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Posts posted by TwinkChaserSlut

  1. On 1/22/2022 at 9:22 AM, HunkeBBBotm said:

    If this mystery man can be tamed it would be great for Sean to have Jake and his doppelgänger be his regular breeders. Keep that cunt dripping with fresh seed. I mean two big dicked studs who look identical fucking your holes every day. Come on. Who hasn’t dreamt of that?  

    Yes, that would be a dream come true.

    • Like 1
  2. On 4/12/2022 at 4:20 PM, ErosWired said:

    Well, I did recently come across some footage of triple penetration of an anus - if you can call it ‘penetration’. By the time the second cock was marginally well inserted, the best the third contributor could do with his long member was sort of wedge the head in between the bases of the two already inside. There was no way he was shooting a load up in there even if he sustained enough stimulation to do it. I’m not sure the bottom could even tell it was happening.

    I regret that I did not copy down the link, or I would post it for general examination. If I ever find it again I will. 

    I've seen the video & posted it on here when I created a post about triple penetration months ago.

  3. On 9/5/2021 at 6:48 AM, DannyBoyCMH said:

    Wow, lots of private messages on this.  I know some of you liked it, and some offered critiques and wanted me to go in certain directions.  I'm really just going with where my creativity takes me, based on the things that are hot to me. It won't be everyone's taste.  

    Here is The Alpha Island continued, Part 2:

    After Greg revealed the news to everyone, Miguel came up to the front of the room to join us.  He was much taller than I remembered from the night before, slightly taller than Greg. Miguel was much calmer than Frank and most of the other guys. There was a quiet intensity about him. He walked over to me, got behind me, then reached around and placed his hands on my stomach. Then he kissed my neck. It caught me off guard because it was one of the few times I felt like they viewed me as a fellow human. Just because I am a sub does not mean I do not crave some connection. I felt his semi-hard cock hitting my lower back, but it felt like kind of an intimate moment in front of all those other men. I put my hands over his on my stomach, then he quickly pulled away. Almost as if he realized he had gotten too close or intimate with the breeding stock. He just gave me a steely gaze and went back to where he was sitting. He was very, very handsome and I wished he would have wanted to spend more time with me alone.

    Fast forward one month in, and like last time, I was feeling my body change again. I started to show early again. This time though, I felt more nauseous. Miguel came to see me more often than Frank, but it was always with the doctor and he only spoke to the doctor. Every time I saw him, I wanted to speak and ask him if he would spend more time with me so I could get to know him. I wanted to get to know someone there. While the doctor and Miguel were talking, I found out I was giving Miguel his first baby. All the men here had high fertility, but his sperm had never impregnated a sub before, with so much other competition. I also found out that Miguel was a star football player for nearly 10 years and had only been on Alpha Island for five years. His hands, and hairy, beefy, forearms were something to behold. You could tell he worked on them to be a skilled football player. I wanted to touch them, but I was not allowed to touch them unless they told me to. Miguel stood up to leave and looked back to give me a long, blank gaze, then left.  I feel like he wants to talk to me.

    I had a more formal check up as I ended my second month. I was nearly as big as I was the first time, and I found out that once again, there were three babies in me. It was only Greg and the doctor when I heard that and they decided to go get Miguel to tell him. Miguel came into the room and looked worried. Then they told him he had fathered three babies and he seemed overcome. There was a gentle soul in there somewhere. He came over to me and once again put his hands on my stomach. I kept watching his face, but there was no expression, and he still did not talk to me. I had to understand why I was there. It was to be breeding stock, not someone’s lover.

    As the next month passed, and I got even bigger, I continued to work out. Even at three months, my stomach was in the way, but I still did what I needed to do. One day, as I was leaving the gym area for subs, Frank was standing outside apparently waiting for me. I nodded to him in acknowledgement as I walked by. He looked heated, and every vein and muscle was bulging in this big man. He started to follow me, and reached around from behind to grab me by the throat. He pulled me face to face again, but of course with him being taller than me, I had to look up. I could smell his beard oil he was so far into my face. Those almost black eyes were staring into my soul. He said my babies should be his. I did not know what to say, even if I was allowed to talk. He started caressing my large stomach, then grabbed my chest causing some milk to get on his hands. This disgusted him apparently and he slapped me hard enough to knock me down. He put his size 16 foot on my head and began spitting on me, calling me some horrendous names. I was hoping someone else would appear to stop what he was doing, but nobody else was ever there, and I did not dare scream out.

    He proceeded to tell me how much money he got for our babies, and it was very lucrative. He wanted to create more with me, so he could get more money. This time, it’s Miguel though, and Frank is not happy. It is not my fault, but he is blaming me. He pulled me up off the ground by the arm and then grabbed me by the neck toward a small house, pulling me inside. There was nobody else there. This was uncommon. We were told as breeding stock that these Alpha Men were instructed to gather in packs with subs, so as to avoid any one-on-one relationships that could develop. This is likely why Miguel is so standoffish. Frank pushed me down onto the sofa, and shoved two fingers inside me. All the while muttering nonsense about how those should be his babies and maybe they should come out. Then without a second thought, he proceeded to rape me. I know this was not allowed but unless someone else saw it, I could not say anything. His aggression was over the top and I feared he might permanently injure me or Miguel’s babies. It did not take long for him to cum and I felt the fullness with him inside me, then he finished me off with another hard slap. He likely realized what he had done and made a quick exit. So quick that the semen still in his penis dripped onto the sofa and floor. He left me in this house. I didn’t know if it was his or not, so I got up to leave. I felt like the babies were ok, but I was battered and bruised. Enough that someone would surely ask me about it.

    That next evening, the men at the sex orgy remarked to each other about my bruised body, but nobody asked what happened. Frank was there too, as if nothing happened. Miguel was there too, and also made no mention of it. When the orgy was over and I was returned to my room, I had to put it out of my mind and move on. Then the next morning, Greg and the doctor wanted to see me, and they actually asked me about it. I was going to tread carefully, because I did not want to get Frank in trouble or face any more backlash. I was just breeding stock, after all. I told them that I had an unprovoked altercation with one the of the Alpha Men and that I was fine and just wanted to move on. They seemed to want to know who did it, but did not ask me further questions. Instead, they performed another ultra sound, because this was about the offspring of the Alpha Men, not me. Based on their actions, I had to assume they know what happened and it has happened before, but once they confirmed the babies were fine, they dropped the whole inquiry.

    After another fairly routine and predictable couple of months, I was approaching the end of my seventh month of pregnancy. I was not quite as big with Miguel’s babies as I was with Frank’s, but still horribly uncomfortable. I had a surprise visit from Greg telling me that Miguel had requested a one on one meeting with me, through all the proper protocols, and that I would be meeting with him that evening. All meetings are to be supervised, and Greg would be there. I am not sure of Greg’s role here, but he seems to govern the processes. I did not ask why Miguel wanted to see me and I was not told. Later that evening, Miguel entered my room followed by Greg. He looks more amazing to me every time I see him. Greg stayed at the door with his hands clasped in front of him, while he watched us. Miguel sat down next to me and began caressing my stomach. He did not look me in the face initially, but then he did. He said he had permission to keep me with him in his room for the remainder of the pregnancy, for the sake of my safety and that of the babies. He told me he knows I was assaulted and he thinks he knows who did it, and that he will do anything he can to protect his babies.  I was excited by the prospect to be alone with Miguel. He told me it would be unsupervised but that he would follow all protocol. He asked me to gather my things.

    I gathered all my belongings and put them onto a cart. My stomach was straining against my expanding skin even more, as I moved about the room. As Miguel and I left the room, Greg shut the door behind us, and walked in the other direction. I would be alone with Miguel, at least until tonight’s orgy. Miguel’s room was in the same building as mine, but on the other end. In was more minimal than mine with a little furniture and practically no decoration. I had been fixated on his nude body even since he walked into my room. Once we arrived to his room, he told me where to sit, then got me some pillows and water. He put on some soccer shorts too, that barely held his manhood. He let me rest, then begrudgingly escorted me to the orgy for the evening. As subs get more and more pregnant, the number of men participating in the orgies goes down. There was a core group of Alpha Men that enjoyed fucking heavily pregnant subs. Those men were there. Frank was not this time. Even with less than 50 men taking advantage of my current condition, I could barely make it. When it was over, we went back to Miguel’s room. He wanted me to wash off all the semen, clean out, and be fresh for bed. I was in bed, and he slept on the sofa in the room. I still was not allowed to talk, but I wanted him in bed with me. I woke up in the middle of the night to Miguel climbing in bed with me. I inched closer to him and he did not move away. He placed one of his hands on my stomach again and moved closer. I could feel him growing up against my back and ass, but I dared not make a move. A few moments later, he pulled me close to him and penetrated me. I could feel the veins in his forearms against my chest as he pulled me closer. If I was capable of achieving an erection, I certainly would have at that point. He slid all the way into me, with no room to spare, and pumped in and out for a while, before quietly cumming inside. This was against the rules, and he did not seem to care. When he pulled out of me, he went back to the couch. The next morning, as I strained to get up out of bed, the remaining semen I had not absorbed flowed out onto the bed. Miguel quickly grabbed the sheets to be cleaned, and left me in the room.

    Later in the afternoon, Greg and the doctor stopped by and asked to examine me. It was not my normal time, but I have to do what they say. They noticed I was cleaned up on the outside, and upon examining internally, discovered recent semen. They asked me directly if Miguel had been breeding me last night. I had to tell them yes. I immediately wondered what would happen. That evening, Miguel never came back to the room. Greg and the doctor came to get me for the nightly orgy. With just six weeks until probably birth, the orgies are unbearable. Miguel was not there either. Upon return to my room, they told me that Miguel would not be returning, but they would not tell me what happened to him. I was crushed and heartbroken. It was my fault for telling Greg and the doctor. Once again though, I had to remember why I was there. I was returned to my own room the next day.

    Six weeks later, my water broke as I prepared for the orgy night. I was left alone for hours before someone came to help me. I gave birth to three of Miguel’s babies that night. They came faster that Frank’s did. I was allowed to stay with them for a few hours. They looked like Miguel. All three had full heads of hair already. I wondered if Miguel would get to take them or not, and I was dying to ask, but could not. The babies were taken away and I was cleaned up. All of this happened just before orgy time, so I got the night off, along with the customary recovery window. I could not help but think of Miguel though and where he may be. I never did find out, and now the babies were gone too. Back to square one and being alone.

