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Posts posted by Ieatcumholes

  1. Way back in senior year of college, I had a poster on my wall of "Murphy's Laws on Sex." One of them is, "Sex is dirty, only if it's done right." My version of that is, "Sex is dirty (and sticky and smelly and sweaty) only if it's done right!" Dirty means nasty, not scat! I tell every new bottom I hookup with that he should definitely douche! But soap and water doesn't need to hit any other part of his body. And, if he must shower, no deodorant or antiperspirant!

    @KikoInked06, I would LOVE to lick out both of your hairy, musty pits! 👅👅👅👅👅 You have some of my favorite kind of pits - large coverage area AND long pit hair! 😍😍😍😍😍

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  2. Poz doesn't indicate whether or not one is infectious. Undetectable does. Both terms are truth in advertising, although one gives a little more detail. Depending on the audience, one or the other term could be more relevant. I don't see a need to chose one term over the other or to vilify one term over the other.

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  3. My usernames here and on NKP are similar (but different, even though they have the same vibe). Both are quite descriptive of what I like to do, but neither is 100% accurate because I don't just want to eat....

    My BBRT screenname (winighi247 for "want it, need it, gotta have it 24/7) was more true when I setup that account. But if it is even slightly inconvenient to get it? I usually can't be bothered with need it and gotta have it, much less 24/7 cause I need my sleep! (There is at least one bottom for whom I will make exceptions though cause he is worth being tired the next day!!!)

    Pre-online translators being ubiquitous, I had strung together 3 childhood nicknames as a username and email address. Had many a person ask me what that word meant, cause they couldn't find it anywhere! (Because it's three childhood nicknames strung together, it still won't come up in an online translator!)

    I have an email address and username that I (used to) use for sex. 14me appears meaning one for me. I have had many guys read that as 14 me and ask me if I actually have 14"! 🤯🤪🤣 Ummm.... No! Not even in "internet inches"!

    If the username is antithetical to the rest of the profile? PASS! Even if it doesn't appeal to me, I'm ALL for username describing who one is or what one is into! (I THINK) The phrase I read here earlier today is "yuk someone's yum." So I'm not going to do that by providing examples. But if your username is "eatmycumhole" (hopefully that isn't a screen name on this site!) and your avatar/profile pic shows your dick, PASS! I'm not even going to click on your profile to see if we might be compatible....

    I know I have seen some wonderful screennames, but right now I don't remember any of them. 😦

  4. Didn't really like either of those answers, but I went with the "No" one. I think it's more up to the bottom to let me know long before we start having sex that he wants me to pull out and not cum inside of him. And then we won't have sex cause that's not how I play. (I primarily do 1:1 sessions where there has been some discussion before the session.)

    If the bottom waited until I announced that I was about to cum to ask me to pull out, I would cause I'm a gentleman. But I wouldn't be seeing that particular bottom a second time. There are far too many bottoms who want the load to waste time on one who doesn't.

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  5. 3 hours ago, EuRawBottom said:

    I am a very much cum dump and love to get as many loads as possible. I take on average around 1,000 loads per year. Some days I go as high 15-16, some other days, well, it's pretty dry... One thing however I love is getting rimmed. I never get tired of being rimmed. Being in a sling with a cock in my mouth and a tongue in my hole drives me ballistic. Add some weed and poppers to the mix and I will let loose my hole to the point where taking a fist is possible without much of a lube. But what I am really after is that feeling of the tongue on and in my hole. To feel the face of the man burried deep drives me cray. Am I the odd one here?

    I am the yin to your yang. I 😍😍😍 eating out a cumhole, especially when the cum is from other men. (I will eat mine out, but I prefer to eat other men's cum out.) About the only thing better than a preloaded hole is one that is overflowing with loads! I could definitely have an "arrangement" with a bottom who regularly brought me a cumhole to enjoy....

    1 hour ago, MadnessNZ said:

    I'm not into being rimmed, but I love to rim. I could honestly spend hours eating arse. (snip) Licking around the lips, probing a little deeper, before I fuck my tongue in and out while they moan and squirm with pleasure. I love getting a bottom nice and sloppy this way before a long fuck session.

    This pretty much describes me quite well. As a general rule, the hairier the hole, the more I get into eating it. But a smooth cumhole supersedes an unloaded hairy hole EVERY day of the week! And the more the bottom moans and squirms and lets me know he's enjoying what I'm doing, the longer I'll keep doing it!

