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Posts posted by Ieatcumholes

  1. 10 hours ago, Demondicc said:

    last load I gave was 3 weeks ago, it was to a slut that hmu on A4A and I snuck him in while i was over my sister's house, fucked the slut for about 4 hours and gave him 4 loads. Was some of the best pink pussy I ever had. Hope to breed him again.

    4 hours in your SISTER's HOUSE after sneaking him in and nobody heard? DO TELL! 

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  2. Without even knowing that Locktober is a thing, I bought two different chastity cages during Labor Day sales cause I've been chatting with two different non-local bottoms for whom flying with a metal chastity cage on would be problematic. But now I've got these two metal cages, and Locktober approaches, and I don't have anyone to use them on. If you're a local bottom (preferably Peninsula/South Bay, but if you're willing to travel, further distances are fine) who is interested in Locktober but doesn't have a lock to use, let's talk! It could definitely be a win-win situation for us both...

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  3. On a whim I bought two different cages on sale at Labor Day. I've been chatting with two non-local bottoms who are both interested in being caged to help them become the sluts they want to be. I had no idea Locktober was a thing! Now I guess I'll have to find a local bottom (or two since I have two cages) who want to be locked next month... 🤔😜😍

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  4. On 9/11/2024 at 9:36 PM, Ieatcumholes said:

    Bucket list/fantasy. To-MAY-to, to-MAH-to!  I REALLY want to repeatedly fuck a locked bottom thanks to BZ! So much so that I bought a couple of locks that were on sale for Labor Day. They arrived today, and I've showed pics to a couple of (non-local) bottoms who both want to be locked. They're down for it! Now, to find a local bottom... (One of the non-local bottoms KNOWS that he's not going to be the first one to wear either cage... 😍)

    OK, Reddit has shown me that I need to add something else to my sexual fantasy list - an insanely hairy bottom who doesn't trim a single hair below the neck! 😍👅🍆💦👅 🍆💦👅 🍆💦👅

  5. I collect my cum from jerking off to create cumsicles that I use instead of lube. Bottoms who've had a cumsicle followed by multiple fresh loads have all loved how creamy their holes feel when we're done...


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  6. Bucket list/fantasy. To-MAY-to, to-MAH-to!  I REALLY want to repeatedly fuck a locked bottom thanks to BZ! So much so that I bought a couple of locks that were on sale for Labor Day. They arrived today, and I've showed pics to a couple of (non-local) bottoms who both want to be locked. They're down for it! Now, to find a local bottom... (One of the non-local bottoms KNOWS that he's not going to be the first one to wear either cage... 😍)

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  7. 16 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

    We certainly can agree to disagree. But the underlying principle is the same: whether or not one may legitimately judge a person for that person's transgressions that harm another. I'm not sure why you think "not judging a guy who's married to a woman who has no idea and would be hurt if she knew" is different, in principle, from "not judging a guy who will steal from his friends if left alone in their house". Except, of course, in the first instance, you're getting something out of it (sex with the guy). I just think it's valid to consider whether that benefit is coloring your judgment, or rather, the lack of benefiting from the second guy's thievery is.

    Having sex with someone who is married is at worst immoral. The other situations you listed are illegal. >> I << don't see those as being equal, but apparently you do. And instead of going back and forth with you when neither of us is probably going to change our minds, I'd rather agree to disagree and use that time and energy for more productive pursuits...

  8. 10 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

    So... I wouldn't fuck my underaged kids, if I had them. But it's fine if someone else does his own, and I "shouldn't try to live anybody's else life for them"?

    I wouldn't steal from my friends' houses if I go visit, but it's fine if someone else does, because I shouldn't judge?

    I could go on and on, but it boils down to: Do we give everyone a pass for behavior we ourselves wouldn't do, no matter how offensive or harmful it might be, in the name of "not trying to live anybody else's life for them"?

    I don't see the situations as being comparable, so let's agree to disagree.

    • Thanks 1
  9. On 8/20/2024 at 11:44 AM, Sharp-edge said:

    Once it was a fantasy of many. Now you get to hear nasty comments that he's a cheater and whatever and blah blah.

    But in my mind, he's just a horny guy who needs another horny guy to take good care of him. Is it thad bad?

    I've read a few (but not all) responses. I've had sex with married (to a woman) men before as both a bottom and as a top. My stance has always been that HE was the one who swore fidelity to her, not me. (To me, a homewrecker is someone who intentionally  sets out to negatively impact the relationship. If he is actively searching for someone to cheat with, HE is the homewrecker, not me. But I know that not everyone agrees with that.) But then I freely admit that I don't have the best role models for fidelity or the sanctity of marriage in my own parents. Whether bottom or top, I looked at it as me providing him with something he wasn't getting at home. (I'm pretty sure that in every case they sought me out and not the other way around...)

