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VC Yadomaru

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About VC Yadomaru

  • Birthday 04/22/1988

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  1. No. It means you might be gay. That would be basis for your lack of interest in females sexually. What I was getting at is people who will say "I'm not attracted to black guys, but it's not because they're black. That's just how it is". People who write off an entire race and chalk it up to a "preference" without examining or acknowledging the basis of their preference.
  2. If you can write off an entire race. Guess what, it's a "racist thing" Do you seriously think you not being interested in an entire race has nothing to do with their race? that doesn't make any sense. & agentcolby is 100% correct. It's ok if a certain race isn't your preference, that's your prerogative. But your preference is based on or rooted in something, even if you 're unaware of it.
  3. I do not think gay men should pander to straight people to fit in. I don't want people to "accept" me based on the condition that I behave the way they would like me to. That's not genuine acceptance. I'm not here to make homophobes comfortable, or to like me, or to accept me. I can get those things from myself or from people who like me for the person I am. I don't care about acceptance. I want respect.
  4. No. I think it's bullshit. If a guy wants to use a condom and you don't, find someone else to fuck who's willing to go bareback.
  5. Bend over.
  6. Sleeping naked face down doesn't give anyone the right to stick their dick in you. Regardless of cruising customs, get consent. Even if he wasn't poz, who's to say the guy wasn't done for the night or that he just wasn't attracted to the perpetrator? & this "Yeah, poz people! Get a basement apartment, brick and mortar yourselves in there and die alone!" is a sarcastic reply to an ignorant comment.
  7. I'm black.
  8. If a bottom hands me a condom I take it as a clear sign he intends for me to use it.
  9. I think this should be http://ds426.tumblr.com/
  10. Try to accept the fact that it wasn't what you thought it was, learn from it and move on.
  11. I consider gay men to be just as racist, just more vocal. Everyone has preferences but it's the reason behind the preference that matters.
  12. I suggest you go for it, as it's what I would do.
  13. .....So you're contemplating doing a live cam show with him even after he uploaded a video with you in it without your consent? a video he doesn't seem willing to share with you? If you want the video removed from these sites I suppose you can report them, maybe you'll have to prove it's you in the videos. Rawtop's advice seems pretty solid.
  14. I find it very hard to believe that he inquired about the other guys status every single time they had sex. Regardless, asking someone about their status is not an effective way to protect yourself. He knew what he was getting into when he was repeatedly engaging in unprotected sex.
  15. He isn't hot at all. There are a lot more attractive people to fuck for free. If he's paying however....
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