    It was nice to have the next day completely off to recover. I knew I would be in high demand that next night. A newly unpregnant sub that was ripe for the picking. I felt the buzz happening, the excitement of the men around my area of the island, and it was all because of me. The entire day, as I went about my business, all the Alpha Men were like dogs in heat, ready and wanting to pounce on me. No rest for the weary. With so many men waiting, I was certain to get pregnant again tonight. Every man I looked at, I wondered if it would be him. Frank had been laying low, so I only saw him infrequently, but I could not imagine him not being there tonight. I heard some Alpha Men talking about how Frank had impregnated another sub in a different area around the same time I got pregnant by Miguel. Apparently they are allowed to cross areas due to lack of subs overall. This other sub gave birth to five babies, and nearly died in the process. I went back to my room to rest before the big night.

    Greg came to get me right on time. The room could not hold all the men that wanted their shot at me that night, so dozens more were waiting in the hallway. Hard-ons everywhere. Many were dripping pre-cum on the floor already. The man smell was indescribable. Sweat, semen, musk, all things that signaled extreme fertility. I looked around for Miguel but did not see him in the crowd. Frank was there and never took his eyes off me. With so many men there, they did a lottery to determine the order, and also decided to take two breaks to give me a breather. There were 214 men there and every one of them wanted to be the next one to carry his babies. Greg put me in the familiar position and practically had to hold the first guys back. This lasted the entire evening, well into the morning. I passed out many times and there was blood mixed with semen everywhere. I was completed annihilated and my insides were rearranged. Many of the same men fucked me that always do, including Frank, but many more new ones this time. Still no Miguel unless he was there when I was passed out. As we had a long night, I was given the whole following day to rest, with the ultrasound attached. I could feel inside me that something was happening and I was sure I got pregnant again.

    As I woke the following morning, I noticed that my body was quickly back to muscular and in shape. I missed seeing that, and I knew it would be short-lived. Same old routine this time… Greg and the doctor took me to his office, examined the ultrasound, and determined that I was indeed pregnant once again. With 214 fertile Alpha Men cumming directly into my egg chamber, how could I not be?  The doctor told Greg that something strange had happened though. I had two amniotic sacks forming, so I was impregnated by two men. They said it had happened many years ago to another sub and he successfully gave birth to a baby for two men. It can happen, but was rare. The doctor asked that I be held out of activity for the day while he determined who the fathers were. The pregnancy announcement would take place the next night, and would feature two winners.

    The next day, Greg and the doctor revealed to me that Frank was one of the fathers again. The other father was Lamar, a rugby player originally from Zimbabwe. He was 38, 6’5”, 250 pounds, and incredibly muscular. He was also very dark black, which would make it easier to determine which babies were his. Even compared to Frank, who himself was a dark Arab man. There were a few men I remember that could have been Lamar, but I would see him tonight. The doctor and Greg had discussed that Lamar had fathered one other child and one of the largest ever birthed there at 15 pounds. As I pondered the thought of multiple births again, with one maybe being as large as 15 pounds, I felt sick.

    I spent the day thinking about how I had given birth to six babies in the past year, and was about to birth more, I realized I was here to do this and it would never change. I found some comfort and security with this, but also some sadness that I would not have a relationship, like I may have had with Miguel. Walking down the hallway with Greg, I was feeling a little off and wanted to ask more about the phenomenon of two men being the father. I asked Greg if he knew Lamar well. He stopped dead in his tracks, turned abruptly to me, and slammed me into the wall. He said, “why the fuck are you talking to me, when I did not ask you to?”  I said I was sorry, and he continued walking with me. I took a chance, but clearly that backfired. As I entered the room, all eyes were on me, as I made my way to the chair. Greg started the ceremony and told them we had an unusual circumstance this time. Not only was I pregnant, but two different men had gotten me pregnant. The silence in the room turned to hushed conversation and surprised and excited looks. Greg went on to explain how this could happen and reminded everyone of the last time it happened.  Then all focus turned to who won the sperm race this time. Greg first announced Frank, yet again. Nobody seemed surprised. Frank was his usual cocky self. He grabbed his big dick, swung it around, and said, “I beat 213 of you. Suck it!!!”  Then Greg said, “212.  Don’t forget you are sharing this sub’s pregnancy.”  Everyone looked around at each other, trying to figure out who the second person was. Greg said, “Guess”. Men started throwing out guesses, and one of them even laughed and said, “maybe Miguel again!”, then the others laughed. Greg said, “No. It’s Lamar. This will be his second. Congrats Lamar.” Lamar stood up and clapped for himself. Not too many of the other guys seemed too happy for him, especially Frank.

    Lamar came to the front, then motioned for everyone to sit down. He was a large, imposing presence up there, so everyone listened. Greg stepped off to the side. Lamar strutted back and forth across the front the of the room with his third leg swinging heavily. He launched into a speech about the importance of him breeding. It was kind of bizarre.  He often looked at me like a proud father during his speech. The rest of the men started groaning, wanting him to stop.  He turned around to me, pulled me out of the chair, told me to get down on my hands and knees, facing away from the room.  Then he squatted down, pointed at my hole, and said, that’s part of me in there. My kid is growing in there, not yours. Frank sat there silent but fuming. Then Lamar shoved finger up my hole, causing me to yelp and jump. Then he pulled his finger out and put it in his mouth, saying, “yea, that’s all me up there”. Frank rushed the front of the room and the two men started fighting. Several others pulled them away from each other, then they all calmed down and sat down. Greg said, “look guys, I know breeding is your top priority, but it just isn’t going to happen every time for all of you. You have to face that fact.”  Then a man named Paul spoke up and said, “maybe Frank should have to sit out a time or two, to give some of the rest of us a chance.”  Greg said, “that’s not how this works.  If your time is up, it’s up.”

    Everyone finally calmed down and I was once again escorted to the sling for orgy.  As per usual, a segment of the guys left because I was already pregnant.  Those remaining just wanted to get their rocks off, which I was good for. The volume of semen that has been shot into me over the past year is unbelievable. The smell of it was pretty much permanent at this point. When I was done, Greg took me back to the room and told me that for the first time in two years, they were putting all of the subs together for the day at the end of the week. I have not seen another sub since that first night I was here. Not even at the gym.  I think most of them are, um, busy, most of the time. He did not tell me why they were putting us together.

    That Friday, I was put on a bus with two other subs in my area, and taken to a location too far away to walk. Upon arrival, we joined the 21 other subs. All this time I have been here, no other subs have come here. Until today. They brought in three new subs, so now there were 27 of us. Aside from the three new subs, and me (just one week pregnant), all of the other subs were in visible stages of pregnancy. Greg and one other man told us that they would be rotating us to other locations across the island. I was curious about the other subs, and we were allowed to talk to each other, or least we were never told we couldn’t. They ended up leaving us alone for the afternoon while they moved our belongings to our new areas. I made quick friends with a sub named Chad, who was 28. He has been there since he was 18 too, and was nearly full-term with his 22nd and 23rd baby. All of his had different fathers. He was really cute, I could see why he was selected. Being here for 10 years, he had a lot of stories. Mostly drama between the Alpha Tops, and their testosterone-fueled fighting, possessiveness, aggressiveness, and tempers. He said it was not unusual for Alpha Tops to suddenly disappear, as infractions were common. He warned me against speaking without being spoken to. He said the first time he did it, he was yelled at just like I was. The second time, they fastened a contraption to his testicles and continually shocked him for hours. There has not been a third time. He said they will talk to you more as you’re there longer, but they always have to initiate. I met another sub that got there just before I did. His journey was similar to mine. Pregnant right away and not a gap since. He gave birth to six babies too, including some birth of multiples. All by different fathers. When I told my story, they all said they heard of Frank. He treated other breeding stock of his babies the same as me. They all said they are terrified they will get pregnant by Frank. When we rotate, someone will end up in his area. A few of the other subs mentioned men similar in their areas, but none quite as volatile as Frank. They also never call us by name, so I was surprised to hear that the Alpha Men use our names, or a description, when we are not around. When I said my name was Danny, a few of the subs spoke up and said, “oh, we have heard about you”. I was shocked and puzzled.  They said, “they all want you”.  One of them said not only did they love sex with me, but my babies were being sold at the highest possible prices back on the mainland. All the tops wanted me to have their babies. That explained a lot. Turns out none of them had orgies as big as mine. One of them said, “getting you pregnant is like winning the lottery for them”. They were not aware I was pregnant until I told them, because it had only been a week. One of them said I was the reason they were doing rotations, because they wanted me closer to other groups of Alphas so they didn’t have to travel so far. Alphas hate traveling and want their subs on demand.

    As the afternoon wound to a close, our hosts came in to get us. I was put on a bus by myself, and all he would say is, “you’re special, so you’re going to the Gold Sanctum”.  Um, ok, what does that mean? About two hours later, we pulled up to a gated mansion. There were six heavily armed men standing outside the bus.  As the bus stopped, my host put a hood over my head and gently walked me off the bus. I was lifted up by two men and carried into another vehicle, which felt like a kind of golf cart. They drove me across the grounds, I am assuming to the mansion.  I heard one of them mention it being a side entrance. The same two men carried me inside. They told me not to remove my hood, then I heard the door close. Moments later, the same door opened and what sounded like several men came in. They were talking like I was not there. They said I would be perfect for “Giovanni’s house”, whatever that meant. Then I shuddered as I felt hands exploring me. They started feeling me and firmly tracing my musculature. It seems they were inspecting me. I flinched when they felt my chest and nipples. I am always sensitive there while pregnant. Even though I was only a week pregnant, I’m sure they had to know. As one of them squeezed my nipples, he said, “yea, this one is fresh off of giving birth”. Then another one said, “cunt’s pregnant again already, happened the day after the last birth”. Then they removed my hood. There were five men in the room, a few of them were Latin clearly, and the others appeared to be Middle Eastern. One of them said, “oh yea, this breeding stock is perfect, head to toe”. Then one behind me put a hand underneath my balls and squeezed, while shoving three big fingers from his other hand up my hole. I dared not make a sound, ask questions, or show fear. He started laughing heartily, then said, “I can’t wait”.

