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well, family plans changed and I have to go somewhere for work, then family is coming out early ... so my little journy ends early. All good... it wasn't all great, but it was pretty great overall. I'm glad I did it.... but back to the vanilla married man straight husband life.... at Least I did it..... good luck folks. try not to be an asshole .... its just as easy to be nice...
uh oh, could be becoming a home wrecker .......
mdwclaims posted a blog entry in The 6 week cum slut
I get a reply from a post from a couple.... great.... but it turns out they want to play together, but only the one guy is going to fuck me. They want to talk dirty and kiss and do whatever while he is inside me... works for me. I don't care. I'm all about helping those in love right ? I'm all about discretion so I'll call the non fucking partner bob, and the guy who is going to fuck me bill - not thier names. So we meet, all is going ok, and they lay down ground rules ... they only play together ( you are guessing where this is going aren't you?) and I dont contact them, they only contact me. Plus he has to wear a condom - he can pull out and take it off to cum, but no full on bareback cumming inside me. Not my first choice, but a couple, and he is going to blow on my ass, I'll take it. I'm fine... Bill has a big dick and he wants to fuck... having his partner there makes him hard and horny. This seems like a pretty good deal for me. So we meet around 8 pm on Sunday... play for a couple hours... the guy does two full on fuck scenes and it is really good sex .. this guy is a really good top. So we finish up and say our good byes and they bail They say they will contact me later in the week - which they won't, they almost never do, but lets hope right ? Phone rings at 4:50 am in the morning and wakes me up. I have to get up for work at 6:30 .... and guess who it is ? Bill. Seems Bob and him partied after , had a great time, and he has some serious wood... can he come over and fuck me before I have to go to work ? I'm already up (now), so great, give me 30 minutes or so to take a shower then you guys can cruise over. bill is like .... well, don't worry about the shower, bob drank too much and passed out, so its only him. Hmmm. what about the rules.?... oh dont worry, they talked after and had such a good time, he can play with me whenever he assures me. I dont care, but I try to be a good person... oh, and Bill wants to know if he can lose the condom, becasue thats really something he does for Bob... and since he isn't here,,,, is that ok with me ? Yea, that works... Oh and by the way, he called from the parking lot, he was already here and coming up to my room. Bill is a naughty boy, and he likes to fuck ... alot. So he gets at me then, before work again on Tuesday, and asks me to come home from work at lunch today - but I couldn't get away. I ask if they both want to come over tonight, I promise I wont tell or speak of anything other than our sunday evening thing.... but they are not sure if they can get out of previous dinner plans. lets try for sometime next week. 10 minutes after I hang up I get a text... "U free at 2 am tonight. Just me Bill" -
Tops and Bottoms, how do you feel if a top cums fast?
mdwclaims replied to colletonguy's topic in General Discussion
doesnt bother me one bit .... it means he was excited and pleased... I get off on that..... much prefer that to the guy who pumps for 30 minutes and doesn't unload. -
it has started to slow down... after Wednesday I only have one fuck. Starting to get way fewer responses on craigslist, and keep getting flagged / removed for sneaking in my phone number. Man, the endless e-mails are still annoying. I just dont get that - i place an ad, you answer it, I send phone number, address, pics, stats ... two phone numbers.... and I still get 20 more e-mails with questions and narrative about what he wants to happen. Its pretty simple.... fuck or not, that is the question. In all fairness I didn't put any ads up last night.. decided to give my ass a break. I've been getting beat up pretty good. No complaints, but decided to catch up on some sleep... see what Sunday brings. Found out I really really like bondage, but not so sure I like dom's. The scene was way cool... but I dont know all the rules and this dude is like in 100% "I'm your daddy youre my bitch" mode 24 / 7 . I send an email asking hey whats up and do you wanna go again and I get blasted with my improper respect and blh blah blah... dude, I don't live in that world 24 / 7 nor did I ever committ to doing so. If we agree on boundaries or rules or what we want, GREAT, but without that, I get my say. Ok, I wanted to come back to this.... I connect with a guy and he is going out with friends and wants to come by after to fuck. He says he is done at 9:00 - 9:30 at the latest. We agreed to meet at my room at 9:30. This is like at 5:30 when we set this up. Well, becasue the universe is a cruel, I get two other calls from guys who want to come over between 9 and 10. Plus I have agreed to meet another person who I have ben fucked before by - and I liked it - at 11. Well, I told the one dude 9:30 so I ask the other two new callers if they can do the next day or whenever. They say they will call back - which they never do - so I lose two new potential fucks. Fast forward, its9:30 and nothing.... 9:45 ... nothing... 10:00 nothing... fucking dude flaked on me. I email the guy 3 or 4 times - he had been emailing me from his iphone so I know he is getting these... at just after 10 he says he is 15 minutes away and on his way - already left an in route. So, ... its now 10:30 and he says ... hey, I'm 7 minutes away... I look and it 10:38 when I get this note. He is over an hour late and I have to bail to meet my 11. I tell they guy, sorry - but you are over an hour late and you have given me two other times you said and have not met either of those - I have to leave now. The Guy finally calls me - no email - and goes ballistic. He calls me every name in the book, says hes going to flag every post - I'm this I'm that... but what one thing he said really struck a nerve. He said "you knew my situation when we started this". Your situation ? Fuck you buddy. since when is your situation more important than my situation ? I tried to work with the guy, I lost out on two other possible fucks, I was trying to keep my word on meeting another guy at 11, but I'm some asshole becasue I dont move everything else in my life around to fit his schedule, which he failed to meet every time ? how on earth is that something about me ? Was I wrong ? Damn ... now I want to get fucked .... no idea why that made me horny but I need to get fucked ....