    All that said, my advice would be for each person to decide what their conscience will allow them to do, and do just that. BUT don't use whatever your conscience decides for YOU as a barometer for how you judge people who do something different. As I like to say, "I don't want anybody else to live my life for me, so I shouldn't try to live anybody's else life for them..."

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  10. Haven't read other replies. I rim like a GOLD MEDAL OLYMPIAN! I've given many men assgasms just from eating them out...

    For special bottoms I know/believe will enjoy it, I have this thing I do that some bottoms hate, but others are like, "🤯 WTF was THAT?!?!?!?!?" (And, NO, I won't describe it because it's better EXPERIENCED! 👅👅👅)

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  11. My prescription has these "qualifiers" on yellow stickers on it:

    • It is best to avoid taking this drug at the same time as milk, dairy, or other products with calcium.
    • If medication upsets your stomach, take with a modest meal, crackers, or bread.
    • Prolonged or excessive exposure to direct and or artificial sunlight SHOULD BE AVOIDED when taking this medication

    Hope this helps.

    (I didn't include quote marks because everything is in ALL CAPS...)

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  12. Met a guy tonight from BBRT. Hadn't realized he was European until he called cause he couldn't find my place and I heard the accent. 5'10"-ish and skinny with a flat ass with hair on it and a very hairy crack that he loved to have eaten 😍. I had a 2-day load in me, and I think he could've made me cum from sucking me (1st unicorn point), but he told me that he doesn't like the taste of cum and preferred that I shoot it in his butt instead. (You don't have to tell me that twice! 😜)

    Had him ride me, and he really got into it and did this move that sent me over the edge much faster than I wanted. 🤬 I usually have to pee between orgasms, but we were able to contort without disconnecting so that we were spooning. I stayed hard and continued to fuck him in the spoon position (not my favorite) until we contorted again without disconnecting and he was on his back, legs in the air. I didn't think I was going to be able to cum again without peeing first, but after 15-ish minutes, he got his second load from me. (2nd unicorn point)

    I definitely had to pee at that point. After some more making out, we did variations on doggie and he got his third load. (He had me take pics with his phone of me fucking him...) Three is usually my limit in a session, but there was more making out and I had him ride me again since the first time was rather short in duration. It took another 10-15 minutes (maybe even 20), but he got a fourth load out of me! (3rd unicorn point) Only one other bottom in the last 20 years has been able to make me cum FOUR TIMES in a single session!

    (A unicorn is any bottom who gets me to accomplish things that I usually don't accomplish. Even if he and I never accomplish any of those things again, he'll still be a unicorn...)

    We definitely hope to see each other again sooner rather than later!

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  13. I make a point of telling new/potential bottoms that while I prefer a "clean" hole (in terms of feces, not cum), if "shit happens," I'm not going to freak out. The hole that we both derive pleasure from has a primary function unlrelated to the pleasure that we're enjoying... Because I have numerous food sensitivity/constipation issues, I have a douche attached to my shower. Co-ink-a-dick-tally, bottoms can take advantage to refresh or even clean themselves.... 😉

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  14. Because I started being sexual at a very early age (I'm descended from promiscuous genes on both sides!), I trained myself to be quiet while pleasuring myself. That training has lasted to this day. I warn bottoms that I'm not all that verbal. I express my pleasure by how I kiss and touch more than through vocal means. I will definitely vocalize when I'm about to cum though!

    If a bottom is an exceptional cocksucker, he will elicit moans of pleasure from me because I am otherwise ambivalent to being sucked. If a bottom happens to find my weak spot, he will elicit moans of pleasure from me (and make me want to fuck him that much more!)...

    (On the flip side of this discussion, I 😍 a verbal bottom who lets me know how much he's enjoying all the things I'm doing to him!)

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  15. On 6/24/2024 at 6:52 PM, anonCUMtainer said:

    Since you're just soliciting opinions...my 2 cents:

    The guys (who dabble in "breeding" wink) whom are concerned about the other guy having an equal opportunity to "orgasm" or something akin to this; is coming from a good place. I believe in this instance the top is trying to be considerate, thoughtful, etc. I think the intent is nice, but it IS Mis-placed.

    The above intent, concern, however you describe it, makes sense and I can appreciate that in a monogamous relationship; this would be the norm for many monogamous reasons.

