I was molested by my father when I was very young until I was sixteen. I never dealt with the incest issue until in my late twenties. I always had trouble getting close to any one person. I also drank alot but I thought that was just a male thing. I have never been attracted to older men like my farther and chose to be with much younger men that I could control. Because of the incest Trust and Friendship have been big problems for me. I was tyhe youngest in my family and later afetr I did deal with incest I found that more of my sisters and brother were also hurt by my farther. You can see a difference in my siblings dependent on whether they were molested or not. The same is true ith my nieces and nephews that were also molested by him. I remember just before he died that he tried to tell me that he molested me because it was his way of teaching me about adulthood. He also said that it really wasn't his fault because he was molested by his mother. He also told me that his mother was molested by her alcoholic farther. I have been very forthright with my family in dealing with incest so that this trajady in my family would stop. Education is the only way to understand and deal with trajic events like this.