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Posts posted by Iker80

  1. Happened a few times over the years. It happened when I'd just started prep and really wanted to try it. We didn't talk about condoms on the app and I show up at his place. He's teasing my hole with his dick and I'm thinking this is probably going to happen bare and getting excited. But he's trying to go in without lube so I ask if he has lube and he leaves the room, then comes back with lube and his dick with a condom on. I don't want him in me with a condom, so I clench my hole tight and don't let him in me. I figure I'll get it off and see what happens next, so I say I'll blow him and start pulling it off. He just asks me if I want bb and before I can say anything he's pulled it off, squirted on lube and is on top of me poking it in me.

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  2. I've been with guys who just stop wanting sex the second they cum. For me, no way, my hole and prostate feel great the whole time a guy is fucking me and I have never wanted a top to stop. Doesn't matter if I've cum or not, my hole still loves it. The first guy who fucked me bare, when he pulled out I wrapped my legs around him and guided him back in. Second time he pulled out I guided him in me again and wrapped my legs tight around him. I just wanted to keep feeling his hard dick in me.

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  3. Loads of great things about guys. One thing that always gets me is chunky thighs and strong firm butts, best of all thick ones and ideally hairy. There's an ice hockey player on twitter I follow just as a casual friend who I realise one day has incredible thighs and posts workout pics. I just glanced at the photo and was like damn, that's so hot. He has no idea how sexy they are, but those thighs and his butt are crazy thick, hairy, and I daydream about them often. Nice weather at the moment for spotting guys with hot legs and butts out and about too with all the guys in shorts.

    Also love guys necks, the back and sides. When I'm feeling intimate they're so good to kiss. Best of all kiss while making love with a guy.

    Can't resist sexy eyes either. All kinds, but really get distracted by the middle eastern guys around here.

    A good beard too, usually short and thick but sometimes longer ones catch my attention. Beards are pretty important for me, 90% of guys I like have beards. I hope they stay in fashion for a long time!

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  4. Just fuck at the depth he'll take. You can feel when your dick is hitting resistance and read the guys physical response. You'll know how deep is his limit. Most the time he'll relax and you'll find you're going deeper as the fuck goes on. Some guys are like this and it gets better the more they're topped, and some are always like this and need opening up every time. It doesn't matter to me if I don't get my full dick inside him, it still feels great and I like making my bottom feel good so I stay in the depth he can manage. Main thing is my dick goes in him and I'm happy with that.

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  5. Big helmet is the thing for me. Bigger than the shaft. It's the way I can feel it gliding back and forth inside me. Team that up with a long dick and those strokes are intense, almost too much and I want more all at the same time. But I'm not worried whatever the shape or size, I can have a great time and prostate orgasm from all kinds of dicks. But yeah, when a guy gets out a long dick with a fat helmet I know it's going to be an awesome time.

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  6. Yeah, there's always a bit of a risk, but a lot of the guys I meet are either limited experience and bi curious, or they've not had a chance to do any douching. So they either don't know about clearing out, or they haven't been able to do it cause they're meeting up right after work, etc. Well, I get horny and want to top anyway, and most the time it's completely alright. When I'm rolling around with a hot guy and my dick ends up on his hole and he says he's not got ready, I'm going to be telling him it's cool, let's just give it a try because I don't want to miss out. I don't always go deep in a guy though, if it's unknown how well prepped he is then I'm happy with a couple of inch inside him, that's plenty to feel his hot, sexy hole around me.

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  7. I like durex play lube, it's good, stays put and doesn't go sticky when you're at it for a while. The worst lube goes sticky after about 20 minutes and screws everything up. I discovered it when visiting a guy years ago. He had the vanilla scented stuff and that was annoying, but the actual lube felt great and just kept going no problem. We fucked for ages without it going sticky, just nice and smooth the whole time. Good news is they sell stuff that doesn't smell of anything.

  8. On 3/28/2024 at 5:13 PM, IntoBBvisitor said:

    Thank you for your answer.

    So he d know who I am and that I m a slut who pays to get fucked but I "would have no idea" who he is ?

    Sound hot because I didn t like him before and I m tottally obsessed with him and his power now.

    Problems : I never did blindfold, don t know if I m comfortable with that, and I m definitely not ok with paying...

    But I can t stop thinking about it and him.  I fought the whole day not to write to him.

