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About topblkmale

  • Birthday 10/31/1974

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    New York
  • Interests
    AI porn
  • Role
  • Background
    black American
    5'7 tall 160 lbs
    9 inches cut (dick)
    bb top
    discreet (not out)
    non gay-scene
  • Porn Experience
    stunt double
  • Looking For
    excellent cocksucker
    bb bottom
    male appearance

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  1. Has anyone been to this party and can share what it's like? The crowd, set-up, sex, party host...?
  2. They don't accept cards. There is an ATM in the check-in lobby and a Chase bank across the street. I usually give the attendants a $2 tip for walking me less than 10 feet across the hallway to my locker. What ever you tip won't be enough and you'll likely receive a disapproving sneer as a Thank You.
  3. It's not Grindr. It could be where you live.
  4. Come to New York. There are many grown men who don't drive. Some will come to your home and steal the crack outta your ass if its not locked up. Then there are those who show up with large backpacks, head straight to your bathroom and lock themselves inside. Then there is the guy who will 'accidently' leave something behind at your place as a premise to show up - possibly unannounced - at a later date. Come to New York.
  5. Whole flax seed is not digested. Some come out intact.
  6. It's very common in Brooklyn, New York. At least three of my former fuck buddies are current clergy men at various churches in Brooklyn.
  7. [think before following links] https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=nycgaysexparty@gmail.com&ctz=America/Chicago
  8. That's one felony offense with at minimum five culprits.
  9. It does not happen often. Very rarely in fact. The average cocksucker can only "deep throat" a 4 to 5 inch dick.
  10. Knowing the questions the young guy asked would give us some insight into why he disappeared. Sniffies is anonymous for that very reason. Disappear.
  11. @austin_submale Garden of Life Fiber Supplement, Raw Organic Fiber Powder It's backordered on Amazon and out of stock in all the Whole Foods I've been to. Not medical advice. DYOR
  12. 5. Watching guys take showers. 6. Watching guys watch me take a shower with a hard-on.
  13. I stopped reading at Al Sharpton and continued to add a slightly used Fleshlight and expired lube to my Amazon Prime shopping cart.
  14. The attendants at the bathhouse (singular) in New York show you to your room or locker. They then expect a generous tip for handing you a towel accompanied by two New York City Department of Health condoms and one very small package of lubricant.
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