    About ten minutes later, the door opened and in walked the most imposing, handsome man I had ever seen. None of these men were naked, just me. The man that came in the door also looked Middle Eastern to me, but I do not know for sure. He was about 6’6”, 250, very muscular, a face so bearded it was almost up to his big black eyes. His hair was very short and very dark. He was wearing a white dress shirt, unbuttoned about a third of the way down, to reveal nothing but a mat of chest hair. He wore a ring on each of his giant fingers. His arm hair seemingly growing out of his shirt cuffs to cover his hands and fingers. He wore a gold chain as well. His pants were tight and I could see he had a package that would send me running for the hills. He walked slowly toward me, flashing a toothy grin every couple of steps. Looking me up and down. He appeared to be about 40. Very confident, very cocky, very assertive. I just stood there. He got very close to my face, then started to view every part of my body. He circled me looking me up and down. Then stops directly in front of me, folding his arms. He smiles big, starts laughing, and talking to the guys around him, he says, “this is what I have been waiting for”, then quickly turns stern asking them why I had not been there sooner. One of the men spoke up and said they just found out about me. He then turned his head to me, looking me in the face. He said, “I am Giovanni. This is my home. You are here for me. You will do what I say with who I say when I say. I will treat you well, but make no mistake, you are mine. You will not wear clothing. You will continue to be breeding stock. You may speak to me or anyone else if they tell you that you can, otherwise you are to be silent. Nod your head to confirm your understanding, cunt.” Of course, I nodded. Then he suddenly grabbed the back of my head pulling me to his face, then he slowly licked my lips, and pushed me back.  As he was walking away, he said, “take him to his room”.

    Upon arriving in my room, all of the men left except for one. He told me I would have a personal assistant that was a regular worker. The assistant is Jon, and he would be there momentarily. Then the man left, leaving me alone in the room. The room was huge, plush, and amazing. There were no windows, but there was a super comfortable bed, all the amenities like a penthouse suite at a four-star hotel, including my own luxurious bathroom. I could get used to this. There was a knock at my door and it was Jon. He introduced himself, but was a stoic, unemotional person. He asked if I needed anything, which I did not, then told me dinner was in 30 minutes and to prepare to go. Then he provided me with dinner clothing, which was a golf shirt and khakis. I did as I was told, and 30 minutes later I went to open the door, but it was locked. They locked me in. The five men from earlier came to get me and brought me down to what looked like a cocktail hour. There were about 100 men there. All dressed well, and looking just as good as all the men on the island. They were not naked like the Alphas at the last place, and I did not smell constant sweat and semen like I did before. It was fancy. Giovanni walked up to me, took my hand and led me across the room to meet the men in the room. He introduced me as “our breeding stock” and not my name. Just like the men at the last place, these men looked at me like they were going to devour me. I guess a man is a man no matter where he is. This was a full-on ballroom, decorated to the nines. Who are these men? What is different about them than the other men? I had so many questions I was not allowed to ask.

    After introductions, Giovanni directed everyone to the dining room. It was a giant round table to was set to have all 100 men there at one table. I sat next to Giovanni. I watched him carefully. He has the biggest fingers I have ever seen, and the thickest beard. He kept holding my hand most of the time. As dinner started he said, “you have all met our breeding stock, and will have your opportunity with him, now that he is here.” Then he said, unfortunately, he was impregnated about a week ago. All of the men started to chatter their disappointment. Then Giovanni said, “Silence!” followed by, “we are taking care of the situation”.  What the hell does that mean? All of the men had meals, but I had a drink and two big pills. Once everyone started to eat, Giovanni (still holding my hand) leans over and quietly said, “swallow those pills. Now.”  I hesitated and he squeezed my hand so hard I thought he broke it. So I took the pills. I sat and watch all the men talk and eat, including Giovanni who was eating with one hand and holding mine in the other. About an hour into dinner, I felt a pain in my lower abdomen. Giovanni noticed, excused himself, and escorted me back to my room. He took me into the bathroom and told me it was time to terminate my pregnancy. He said I was there for him, not the prior Alpha Tops. We learned in breeding training that under no circumstances are pregnancies to be intentionally ended, even if our lives were in danger. The babies of Alphas ARE to be born. All of them. All I know is that I had at least two inside me, maybe more. As my cramps got worse, I felt the embryos expel into the toilet. Giovanni checked to be sure, then flushed. How could he do this? It is major infraction against the rules, but I could not say anything. He told me to clean up, then go to bed.

    The next morning, he took me to the doctor that lives in the mansion too. The doctor examined me and said I was no longer pregnant. Giovanni smiled big and said, “here we go”. He said, “tonight is the night. Your life will change.” When I got back to my room, I had a binder waiting for me with a lot of information. I was told to read it all. This binder told me all about the mansion and Giovanni, as well as what this Gold Sanctum was. The transparency to me, the breeding stock, was totally unexpected. Giovanni is actually half-Italian and half-Arabic. He is a 40 year old billionaire. Before women were eradicated from earth, he had 78 children with them. Since then, he has had 30 more children with men. He sells them to wealthy companies for premium costs, and most of them end up as ordinary workers. He is the head of Gold Sanctum which consists of genetically superior men of ages between 25 and 55. Their bodies, their minds, and their bank accounts, are all exorbitant. There is a scientist on his staff that furnished the sanctum members with drugs to amplify their already impressive reproductive system. From astronomical sperm count to larger cock and balls, to extreme orgasms. He also found a way to enable multiple sperm to fertilize eggs in the egg chamber, but it has not been tried yet, until now. I am the guinea pig. At any given time there are as many as 400 viable eggs in the egg sanctum. Our bodies render the other eggs as useless once one is fertilized, except for that rare circumstance where it happens to a second egg. Like me. It sounds like they heard about this, and the doctors determined I may be the best candidate to have multiple births of these premium babies, which of course translate into mega-cash. I knew that no sub had birthed more than five babies at once, and that nearly killed him. According to what I was reading, it would be possible for all 400 of my eggs to get fertilized. Not all would grow or make it, but my body could be ravaged by a large number of these babies. I don’t know what would happen to me.  

    "it would be possible for all 400 of my eggs to get fertilized"

    Absolutely filled & trembling with excitement over this series. 

  4. On 9/3/2021 at 8:23 AM, DannyBoyCMH said:

    I tried my hand and writing an mpreg story.  Been thinking about doing this for a while.  Hope you like it.

    It was the summer I turned 18. I knew what was coming. I had been tagged many years early as breeding stock for the group of Alpha Men living on Cheshire Island. Alpha Men were not tagged as such until they were 21, and put through a regimented physical transformation. If they were tagged, they had potential. The six month program helped them build more muscle, and they received a daily cocktail that enhanced things like body hair and testosterone. All of this culminated in an analysis of their semen and reproductive health. As long as they transformed to the required physical specimens and had a sperm count in the 95th percentile of all men, they became full-time working Alphas on the island. Each man was required to impregnate as many sub men as possible, to create additional workers on the mainland. Some of those workers would turn into Alpha Men, some would be breeding stock, and most would be ordinary workers keeping the city and country operating efficiently.

    There were about 500 Alpha Men on that island when I turned 16. On the other hand, there were far fewer subs that were breeding stock. Breeding stock are determined pre-puberty, and followed through puberty. They must physically develop into sturdy subs with exceptional physical stamina. Physical testing occurred with those that had potential. Breeding stock also received a daily cocktail beginning at age 13. This did nothing to change their outward appearance or physical components. The cocktail did transform their reproductive system though. While their penis and testicles remained intact, sperm production did not start, and erections were no longer possible. A new area developed just below the stomach and filled with his own eggs that began to produce at a high rate. Unused eggs expel weekly through the anus. A new channel forms from the new area, providing a second channel leading into the anal canal, pushing the area for waste more off to the side. The new channel with tight muscles and flexibility forms to begin accepting an Alpha Man’s penis and eventually birth children for them.

    I knew it was what I was conditioned to be, but I was still scared. I was informed as I boarded the boat to go to the island that I would not be back. That I was heading to my new life. There were only two other subs on the boat with me that were also going over to be breeding stock. We were told there were only 24 of us, for all those Alpha Men. You have to remember that each of them is intent on breeding and creating offspring. With only 24 of us, and over 500 of them, that increased my fear even more. Pregnancy for us lasts nine months, just like it did for women, before they all disappeared. That means that once a sub is pregnant, it is nine months before any other Alpha Top can impregnate. Great care is given to all subs though, to ensure they stay in shape and age well enough to be desired. As we arrived, we were told that one sub had recently passed away at age 42, after bearing his 33rd child. Multiple births were common. As the three of us were escorted off the boat, into the holding area, it really started to feel real.

    Our boat captain, who is just a worker, asked us to stay in the holding area, and wait for our Alpha host to come get us. We were told each of us would have a different host and be taken to entirely different areas. My Alpha host came first. He walked right up to me, without saying a word. He was older than I expected, probably around 50. Very tall and well-built, but not quite in as good of shape as I knew most Alphas were. He snapped a device onto my wrist, got behind me, placed his hand firmly on the back of my neck and guided me out of the holding area.

    This place looked like I imagined Hawaii would look like. Lots of trees and water, and a lot of casual looking homes and small buildings. I had worn a t-shirt and shorts, no underwear. As we stood outside of the holding area, he let go of my neck and simply said, “remove your clothing”. Which, of course, I did. He got behind me again and placed his hand on my neck to guide me. I had sandals on, but the paths were a little rocky. I was very anxious, as I did not know where he was taking me. We are told during breeding stock development that we are not to speak until we are asked to. As we walked by the first small home, there was a very pregnant sub taking a shower outdoors. I could tell he was about my age and in fantastic shape. His chest that you could tell is normally quite muscular, had swelled in preparation for birth. I could not believe how large his stomach was. I saw three Alpha Men standing just inside the door to that home and a jolt went through my body. It was a combination of sexual excitement and indescribable fear. They were big men. There was an air of assertiveness. Even being that far away from them, I could smell them. I could smell their sweat, their masculinity, and even that smell of freshly expelled semen. It was very strong. As we took the long walk down the path, that strong smell never went away.

    After what seemed like forever, we arrived at a home that was about twice the size of that first house that we saw. I knew why I was on the island, but knew nothing else about how this process would happen. He was still holding my neck. He took me to the door, and he said to wait there for my Breeders to get me.  He called them Breeders. Then he walked away quickly. It was a solid door, and the windows had curtains.  I could not see inside, but I could see the shadows inside. That smell was strong, and I felt my egg chamber start to shift a little bit. I looked down at my chest and stomach and wondered how long it would be, if ever, that I would see my body like this again. I worked hard to keep it in stellar shape. It was then that the door opened.

    I looked up to see a man about 6’7”, about 270 pounds, shoulders so broad he filled the doorway. He was covered in hair from head to toe, and he was naked. Not surprised that he was naked. What I saw hanging between his legs almost made me faint though. A long, fat, heavy, very veiny cock, and hairy balls the size of avocados. The smell of men got even stronger when he opened the door. He placed his giant hairy hand on top of my head, then around the back of my head and pulled me inside. It was a fairly small living room with some sectional sofas and a fireplace. A few pieces of clothing laying around. He introduced himself as Greg. He looked like he was mid-30s. His voice was so deep that the sconces on the wall shook a bit. I did not see anyone else, but I did see more men in the shadows behind the curtains outside. Greg took my hand and pulled me along through a hallway, towards a big room where I saw some flickering light. We turned the corner and there they all were. My heart was beating a million miles an hour. I didn’t count how many men initially, but I estimate around 70. They had been quiet, so I was surprised to see that many. All naked and apparently ready.  Ready for me. As I entered, all the deep voices started murmuring and chatting with each other. Greg then tells me they have all been waiting for me, and that one of them would be impregnating me that night. He said they would all be trying, but only one would be the winner. I immediately shuddered wondering how I would handle 70 men in one night, especially with many as big as Greg.

