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  1. I'm in that size range and for the longest, I consider myself to be on the small side of average. After years of seeing other people cocks I realize that I'm probably closer to average than I originally thought. My preference for sucking other guys off is guys who's cock is in that size range and smaller. Only enjoy trying larger cocks with guys who are patient and will allow for my mouth to adjust to the size of their cocks.
  2. I totally agree with you. For years, I felt totally inadequate about sucking other guy's cocks. I felt like my mouth was too small and was afraid of scraping my teeth against their cocks. It has happened to me me before when getting sucked by guys who just weren't good at sucking cock. My cock is small to average in size so when I felt someone using their teeth, I would usually try to pull out and maybe take care of myself. I wanted to become better at sucking so I started seeking other guys who were small to average in size and uncut. I quickly found out that if they were uncut and their skin was loose, it was easy to suck that person and they would often leave being happy and fulfill. As I became more comfortable with sucking guys cocks, I became able to suck on larger cocks. I started learning how to start slower and gently try to get their cocks down my throat. Soon it was becoming easier to swallow a guy's cock and to allow you to suck other's guys cock to completion. It felt so good that nowadays I prefer sucking over getting sucked or penetrating the guy or trying to get penetration.
  3. First encounter with another guy was at the age of 18 at an adult bookstore. Older male touch me and sucked me off while I was viewing a film loop. I was young and really didn't know that this kind of activity existed. Came in his mouth and ran out of the store. Nervous and afraid but soon return to see if it would occur again. For the next 30 years or so got sucked by other guys on a regular basis. After countless number of encounters with different men I touched and then sucked my first cock in my late forties. I was in my early fifties before I tasted another man's cum. I'm now in my 60's and enjoy sucking cocks almost as well as being sucked off by other guys . At the early stages of my journey I assumed that the number of encounters that I had with other men were minimal . Now that I've had a chance to look back and reflect I realized that the number of encounters with other men is countless and within the last ten years I've probably sucked countless number of guys as well as being sucked off by guys. Recently divorced but almost every encounter that I had with other men, occurred while being married or in a relationship with women.
  4. Thank you for your response. I'm a member of several sex sites and became aware that there was quite a few guys who's status suddenly changed. For a while their status was and remained negative. Once prep became more recognized I started seeing positive but undetectable. For some time people were intentionally lying about their status. For that reason and that reason alone, I'm somewhat leary about seeing postings stating positive but undetectable. Anybody is suspectable to becoming infected and I respect a person regardless of their status but for me the two just doesn't add up. Also I'm wondering, once a person is considered undetectable, do they have to continue the same regimen in order to remain undetectable? I enjoy mostly just oral sex . I realize that it has some risk but understand that it's less risky than anal sex. Most of my encounters have been anonymous or in an adult bookstore setting. I'm comfortable receiving oral sex but I become hesitant when a stranger tries to get me to penetrate them bareback. I usually hear the statement, don't worry I'm on prep. I'm also seeing an increase of guys taking multiple cocks one after another. Does this increase a person being able to spread HIV to others even though the guy is HiV + but undetectable and is on prep? I feel like we may be creating an variant of HIV that won't be controlled by using prep. I'm seeing to many people participating in riskier behavior.
  5. I have the same problem with trying to suck larger cocks. I hate the idea that my teeth are scraping against a person's cock. At first I looked for other guys with average to smaller size endowment. It allowed for me to become comfortable with sucking other guys cocks and made me feel better with the compliments I received from guys that often receive rejection because they were considered too small. I am more comfortable with sucking guys who are average to large in size. I realized that if you are more comfortable with what you are doing, it becomes easier to do. I've surprised myself lately by successfully sucking guys that I was unable to handle a year or so ago. My preference is still guys with average to smaller endowment.
  6. I've seen postings stating U+=Untransmittable. My question is there a research of how many guys were on prep before becoming positive and shouldn't the number of positive people start to reduce with the widespread number of people using Prep. I would enjoy taking a chance with a person who hiv status is known and under control but it appears to be common to see profiles stating U+=Untransmittable. How come it appears that the rate of HIV is still increasing even with the availability of PREP. Can someone please explain.
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