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  1. 25 replies and not a single one of them was "yes we are nice"! The internet is like some experiment, where people try to say absolutely everything they can except the answer to the question. Well it definitely is when dealing with the 50 or 60 million pathetic kooks who actually voted for Bidentard, anyway
  2. I first had someone say to me "There's no reason Muslims and gays can't get along" probably about 15 or 20 years ago. Someone tell me their favourite bit of the Koran, or a "really great time I had in a Mosque that one time". Or your best stories out on the town with Muslim friends. Don't try smartass replies by talking about Christiianity, because I haven't promoted it or expressed any illogical "admiration" for it. Just tell me your favourite verse. Or alternatively, give me a list of the emergency appointments that all stopped you from attending a Mosque open day, or reading the Koran, for the last consecutive 22 years since September 2001. Or your favourite verse.
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