    So what's really got you attracted to him? Is he that good at saying the right things to your sub wants? The risk of it? Or because he's a cousin? Or something else? I figure that knowing what's got you so in to him is the thing that will teach you about yourself and what turns you on. If you've got to follow this idea though is a different question. You can learn about yourself from this with or without him from now on. Carrying on talking to him is a type of following this though, even if you never meet. It comes with some risk.

    Anyway, sounds like the general opinion here is don't do it. These guys are probably a lot wiser than me. I sometime get in to things and wonder later why I did that. Not saying I don't have fun, but sometimes it isn't as fun as I imagined. All I can say is when I take a chance with something that's part of why it's exciting, but I go in to it knowing it might go badly and I'm accepting that from the start.

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  9. Sounds hot. Knowing how 'straight guys' are I bet he'd vanish if he found out you know it's him. I'd say come over to my place and I'll be blindfolded and lying face down on the bed waiting for you. Make it clear you want to keep the blindfold on the entire time so he feels more confident there's not going to be some unexpected reveal while he's nuts deep in you. No guarantee he won't scarper when he knows it's you, but I bet he'll top. He wants hole and cash. Well, that's what I'd do if he's just a horny douche, but if you think he's actually sketchy in some way then I'd block him. Sketchy guys might be hot but it's not worth it if they get weird. Anyway, these straight guys are twitchy, you'll probably need to keep up the whole thing like you have no idea who he is so he doesn't freak out and shut everything down. Even if you meet ten times don't let on you know it's him.

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  10. I think a guy who looks at least late 30s, masculine look and personality and usually has a good full beard or goatee. Body hair and greys help. But extra dilf points if the guy is an actual dad. As a teenager I wanted a load of my mates dads, so I love having some down low bi dad top me and knowing he's got good sperm as I feel his hot cum spurting inside me. So, if you've got some of this going on you can be an early dilf, which isn't a bad thing.

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  11. I like scruff for a bunch of reasons. Sounds like the app works better too. I've still got a grindr I drop in and out of occasionally, but yeah, it's doing weird stuff and not sending messages a lot and I have to try again a few times.

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  12. I was getting quotes for electric work couple of weeks back and had some hot guys turn up. Maybe some of them would be up for it, but who knows. They're on good behavior at work. And they don't know I'm bi. One guy was interesting though. A kinda handsome guy, next door kind of man in uniform that looked good on him. He showed up at the end of the workday, he was sweaty smelling and had this all over the place energy. I'd guess ADHD. I've got it myself, it looked familiar. I had to keep saying we've got to focus on a thing before moving on. So I show him around as much as you can with a guy like that and he sees a copy of a gay magazine. Then it got interesting. He asked me if I've got a girlfriend or boyfriend. Ok, I can work with that. I say I've broken up with my boyfriend. Never had one, but whatever, I'm just saying the right stuff. Then he asks me how we met. Maybe he's just a curious guy, but I sensed a bit of something. Problem was he was heading out the door and in the apartment hall at this point. I didn't want to say lots with neigbours about. I wanted to say on a hookup app to get the idea of hooking up on the table, but I just said online. If he'd held back in the apartment longer we could have talked a bit more. Problem I've got is I'm big and hairy so everyone guesses I'm always top and rough, so maybe not what he wanted. But I'd have blown him or let him top if that's what he wanted. I was tempted to hire him to get another chance at it, but he was expensive and who knows what my electrics would have turned out like. If I need any more work I'll give him a call, see what happens then

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  13. No big deal. When I top my bottom's dick isn't super important. I know how to connect with a guy and tease and fuck his hole properly and we don't need anything else. Some guys will get hard and teasing his dick is part of the experience, but only enough for him enjoy being fucked more, not to take over from it. I'm not going to wank a guy to cumming when I'm topping him. Other guys don't get hard and I don't do much with his dick. It's cool, there's the whole guy to connect and interact with. Some guys their dick just shuts down when they're being fucked. Totally normal for him and doesn't mean anything to worry about. It's all good. I'm top and we only need my dick. On the other side, when I get fucked I don't need to cum or anything I'm just happy how good my hole feels. Even if I don't have a prostate orgasm the feeling is great.

