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Everything posted by jtgirl2022

  1. You could ask a service like THT, they provide advice about Prep and its effectiveness, and they have a live chat feature on their site: [think before following links] https://www.tht.org.uk/get-help/support-services/tht-direct-helpline
  2. Very hot story Jess. I love how your top gradually encouraged you, and how you submitted further and further, until his poz cum was inside you. It makes me wonder how much of it is real, how much is embellished actual encounter(s), and how much is entirely fiction? Regardless, your writing skills have also helped poz my mind up good ♨️😉💦
  3. I would love it... it would be amazing to be made love to, knowing I could feel a vaginal orgasm and even be impregnated for real. Ideally I'd be married and regularly bred with intimacy until I get pregnant.
  4. Hi, you're gorgeous, very alluring and your uninhibited attitude is inspirational to a new transgirl just starting out 😍

    1. BBtransUK


      Thank you so much:) 

      I'm hoping things have been going well for you, hun 🙂 xx

  5. Hi, you're hot 😍 I hope you got what you wanted at last, and that it feels as good as you always imagined 💦

    1. transsexual_bareback


      Thank you. 

      I can confirm that I am now poz and I am constantly horny and looking for more guys who are poz to fuck me 

    2. jtgirl2022


      Congratulations sis 😚 you are as close to pregnant as a transgirl can ever be. I cannot imagine how intense it is, frankly even contemplating you being poz and loving it is making my clit harder than ever before 🤩 The idea of following the same path, no matter how much I try to be a good girl, scares but arouses me beyond belief

    3. BiBareBear


      Congratulations on your new status - and a little bit envious on your pregnancy...;)

      But you seemed to have earned it - hope you are as willing to share it as to receive more HVL.

      Looking at you makes me hot - and knowing that you are finally poz - even hotter....

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