    In a "breeding" context - it really is dumb for the Top to "care" about the bottom cumming. IMHO context is everything. It's actually perplexing to me when the monogamous guy steps outside of his monogamy to breed - and then he projects his monogamous expectations on me to orgasm too and then I have to find a polite way to decline (also a bit awkward).

    There are many more scenarios than breeding and monogamy (which I would equate to black and white)... Considering black and white, the other scenarios would be "shades of gray..." I firmly sit in one (probably many) of those shades of gray... (FTR, I have ZERO interest in monogamy! And I have ZERO interest in breeding purely for the sake of getting off because I can jack off with less effort... Bore me! 🥱)

    Yes, I want to get off when I top! But even more important to ME is ensuring that the bottom enjoys himself as much as I can make him enjoy himself. If the bottom's enjoyment doesn't include him coming (cause the fucking and/or my loads were all he needed), fine. But, if his enjoyment includes his own orgasm, I'm going to do everything in my power to ensure that he has an orgasm...

    >> I << believe that it takes two to have sex, and BOTH people should be satisfied (however they define satisfaction) when the sex is over. For those tops who believe, "it's all about me and what I want, and the bottom should be happy with that!" more power to you! I'm not one of those tops though!

    I'm not going to "yuck your yum," so please don't yuck mine... I try to remember that there are "different strokes for different folks" when I post. I'm not always successful at that though. There is no one monolithic way to have sex, much less gay sex. I think we all need to remember that...

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  16. 1 hour ago, gamerslut said:

    I’ve been wondering about chastity cages as a way to indicate that (as a bottom) I’m not that interested in cumming. And just in general, I don’t want to be fully erect while I’m mounted by someone else.

    Is a chastity cage an effective way to signal to tops that they don’t need to worry about me cumming?

    For me as a top, either a cage or wearing a jock/assless underwear signals to me that you're not interested in having your cock played with.

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  17. 9 hours ago, BreedingTop71 said:

    I have never really cared, I always felt the pleasure of the bottom comes from making the top breed him… never had a bottom complain, always kept coming back for more. Lately, i got into a conversation with another top and he always makes sure his bottoms cum. I thought it was dumb, but now i am curious…what do you guys think?

    As a top and a gentleman, I will always ask the bottom if he wants to cum, and, if so, how I can help. If he says, "No" then I don't press it.

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  18. 22 hours ago, Blkmuscbreeder said:

    Lol not in person!

    So you were open to everyone? Or was there a different "rent"?

    One was an ex who I let stay with me temporarily cause he didn't feel safe where he was living. "Temporarily" ended up being 6 years to the day (and no sex cause we were exes for a reason...). Another was someone I was currently seeing who had nowhere else to stay. Sex was involved, but that went out the window fairly quickly. His stay at the Home For Wayward Homosexuals wasn't as short as the sex was...

  19. AKA = Also Known As

    So, this resource site that I irregularly visit was offering premium memberships for $1 for 30 days. (I never would've paid for the premium features otherwise.) So, of course, I'm downloading as much as I can during my 28 day window, cause I'm canceling on the 29th day to avoid getting close to that 31st day automatic renewal thing...

    When I select something and download the "bundle," a whole bunch of files get downloaded instead of just the file I selected. At first I wasn't paying attention after clicking download, but one time out of the corner of my eye I SWEAR I saw, "Felching resources..." 🤯🤯🤯 So, OF COURSE, the next time I downloaded a bundle, I paid attention! The window that briefly pops up says, "Fetching (emphasis mine) resources..." 😊😖🤪😂🤣 But I STILL see "Felching resources" whenever that window pops up!

    Hence the title of this thread... 👅 

    And note to self: I guess the universe is telling me I need to felch, and SOON! 🤪👅 Anyone willing to provide a hole for me to felch? Message me! 😍

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  20. 2 hours ago, Blkmuscbreeder said:

    but when it comes to personality, nothing turns me on more than a guy that's a completely uninhibited slut who's also tender hearted and kind!

    🤔 Have we met? 🤔😜

    Among my friend group, I'm known to have hosted "ieatcumhole's Home for Wayward Homosexuals"... And "rent" didn't always involve sex...

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  21. I've already replied to this thread, but have been watching other responses. Thanks to someone on this forum, I'm trying really hard not to "yuck someone else's yum." And I can only hope that other people won't "yuck my yum."

    "Different strokes for different folks" as the old saying goes... If kissing isn't your thing, don't "yuck" those of us who enjoy kissing as part of sex. >> I <<, at least, won't "yuck" you for not being interested in kissing during sex. 💜

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