    Greg and another man each took one of my arms and led me to a very comfortable looking sling contraption. They asked me to lay down in it and get comfortable. Then they each took one leg, raising them high and apart almost directly over my head, so my hole was facing out but also a bit upward. In the breeding stock training, they told us the best way to get pregnant is on our back and hips a little higher, so the sperm can flood our egg chamber. After securing my legs, they fastened my wrists together above my head. Clearly an experienced group that knew how to optimally position their breeding stock. It was then that the smell in the room was so strong that I nearly had an orgasm. It was like the air was made of man sweat and semen. I felt my arousal inside. Greg then told me that each man would be fucking me, cumming inside, and when they were all finished, I would be put into a 24-hour isolation for care. Then they would test for pregnancy and determine whose it was. He said to expect this to take about six hours. I would be asked to provide oral to the men waiting to go next, but I was not to ingest any semen.  All semen was to go inside my anus to my egg channel.

    I closed my eyes for just a moment, before a man near my head sternly told me to keep my eyes open. Then he guided his cock into my mouth. It was big, but not as big as Greg’s. I knew from my training exactly how to please him. After only about two minutes, he moved to my ass, and in one quick plunge, he was in all the way. It hurt like hell at first, but then it started to feel great. It did not take more than five minutes or so and I felt some pressure. I soon knew that his cock was expanding in preparation for ejaculation. He leaned down to kiss me, then he slapped my face hard. Then another man put his cock in my mouth. Without saying a word, just an aggressive grunt, he unloaded. I felt it. It was a warm sensation. He quickly pulled out. Then the men continued to rotate. The aggression and mob mentality started to intensify, and things got rough. Their rules are not to harm the breeding stock, but they were pushing limits. After only about 10 of them had their turn, I didn’t think I could take any more. I did not have a choice though. Then kept at me, for hours. I nearly passed out several times. The smell was intoxicating. Sperm everywhere. It was all mixing inside me and as hard as I tried, I could not hold 70 loads inside me. Men continue to pick some up from the floor and shove it in me.  There simply was no room.

    After what seemed like an eternity, Greg took my legs and arms down. Cum starting flowing out of me. I was immediately scolded and told to tighten up and keep it in. Greg put me on a stretcher and wheeled me to a recovery room. It was comfortable and warm, and it would make it easy for me to rest. Before leaving the room, he connected a wireless ultrasound to my abdomen, and inserted a very large plug into my anus that was definitely not coming out without help. Even though the bed was comfortable, I was covered in cum and sweat, and was not allowed to shower. I slept all night.

    Greg came to get me early in the morning. He was still naked.  None of them ever wore clothes. At least around me. He said he was taking me to the physician for examination, then I could shower. The physician also appeared to be just a worker and not an Alpha Man. He had been through this before and knew exactly what happened to me and what to do next. He removed the wireless device from my abdomen and plugged it into a device. He spent probably 15 minutes looking at the data. He told me he would be right back, and he went to get Greg. When Greg came back in, they both told me it was a success. One of the men that came in me last night got me pregnant. The first night. The doctor was currently comparing DNA code, which was taking a while. I remember many of the men from last night, but not all of them. About a half hour later, the doctor said the one that got me pregnant out of those 70 men was Frank. I wanted to know more about Frank, but I was not allowed to talk or ask questions. Greg told me to wash up, and to rest up for the pregnancy announcement this evening. Then he said it would be following by more fucking, for anyone that wanted to, now that pregnancy was not going to happen this night.

    I was given a special liquid dinner to keep my insides clean, and off we went to the pregnancy announcement. Greg is the one that escorted me there. He seems nice enough, but he does not talk to me really. We went to the same room we were in last night. The sling was there and ready, and all of the same men were there, naked again. Greg guided me by the shoulders to a lounge chair and told me to sit. The men there knew what this was about. It was like they were waiting to see who won the lottery. Greg stood there and said, “it was a success, our breeding stock has been impregnated”. Then he said, “the lucky breeder…is Frank”, and they all stood up to cheer, giving Frank high fives and masculine jabs. I remember Frank from last night. He appears to be late 20s or so. Still a somewhat young looking face, but heavily bearded. He looks Arab or Latin. He is not as tall as some of the other men, maybe a little over six feet, but he is extremely hairy and muscular, like a rugby player. He is also hung very well, and uncut. I remember him because he spit in my face, slapped me, and choked me when he was cumming. He was very, very aggressive. Greg motioned for Frank to come forward. His swagger said it all, he was proud. Greg said, “so how many does this make for you stud?” and he said, “this will be seven!”.  Considering the low number of breeding stock, for him to have seven children, he must win this game often.

    Greg put his arm around Frank’s shoulder and said, “well guys, looks like he out-spermed all of you again.  Way to go stud!”.  Frank had not even looked at me or acknowledged me at all. I was watching him closely and looking at every part of his face and body. Suddenly, Frank turns his head toward me to look, and grins. He pushes Greg arm away and he walks toward me with his crotch shoved in front and a grin on his face like he was on top of the world.  He stood in front of me, staring down at me, and commanded me to stand up. He got right in my face, so we were eye to eye. He grabbed the sides of my head and spits in my face, calling me a cunt. He then said I was his and I better birth him another Alpha boy. All subs have boy babies, as the female species has phased out. I did my best to nod with him having my head in a vice. He started tracing my lips with his big, hairy fingers.  Shoving a few in. It seemed like he was about to blow his top. Then he pulled my body close, and shoved a finger inside me, all the way. Then he simply said…”that’s mine”. 

    Greg broke the moment, and said it was time for any of the guys that wanted to have fun to come over to the sling. As many of the men there wanted to get subs pregnant as their main priority, some decided to sit out. Most did not though, and I endured a second night in a row of relentless fucking. I knew this was my destiny now, and I would need to learn to love it more.

    The next month went by and every night was the same. During the day, they took good care of me and make sure I was comfortable. They had workers to do most of the chores, and was able to focus on just being breeding stock. I started to notice changes in my body even in that first month. My nipples were sore, and I felt my chest getting a little puffier. I was allowed to continue working out, and that is much of what I did all day. Toward the end of that first month, I could see my lower abdomen start to extend a bit. They told us in breeding school that we would grow faster and bigger babies than women ever did. Our bodies are able to handle that. Women started to show around month 4 or 5, and here I was showing at month 1.

    Coming up on the end of month two, and I was definitely showing. I was seeing the doctor every week, but they would rarely tell me anything. This time the doctor said he had an update, and as always, he had to make sure Greg was there for any medical news. Frank would only see me during the sex orgies for the most part. All he cares about is the birth. This time the doctor said, “there are three in there.  Tell Frank.”  Wow, so I had three of his babies growing in me. I guess it is no wonder I am showing this much this early. My chest was getting bigger too, fast. Not like breasts, but more like a puffier chest, because I was working out too. I am beginning to produce milk, but subs do not do anything with that. It is a biological occurrence that they have not figured out how to stop yet. I was not feeling sick or anything, and actually felt great.

    As the next couple of months went quickly, I was six months pregnant and getting to a point that it was really hard to move. I was gigantic. The sex orgies were a requirement, this whole time, but it was hard to get my legs that high and was really uncomfortable. As I approached seven months, my skin was on fire. It was being stretched beyond it’s limits. While Greg and the doctor were doing their best to make sure I was comfortable, there was really nothing they could do that was good enough at this point.  I just had to try my best until it was time to give birth.

    Finally, as I reached the end of my 8th month, the babies started to move down and I could feel my anus preparing. The babies grew in an amniotic sack, so my water would be breaking. It happened during one of the nightly sex orgies. Some of the men wanted to keep going, but Frank intervened and made them stop. The pain of starting birth was excruciating. It hurt much worse than any horse cock that had been inside me. As breeding stock, we are conditioned to give natural birth. We will stretch as far as we need to and will not rip, but it’s still a small hole. They had two men cover my mouth during the birth because I just couldn’t stop groaning and screaming. Finally, nearly 24 hours after my water broke, all three baby boys were delivered. Each one was between 7 and 8 pounds, so I was carrying around 24 pounds worth of baby. I could easily see they were Frank’s. They had his eyes and his face, and his skin. As is customary, the babies are immediately removed and provided to the father. The father then brokers a deal to get them to the mainland and become what they were meant to be, either a worker, and Alpha, or breeding stock. I would never see the babies again. I was conditioned to deal with this, so I was fine.

    I was given a 48 hour resting period, and then everything started up again. I was so sore, but I knew it was my duty. My first night back into the sex orgy was an event. Any time a new unpregnant sub is being presented for impregnation, a lot of Alpha Men want their shot. There were twice as many as last time, and I just took a deep breath knowing what was coming. Aside from there being more men, everything else was practically the same as last time. Even the wireless ultrasound when it was over.

    The next morning, back to the doctor I go. And once again, I had gotten pregnant by someone last night.  Just 48 hours after giving birth. Frank had been one of the men that fucked me, so I wondered if it was his again. A few moments later, the doctor said this time it was Miguel. I did not remember a Miguel, but I figured I would find out at the pregnancy announcement.

    Everything is about process and tradition, so everything worked the same way again. The crowd cheered when it was Miguel.  Frank sneered at me, then flicked me off, as if it was my fault his sperm didn’t win this time. Miguel was built like a tight end, and I remembered him too. Very tall, a little more lanky than the other guys, but big shoulders and well built. He had a very long, thick cock, with lots of veins. I remember him because he fucked with intensity and focus, but not rough like Frank. I remember he chewed on my nipples as he was cumming deep inside me, and he had some milk on his chin. He was Mexican, very hairy, great head of hair, and some of the mostly muscular and veiny forearms I have ever seen.  And now I am having his baby.