again, a tough couple of days at work so not a lot of time... but FINALLY... last night I got fucked 4 times in about 3 hours and all 4 guys came inside me... the last two fucks were AWESOME... it was warm sloppy creamy .... they loved it... I loved it .... it was unbelievably fulfilling. My mind was in a different place ... it was that good. For the first time in my life, I was a fucking cum slut, and I didn't apologize, I wasn't ashamed... I loved it. It's hard to explain... but it was eye opening for me.
have a couple tough days at work but wanted to do a couple updates... Thank you for the comments. I can't tell if anyone iis reading this or not. It helps to know folks are out there. The late night casino guy was a bust , came by one time.... came like 2 drops and said " Oh I was jacking off all night thinking about you " wrong answer buddy. He hasn't come back. A giant dicked black dude looked promising, until he starting asking me to cash his sons checks in my bank account .... uh, no ..... When I can, I want to ask some questions regarding etiquette - is there if supposed to be any ? I'kk ask when I can post - but I'm running into some fucked up folks who are getting pretty pissed off. One dude was 2 hours late and then I told him I could fuck becasue I had to leave .... another guy rode his bike over - its Las Vegas - and when he got here, not only was he at least 75 pounds more than what he said, he was drenched in sweat from the bike ride, and he stunk unbelievably bad. I still got on all fours and stuck my ass up, but he got pissed " What no fore play " ? Was I out of line or him ? Honestly, I'm asking. Is it my duty to please him and make the top hard no matter what ? I'll go more into detail when I can, maybe tonight... but wanted to get that out there.....
I'm losing weight - alot of weight - had surgury - ... and I went to kohls to get some new clothes for work. Well well well ... a dude who has fucked me was there with his wife. I'm cool, I would never to anything to risk someones discretion, thats a big no no. So I don't look or stare and I act like nothing - nope, never seen this before. Well, the dude is getting pissed off , like - dont pretend you dont know me - has attitude and all that. Really ? Then he starts to like look really heavy with his eyes over by the jeans, and he starts to turn his head - like motioning me to go over to the jeans section. I'm game. The wife is walking over to the ladies section and he walks over to the jeans. I'm faking looking some jeans - yea, this is nice - and he starts to talk under his breath.... he wants to fuck in the dressing room. How freaking cool is that ? Turns out, I had a visitor this morning, so I was cleaned out and still a bit lubed , but not 100% sure I wasn't dirty - which is disgusting by the way. I can't get fucked without knowing for sure I'm clean. But this guy wants to get in there. Now keep in mind, these are not private rooms, these are dressing rooms with like 3/4 doors, not a lot of privacy. He asks if I can keep quiet and he pulls out his cock and he is raging hard. What the hell, its only getting arrested and risking your whole life right ? Sure, lets do this. So I'm in the dressing room getting fucked in Kohl's and the dudes wife is like 200 feet away. Nothing could go wrong with this plan. Excellent. He starts to get nervous, and wants to know if he can just finish by jacking off real quick. The guy jacks off in my mouth and puts it away and bails. No kidding....
