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Posts posted by DarkroomTaker

  1. 17 hours ago, holefucker said:

    What's the most holes you've fucked in one night? Not necessarily bred but just fucked. 

    My highest is about 40 on naked night at the Laboratory in Berlin during gay pride weekend. You literally had to queue up for an hour to get in there it was so full. Whenever I'm at the Lab, I have a few drinks and get super horny, and the place is full of guys of all ages with their asses up the air or in slings taking all comers. I find myself almost manically going from one to another trying to fuck as many holes as possible. I delay cumming as much as possible so I don't peter out too fast. I dumped my load in about three or four asses that night. Afterwards I went to the Bull bar and fuck another handful of wasted guys and got home about 10am. I dumped my last load in a muscled young guy bent naked over a barrel taking dick after dick. 

    Berlin is unbelievable for this sort of thing. If you're in decent shape, you could easily fuck hundreds of holes in a week there. 

    You are hot... i wish I was one of the fuckees...

    • Upvote 1
  2. 15 hours ago, CumBustion said:

    Love it when the Top unloads his balls deep in me, he pulls it out, I push him on his back, then I tease out the rest of his nut with my mouth and tongue while I squeeze his huge balls. Watching his body shudder as I tease the shit outta the sensitive underside of his Post-ejaculation cock with my lips and tongue, while he dribbles out the last drops of cum into my thirsty mouth, is the best. Then I give dick and nuts some nice, slow, mouth love until he’s ready for round 2.

    Yep.. works for me ^^

  3. On 11/10/2015 at 4:49 AM, 00Felix said:

    When I leave a load in a guy's ass, I like to think about it staying in him. If I felch it out, I usually feed part of it back to him.


    If I get fucked, it's usually because I think the guy is hot, so of course I want his load to stay inside me.

    Awesome mate, your posts get me horny...

  4. 5 minutes ago, bihairy said:

    I love it when my bottom takes my cock deep in his hole. After I cum inside him, he turns around the sucks my cock hard again.  Makes me so horny to go back inside his hole and fuck and breed him again.

    Get over here already 😈 ill sort ya... 😉

    • Upvote 1
  5. 12 hours ago, StickyWetHole said:

    I submit into evidence that I remember and am correcting my statement. I too do not respond to a slew of images and not a word.

    It's the same struggle I have with responding to something with no punctuation.
    I may have to start not responding to people who do not use punctuation. Right now they get the following:
    Are you making a statement but missing the period, or are you asking me a question and missing the question mark? I don't know what you need.

    Yes Sir.

  6. On 9/7/2020 at 12:32 PM, raunchycumslut said:


    In my teens, most of my jack off sessions included fantasies about being sent to Oz and having either Vernon Schillinger or Chris Keller be my assigned cellmate.

    So with you on thede two.

    Vern had me hard, I wanted to be the young guy they all gangfucked..

    Chris and those shower scenes and tighty whites, the episode of him naked and pulling his cheeks apart....Woof.

    They were Bad boys...

  7. On 5/5/2013 at 5:27 PM, dtguy_367 said:

    In the summer of 2010 I flew to Spain for a week in the sun.  After a couple of days of debauchery in Barcelona, my boyfriend and I took a train to the seaside town of Sitges, which several of my friends had recommended to us.  So I found myself on a train filled with many hot, sexy men. I'm 35, 5' 11", with short, buzzed, brown hair, a youthful face some facial hair that I've allowed to grow into a closely trimmed goatee.  I have blue eyes and a solid build.  I'm not particularly hairy, but my chest and stomach are covered with fur, which I keep it trimmed and neat, not shaved.  My cock is cut, above average in size, and seems to be always hard.  I would describe myself mostly as a vers bottom. I only bareback with my boyfriend, but will sometimes blow other guys outside of our relationship and even then I insist the guys wear a condom.  My boyfriend of three years and I had the talk; the talk that gave each of us approval to play outside the relationship without any guilt.  We also talked about how if we fucked or got fucked by anyone, we would always wear a condom.

    The afternoon we arrived at Sitges, I stopped at a sex shop and picked up some single-use lubes, a couple of condoms, and a bottle of poppers.  That evening, around 12:00 AM, my boyfriend and I went to XXL.  While it wasn't all that busy, the music was amazing, so we danced for a while and the place gradually filled up.  There were muscle bears, bears, otters, twinks, the 'guy next door' type, in short, there were men of all shapes, ages, and sizes.


    After about an hour on the dance floor, my boyfriend disappeared, seemingly for ages.  I figured he must be upstairs in the dark room.  I've been to the odd dark room in my time, but mostly it's always been a lot of groping and a few blow jobs that haven't turned into anyone cumming, at least in me.