  5. On 3/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Eduardo said:

    I was still pretty young when I downloaded a gay dating app and I had my first sexual encounter. I went to the house of a 30 year old man, he was a very big, hairy man with a very thick and long cock. He was delighted with my small body, thin and hairless. I knew that the safe thing was to use a condom, and in fact before our meeting I made sure that he understood that he only wanted to let me fuck with a condom, to which he accepted. He started kissing me all over my body and making me suck his huge cock. Being my first time I was very, very nervous, but the excitement of having a man like that in front of me encouraged me to continue letting myself do everything. When he started eating my ass I felt in the clouds! then he started to stick his finger in me, with the help of his saliva I had no problem, I was fascinated by that sensation of something in my ass. Then he started to put his cock in my ass, just rubbing his head. He made an attempt to start penetrating me, but I reminded him to put on a condom. He wanted to put on a condom that he had saved, but I'm smarter, so I told him he should use one that I brought. I've seen things on the internet, so I know there are people who pierce condoms. He put on the condom I gave him, and began to penetrate me. He had me in 4, with my ass standing up for him to fuck me, although it started slowly, soon he was fucking me quite hard, and I was resisting because although it hurt, it was more my taste for that sensation of a man fucking me. At one point, he pulled his penis out of my ass, pulled out a bottle of lube, and started putting it in my ass. It seemed very strange to me, since I feel that with his saliva I was already quite lubricated, but perhaps a top likes the sensation of penetrating with a lot of lubricant better.

    Todvia fue bastante joven cuando descargué una aplicación de citas gay que tuve mi primer encuentro sexual. Fui a la casa de un hombre de 30 años, era un hombre muy grande, peludo y con una polla muy gruesa y larga.

    Estaba encantado con mi cuerpo pequeño, delgado y sin pelo. Sabía que lo seguro era usar condón, y de hecho antes de nuestro encuentro me aseguré de que entendiera que solo quería dejarme follar con condón, a lo que aceptó. Empezó a besarme por todo el cuerpo y me hizo chupar su enorme polla. Al ser mi primera vez estaba muy, muy nervioso, pero la emoción de tener un hombre así frente a mí me animó a seguir dejándome hacer todo. ¡Cuando empezó a comerme el culo me sentí en las nubes! luego me empezó a meter el dedo, con ayuda de su saliva no tuve ningún problema, quedé fascinado con esa sensación de algo penetrando mi trasero.

    Luego comenzó a meter su polla en mi culo, solo su cabeza. Hizo un intento de empezar a penetrarme, pero le recordé que se pusiera un condón. Quería ponerse un condón que tenía guardado, pero yo soy más listo, así que le dije que usara uno que traje. He visto cosas en internet, así que sé que hay gente que perfora los condones.

    Se puso el preservativo que le di y empezó a penetrarme. Me tenia en 4, con el culo de pie para que me follara, aunque empezo lento, al poco tiempo me estaba follando bastante fuerte, y yo me resistia porque aunque me dolia era mas mi gusto por esa sensacion de hombre jodiéndome.

     En un punto, sacó su pene de mi culo, sacó una botella de lubricante y comenzó a ponerlo en mi culo. Me pareció muy extraño, ya que siento que con su saliva ya estaba bastante lubricado, pero quizás a un activo le gusta más la sensación de penetrar con mucho lubricante.


    He started fucking me again, and this time it got really intense, he was fucking me so hard he looked like a different man, he was holding me tight, spanking me and scratching my back. He started to moan very loudly and told me "I'm going to leave all my sperm inside you" I told him no, and tried to turn around to get him out of my ass but he held me too tight, with all his weight on top of me. -Stop Please! You're a stranger and I also trusted you! -You're just a stupid young man, didn't your mommy tell you not to trust strangers? -Please! -Your little ass feels so good, it would be a waste not to get you pregnant. 

    Empezó a gemir muy fuerte y me dijo "te voy a dejar todo mi esperma dentro de ti" le dije que no, e intenté darme la vuelta para sacarlo de mi culo pero me abrazó demasiado fuerte, con todo su peso encima de mí.

    -¡Deténgase, por favor! ¡Eres un extraño y también confié en ti!

    -Solo eres un joven estúpido, ¿tu mami no te dijo que no confiaras en los extraños?

    -¡Por favor!

    -Tu culito se siente tan bien, sería un desperdicio no dejarte embarazado.


    He began to moan agitatedly and suddenly I felt his semen shoot inside me, it felt hot, it was a sensation that I actually liked, if it wasn't for the fact that I was too afraid of having contracted a disease, I would have enjoyed it. After a while in which he continued with his penis inside me, he took it out and I saw the broken condom, torn. And then a big jet of sperm came out of my ass. -Uff, I got you very pregnant, little bitch. -Why did you do that? I said while holding back the urge to cry. -I already told you! rich little asses have to be impregnated. -At least tell me you don't have any disease. -I'd like to lie to you and let you go home relieved that I didn't, but the truth is that I do, I have a high Poz load, haven't taken medication in a long time and my viral load is 75,000.

     Después de un rato en el que siguió con su pene dentro de mí, lo sacó y vi el condón roto, desgarrado. Y luego un gran chorro de esperma salió de mi culo.

    -Uff, te dejé muy embarazado, pequeño puto.

    -¿Por qué hiciste eso? Dije mientras contenía las ganas de llorar.

    -¡Ya te dije! hay que impregnar los culitos ricos.

    -Al menos dime que no tienes ninguna enfermedad.

    -Me gustaría mentirte y dejarte ir a casa aliviado de que no lo hice, pero la verdad es que sí, tengo una carga de Poz alta, hace mucho tiempo que no tomo medicamentos y mi carga viral es 75.000.

    What does that mean? -That no matter what you do now, my toxic DNA will change your state forever. But don't bother, sooner or later it's going to happen to passive youngsters, so thank me that I was the one who left my virus inside you and I also warned you. The way he said it was so nonchalant, and besides, his penis hadn't decreased in size, instead mine, which was shrunken in fright, began to grow. -And from what I see, you're liking what I told you, right? I didn't know what to say, I just stayed silent. -Come on, now that my semen is deep inside you, we should continue. You are very young so your system will fight the virus hard when you start taking medication, but in the meantime, give in to your dirty desires, let me inject you with more poison. He got behind me, started kissing my neck and wrapped his arms around my body. Before I knew it, I was on my ass again, ready for more of his venom. A tear escaped me. -Don't cry, this is what a true bottom should do, give himself completely to his alpha male, and believe me, I'm not going to be the only one you let inject his viral load inside you. And he fucked me, he fucked me all afternoon, as the hours passed, he had cum inside me 5 times, he kissed me with great passion, he always reminded me that I was getting pregnant, that my body would belong to him forever. When it was time for me to go, he kissed me again a little, very lovingly. -Remember baby, youngsters have to be infected.

    -Que no importa lo que hagas ahora, mi ADN tóxico cambiará tu estado para siempre. Pero no te molestes, tarde o temprano les va a pasar a los jóvenes pasivos, así que agradece que fui yo quien dejo mi virus dentro de ti y también te lo advertí.

    La forma en que lo dijo fue tan despreocupada, y además, su pene no había disminuido de tamaño, en cambio el mío, que estaba encogido por el miedo, comenzó a crecer.

    -Y por lo que veo, te está gustando lo que te dije, ¿no?

    No supe qué decir, me quedé en silencio.

    -Vamos, ahora que mi semen está muy dentro de ti, debemos continuar. Eres muy joven, por lo que tu sistema luchará con fuerza contra el virus cuando comiences a tomar medicamentos, pero mientras tanto, cede a tus sucios deseos, déjame inyectarte más veneno.

    se puso detrás de mí, comenzó a besar mi cuello y envolvió sus brazos alrededor de mi cuerpo. Antes de que me diera cuenta, estaba de nuevo sobre mi trasero, listo para más de su veneno. 

    Se me escapó una lágrima.

    -No llores, eso es lo que debe hacer un verdadero pasivo, entregarse por completo a su macho alfa, y créeme, no voy a ser el único al que dejes que te inyecte su carga viral.

    Y me folló, me folló toda la tarde, con el paso de las horas, el se había corrido dentro de mí 5 veces, me besó con mucha pasión, siempre me recordaba que me estaba quedando embarazado,  que mi cuerpo le pertenecería para siempre.

    Cuando llegó la hora de irme, me volvió a besar un poco, con mucho cariño.

    -Recuerda bebé, los jóvenes tienen que estar infectados. 

    Well done!

    • Like 1
  6. On 1/18/2021 at 2:59 AM, politeboy said:

    I was 9 and my cousin was about 13/14 when he showed me porn and asked me if I knew how to jack off. I was already a chronic masturbator as a kid but I played dumb and we stroked together. I couldn't cum yet, his was the first real cumshot I saw, and he made us both taste it.

    We'd play like that every time we hung out for about a year and he'd usually make us suck each other's cocks, or at least put our mouths on them and lick. The last time we played I think he wanted to fuck me. He rubbed his cock on my ass but all of a sudden I just heard him say "oops" and felt the warmth on my crack. 

    I didn't have the nerve to ask him to play again but I still jack off thinking about it to this day.

    Fuck so hot!

    • Like 1
  7. On 8/22/2021 at 12:16 PM, bottomboib said:

    First off, I simply love your mentality.  I love the disgrace and deception that you take pleasure in.  Its intoxicating at the least, and just reading your words makes me shake - thats how much my horniness overtakes me. 


    I've been cheated on multiple times in two different relationships.  The first was an overly piggy partner, we were both in our early 20s, and the amount of cheating, the type of cheating, was madness.  While he was wild in the bedroom with me, what I found out he was doing behind my back, much later on, was monstrous.  While I had a kinky side at that time, it was pretty much just fantasy, and I was very big into monogamy (go figure) and therefore me finding out about what he had done was devastating to the core.  I was concerned since he had started using drugs, and i knew there was some unprotected sex, but I was just more concerned with the deception and the hardcore nature of it.  He ended up leaving me at 23 to be with a 70 year old, and while I'm sure there were gold digger purposes to it, in the end, he was nasty, and he loved the age difference (I ended up finding out) and it brought him sincere pleasure sleeping with the oldest of men. 


    That relationship devastated me to the core.  I eventually found a much quieter, more well-put together guy, and experienced a pretty mundane and monogamous relationship with him.  After what i experienced with my ex, he certainly checked all the boxes for faithfulness decency. He wasn't very horny a lot of the time, and he was very vanilla.  As a way to spice up our sex life (I have an absolutely insane sex drive), we started talking about threesomes, and ya know, setting all the ground rules about being open and honest, blah blah blah.   I started playing around with this ultra skinny bi polar guy, he was hot, his dick was huge (im not a size queen, just saying though) and he had a much healthier sex drive.  I had kissed him as hard or harder than my boyfriend, but I knew it was all lust.  My bf had never gotten involved due to his lack of sex drive overall.  Finally one day my bf admitted, since he had been talking to the guy this whole time via messaging apps and stuff, that he actually liked him and wanted to go on a date with him, thinking we would make a good thruple if things worked out.  I was fine with that, our dinner was fine and we took him back to our place.  To my knowledge at that time, it was the first time my bf and him had met. Sitting on the couch he played the "its getting kind of hot in here card" and started to strip.  My bf eyed me because he know i could be uncomfortable about this, with my past relationship (yes, even though I had been with his guy a handful of times, it had always been one on one).  I went for it, kissing him, and my bf immediately approached and took him from me and that part of me inside snapped as I watched them make out.  We got into the bedroom quick, stripping totally, me kissing every part of his body while my bf went down on his big dick (my bf IS a size queen and a cocker sucker through and through).  Normal play ensued until we all came, there was no fucking.  Throughout all this however it was becoming apparently clear, even minute by minute, that I was enjoying them too together more than I was enjoying being involved.  And it was specific things too - i mean i certainly had no problem watching my bf's eyes roll into the back of his head sucking that big dick, but i was more turned on seeing their arms wrap around each other, how their fingers grabbed each other, and how heavily they kissed.


