pants and he had a cock that was about 8" long and very very fat. I told him I wanted him to fuck me. He said he did not want to hurt me and I told him I could take his cock. Not here he said. He pulled his pants up and started his truck. He drove across town to his office and said we could go in there. When we arrived not everyone had left so he said we would drive someplace else.

    We drove to a development which was under construction and, parking among the vehicles of the construction workers, he made me lick his balls. They were very fat, low hanging balls and all I wanted to do was feel them slapping against my ass. I started to rub my cock and he reached over and grabbed my briefs. He said he had warned me as he ripped them off me and shoved them in my mouth. He then got out of the truck and opened the passenger door. Jerking me out of the truck, he grabbed my tee and ripped it off as well. I was standing there wearing nothing but the elastic band from my jockey shorts as he bent me over the seat and proceeded to put some spit on the head of his cock. He put the thick mushroom head against my hole and shoved the entire girth of his cock in my ass. It did hurt like hell for a moment but then I got use to his animalistic thrusts and enjoyed every second of the assault. I did not notice that he had not bothered to put a condom on and was fucking me raw. This is the way I like it as I usually get fucked bareback. I reached around and felt his bare cock slamming in and out of me and this turned me on so much that I begged him to cum in my ass. He rammed even harder and told me to beg for it. I did as that was all I could possible think of was getting his cum in my ass. I felt his cock get harder and harder and knew he was about to cum, so I tightened up the muscles on my ass as I felt him squirt hot gobs of his thick white cum inside me.

    He pulled out and took what was left of my tee shirt and wiped-off his cock. We were both startled when two constructions workers came-up behind him asked if he minded it they got tail. He told them to be his guest and the first one stepped up behind me and lowered his pants. I could see his cock was nice one, if not quite as fat as the one I had just had. He said he didn't have a condom and the man who had just fucked me told me to take his cum in my ass as well. As the man pumped my ass, I surmised he would cum very quickly - and he did. As he stepped away the other construction worker (a black guy) stepped up for his turn. I was very very impressed with the size of his cock and knew I needed to do a hit of poppers for him. His tool was probably over 10" and fat. I did a hit of poppers as he walked up and without any hesitation, put the head of his cock on my cum lubed hole and slammed his entire cock inside me. I begged for him to cum in my ass and knew that he was shoving the other two guys cum as far up inside me as he could. He fucked me for a while and then grabbed my waist and I knew he was going to flood my ass. I begged for his cum in my ass as well as he exploded inside me. I could feel his cock spasm as his jizz squirted deep in my guts.

    I grabbed my cock and jerked it a few times and shot cum all over the ground. The guy who owned the truck took what was left of my underwear and wiped me clean. I took the butt plug from the bag of goodies I had bought and he inserted it for me. I did not want to lose any of the cum in my ass as my bf likes for me to take loads from other guys and then let him fuck me. Needless to say, I did not make it to see the first guy I was going to see, but I did go home with a lot of cum in my ass and when I told my bf the story, I got the fucking of my life.

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  25. On my day off I decided to go to the gay movie theater. after spending a few minutes there, I went into what they call the dark room. And dark room it was, you could barley see in front of you. Carefully moving into the room I found a wall I could lean against. Since it was a side wall I stood on my side to look at the film being showed of this black guy practically raping this white guy with his enormous cock.

    The look on the white guys face was incredible. I really believe he was in real pain being impaled by this horse dick. As I was watching the flick I could feel someone stand behind me. I didn't turn around not that I would have been able to see him anyway, but by now I was hot and horny. My 7 inch cock was pushed hard into my jeans.

    Rubbing my cock thru my jeans I backed up slightly and could feel this guy's hard cock hit my ass. he started a few thrusting motions with his hips, his cock banging against my ass. I was really hot now and pushed my ass against his hard crotch. He started to moan slightly, but from the sound of his moan I could tell that he was an afro american. He reached around me and rubbed my hard cock, then unbuckled my belt. I helped him along by undoing my zipper and pulling them down along with my thongs. He dropped his pants and underwear and rubbed his fuckin big cock up and down my asscrack. I had already lubed my asshole prior to coming to the theater, so he had no problem sticking a finger up my hot hole.

    He worked his finger then two in and out my fuckhole for a few minutes as I jerked my cock. He pulled is fingers out and pressed his cockhead against my opening. It was electric. I bared down to accept his cockhead andhe pushed his mushroom head into me. My ass muscles reacted immediatley to the pain. I guess he realized this and stopped pushing till i got used of his massive cockhead inside of me. As my asshole opened up for the intrusion he pushed more hard cock in till I could feel is cockhairs and balls against my asscheeks. He stood like that for a moment then started to work his giant black cock in and out my chute.

    By now I was reacting by pushing back on his cock with each of his hard thrusts. This guy was raping my fuckhole and I was loving every bit of it or should I say inch of it and there were a lot of inches.He grunted every time he rammed his dick into my hot asshole. All I could do was moan and jerk my dripping cock. this went on for a while. This guy had great stamina, but I could tell he was ready to give me his manjuice. His thrusts became fast and strong. Holding on to my hips as he drove his fuckin cock deep inside my manhole. then I could feel his cock go into spasms as he shot his load deep inside me. With his juice putting out my ass fire I exploded, my cum shooting out of my cockslit. I don;t even know if i hit anyone with it, and I didn't care.

    He pulled out his softening cock out of me and said thanks. His voice sounded familiar. I said myself could it be my boss. I hadn't spoken till now. I said Trevor and turned around. He said "Art?" With this we both got dressed and left the dark room. In the better light we were both rather surprised to see each other, but I have to say it was fuckin hot to be fucked by your own boss and enjoy it too.

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