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Posts posted by DarkroomTaker

  1. 12 hours ago, luisrojas said:

    Is it random when you take a cab and then you just do or say something to seduce them and make them honry? Or it's arranged beforehand, on grindr for example. I'm curious, I've always wanted to do something with a cab driver or uber driver but I'm too scare to make the first move.  If you don't mind telling me 🙂

    No I dont mind, I will PM you.

  2. 6 hours ago, parvenu said:

    I've spoken to several arab/ south asian guys on dating sites and the theme is always the same - there are just as many homos among them as other groups but due to religion and traditional family values ( bare in mind they may be murdered) there are so few unwilling to take the risk. They can literally lose everything. So they keep it very hush hush and usually between themselves. But yeah hopefully over time more guys who break away from the grip of Islam can come out as gay.

    I agree with this post.

    As you see from my previous posts; I get fucked alot from Pakistani cab drivers, they just like a suck and then fuck me in their cab . Never any mention of condoms.

    Spanish, Turkish and Greeks are good bets for secret bare shagging, thank the Lord. Love it, and their hairy bodies, skin tone and just good old fashioned barebacking works for me and they tell their buddies.

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  3. This employee has a responsability to report this via the correct process. An investigation to take place to establish facts.

    May or may not be true, but people have to be responsable and accountable for their gossip and actions. If proven this may fall under discrimination or hate crime. If she does not wish to report, you have a duty to do so.

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  4. On 2/12/2021 at 10:31 PM, catcherinneed said:

    Never done it. Haven’t had the chance (or knew where to go/how to look for it). Looking forward to my first time with a trucker (especially in his cab)

    The freeway/motorway truckstops are great or were pre Covid. The one 10 miles from me had truckers shower rooms and a toilet block. I practically lived in them, I was really clean and full of Truckercum.

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  5. On 4/25/2021 at 10:26 PM, PigBoyDallas said:

    I agree most bottoms don’t want to sound like sluts and I hear a lot of “I don’t usually bareback” and stuff even if they’re on prep. But it’s funny how few ever ask my status. I guess a lot are on Prep or willing to take a chance. If they do raise using a condom I’ll usually say let’s start without and I can always put one on or pull out to cum. Most go for that. If that doesn’t work I’ll ask for the condom to call their bluff. If they have one I’m never in a hurry to put it on...I wanna take my time to make out, suck cock and so on. I’ll try snd pop my cock head in their ass before putting it on to test how committed they are. Most let me get away with it for a while before mentioning it. I’ll fuck the, bare for as long as I can to see if they’ll bring it up. It’s surprising how many guys will let me fuck them to the point I cum in their ass while the condom is laying there right next to us. Some do insist I wrap but I make sure to leave air in the tip so it’ll burst or tear the tip with a fingernail. I also like lubing my cock up before I put it on so it’ll slide off while fucking. I kind of like the challenge of getting a guy wanting me to use a condom to give in and take me raw.

    I bet you feel really proud of yourself, taking a persons choice away. You changed the verbal agreement without consent. That is Rape, whichever way you want to dress it up.

    Also do you care what damage mentally you are doing, you dont know peoples circumstances.

    At least be Man Enough to ask or find a bottom that is willing from the beginning, there are enough out there.

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  6. 18 hours ago, Cumfilledbottomboi said:

    I am a faggot, a male with useless cock. I am always focused on alphas and real men like, you. You can use me as you wish. But that load should go inside the boipussy.

    Each to their own. I am a bottom full stop. A man who loves sex with Men.

    This post above is a killer for me, just takes away the masculinity of Men, it is in MY opinion so off putting.

    Feminizing the bottom role of men and bottoms does not do it for me.

    • Like 4
  7. I missed the touch, yes sex, but the actual touch of another person, hugs, kisses even, but the physical touch of a human being.

    I was fortunate in the role I am in, working from home, i hated, i hate having an office in my home, people on skype, internet breakdown. Managing dispersed teams remotely had its drawbacks and employers can take advantage and think you can be available all times, so I was working more hours less breaks. Neighbours screaming, kids crying etc and  that raised anxieties.

    It developed on Zoom, Skype that I started to hide behind not showing my face, I became paronoid of seeing myself and becoming critical of my appearance, putting weight on, longer hair, just looked different.

    Trying to sort my elderly parent with doctors, who were closed, busy phones, stressfull times.

    Felt like I was losing sex drive, wanking even phased out.

    I feel that Covid was used as excuses for lack of services, cock ups to some degree, which annoyed me as I was seeing patients, hospitals etc,

    I feel I have changed, my outlook is different, I seem to worry more, paranoia and bizarre dreams or not sleeping and  scarey thoughts, i became more irritable, short tempered and being a Twat at times.

    Anyway, lets see what the future brings, but Covid has left its Mark, sad to say.

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  8. On 12/2/2020 at 5:02 AM, sick2thecore said:

    Middle Eastern men are a big yes for me 😛 Not sure if they are ever ignored or 'undertalked', at least in Europe. Those men are pure masculine fire lol

    I always loved me some straight Arab or Turkish dude, can never get enough of them. There are some peculiarities that come with getting Middle Eastern cock but it's all worth it.

    From my experience a lot of them are repressed sexually and at the same time are very much horndogs all of the time. So providing them relief and having fun with them feels like a dream cum true for a bottom slut. Although you need to keep in mind, due to some of their circumstances (speaking about the straight dudes because...straight boys for this slut lol), you need to put up with a bit of fuss. Sneaking around, very short and curt chats, being a hole-for-the-time only.

    But y'all, Middle Eastern dudes are so fucking hot haha

    Yep, agree, great post.

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