    We didn't hook up after that for a long time.  The episodes of mania that this guy went through were pretty bad, and while I wanted to see him and my bf every night in our bed together, that wasn't happening.  A year or so later this guy texted me out of the blue telling me that he had had my boyfriend hundreds of times without me knowing, half of that before we all met in the threesome described above.  Based on this guys mental history I kinda scoffed at it and thought nothing of it.  I texted my bf saying "oh here he goes again about some BS" and my bf broke down and said it was true.  Here i was on my way to work, with no face-to-face, and im hearing my bf admit that hes cheated, monstrously.  He kept saying he felt really bad, etc, etc., and while I expect many of you who read this will just say thats bullshit, knowing my bf the way I do, it was partially true.  Hes an overall good person in a lot of ways, sensitive, caring, etc.  However, he couldn't escape this boys grasp.  THAT dynamic, the good mixed with the uncontrollable lust, is what did it for me.  The guy told me he never wore a condom with my bf and the amount of loads in him eclipsed absolutely anything I've ever done.  My bf was texting me asking if I was mad at him, and to be honest, I wasn't even at all.  I felt...pride maybe? Contentment? at the very least i was stupid horny over it. I was dying to know what was said, how they loved each other, how crazy the sex had been, but I really only did get half answers.  When I got home that day I demanded my bf fuck me and tell me every single detail from every single time he had gone over there, but alas, again the half answers continued.  I think in some way this was because my bf couldn’t believe I was this turned on by it, and didn’t want to get caught in some entrapping situation, and then also, its because my bf doesn’t do well with begin verbal, at least with me at least.

    We had the guy back over multiple times after that.  I got to watch them together understanding their history much more intimately.  I learned that while Im extremely horny and love sex, in the end, seeing them together, how they kissed, how they loved, how they couldn’t keep their hands off each other, was more euphoric and blissful for me than anything else.  I even got to hear my boyfriend whisper lustfully that he loved him, in the midst of the sex multiple times.  I took many pictures of the events, pictures I still masturbate to daily, if not multiple times a day.  I watched that raw cock enter my boyfriend without any questions ask, and I watched this guy try to impregnate him like it was his only mission on earth.  I didn’t interact much.  I wasn’t tied up or in another room, just watching and taking pictures.  I would overwhelmingly, however, middle of the sex get under my bf and start tonguing the cock of the bull who had him in his grasp, as it went in and out of my bfs hole.  And I would also clean his cock once multiple loads had been inserted.

    I really don’t know whats gone on since then, the guy hasn’t been around, off in mania again Im sure, but who knows if they have continued to do anything.  He swears he hasn’t, even though Im practically chomping at the bit to hear THAT HE HAS.  Nonetheless, I guess I don’t care.  I want this shy meek and mild bf of mine giving in monstrously in any way he can.  I’ve come to the realization that what my ex had done to me had come full circle, whereas back then what he had done was horrible, now, it was bliss.  I found myself reminiscing about my ex and how much more pleasure I could have extracted from that situation if I only felt the way I do NOW, back then.

    Nonetheless I agree with @twinkhunter.  Cheating should be deceptive, it should be destructive, and it should ALWAYS. BE. BAREBACK.  Lust is the greatest of all emotions to me, and man that are bent to its will like my bf should be revered.  Since then my bf and I have been very slutty together, on SOME occasions, (again with the low sex drive thing) but if Im honest doing anything with him has about a 10% euphoria feeling to the 100% I got finding out hes cheating.  Its crazy how wrapped up in it I am.  I masturbate nightly thinking of watching my relationship fall apart, watching lust destroy it, watching my bf become someone elses, and I love every feeling I get from it. 

    I certainly have no issues, in fact would love, to chat about this more.  If anyone wants to chat please message me.

    I want to chat about it because I've experienced very similar events/emotions with my ex.

    • Upvote 1
  8. On 3/18/2020 at 9:40 AM, Fuckedbo0oy said:

    By now I was being given poppers to keep me going, but I really had become just a toy for them --something for them to use how they wanted, but the best was to come.


    Paul rushed to me and told me to drink about a pint of a specially laced drink. The whipping had stopped, but the sex had started again.

    More fucking in my poor ravaged cut up bum.

    Then Aubrey called up the two black strippers. This time footlong lay in the hammock and I was told go get on top of him. I felt his cock slide inside me, not so comfortably now like before, my poor bum had been roughed up quite badly.

    But what about the other guy. Once again I found myself cuffed to the chains. Then I felt hands on my ass from behind. My cheeks were pulled wide, and then I felt it -- the other guy was trying to get his cock inside me alongside Footlong!

    Some guys had started wanking over my face and in my mouth, some cum dropping onto footlong, and the other guy trying to double fuck me!!

    No, I couldn't -- surely!!!


    But these guys weren't stopping.

    Then he did it -- with a hard push his knob slipped inside me. Oh god -- I really thought I would just rip in two.

    He'd only just started though, and he was soon pushing slowly deeper.

    Deeper and deeper. I had two black cocks - almost 2ft worth buried inside my ass.

    This was new to the most jaded palettes. Some guys were audibly saying "Jesus" and "God -- how can they" It was a slow sensuous fuck they gave me, and probably the nearest to making love since Paul started me last week.

    They were grinding inside me, their cocks exploring my body, going in places nothing had been before, More poppers, another spliff, then Aubrey released my cock, he got his hand between the three writhing bodies and freed my cock.

    At last I felt I'd be able to cum, my cock rubbed against footlong's belly. This was the most erotic part of the whole night --not the kinkiest -- but not far off it -- but the sexiest, most sensuous part.

    No-one even wanted to cum in my mouth now. They all just watched, wanking their cocks, as the three of us danced in front of them. "The names Leroy" said footlong's mate as he slowly forced every last centimetre into me.

    I leant down and kissed footlong deeply. Leroy was nibbling my ears, both guys had their hands around my hips area.

    I was writhing and wriggling, encouraging them to work their cocks deeper. I felt myself cumming, and I felt as blissfully happy as I've ever felt in my life. My orgasm lasted for almost a minute- it just went on and on -- was it even a multiple orgasm? I don't know --it just was the most amazing cum I have ever had in my life.!

    I stayed hard -- Footlong pulled me close to his mouth and whispered that he loved me. I came again at that! Eventually Footlong and Leroy needed to cum, I felt their cocks swell inside me -- I felt their pace quicken, and they threw back their heads as they unleashed gallons of cum inside my body.

    I came again in 5 minutes!!

    We collapsed in a heap and the crowd burst into applause!! Leroy got off me, his cock plopping out, and I rose slowly off Footlong. I staggered as I got off and Paul was there to grab hold of me.

    "I think that's enough for you tonight baby" he said and he kissed me.

    None of the guys seemed so nasty and evil now -- even Aubrey looked nice!

    I smiled back at Paul and noticed loads of guys still had hard ons. "Not till everyone's satisfied" I said.

    Just my mouth though! No more ass fucking! I found a comfy armchair and kneeled on it -- I know how cute I looked when I knelt, my thighs fattened out, my cock still raging hard, but roughed up by leather.

    I gladly received cock after cock in my mouth- I remember one image of me kneeling there with cum dripping off my face as two guys wank around me. It was 6am when the last guest left. Just Aubrey, Paul Danny, Leroy and Footlong were left. I reckoned I'd been fucked by 59 men, and had something like 100 loads of cum in or on me. The weals on my body from the riding crops had all but gone. I was lying between Footlong and Paul, Footlong was masturbating my cock which still refused to go down.

    Aubrey brought coffee and bacon sandwiches. So, Richie he said -- same time tonight!!"" We laughed -- we knew it would be several weeks before I could do anything like this again.

    I was sad as we were going home in a few days. Paul noticed and said we'll all be here next year.

    Anyway, he said, I know loads of guys in my home city who would love to meet you. Footlong kept wanking me and Aubrey offerd me his cock which I sucked eagerly.

    I easily took him down my throat and realised I had become an expert at this in just over a week. He fucked my facee for about 10 minutes before shooting down my throat. Paul drove me back to the hotel, well part of the way.

    He stopped the car about half a mile from the hotel and said he wanted to watch me walk the rest of the way. I looked like a common little slut. I stank of cum and piss.

    He followed me as I walked the streets at 7am in a pair of tiny shorts. God the looks I got! One last treat for him I thought- I went into a gents toilet and Paul followed and within 5 minutes a guy had come in- I practically jumped on him and sucked him off. As he came I pulled his cock from my mouth and he shot all down my chest.

    I walked the rest of the way, swinging my hips, with cum dripping down my body. I reached my hotel and Paul caught up and gave me a long deep kiss.

    He said he'd already contacted some people in my home city and that I should expect some emails and texts within a few days!!!

    Somehow I got to my room without anyone seeing me. I collapsed on the bed. My phone beeped and sure enough a local guy had got in touch and wanted to meet. I texted back to say how quick could we do it. We arranged to meet up back home in 2 weeks.

    My cock was still hard and sore, but I needed one more cum, so I wanked myself as I remembered everything that had been done to me last night. I thought of how many men would watch that video and cum as they watched me get abused - what would they like the most?

    the whipping,

    the pissing,

    the double openetration?

    I reached orgasm but it was practically dry. Within 10 minutes my mom knocked on the door -- "Richie -- coming for breakfast?"

    I laughed at the irony, but said I'd rather sleep in this morning.

    I rolled over and fell straight to sleep.

    OMG, what a hot whore!

  9. On 6/11/2016 at 1:17 AM, ulterius said:

    Hitting up on a guy online for a breeding session recently, I mentioned that I like a pig whose hole isn’t too tight. I have a thick dick and on occasion I’ve fucked a hole that’s been so tight that I find it hard to push my dick through it after a while my dick gets sore. So, I much prefer to fuck a hole that’s loose. The looser the better in my opinion, also love to fist them too.


