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Everything posted by PaganzofLA

  1. In my experience, yes. What direction that change is going in––is an altogether different question. In the early 90's in my 20's living in San Francisco I learned to curze the adult-bookshops and buddy-booths--several years before the internet-dating-hook-up thang ––which has served a great purpose. There needs to be a re-blending of persona to persona sense of who we are coming in contact with the 'other' --- today's world of Tinder, Grindr, Manhunt (Oh, my) are essentially the running the same neural-circuitry as watch "the price is right" --- and of course the prizes always seem better on stage then when you get the home. I'm still trying to build a better app--- which became an entire platform from which to do a multitude of apps. And would love to discuss these concepts further if there are developers among us.
  2. yea, more of what he said...
  3. Um, if one does a Google search on "deep-sea-water-soft-bait" you'll there are myriads of interesting-rubbery-critters (actual rubber) things like 16" black eels, 12" squid, 10" sea worms, etc. mixing and matching is well,... more fun than a barrel of Sturgeon...
  4. I turned tricks in my 20's in SF '93 -95' ish... Always a hard core bottom, and still to this day I can't ever get fucked hard or long enough. From 48 - 52 I indentured as a TOP amd lived on a diet of twinkish young men 19 -27 was my preferred age range. So, I'm not one to be ALL bragadocious but I've never been fucked like I fuck. And while I've much less expereince as a TOP... it's what I choose if it was the end of the world and everybody only gets one. FF>> to today at 57... Sub by default TOP by inspiration (or command W/ Vigara I like to stay non-errect as a sub, it's respectful show of place). So seeing my hinderance as a TOP is motivation, turning tricks and charging for stud services get's me off... however it only works in my mind when I dont need a goddam cent from anyone, and so here's to financial independence...
  5. pain pig thru n thru (mostly unrequited)
  6. you chose well, it's popular!
  7. I'm much more skeptical of the OP's intentions, if genuine, ok you're a whiny little b and I suppose can be forgiven (lets see ur ass) and while you may very well fain being ALL butthurt nobody here is playing with a marked deck, we are ALL subject to the same liberties as well as the same potential consequences. so, therefore you must deal. I don't buy the sincerity, at all. bullshit seems to be trending.
  8. IF There's a general rule of thumb it's this. Your dick is knows what it wants. And we're at our best when those ways arn't divergent. I was trained to stay limp as a sub bottom, as a sign of respect, an expression of whose pleasure is first and foremost. Never feels right when I get hard (often do) so there's a bit of transgressive pleasure there. limp dick rocks.
  9. feeling horny. anyone else getting into AI kink?
  10. thumbtacks and/or hand sanitizer in my cock-pump. i know...
  11. Oh, yes this is everything good and unnatural in the natural world!
  12. i think that's the thrill of it. at least for me!
  13. Well, it's like this. We are neither born to NOR NOT born as. One is a cocksucker only as much one identifies as such. Personally I identify with faggot or cocksucking faggot or muthur-fucking-cocksucking faggot. And though I strongly identify with all of those descriptors, very much... I'm cautious of being too reticent to shake them off, because they define what I do, and NOT who I am––and that distinction can NEVER be too CLEAR. So, here's another POV: sucking a cock [aka cock sucking] when juxtaposed against the universal works of nature itself is a purely metaphysical act (Metaphysics being the soft wet-gushy underpinning of ALL matter itself) offers us an axiom perhaps one of the most tried and truest which categorizes space/time into two particular classes. Those being T1 [time you exist with cock in your mouth], and T2 [time you exist without cock in your mouth]. It's a dynamic equation: T1 + T2 = U As simple as that.
  14. I'm sure your Pharaoh would pleased at such an offering. My awareness would come later in my mid-20's––with a sudden adduction (figurative) into full on slave training at he hands of an ex-city collage prof ten years my senior. We practiced Dionysian bonding. A latent bondage pain pig in waiting who knew? I can hardly imagine a better introduction to bd/sm then. What's harder to understand is how I became a full throttle TOP in my late 40's–––and I'd say it was just a phase, but the truth is if I had to choose one or the other (and I don't but really almost wish I could as too many times I find myself living the verse is curse); and mind you my ass in the early 80's was taking in everything it could from produce to furniture legs and that hungry hole has since learned to diversify; it's hands down bo question I'd be a TOP–––who submits. A SUB-TOP in other words. Something like that.
  15. MY Biggest challenge is getting a working demo. Ideally a partner would be coder. However i"m nearly three years Into this and I've a fully realized concept. It will go boom. just a matter of seeing that it does.
  17. cool. I will do that. Gonna give it a re-write first. Thanks again, any and all feedback welcome even the unwelcome kind.
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