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Status Updates posted by PaganzofLA

  1. PART ONE: So, here we go. This will have to be-a multi post, because for the past three years this has been my primary focus––and there's a lot I want to say, share and hopefully receive feedback on. Since Nov of 2020 I've been hell bent on creating a better mousetrap (gay app) with the specific disadvantage of NOT having any coding knowledge whatsoever. I've applied to y-combinator 3 times and have started building my MVP with a no-code builder called Siberian CMS (which is still too steep of a learning curve to do what i need this app to do). So keeping ALL this in mind––it is my opinion that the basic function of every hookup app critically necessary to the embetterment of our individual lives as well as the depth of contribution to richness of  our world (my first manHunt.net date lasted 15 years). Just the act of queers fucking  is a radical statement in itself, and act of self ownership and defiance of a hypocritical conservative agenda that seeks to manifest its own dogmatic distortion of reality and human rights. With that said the social benefit of every last gay app has expired––even if your just looking for dick. The algorithms have deteriorated and no longer serve their primary function and are overrun run with anomaly. In support of this argument I offer the following 30 year observation (in three parts)  : 1) exclusive hypersexuaization: sex sex sex and more sex yes please, but when it's the only option there is going to be deviating anomalies among users. These deviations over time proliferate (the exact inverse problem of facebook's social misalignment of physicality given its outright ban on genitalia) and divert the original intent of the app's user experience (i was kicked off BBRT for posting love song lyrics) 2.) The proliferation and accumulation of diverted anomalies themselves become weaponized, ie. scammers, sexploitation, stalking, misrepresentation, etc (2002 was the Summer of proud boys posing as queers on BBRT) 3.) The Weaponization of Hypersexualization––which is BAD on ALL levels. It assumes a battle cry for right wing radicals intent on collapsing the right of individual sexaual identity (war on trans, gay marriage, book banning etc) and injects what I call the "race to the bottom" as corrosive influence eating through ones liberties attempting to devour the individual within the targeted +2SlgbtqAi communities. Example: No limits–––seriously what the means to you means something very different, and very dangerous to someone else. What sounds as if it resonates with the pursuits if individual liberty actually 'makes no sense especially as an ideology of any sort (which it is become). "If one cannot limit themselves how then is this NOT a limitation? To claim you have 'no limits' is a limitation."  Correctly referenced: There are no limits, only choices. So choose. [think before following links] [think before following links] https://markezra.design

    1. viking8x6


      Interesting so far. I'm in general agreement, I think, though it's a bit hard to tell in places what you're proposing/advocating.

      Question, suggestion, and comment:

      Did you mean "2020 was the summer of proud boys..."? (you said 2002)

      Strongly suggest you look for interested people who already know how to code, and also ones who know about UX (user experience) and design. There are lots of people out there who know these things, and some of them may be willing to help you for free - either literally free, or a "piece of the action".

      You should be aware that the admin/owner of this site, @rawTOP, is already working on something that could be described as a "better gay app" - and has been for years (literally). What you want to do about that is your lookout - cooperation and competition are both valid options in this context IMO.

    2. PaganzofLA


      Yes, sorry 2020––the summer of proud boys on BBRTS––what freakshow literally––very chilling interactions with those guys, and the whole experience was way out in the netherzone. I would say, conservatively, I interacted with at least three men who dropped a rather hard reveal late in the game that their presence on BBRTS shared no common purpose whatsoever with me or any other gay man doing what gay men do. And definitely as many  whose purpose was more than just a wee bit more blurred than that. And then that beautiful fucked-up guy  I hooked-up with 3 times (method acting I’m sure) who wouldn’t reveal the name of the conservative blog he wrote for––but did let me suck his dick. Plus earlier that year and continuing throughout 2021 a team of Nigerian entrepreneurs (I later tracked to seventeen profiles on NKP, scammed me for $200 on two occasions and never slowed down their requests (demands) for more, this packaged with my absolute disdain for Zuckerberg’s re-branding hardline committee rule as community standards launched me square into ‘someone has got to do something’ mode. It had been a year since the time I had exchanges with various gay.app webmasters, contacted as many LGBTQ on-line resources I could find, solicited every friend with any technical prowess whatsoever and practically EVERY dude on every gay.app site I frequented and while there was great support and enthusiasm for the idea of something better among gay.app users most webmasters were helpful but not moved by my thesis, which is... [to be continued]

  2. I would mess that twink faggot up, oh wait that's me... sorry my bad. these are my first ever digital 1 mg photos on my then new fuji cam. What I fresh faced little shit head I was–––just a bit less fresh faced today. hmmm, you tell me... 






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