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Everything posted by POZdetectable

  1. I didn't gift a lot... - I live in Belgium - I'm a bear - I'm Versatile more bottom - I don't do drugs (Extacy once or twice a year... that's all and enough) - People are not that serious about that... not enough. Too many faker ? - I never gift somebody WITHOUT poz talk... For those reasons, it's not that easy to gift...
  2. because i'm versa more bottom... and need exchange for fuck... not only bottom and dirty talk about pozzing, infecting, corrupting immune system, is requied for me having fun too... Not just the idea to Gift silently
  3. I chased it... and now... i share... with people who deserve it...
  4. I can give you my ass
  5. Qhere are you located?
  6. thank you for this modification. it was simple and clearly explaim.
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