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Posts posted by DarkroomTaker

  1. 10 hours ago, BreedingTop71 said:

    That’s such bull!!! As a white Top, I resent the implication that race alone makes someone a bette lover. It is an assumption about a group of people based on their race alone (whether positive or negative, it is still an assumption). How is that not racist ?

    Also, “black tops are better” puts an unfair burden on black bottoms, in that the general assumption that they are better tops (not sure what the qualifying criteria is) denies them the possibility of being bottoms!

    We have little control over what we are attracted to, I get it. But it is unfair to make assumptions based on race alone. For everyone involved. 

    Totally agree, great points.

  2. 4 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

    My first thought is that this is a guy worried not only about HIV, but also the host of other STI's that can be transmitted by non-condom sex (and yes I know there are some STI's that condoms don't protect against). Someone who insists on condom sex may well be just as concerned about those.

    It could be that he has a wife or girlfriend and needs to be super-careful about bringing home any unwanted ride-along visitors.

    Doesn't excuse him from being rude, of course. But guys have a right to insist on condoms (and guys have a right to decline to fuck someone who insists on condoms). 

    Exactly ^^

  3. 3 hours ago, BB1954 said:

    I’m 66 and not taking prep and enjoying raw loads. Like the previous posted said “you’re gonna die from something” I get some of the same shaming from other mature guys who think they are going to live forever. I communicated with one guy who is pushing 80 and is on prep. Really ? 

    Not getting the thought behind this post. He is 80 and choosing what he wants to do with his life, yes really, his choice.

  4. 8 hours ago, BlackDude said:

    I get it with younger guys. But at 60? Like a previous poster said: you’re gonna die of something.

    An unfair comment, why would you think its ok for younger guys to be accepted by you to do this? sounds like you are being ageist, anyway moving along.

    Is it not his choice?, you dont know his lifestyle, circumstances etc.afterall it is his body to choose what he does with it, yes he was impolite, but hey ho, that could just be how he is, his manner, not excusable, but you do not know him.


  5. My first Anal experience was a Dad, a proper Dad 😈

    As I was on a paperound, 5 older men, I think in late 50s, 60s all had sex with me at different points, I managed to meet them all together and they fucked me good.

    Cottages/ restrooms and saunas, older guys really turn me on. Older guys have experience and patience and do not seem to be as flaky as some of the younger group.

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  6. I had a thing for my General practioner. He had a great bulge going on. But on a serious note, he was s good doctor, friendly down to earth professional.

    Now seriously, I had to visit a consultant at the hospital for a pre op routine for a colonoscopy. Now he had me lie on my side at the preop, leg over and he inserted his finger in my butt, his middle finger checking my prostate.

    He then asked me to roll over to my other side and did it again. Definately not wearing gloves.  No fantasy, happened..Go figure.

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  7. On 3/4/2021 at 7:34 PM, Buck33 said:

    we laugh at my BF because he has no idea I’m getting fucked in the house next door

    i will not break up with him as I like the security of a relationship but I also love being a nasty fucker plus he has a big dicj

    Yeah you cheat, you love it, you live a lie, you deceive the man you share your life with, good for you for being proud of yourself.

    But what gets me; is what you write about laughing about him not knowing with your shag next door, thats just bad, sneaky and despicable on every level. You obviously have no feeling or compassion for your BF.

    Lets hope your false sense of security ends soon, when your BF finds out and kicks you to the kerb.

    I aint no angel or dogooder or preacher, but at least I am honest with partners so they can choose on whether they want to be part of my promiscuous lifestyle and risks or not.

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  8. 8 hours ago, Guest Cunt Waffle said:

    If you're so fucking concerned about people viewing your profile, then why even have a profile? 


    Can I ask politely, why you hide behind not having a profile? 

    Why you think its ok to respond like you have?

    Why I cannot respond to your message above in a private message to you,  oh you dont have a profile registered to respond to.

    Anyway, I wont be getting into anymore conversation with a ghost writer.

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  9. I am concerned with regard to my profile and what I am sharing, gallery, info etc.

    I am ok with registered people on this site, what I do not feel comfortable is with the amount of guests there are on here. I counted 249 today with 351 on the site and alot were looking at profiles of users.

    Whats strange is, Guests can look at our profiles, gallery etc, yet when I click on their profiles it does not let me. No information at all.

    I think it is all one sided and I would like to be able to lock down my profile, gallery, posts etc to non registered guests or guests in general.

    How can this be done please?

    Many thanks

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