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Posts posted by DarkroomTaker

  1. When I  was younger,living at home with my family, we lived next door to a big paint factory thst was always busy.

     There would be trucks wagons overnight parked up and I would watch from my bedroom window that looked onto the yard part nesr the canal towpath..

    One night there was this big hefty trucker, really tall with a bald head, very hairy with ginger pubes and chest, hair lots of tattoos with womens names on his arms, So I went for a walk, parents in bed and I was hovering around his truck as the cab lights were on, curtains closed.

    I  knocked on his door, he opened window, I asked if he had seen my dog,  Anyway he hadn't,  but seemed to look at me intensly. 

    I walked off following the path, bit later,  walking back, he was out of his cab having a piss on the canal towpath bushes, whilst he was pissing, cock in full view as I was walking towards him, he asked sarcastically, if I found my dog, No, he had finished pissing,  talking still, shaking his cock dry.

    He asked if there was any loose women near by??? I didn't know what he meant, I was a young un,he said he needed sucking off, at this point he was wanking his thick dick, looking at me,  I was in awe of him, he waved his cock and said fancy it? I did, cocks were no stranger to me, I sucked him right there on thst path,  he cum in my mouth and gave  me a pound lol.

    He told me to be here again next week, I was. 

    Anyway as time went on, it progressed into him fucking me in his cab weekly, he always gave me things, like chocolate, cigarettes, this went on for about a year, then he stopped coming and I never seen him again. Eventually factory closed down. He was a rough bloke, but a sexy fucker and used to fuck me good in his cab.


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  2. The dark steam room I used to frequent  always smells of mansweat/poppers/sex.

    There are naked sweaty guys, hairy, skinny, beefy, pushing and rubbing  bodies and their cocks against your body, breathing on you, kissing and hot breath, trying to push their hard dicks in you, sexual tension at a High.

    Some stranger forces his tongue in your mouth whilst many hands are feeling and touching you all over your body, invading you, pulling your ass cheeks apart, fingers probing your hole, a hot mouth sucking on your dick, hands bending/pushing you over, tongues and fingers licking, sucking and opening you up, strong poppers being put under your nose.

    It moves on further-

    Your mouth is full of anonymous cock pushing down your throat, sometimes you are gagging and again poppers are put under you to loosen you up.

    You then feel a strangers hard cock pushing against and into your hole, Somebody puts poppers under your nose, you breath it in deeply, You know that an anonymous cock is entering you; you still have time to stop it, time to leave, just go and still have time to leave, But You don't, It feels too great, the feel of the dick pulsing in your hole bad, seedy and dirty but GREAT you bend more, to give more access, you groan, you push back and take it and then he finishes, pulls out, sometimes you get a slap on the ass or a thanks or just fuck all, you stay bent over and many more men then enter you, fuck you , leave their load ready for the next anonymous man. and you never see who these Men are.

    Fuck, who would not love a darkroom experience, its fucking awesome.

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  3. I love Dark rooms,

    One time i was there It was getting busy and crowded in the darkened steam room, almost pitch black, very small and dim red exit light, small room and hot steam, sweaty naked men everywhere.

    A young guy who had been rimming me was now attempting to fuck my hole, i let him in he fucked me quick and hard, He groaned and shot his load up me, kissed back of my head and thanked me, told me i was a good fuck and left.

    A guy who had been sucking my cock was now rimming the previous guys load out of my ass.

    He beckoned for this other bloke to fuck me and he did and also my mouth was being used non stop by others cumming in it,  it was like a frenzy.

    I was greedy for dick and taste of anonymous cum and I had to popper up numerous times, i must have been fucked about 10 times and took so many loads mostly in my ass and some in my mouth .

    I had knee trembles when trying to stand up straight, sometimes being pushed back down so a bloke could slide up my cummy arse.

    I stank of spunk and sweat, i never washed off , i just got dressed and went home, i could still smell some of the guys on me and the loads were gradually seeping out of my ass.

    That is why I love the dark/Steam room, my inhibitions go and i just love bending over and being fucked by anyone who wants to use and take me.

    Wish times were back to that.

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  4. On 9/27/2020 at 9:35 AM, bareback-flipflop said:

    Kissing is an essential need for me. I stop kissing only when I feel that the other can’t kiss. I like kissing with full mouth, fighting with tongues, sucking each other’s tongue, with huge amount of saliva. I hate the small mouth dry kiss. And it never embarrasses me if I feel that the kissed mouth met a cock or ass before or it was dull with jism.  Feeling that makes me just hornier. 

    Oh yes, I agree, Gotta kiss. Gonna kiss you deep bareback- flipflop.

    • Like 3
  5. 1 hour ago, Justaholeff said:

    How many of you have OCD about Covid?....this is one bug that has really negativity impacted me....my job...my sex life...etc... it sucks cause when I think I'm over being paralyzed in fear and ready to get back to fisting parties,  bathhouse fucking, and just being a slut and letting strangers fuck me....I totally freak....Am I alone in this fear?

    With you Jeff. I have elderly parents that I am keyworker and carer to.

    I have put myself at risk on so many levels, but Covid puts my loved ones at risk, that is not worth taking any risks. Also I am essential keyworker in Public facing health services that I do not wish to be a superspreader.