    The guy I’m hitting up is horrified, tells me that he’s particular about trying to keep his hole tight so he doesn’t become incontinent. Whatever. We didn’t fuck.


    But my point here is: What kind of hole do you most enjoy breeding?


    Me, I like the blown out, sloppy ones. I like the ones I can eat, fist and fuck. I like the men who have loose sloppy holes and are proud of them. If a guy brags about having a tight hole I move on.






    👍 100! I'm more sloppy.

    • Piggy 1
  10. On 2/24/2022 at 8:52 PM, ErosWired said:

    I have no tattoos. I'm a tabula rasa. I'd kind of like to have something slutty, though. I'm thinking about trying out some temporary designs next time I'm out slutting somewhere public, and am mocking up views to get a sense of how they would look. What do you think?

    Something suggestive...


    ...or not-so-subtly encouraging


    Simple directions


    Or something that doesn't immediately say anything, but has great potential practical value - if placed where it could be strategically exposed when desired, it might stimulate the curious to use their phones to read the code, and reveal much information in an efficient manner



    I like "SERVICE ENTRANCE" but in much larger font & with directional arrows. 👅 

  11. On 10/22/2021 at 6:10 PM, joeri said:

    Part 4

    Jack and Jason got to know each other a little better when they were alone in the basement. Jack had also been a student until 4 months ago and had met the master at the gym where Jason had also met him. Jason's story was actually a copy to Jack's. But neither of them cared, they were both happy with where they were now and wanted to serve their master. They also felt no competition from the other. It's a pity we are wearing chastity said Jack otherwise I would have liked to fuck your nice pussy. That would be nice said Jason, because your pole looks really good. His cock wanted to grow but the cage stopped it. Master had said that we could play with each other said Jason. If you want to work me with the dildos, go ahead because I have a lot of training to do to be able to get Master's fist in my hole. Das true said Jack and he went to the wall with the dildos and took off some big ones. Jason lay down on his back in his cage and put his feet against the top so his hole was easily accessible to Jack. Man you have a nice pussy said Jack and started licking it. Jason began to moan in pleasure. HMMMM that feels good man. Oh yes go deeper with your tongue hmmmm. Jason went into a trance. Jack stopped licking and took the first dildo and gently pushed it into Jason's hole. The first dildo went in smoothly. Your pussy is already starting to loosen up well said Jack, in no time you will have a real slut ass that will let all the cocks in. I hope so said Jason, since I was fucked for the first time yesterday I think of nothing else than to get cocks in my hole. It's the same for me said Jack. I dream of finishing off one cock after another and having my pussy so full of seed that it can't help but spill out. Hmmm said Jason, I would then sit behind you and catch all the seed in my mouth and swallow it. Dirty thief said Jack while laughing, you would walk away with my seed that I got. The Boys laughed while Jack took the next larger dildo and pushed it inside Jason. This one was the thickness of Jack's fist and Jason was still struggling with it, he groaned. Here sniff some poppers it will help said Jack. Jason sniffed the fresh poppers and his hole relaxed and opened further allowing the dildo to slide deeper into his pussy. When Jack felt Jason's pussy was loose enough he removed the dildo and took some lube and pushed his fist against Jason's hole. What used to be a tightly wound sphincter had already turned into a real cunt. Jason's hole was already almost sucking the fist inside. Jack just had to help a little more so that it went in nicely. Jack saw that it was good and said Master will be proud of you. Jason only half heard because he was fully enjoying the fist that had just disappeared into his pussy. The boys played for a while longer and then it was time to sleep. Each crawled into their own cage and closed their eyes.


    The next morning Jack started by getting him clean and showed Jason how to do it. Jason was a good student and picked up quickly. Then they ate something small and started working out. After their morning workout, they rested for a while until master would come and get them.

    At noon Master came down to the basement to get his sluts. Are we ready sluts he called downstairs. Jason and Jack said yes master. This will be a special day said Mike to his sluts. Today 5 men will come by, 4 of them will use you and the 5th one we will transform into a slut only he doesn't know it yet. The 5th one thinks he will be allowed to fuck you but he is not a real man like a man should be, he is actually a slut and we will make him realize that. May we help with his transformation master asked Jason and Jack.

    You will play a part in his transformation said Mike but you may not fuck him if that is what you meant. You only serve to be fucked and used. Your cock has no purpose or use anymore.

    Mike got his sluts ready, he checked that their holes were rinsed, made sure they were clean. Around 4 pm the guests arrived. 5 sturdy muscular men entered. Jason and Jack sat naked on all fours ready in the living room. They only had their armor on. In their asses was a plug with a tail. Their cock was still safely in their chastity cage. You did a nice job Andy, thanks Mike, these are the men. My 2 sluts, later you can use them however you want but let us have a drink first. Mike walked up to Jason and gave him a smack against his ass. Jason gave a groan and his ass started to glow from the slap but said yes master what can I do for you. Come with me, we are going to get drinks for our guests. Jason followed his master to the kitchen and Jack was left alone. Olly came up to him and rubbed his hair and said, later we are going to have some fun with you. I hope you can have my pole, but if not you will get it anyway and tear yourself open.  Mike said in the kitchen to Jason which glass to give to whom, for there was 1 glass provided with anesthetic. Jason didn't know which glass it was or what it was for though, he hoped he didn't miss handing out the drink so the wrong one didn't fall asleep.

    Jason and Mike returned with the drinks and Jason handed them out. Jack got his ass kicked and had to sit in the middle and Jason came and sat next to him. Go greet the guests and welcome them said master to his slaves. Jason went towards Andy and came and sat at his feet and took off his shoes and started kissing his feet and worked his way up. Jack went over to Tom and did the same. They worked their way to Andy and Tom's crotch and unbuckled and unbuttoned their belts and took their pole in their mouths and started sucking on it. When their poles were stiff they went to the next one now it was Ben and Jonas turn and did the same. The last one was lucky because both sluts came and sat at his feet and they wanted to start their way up but then they saw that Olly was sinking. Jason and Jack didn't know what to do but Master intervened. The other guests were laughing and saying, it's time, he's getting what he deserves.

    Master took his sluts to the playroom and the other guests grabbed Olly and took him to the playroom too. They laid Olly on the table and took off his clothes and tied his arms together and stretched a rope back so that his arms were outstretched. The rope was attached to a ring in the wall. They placed a few more straps across his chest so he couldn't straighten out, his head was secured and a stick was placed behind his knees and attached to him. The stick was hung up so that his butt was exposed. A ball was put in his mouth so he couldn't cry out when he woke up, and he was given a blindfold.  Let's get to it men said Mike. He took the depilatory cream and gave it to Jason, you can rub it on him he said. When we come back I want him rinsed and I don't want to see any hair on his body.

    The sluts nodded. Jason and Jack rubbed Olly in and they had to wait 10 min to rinse him until the product had done its job. Jason said to Jack I can't wait for him to be one of us. I'm anxious to see his transformation. Jack said, that guy thought he would have fun with me tonight but he must not have expected the others to have fun with him. After the 10 min she rinsed off the cream and all of Olly's hair was gone. Olly started to wake up, trying to ask what had happened. Jack and Jason looked at each other smiling but said nothing. Olly felt a syringe being pressed against his sphincter and he felt tepid water running up his ass. He didn't know what was happening because he couldn't see anything and he was tied up on the table. He couldn't keep the water in and squirted it back out of his future pussy, Jason and Jack were ready with a bucket to catch it all as they didn't want to get punished by their master. They repeated it a few more times until only clean water came out of Olly's ass. Olly was panicking, what had happened and why was he tied up. Why are they making his ass clean, he was a top a real alpha male after all. He fucked sluts not the other way around.

    At that moment the others came back into the playroom. Jason and Jack were ordered to go on all fours and were given a pat on the head and a glass with Coke and G in it. Well done boys, said master. Soon you will get your reward , the sluts' tails wagged and they drank their drinks. But first we are going to create another slut said Master. Andy, Tom, Jonas, Ben and Mike went around the table and took off Olly's blindfold and said Olly you sold our previous slut and lied to us about it. You said he escaped. Well you owe us a slut. So to make up for it you can be our slut from now on. After tonight you'll want nothing more than to be our slut. You will beg to be mated and to swallow our seed. Olly who was startled by what he heard and tried to cry out and tried to thrash around wildly but it didn't help because he was firmly bound and there was a gag in his mouth. The men standing around him were grinning and Andy said, try it buddy, you know we can tie up our sluts like the best of them. You won't come off until we want you to. Mike took out one of his medium dildos and came to stand next to Olly. This one I'm going to ram in like this without any lube or anything. This way you can already feel what you will be begging for later. Mike gave the dildo to Ben and the pushed it against Olly's sphincter and pushed it in. He felt a lot of resistance because Olly had never been fucked before. This is an exciting pussy men said Ben, we are going to have a lot of fun with this later. We're going to have fun with this. Olly squealed in pain, and tears sprang into his eyes. That he would ever enjoy this, never. That he would ever beg for this, he didn't think so. All he thought about was revenge, he would teach them a lesson when he got loose. Jonas came up behind Olly and took hold of the dildo and pulled it back for a moment before pushing it even deeper. Soon I'll be ramming balls deep into your pussy he said to Olly. Tom took hold of the dildo and pulled it out and pushed his fist against Olly's ass and said and this boy is going in too. Olly tried to pull himself together and keep calm but it didn't work he tried to get loose but in vain.  Mike came back to stand beside him with a mask and placed it over his mouth. First we are going to calm you down a bit he said because we can't do anything with you like this. He took his pipe and lit it and sucked. He blew a big white cloud into the tube that was connected to the mask. Olly tried to hold his breath but after a while couldn't help but breathe in the cloud. Olly had never used anything before, he always let the sluts get high by the others. He immediately calmed down, the next cloud was already blown into the mask and he breathed that one in too. His pupils started to get bigger after a few turns. We can already start something with this, Tom said and took the mask from Olly's mouth. They took the ball out of his mouth and Olly who could still talk half said, never, never I will beg to be fucked. We will see about that Mike said.