    I think maybe talking about cancer is a bit too real for guys on apps? Which is dumb, but app guys like it simple and horny. I find wearing a jockstrap and keeping it on means a guy doesn't want his dick bothered, just top him. At least that's the unspoken rule here. Or lie face down and let your top ride you. Saying you want that might get you tops who aren't interested in you getting hard.

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  14. I'll top all kinds of guys when we're feeling good about doing it and got the chance. Otters and bears are hot though, if I'm at a club or looking on an app they're the guys I'm usually going to go to. Love a guy with some good body hair and beard. Slim, chunky or muscle is cool. Can't tell you the exact thing that gets me in to a guy, it varies, but those things always help. A nice hairy butt and hole are always hot, so definitely more an otter or bear kinda guy for me.

    But I also love a sexy daddy. And some of the older ones have super fuckable butts, the kind that feel like they melt around you as you slide your dick in. The first guy like this I topped without a condom was amazing. He felt so hot and sexy around me. I had to keep slowing down so I didn't cum in him too soon. Handsome guy I'd say yes to in any situation, but wow, his hole is something else. You can tell he's been topped so many times his hole can take a dick with zero resistance, but it's still so hot, tight and intimate. I've been lucky and met a small number of guys with holes like this and they've mostly been hot older daddies, the kind of guy who have been getting topped a lot for years.

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  15. On 3/13/2024 at 4:28 AM, anonCUMtainer said:

    What I appreciate about this question @Dirtysouth is that it reveals that there are so many breeders (like yourself) on the sidelines, trying to figure out how to get in on the action.

    Please allow me to echo all of the comments from others who have confirmed that not only is this "okay" you are not a "shithead" in anyway. You just may not conform to all the social norms and expectations. De-coupling yourself from what society expectation is "normal" along with a healthy dose of reality and knowing that it also comes with knowing and managing your STI status and getting tested often and treated whenever anything undesirable pops up is how it works for most reasonable persons. If you can reconcile that then just get out there!

    There are so many bottoms that want (I would argue "need") your seed, just put yourself out there and don't by shy. xoxo

    Same, I don't think anyone really cares. Frankly, every guy is going around with something in his pants that could make my ass feel amazing, so I'm not looking for reasons not to have him fuck me. If the guy is right for me, let's just do it already,

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  16. It's kind of complicated. And what's ugly? Sure some guys look like models and some are conventionally handsome, but is everything else ugly. Attraction isn't all about what society says is good looking. I've been hard for all kinds of guys and had fun with them. Beastly hairy guys, scruffy guys, just guys that aren't exactly handsome to society but are doing it for me. I've got to like how a guy looks, but his energy, like way of being is important. Situation too, that's a big deal. Getting cruised by workmen is great, I'd have fun doing that with all kinds of guys I might not want to get up to stuff with in any other situation.

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  17. On 3/10/2024 at 12:48 PM, hug said:

    It's so hot how he's one of the few you've had completely unprotected sex with. Do you do it often? What reason were you on break from PrEP?

    No big reason it was just a gap between filling prescriptions when traveling. And I got randomly horny and found a guy online. He was hot and we just got each other, we connected great, so it happened easily with him.

  18. There's been a few homeless/hostel guys over the past few years. I actually met one at the hostel after I'd been out at a bar. I saw him nearby on scruff. We swapped pics, but he wasn't very talkative. I was horny though, profile said bottom, and he was a good looking guy, so when he said come over I figured I'd give it a try. He let me in and we went to a room with multiple beds, but nobody else was around.

    Hard to say his exact age because he was handsome but kind of rough. I'd guess 30. White guy with dark hair and stubble in a hoodie and jeans. Kinda lean build and not much shorter than me. He was a bit beat up with scratches on side of his face and back of his hands. I didn't ask him about those. He seemed chill and was drinking beer. We had the usual small talk when you first meet a guy you're planning to do stuff with and then we kissed. Started slow but after a bit we kind of went in to the zone where the kissing is so good you could do it for hours. I remember rolling around with him, feeling his lean body against me through our clothes, kissing softly, hard, slow, fast, and every kiss was great.

    We just kissed a long time and rolled around different positions, stroked each other's dicks through our jeans. It was cold in the building and we were getting close to keep warm. Ended up with me spooning him and kissing. We were still wearing all our clothes because of the cold, but I pulled his jeans down to play with his dick and balls. He had big chunky balls and a tapered dick that was very thick at the base and slim at the tip. Would have been interesting to bottom with him. Things went pretty quick from there, I pulled my jeans down too and started teasing his hole with my dick. His crack had thick soft hair that felt great around my helmet, and then I found his hole. In the cold air his hold felt intensely hot so it was easy to hit the target.