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  6. I guess I'm really good at compartmentalizing, because for me liking the person and wanting to have sex with the person are two completely different things! Yes, it is nice when I like the person I'm having sex with, but one doesn't require the other. (I definitely don't have sex with every person I like, so why should I have to like every person I have sex with? 🤔) If I happen to like you, we can chat after the sex is done. If I don't, one of us got to go when the sex is over!

    I could dislike everything a man stood for and pretty much every word that come out of his mouth. But if he were a hot cumdump fuck, none of those dislikes would be relevant to me. Something of a cliché, but the little head would be in charge while I was fucking him, not the big head. When the little head goes soft to rest up for round 2, if he started talking and making me remember why I dislike him, I'd put my dick in his mouth to shut him up until I was hard enough to pick up where we left off. (I probably wouldn't be able to do a round 3 with such a person, so someone would need to leave once round 2 was over!)

    So, my advice is to enjoy the sex for what it is (SEX) and leave feelings out of it.

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  7. 3 minutes ago, hntnhole said:

    There are a number of advantages to taking a cumdump* as your own personal Breedboy. Do you get a thrill rutting in a Hole other Cocks have been Breeding in?  Does the idea of a guy so in-love with raw Cocks that he devotes much of his time taking them; would their loads up his gut get your Cock hard and ready to Breed?  Can you imagine yourself as a whoremaster, supervising a cumdump's need for many men Breeding him?  How does your Cock feel, imagining that?

    MOST Definitely! 😍🥰

    4 minutes ago, hntnhole said:

    Hitting the backrooms/fuckjoints is increasing as a "known" risk factor for the new covid variant, meningitis, monkeypox, as well as the usual bugs, etc.  If you were to allow a cumdump to share your home, in exchange for "on-demand" sexual service, would that be worth the effort on your part?  If he weren't already, you would need to have him tested for all the bugs, vacced when appropriate, all the potential mitigation in place.

    Such an arrangement doesn't reduce the risk of disease. Whatever the cumdump gets disease-wise, I will probably also get. Even if he is tested monthly, that's up to 30 days of me rutting in his well-used hole before either of us finds out he has whatever and I should get tested too. In my mind, the constant risk of introduction of disease into the relationship is a necessary evil for both of us to get what we want from the relationship.

    11 minutes ago, hntnhole said:

    entered into a cumdump-arrangement, and made the mistake of using denial of sex as a punishment for some other issue

    Nope! Never gonna be me who does that. About the only reasons I can think of for not enjoying my BreedBoy's hole daily is a) one or both of us are sick or b) one of us is traveling without the other. Denial of sex makes no sense to me.

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  8. For me it boils down to this:

    I don't have to understand OR like what someone else does with their body! But I do have to accept it, just like I would want them to accept the things I do (or don't do) with my body! NONE OF US can live anybody's life but our own. There are a lot of things that people do (to themselves) that I don't like or understand. And I am working on/within myself to be OK with and accept that! "Different strokes for different folks!" as the old saying goes. And, as Rodney King said back in the day, "Can't we all just get along?"

    No one has to like that a particular bottom is caged and therefore his cock isn't available to you. His cock being caged ISN'T about you! It's about HIM! Just cause you want to do whatever with his cock doesn't mean that he wants that done with his cock! That's what the jockstrap, ass-less underwear, or cage is all about! It's a DO NOT GO THERE message that some people are missing or choose not to see!

    The 70's was considered the "ME" generation. But I swear that people (in general) in 2022 are SO self-involved that they feel like EVERYTHING is about them when it's really not! I am so anti-religion it's not even funny, but "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is pretty appropriate for this thread....

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  9. 4 hours ago, YourNoLimitsBottom said:

    I'm very turned on by messy sex, and have found that my cumming (typically on my stomach and chest) just adds to the mess and thus the lust factor and I just keep going. I'm not a big fan of being jerked off while being fucked, but I don't stop the top from doing so.

    If a bottom I'm fucking face to face spontaneously cums between us, that a) let's me know that I did my job right! and b) is just the glue that connects us after I breed his hole and am resting on top of him. 😉

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  10. This discussion has actually made me MORE interested in guys in chastity cages! I hadn't actually given it much thought until this discussion, but since I love long (at least 3 hour) sessions, a guy who is hypersexualized because he's caged and therefore less likely to cum is MORE likely to be into a long session with me, especially if I hold his key! 🤯 Me coming once (or even twice) is NOT going to make him any less hypersexualized! He's going to want more cocks to fill and breed him (whether mine or someone else's), turning his hole into a cumhole! And what do I like to do? WIN-WIN situation! 🤩 😁 👅 (And, yes, I realize there are cumwhores who want that without needing a chastity cage.)