    Anyhow, I decided to see if I could find him, so off to the dark room I went.  The narrow dark room was pitch black, and, as it turned-out, so packed with men that I found it difficult to navigate.  While I could see some shadows, that was about it, so hands proved to be the only way of exploring.  Not surprisingly most of the guys were wearing t-shirts, and I took the time to explore some well-developed, hairy chests.  I also encountered several cocks, so while most of the guys seemed to be fully clothed, a fair number of the guys were nearly naked.  


    One of the nice experiences was that I could pretty much feel anywhere and no-one pushed my hand away, whether I was exploring some guy's chest, his neck, the small of his back, or slide my hand into the waistband of a guy's pants.  Many a guy would even wiggle a little so I could reach further in his underwear and feel his ass and crack. 

    I was feeling a little drunk and guys were grabbing my ass. I walked along and this one particular guy grabbed the back of my belt and pulled me backwards towards himself.  I let him pull me to him until I was standing directly in front of him, my ass pushed up against his crotch. His hands started roaming my chest, under my t-shirt, rubbing my nipples and rubbing my entire front and cock through my jeans.  I was hard and he could feel it. He began to lick my neck, and almost involuntarily I reached behind my ass, the palms of my hands rubbing the front of his shorts. To my pleasure I found the top button of his shorts was already undone and the zipper was half down.  He massaged my shoulders a little and whispered something Spanish in my ear.  He was rock hard.  I was able to lower the zipper a little lower and I reached into the front of his shorts. This seemed to be a invitation for him to reach down, unfasten my belt and fly and lower my jeans.  I leaned forward away from him a little and he slowly pulled my jeans down and then my underwear, only pausing for a moment to grab my hard cock that sprang forward when he yanked down my pants.  


    Other guys were still passing in front of me in this dark room that was more of corridor than a room, but other than the odd grab-and-rub of my cock, all the action was coming from the guy behind me.  And let me say, he knew exactly what he was doing.

    I reached inside his underwear and felt a large, fat, uncut, dripping cock.  Fuck, was he horny.  I moved my hands so that my palms were facing and rubbing his furry belly.  With one hand firmly and slowly jerking my cock, he pulled his shorts and underwear down, and they fell to his feet, so I kept exploring his body. With his free hand he began rubbing the crack of my ass, his firm fingers going right for my hole. They were rough and he was intent on trying to push a finger inside me.  My pants were only partially lowered, certainly not quite at my feet, but I still had to lean forward to grab the small tube of silicone lube I had in my pocket.  Retrieving it, I handed it to him.

    He flipped open the bottle and I thought he was going to rub some on his finger to lube my ass, but instead, he pushed me forward a little and he began lubing his cock.  Obviously he thought I was giving him the green light to fuck me, but I wasn't. I didn't want him to fuck me without a condom.  Not here, and not with a guy I didn't know or couldn't even see, but I was a little drunk and it was all happening pretty quickly and before I realized it, he was pulling me back towards him and his cock was lodged between my cheeks.  His cock was really solid and his hands on my waist were strong and pulling me back on his cock, the head of his cock was pushing right for my hole now and I knew he was going to push it in.  Raw. I thought for a second he was going to miss my hole but he didn't. I didn't want him to miss so I leaned just a little forward and then I felt him enter me.

    Slowly and firmly, my ass was stretching as he kept a firm hold on my hips. It felt fucking amazing.  My mind was racing. I thought I either pull away now completely, or enjoy our session.  I decided on the latter.  I reached into my other pocket and fished out my poppers, but found I had to lean forward to reach down enough into my pockets because my jeans were now halfway down my legs.  When I made this move, he pushed right in. All the way in.  I could feel his pubic hair on my ass. His cock was inside me and he was holding me there, still for a couple of seconds, but not for long.

    His hands were on my waist and his cock was completely inside my ass.  I opened the poppers and took a hit - a deep hit.  He took the bottle from me, and I heard him take four deep hits, then he handed the bottle back to me, so I took another hit.  Although I was now flying,and everything was a little out of focus, I could still feel the thump of the music and I could feel bodies pushing past us in the dark room.  I was sweating and flying.  He held onto my waist and pulled me on and off his cock, steadily, not fast, but with the serious intention to fuck me deeply.

    He straighten me upright with a few gestures, and then he began licking and sucking my neck, whispering in my ear, licking my ear.  I tried to turn my neck and head so he cold kiss my lips.  He took the hint and we kissed a little.  I could feel stubble on his face.  He was sweating, breathing heavily, and his tongue pushed into the corner of my mouth.  As the position was very difficult on both of us, we stopped kissing and he placed his hands on my hips.  I took the hint and began to rock forward and backward, slowly.  I wanted him to enjoy my ass, so in my mind I was imagining that I was jerking him off with my ass, clenching and unclenching my ass muscles so he would not be able to stop fucking me before pulling out.

