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About topblkmale

  • Birthday 10/31/1974

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    New York
  • Interests
    AI porn
  • Role
  • Background
    black American
    5'7 tall 160 lbs
    9 inches cut (dick)
    bb top
    discreet (not out)
    non gay-scene
  • Porn Experience
    stunt double
  • Looking For
    excellent cocksucker
    bb bottom
    male appearance

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Specialist (12/14)

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  1. [think before following links] https://twitter.com/MemeKingx/status/1864254546765115603 See if this link works.
  2. I fear I will hook-up with one of those My Little Pony boys.
  3. Please, no popcorn. My dick thanks you.
  4. I don't pull out. I just don't put it in. Next.
  5. I always break-in a new cocksucker with my dick soft. I'm four inches soft. I see how they handle the dick and how fast they can get me hard. From my extensive experience, really bad cocksuckers immediately start using their teeth to grate my dick in order to get me hard. The five star cocksuckers can swallow me and let my dick gradually grow to a full nine inches right in the throat.
  6. On two separate occasions I've been at another former NYC bathhouse when some guy OD'd in a room. Both times the EMTs were called and the club was shut down. All patrons had to leave. Then there was that time when a guy OD'd and died in the bathroom at ESC.
  7. After reading through this topic I have realized that the sex offender registry should be alot LOT longer.
  8. [think before following links] https://x.com/MemeKingx/status/1864254546765115603/video/1
  9. What's the definition of the word troll?
  10. I concur. LGBTQIA+ POC black and brown I don't belong to any of these groups.
  11. If you can taste my cum - you’re doing it wrong.
  12. I would love to fuck some guy named Hamish.
  13. I'm not a LEO, but it appears numerous felonies have been committed.
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