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  11. On 7/5/2022 at 9:50 AM, NudistBBBLK said:

    I also hate porn that focuses on ass/cock shot. I want to see whole picture (fade, body, ass, hip thurst)

    YES!!!! So many times I have wished the camera person pulled out to show the top's ass as he's fucking the bottom. (Some of those tops have HOT and FUCKABLE asses!) Or pull out so I can see the bottom's feet. (Yes, I have a (not so) secret foot fetish.)  (Yes, I realize the issue may be the editing process and not the filming process!)

    Close up on ass/cock can be hot! Except when it's not! Then I need to see something ELSE! Or I hit the FFWD button!

    The problem IS that there is no one-size-fits-all porn! Until they figure out how to implement what I suggested earlier around tagging each performer so that you can watch all action a particular person is involved in or all oral action or all anal action, porn is not going to please everyone!

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  12. Don't even have to give this choice a second thought!

    One bottom, cause he more likely would've taken multiple loads in a single session (or at least on the same day!) than one top would've been able to give multiple loads in a single session/on the same day. (Although back in my bottom days when I was playing safe, I played with a top who fucked and came 8 times in a 5 hour session. So it's not completely out of the realm of possibility that one top could cum enough times in one day to fill enough bottoms for a compilation film!)

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  13. 3 minutes ago, NWUSHorny said:

    Just curious, but why did it take that long? I knew at 13 after I learned how to jack off.

    Cause most guys I've encountered are one and done, so when I came quickly, the bottom would cum and then we were both done. So there was no opportunity to discover that I'm multi-orgasmic. It wasn't until my mid-30's that I played with a guy who I topped and came quickly, but we continued with the after-play. And I got hard again and fucked him again. I honestly don't remember who that was or if I got hard and fucked him a third time though. 🐷

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  14. For anyone into astrology, most of my planets are in Earth Signs. So it should come as no surprise that I like my comforts, which include a bed (preferably mine) to have sex in. So, most definitely bed sex for me!

    Last month I had a guy I'd fucked a few weeks previously text me wanting it NOW. I was intending to do other things, but ended up doing him instead. 🐷 So, I guess that counts as an urgent bed fuck. Otherwise, I'm not really interested in urgent or emergency fucks. As I alluded to in another thread, I don't like Mother Nature's creatures, so I'd be far too concerned about flying and crawling things to fuck anyone outdoors. I'm also NOT the Exhibitionist! (channeling Baby from Dinosaurs!) And I know that eliminates a lot of bottoms. Thankfully, there is an abundance of bottoms, so I don't really notice my constraint of bed sex leading to a non-existent sex life!

  15. 10 minutes ago, TheSRQDude said:

    If you couldn't tell before this happened, he was totally outed after this one. It's precious.

    A cockroach crawling on my leg would make me scream the same way! Mother Nature's creatures need to stay out of my space and DEFINITELY off my person!

    Now, I would MOST definitely fuck him though!

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  16. 2 hours ago, DarkroomTaker said:

    Hot thread


    @DarkroomTaker Don't know if that's you or just some pic you found, but OH MY F-ing G! He looks like he is hairy ALL over AND is in dire need of a whole-body tongue bath! 👅👅👅I don't care how long it takes to complete! I'm up for the task!

    From this top's perspective, I tell all my bottoms, no deodorant. (And definitely no cologne! I want to smell you!) Other than kissing while fucking, my next favorite thing to do while fucking is lick out a nice, odiferous armpit! (Freshly washed is fine. Odiferous is better!) And most definitely, the hairier the better! Most positions don't easily allow for that without one or both parties being contortionists, but I definitely take advantage of the positions that do allow for that!

    Again, from my perspective, definitely irrigate! But neither soap nor water needs to touch the rest of your body as far as I'm concerned! As I like to say, sex is dirty (and sticky and smelly and sweaty) only if it's done right!

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  17. 1 hour ago, BBArchangel said:

    I guess my days of activism really are over. I wouldn’t fuck one of these guys, for the cause or not.

    I'm a team player, and will take one (er, eight) for the team. What can I say? 😁🤪

    And just between me and my BZ peeps, I actually do find some of them sexually attractive. 🤯 If they just weren't such a-holes, I'd do them on the DL and no one would ever know. But when people who should do the right thing don't do the right thing, I'm happy to help guide them towards the right thing to do. And if I get to breed some hole while I'm at it, even better! 👼

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