    Btw, my arse is having a good rest, but sitting and sliding on  a courgette is awesome with poppers. 

    Take care and keep safe.

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  6. 23 hours ago, Cheating-Cumdump said:

    Don’t disagree with this, but it does sound a bit judgemental and I don’t think this is the place for that energy! The cheating could b apart of the craved kink, or just a result of circumstance. No ones place to pass judgement 🙂

    I am very sorry you feel like that, that most certainly was not my intention to judge or create 'energy'or pass as you say judgement, I will reflect on my actions. Thank you so much.

  7. 7 hours ago, ncbareback said:

    I'm in the several smaller loads school. Dunno why. Its been like that since those early early days when I did the usual teen/college thing of jerking off 6-8 times/day. No more though. I actually have a job and a life outside the jerkatorium. 😉

    Taste of cum also varies by diet. Vegetarians have sweeter tasting spunk to my taste buds. Super well hydrated: thinner/more runny/lots of it. 

    I've never understood men who have no idea what their own cum tastes like. I started tasting it from load #1 onward!

    I am a vegetarian and what you say is true.

    The only meat I eat is sausage.


    Yes I have good days and bad days, my spunk can be a trickle, but then you need a brolley. But a few years back, I stopped making spunk for about a year, completely dried up. Tests etc, nothing, they put it down to stress and anxiety. Anyway, wanking as normal one day, just had the feel of cumming faintly, anyway it just started back again so strong, thick and proper tasty. But, I learned not to bother about it, I get what I get, otherwise I would become obsessed with it.

  8. 7 hours ago, Aerach said:

    If the two of you have been friends for 50 years, I don’t think he’s going to end your friendship if he finds out you’re gay. Maybe he already knows, but hasn’t said anything because he’s respecting your privacy. On the other hand, if he doesn’t know, there’ll be a bumpy period of adjustment: not so much because you’re gay (unless he’s a homophobe to begin with), but that he’s missed the fact for half a century. No one likes to feel stupid, or worse, deceived.

    Telling him you love him is a whole other issue. Best friends... of course there’s love there, whether he’s ever consciously thought about it in those terms or not. He loves you as a friend, as a brother, possibly even as family. But that’s not the same as a lover, or spouse. 

    There’s no way for me to offer good advice without knowing your friend and his circumstances: is he married? Widower? Has he talked about missing sex and affection? For that matter, I don’t know enough about your mutual history: have you been casually naked together, or jerked off together before? All of these are factors that would influence how you should or should not proceed.

    I like this response and agree with the OP.

  9. On 10/22/2020 at 8:01 PM, Muscledadbod said:

    I have a married bud that comes over from time to time. He loves being rimmed as his wife would never do that for him. I have a long tongue and can slither it up his hole nice and deep. He squirms all over the bed. We get poppered up and I tongue fuck him for hours.


    On 10/22/2020 at 10:26 PM, Pnpguyny said:

    I play with a married guy too with a wife who won't rim him. She's crazy because he has the sweetest tastiest ass. He has blown his loadva few times without touching his cock, just from jamming my tongue in his ass.

    Great guys.

    I have a few married Dads whose arse I eat. Poppers, Tongue and arse all go together well.

    I love the control I have whilst they are on knees and their most vulnerable private place is wide open to me to kiss, lick and suck that beautiful hole.

    None of their wives ever do what I do, some dont even suck their dicks.

    One of the blokes Jon, exmarine married,, has a scent about him that is like drugs and so adictive, i love the taste and scent on my beard later, i never wash off.

    Once I had 3 of them in a day and evening and I never washed my beard or tongue inbetween rimming them, so everyone had a share of each other.

  10. 25 minutes ago, BerlinHole said:

    I'm definitely into younger tops. Fortunately, there are some young guys who appreciate an experienced mature bottom to take their loads.

    Agreed..one of my yountops always likes me to wear my office  shirt, trousers, office shoes and my glasses whilst he fucks me. He is 22 and loves me rimming him dressed.

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  11. 10 hours ago, asterstilbon said:

    And why should I be upfront with my husband about what I need? The cheating is what gets me off.

    Because you asked a question, so I presumed an answer or opinion was required. 

    But I got to say again, you may get off, but obviously you are putting your own life at risk, your choice.

    Does your husband also get to choose about his life and health? .

    I ain't no morality police and certainly cannot judge anyone with my antics or sexploits, but I have been honest and upfront with partners and then they have a choice too.

    You never know, it may increase or open up your sex at home .

    Again, just my answer/ opinion, no trouble, no malice. Done.

  12. On 10/22/2020 at 10:41 PM, bihairy said:

    Love sliding my cock through a GH and having a warm mouth and tongue on it.  Better is when he turns around and backs up on my cock and it slides inside until I explode deep in his ass.  then I feel the mouth cleaning my cock off.  THAT is the best!

    Now thats Hot, sounds like me backing up and then cleaning.

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  13. I love Men, everything about them, feel touch, scent, body, hair, eyes, blah blah.. i love to feel him in me, pleasuring himself. Having a satisfied feeling of walking around with a Mans seed inside my arse.

    I especially love it, when they groan in me and thank me.

    And I dont know their name, I just drop to knees and feast front to back or I just bend over for Mr Man.

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