    He started a regular steady rhythm of fucking.  I opened the bottle of poppers and took another hit, and he followed suit, taking several strong hits.  The entire time I moved forward and backward on his cock.  He was fucking me more deeply and I was completely enjoying the sensation of his cock inside my ass.  As his fucking intensified, my mind was flying.  All I could think about was what we looked like.  What he looked like and what is cock looked liked pounding in and out of my ass. His fucking was taking on an animal like quality.  I could hear him grunting.  I reached down and grabbed my cock and started to jerk.  He was pounding my ass so fiercely I thought I might bounce right off of it but he kept amazing control.  I could hear the music of the club and I was loving every minute of the experience:  the beat the music and the hot raw cock in my ass.

    I reached between my legs and I could feel his cock fucking my ass. I felt it with my fingers as it was pounding in and out of my ass.  This must have driven him a little crazy because his fucking began to get harder and I could hear him grunting and his body started to spasm a little.  He was cumming in me.  I could feel him cumming inside me.  He slowed down a little and then his cock popped out.  Cum immediately ran down my leg.  He turned me around and pulled me towards him, kissing me passionately.  For the first time our cocks rubbed together.  His was gradually going soft, even if it was sticky with his cum, but my cock was hard and pressed up against his. His hands grabbed my ass and he pulled me very tightly towards him.

    That was enough for me, and I came, shooting between our bodies and stomachs.  He knelt down and licked my cum, taking my cock inside his mouth for a couple of seconds, sucking out the last couple of drops of cum from out of my cock.  Then he stood up, pulled up his pants and said 'ciao' and disappeared.


    He was done, I was done, so I pulled up my pants and went off in the opposite direction, wondering if my boyfriend was also getting into some trouble.  

    Anyone have any stories from some fun they've had in Sitges?

    I still wank off to this post, years later...awesome, reminds me of my trips to Gran Canaria club darkrooms.,

    • Like 3
  8. 51 minutes ago, BootmanLA said:

    Hover over the link that represents a member's name - either at the top of a post, or somewhere similar - and a popup window will appear. There's a box to check "Ignore User"; if you check that, the main page will shift to the "Ignored Members" page and ask you to (a) specify which types of info you want to ignore about the user (Posts, Messages, Signature, Mentions) and then (b) confirm to ignore that member.

    I called it "blocking" earlier, but technically it's called "Ignoring". 

    Great post and good option. Unfortunately, it does not block their pictures on the main gallery pages, which I have asked if that can be included.

    • Like 1
  9. Seriously, what makes you Downvote a posters post?

    Looking at some posts that I dont think are bad or warrant  downvote makes me kind of wonder WHY?

    I note that some people on here have on their reputation activity, more recorded Downvotes than Upvotes for reacting to peoples posts.

    Just curious for reasons?

    • Like 1
    • Downvote 1
  10. Xmas day.. took my old lady out for Xmas lunch at a posh hotel. Sat down facing a family. Noticed a fellow toilet cruser who I have sucked off previous times.

    He was sat with wife, 3 sons, his mother.

    I excused myself with my old lady, went to the toilet in hotel..

    He followed, walked in, pants down, i sucked him, he bent me over and fucked me fast, zipped up, said thanks mate and left, I returned back to my table. He was sat with his family and gave me a wink and smile. I was sat with his fresh spunk in my arse during  Xmas dinner. I recon it wss about 8 minutes in all.

    • Like 3
  11. Gotta say, I use the block function more these days. Some people moan about seeing some content etc, rather than block.

    I am very very open about most things, but there are some topics and pictures I dont like to see, so I block.

    I see this site is great for expressing oneself and fetishes and fantasies and each to their own. I would not moan and dictate, just block so I dont see it.

    Another reason, sometimes people are very judgemental and can argue till the cows come home, have an attitude etc, so rather than stress I block them.

    And people can do  same with me.

    I enjoy this site and most of the community and wish to continue to do.

    I love the block feature.

    • Like 2
  12. 9 hours ago, subBottomKink said:

    Do you know, one time I’d have said this, but I actually don’t agree now. I think raw and condom fucking are different things. Which I think is why I’d be comfortable enough stopping proceedings and trying to get him to take it off like DannyBoyCMH suggested.

    I respect a guy wearing a condom as a person, I respect his reasons for doing so and his right to do so, but I don’t think I could respect him as a dom. 

    Thats cool, however I disagree. I think if the top at the times chooses to wrap up, then thats his choice also. As said, I would not stop proceedings half way through or stress myself or him by changing the goal posts, thats very unfair.

    I have a few tops mostly married tops who wrapped up for a few times and gradually now go bareback with me as they are more comfortable knowing me. Its not just a one sided situation.

    Lets just agree to disagree on this one.

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