    I asked him if he had any lube and condoms, he said no. I was on a break from prep at the time so would have wrapped. I just couldn't take my dick off his hole though, it was way too warm and inviting. So I'm still teasing his hole and precumming like crazy because it feels so good. I'm telling myself I won't go too deep, I'll stop soon. Yeah right. Things just happened from there, as his hole got wetter I started dipping inside and eventually we were fucking. Just the tip easily becomes the whole pole. He's one of very few guys I've done it totally unprotected with, but I wanted to have the experience with him. It was a mix of just physical fucking and making love, thrusting and grunting, then sexy kissing as we spooned. I eventually wanked him off while I was inside him and his orgasm contractions as he leaked cum all over the bed made me cum too.

    Awesome guy, I hope he's made a lot of tops as happy as I was that night. I never saw him again though, but we messaged a bit and he was far away.

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  19. On 1/29/2024 at 9:42 AM, nate88 said:

    I was more into bottoming when I was younger. I was having sex with one of my first flatmates - once after he fucked me we were spooning in bed together with his dick still up my ass, I felt his dick twitch and throb a few times and I didn't realise what was happening until I started feeling like I needed to take a shit. When I asked him what was happening he told me he was pissing in my ass - there was something about being held and laying in bed while he did something so filthy that I loved straight away. He told me later that was also his first time, he had never tried it before but he said there was something about me that just told him I'd like it. He wasn't wrong 🙂

    He had a big dick even when he was soft so it went deep - we couldn't do it all the time because it always took a few hours to completely work its way out of me, but that became a semi-regular thing for us after fucking. Usually we'd do it at night, I'd sit on the toilet and take a shower before going to bed but more always came out the next morning - so I was sleeping with his piss locked away somewhere in my large intestine. I also tried drinking his piss once but I hated it - I've had a few bottoms drink mine since then though.

    Hot story! I love filling up a sexy guy with hot piss and feeling him enjoying it.

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  20. I've seen the number too. I think the big thing is it's for each time you have sex with a detectable guy and he tops and cums inside. It's an average so some stuff will make it more likely to transmit. I bet longer time fucking has an effect. But even going with a flat 1.4% that's low, but not super low. You might find a guy online who's at a hotel and do it one evening, stay the night and get fucked again in the morning. If he's detectable that gives about 3% chance, and if he was great in bed and you get in one more fuck before he goes home you're closer to 5% now.

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  21. 8 hours ago, norcalraw said:

    A co-worker saw close location and knew I worked somewhere on the same campus. We have yet to meet. He’s not always at this campus, but he’s got an awesome looking cock and I told him I’d love to ride him bareback. He’s game. Just have to think about a private room or bathroom on campus.  Although, lately I’ve been fucking this other hottie in my spacious super duty diesel truck on the campus parking lot-deep at the back where nobody can see…but it’s got dark tinted windows so doesn’t really matter where we fuck.  Separately, my next door neighbors pop up on Grindr. It’s awkward when it shows like 50 feet away. The couple, two dudes, would love nothing more than for me to fuck the cum out of them. I’m just not into them. Actually, think they’re assholes for neighbors-always complaining about something, like my dogs barking, fence issue, my xmas lights being left up in January…very annoying people. 

    But are they hot? If they're hot I wouldn't care, I'd smash, but that's just me and my dick. Even if they're not that hot topping asshole guys can be weirdly hot, it's good to dominate a guy that's pissing me off. I've been horny for some guys mostly because I just want to fuck the asshole. If I didn't want a group thing with them I'd just get them one at at a time, tell them I want them face down, no messing around and just get on top and hard fuck. Definitely rawdog, use my weight to pin him and grunt dirty things in his ear. I told one asshole guy I was fucking him because I'd lost my fleshlight, and that I'm going to make a big disgusting cummy mess inside him and he'll have more of my sperm in him than his own. Personally I love getting cum in, but I play the angry straight guy who thinks cum is gross to make them feel dirty when I fill them up. They'll either get hooked on it or they'll never do it again, but it's all good, no matter how they annoy you in the future you'll both know about that time you pounded him and left a big messy load of cum in him.

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