Btw I had a post that I must not have saved becasue its gone... bummer. Anyway .... its been one week of the journey, and the truth is I have alot to be thankful for I guess. It hasn't been all sex 24 / 7 but that just isn't real life, especially if your not 22 and with a perfect body and sweet little butt hole. I'm 47 and chubby. I'm not writing it down or anything but i"ve been fucked about 10 times ... and have about 4 or so who have called back. I get texts from about two new folks a day, but most of the time those texting aren't serious. One of the guys wears a condom, but cums on my ass ...better than not getting fucked at all. Went to Hawks friday night ... kinda slow. I was almost asleep in my little room when I see a shadow and a guy peeking in ... I casually turn away and arch my back a bit..."here's my ass" ... you know, throw the bait in the water. They either run away - or they pause... if they pause, I'm getting fucked. Sometimes they pause, but then leave. No matter. I leave the room, walk past them and stick out my butt - 99% of the time they show up at my room in about 5 to 10 minutes. So this guy pauses , but then just walks in. Bingo, A black guy with a big dick and apparently I must have been mean to him in a previous life because this dude fucks me angry. It was actually kinda of funny becasue he was trying to trick me into going bare... he opened the condom and everything , but when he went in I could feel he wasn't wearing it. Not my first time to that rodeo buddy. Anyway, this guy gets it done, and man, is he a good fuck. He pulls out and cums on my hole, then goes back in and finishes with the last couple squirts.... a nice little change of pace for sure. Turns out the guys says - Hey, I've fucked you before. When I was interviewing for the job I stayed at a hotel and threw up and ad. This guys plowed me. I tell him the story about being here alone for 6 weeks and we exchange cell numbers. Pretty cool. I tell him I have this fantasy about being a black mans cum whore. Would he ever consider going bare and cumming inside me - our little secrete ? He says he would like that. I was soooo surprised to hear that. Not much action then so I'm tired and decide to go home and throw up a CL ad - I'm feeling horny - just sleepy - maybe I'll get some drunk fuck looking to unload. I get about 5 calls between 1 am and 3 am, but no one comes over. It breaks a girls heart you know ? I'm starting to get busted by CL - to many posts. I opened another yahoo account so it doesn't match e-mails, but I'm still having to provide a phone number for verification.... if I stop posting for a few days I can start over... but without the posts I dont get as much action. Honestly, Squirt and Adam4Adam have been a bust... well - a couple things from Adam but not what I had hoped for. I'm actually starting of thinking of going in another direction. I met a dom - you know the drill, but it turns out... I like bondage and spanking. Dont get me wrong - I still want the cock, but this is an interesting twist for sure. Is anyone reading this ? Send me a note or something please .... feeling kinda lost in space.... any ideas or comments - or any visits to Vegas ... shoot me a load .... I mean a line.
it is almost impossible to schedule folks ... so many people flat out lie. People email you 20 times... hello, I post my phone number ? whatever. Now i'm running into guys who want to text all fucking day. Really... I bought one of those cheapo pre paid cricket phones... it is a bitch to text. If you want to fuck,, just call me. New rule, if your not agreeing to fucking me raw in 5 texts or less were moving on. On the brighter side.... tonight has been quite the wild ride. 3 solid fucks since 5 pm today. two guys blew inside me, one guy unloaded while putting it in ... thank you sir.... that made me feel very good about my ass. He was all apologetic, and i'm like are you kidding me ? It was great. I have another ad on craigslist ... I'm rapidly approaching full slut mode... letting anyone fuck me raw no questions asked. Man, it feels fucking fantastic getting pumped now. No pain anymore. And a couple of the fucks were big boys too. No lie. I was sore the first couple fucks over these past few days. My hole is starting to stretch and accommodate cock now. I bought a couple good toys, some fucking big ones too. I've been working my hole pretty good trying to get it to relax and open more. It taks a couple days, but working with a big plug ... its physics my man, eventually you let your own asshole know whose boss. (ok.. the hole still rules me, but I won that battle) I have some ambesol... the tooth pain gel. I've been putting it on my hole rim.... it numbs and forces it to relax some.... works wonders. The stuff we whores go thru right boys ? So far, no repeats... but I think two of the guys today want to come back. I almost forgot, some guy who works nights at the casino wants to do a regular thing. He gets off at midnight... so he calls , wakes me up, and fucks me then goes home to his wife. We meet tonight for our first fuck. Got my fingers cross... my first dude who wants to use me consistently. Bigtime.
Gangbang Bottoms Needed in Phoenix
mdwclaims replied to rawTOP's topic in United States: Other: Southwest
I'd be willing to travel on a weekend if interested in another bottom.... or if someone wanted to set something up in Las Vegas. -
in vegas from april 15th on ... Extended stay hotel on South Valley View Blvd - eventually moving to summerlin. Looking for those into the raw bareback lifestlye. Available 24 / 7 except for standard weekday 8 -5 work hours. Will provide cell number and be available short notice, no notice, or plan ahead. No excuses here, I want to be a true bottom bang slut whose main purpose in life is to offer his hole to real men for breeding.
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