    Jason and Jack who were also starting to get high had to come to their master. They had to stand up, their cage was taken off and 2 chains were put on the PA, their pole was pulled back against their balls and the chain went along their backs to their nipples and was attached to their nipples under slight tension. Both sluts moaned. Look well said Ben to Olly, this will be you soon. Look well you will learn how to behave as a slut in front of your master. Olly's eyes were spinning in his head and he did like what he saw, two sluts being used, the part that he would be one day he hadn't really understood. Olly tried to shout, use those sluts. But got hit on the head and Jonas said from now on you can't yell, you can only speak when asked. Jason and Jack had to crawl back on all fours but that caused their nipples and cocks to be pulled. They had to crawl over to Andy and Tom and make their pole stiff. Olly got something to drink from Mike, but he didn't want to drink it because he knew it had G in it. No problem said Mike then we have another way, he took a mouth spreader and put it in Olly's mouth, he skirted his mouth and poured the drink in his mouth and pinched his nose shut. Olly tried to spit it out but couldn't because Ben had put his hand over his mouth and he had no choice but to swallow it. That needs a little work Mike said but give us some time and we will break you.

    Ben said to Olly in the meantime take a good look at your future brothers how they are sucking Andy and Tom. Soon it will be your turn and you better see that you do just as well. Jason and Jack gave it their all and Andy and Tom enjoyed the blowjob. Andy said stop it because you are doing so well I would give you my first load of cum of the night and this is destined to be our good friend over there. Tom nodded and thought just the same. Jason and Jack had to sit with their asses to each other and a shard of Tina was inserted into the sluts' pussies. They were also given a double dildo in their asses and they had to fuck each other. The chains on their backs were connected so that with each thrust, their nipples and balls were pulled. The boys who had become so horny by now were moaning with pleasure. Olly started to get hot and began to squirm on the table. Because of the mouth spreader, drool was also coming out of his mouth, his eyes were like flying saucers in his head and you could already detect a small moan. What do we see here said Tom, do we see a slut in the making. I think so said Andy, a little more and we will have a slut. Mike went to Olly's ass and stuck his finger in the hole. Olly tried to resist but his horniness took over and he began to moan. Olly couldn't put his horniness away anymore and his pole was stiff. He likes it said Andy, see his pole confirmed it. Yes said Ben, but he won't need it from now on and gave it a firm tap. Olly shrank from the slap against his penis. Mike thought the time was right to move on and took a shard of Tina, he showed it to Olly and said once this one is in your ass you know what is going to happen. Olly was already so far gone by the chems that he could only half respond. He was just able to utter no please but that didn't help. Mike stuck the shard deep into Olly's hole and felt it melt away. Mike said just a little more patience friends and the party can begin. The others cheered. Olly felt the burning sensation and knew it wouldn't be long before he would want his ass filled.

    Then came the empty feeling in his future pussy. He tried to hold it back but he couldn't hold it in for long. He started contracting his sphincter and making a motion with his ass as if he was being fucked. The others stood there looking on and grinning. They stood next to Olly and asked him if he needed anything. Olly looked them in the eye and wanted to say something but the mouth spreader made it impossible. Let him speak said Tom and get that thing out of his slut mouth. When the spreader was out of his mouth Olly babbled fill my ass, fill my ass. Even though he didn't want this he needed to get that empty feeling out of his ass and the only way to do that was to have something stuck in his ass. What are you saying Andy, did I hear that right. Did you say fill my ass. That's not how I fill your pussy my friend, you'll have to do better than that. Olly was so high and horny he couldn't help but beg and say, please fill my ass. But you don't have an ass said Ben, you have a pussy. So what do you want said Ben. Fill my pussy please said Olly who couldn't stand the empty feeling anymore. Well said Ben then we will fill pussy. Who will have the honor guys to ride the new slut. Mike you get the honor as host said Tom, the others nodded affirmatively. Well said Mike, I'll crack him open his pussy. But he will have to make me stiff first. Mike stood next to Olly and said you are going to suck me stiff first buddy otherwise I can't fill your pussy. Olly tried to turn his head away but Mike took hold. Ben stood at Olly's balls and took hold of them and squeezed them, Olly gave a cry and was ordered to open his mouth. He turned his head back and opened his mouth. Jason and Jack were separated and allowed to watch this moment. You are going to suck me said Mike and don't try to do anything else. Because otherwise Ben said and he squeezed Olly's balls lightly once more. Olly understood and nodded. Mike put his half hard cock sense Olly his mouth and Olly started sucking on it. The more he sucked the hornier he got and the more he longed for the moment that pole would be in his ass. To tease him some more Tom played with Olly's hole by putting his finger in it. Tom felt how hungry Olly's hole was getting and gave a nod to Mike and said. He is so ready, his cunt will eat your pole in no time. Good said Mike your pipe talent could use some polishing but we still have time for that. First we're going to give you a slutty hole, the slutty hole you deserve. Olly groaned and wanted to yell no but his hole and his horniness said yes. Mike stood ready with his pole and pushed against the sphincter. It opened immediately with the first push and sucked Mike's pole in. Such a willing pussy said Mike. Olly moaned, in pain and in pleasure. The others cheered and stood next to Olly and Jonas whispered in Olly's ear, do you like it slut, do you want more, do you want nice seed from your master in your pussy. Olly who couldn't think anymore due to the chems in his system moaned and said yes, I want more, give me more.

    Jason and Jack couldn't contain themselves anymore and were playing with their pussy. Andy came and sat down next to the boys and said I would stop this sluts because otherwise chatter will fall off and you will be done with your fun for the evening. But we want too Jack wanted to say, but he got a tap to his head, you have nothing to want said Andy you have to listen.

    Mike saw that Olly was almost in slut heaven and started thrusting too hard and his pole went deeper and deeper into Olly's hole. Olly began to moan and Mike thrust again and was balls deep in Olly's hole. Here comes the slut said Mike, here comes your first load. Your first load of many to come. Mike started moaning himself and thrust one last time and Olly's fears became reality he felt Mike's cock pumping seed into his hole. Mike withdrew his pole from Olly's hole and Ben stood ready with a plug to insert it into Olly's pussy. Olly lay on the table with tears in his eyes and knew that from now on he was no longer the alpha male he used to be.

    Mike who had already caught his breath came and stood next to his new slut and asked and slut did you like your first turn and do you want more. Olly cautiously nodded no but really he wanted to nod yes because deep down he liked feeling a pole in his hole. Mike took Olly's head and slapped it. What do you say to your master? That he didn't fuck your hole properly. You don't tell me that twice, slut. Olly wanted to fight it but it was no use the only thing he could gain was more beating and being hit harder. So he said, "I'm sorry, I liked it. I liked it who said Tom. With difficulty Olly could say I liked it Master.

    Andy and Jonas took hold of Jack and Jason and tied off their biceps. This is your next step in your new life they said to Olly but first you get to see what you will be doing soon too. They looked for a good fat vein and put the point in saw the register and emptied the syringe with a 0.6. Both Jack and Jason coughed heavily and started moaning and shouting, fuck me, fuck my slut pussy, give me your seed. Jason rolled onto his back and pulled his legs open with his arms so that his pussy was completely exposed. Andy needed no more and immediately shoved his cock balls deep into Jason's pussy. All you could hear Jason say was OH YES , OH YES deeper, deeper fill me up with your seed. Jack got down on his knees and pulled his pussy open with his hands. Jonas was already ready and pushed his thick pole deep into Jack's pussy. Jack moaned heavily and thrust his ass back violently so that the pole came deeper into his ass. While Jonas and Andy were fucking the two sluts Tom said to Olly that will be you soon friend. You will soon be begging to be fucked. You will enjoy getting a pole in your pussy and it will still be the only thing you will think about. Tom removed the plug from Olly's hole and inserted another shard of Tina to keep him well horny.

    The sluts were being firmly poleaxed by Andy and Jonas. Andy and Jonas also switched sluts once but then all of a sudden they stopped without releasing seed into one of the sluts. Jack and Jason almost begged to get the seed from their fuckers but they said their first load was for the new slut. It was time for the slut's first point. But they wanted to sling him first. Olly was fairly gone by the new shard Tina and was untied. He did get ankle straps on and a pole was inserted between his feet so that his legs remained wide open. That way he certainly couldn't run away, you never know. But Olly could barely stand on his legs and was easily guided to the sling. Once he was in the sling he tried to struggle but the four men had no problem securing him.

    Jason and Jack were put on the fuck bench and had to watch the transformation of Olly. Olly's arm was tied off and he saw the point coming and he started sobbing, because he knew what was going to happen. He was going to turn into a slut, a slut who would only want to be fucked. But could it be any more. His cunt already wanted nothing more than to be fucked because he had such an empty feeling inside. He needed to be filled. Jonas had the honor of setting the point of 0.5. He found a good vein and put the point in he saw the register and. Olly tried to say please stop but it was too late Jonas with a grin emptied the syringe and said go fly slut.

    Olly felt a warm feeling bubbling up and then a tingling in his throat a strange taste in his mouth and then he had to cough, very hard cough. His eyes popped open and turned away and then the magic words came out of his mouth that he never thought he would utter. FUCK ME FUCK ME PLEASE. The others began to cheer and laugh. Olly was writhing in the sling. Jonas came and stood next to him and said what are you. I am a slut said Olly please fuck me I will do anything as long as you fuck me. Then you will have to make me stiff first he said to Olly. Olly opened his slut mouth and Jonas put his cock in his mouth and Olly started sucking it stiff. Hmmm his Jonas you learn fast slut. He took his stiff cock out of Olly's mouth and went to his pussy and stuck his pole up to his balls in Olly's pussy in one go. Olly was in slut heaven.  He was moaning with pleasure.

    Tom went over to Jack and Jason. And sat behind their asses on a stool and started fingering their pussies. 2 fingers became 3, which quickly became 4 and then 5. Jason and Jack moaned and started tonguing each other. Tom's hands were fully inside the boys' pussies and he pulled his hands a little bit back and made a fist and pushed it in hard. Jason whimpered because Tom's fist was bigger than Jack's but after the first stab of pain he began to enjoy it again. Jack who was more used to it was in seventh heaven and turned his ass. Tom called out to Olly this one is going in your pussy slut soon. Olly heard and looked at Tom and he saw that Tom was fisting Jack and Jason. Jonas meanwhile was still firmly fucking Olly's hole and Olly was moaning of, pain was no longer there so he was just moaning of pleasure. Jonas was getting close to his high point and started breathing heavily. Jonas began to thrust faster, hitting Olly's prostate and starting to milk him like that. The seed was pouring out of Olly's tina cock. Look said Mike to the rest our little slut is already cumming when he gets fucked. He must really like it. Jonas cummed and squirted his seed deep into Olly's hole.

    Tom had stopped fisting the two sluts and Jack and Jason were brought to Olly and Master said boys, you may empty your bladder once. We will lower your new brother and then you may put your Tina cock in his mouth and empty your bladder. Olly may have been completely gone from the point he had been given but he didn't want this, he didn't want to swallow piss. But Tom was ready and had hold of Olly's balls and was squeezing them. Olly knew he had no choice but to drink the piss later. The sling was lowered and Jack was the first to stick his cock in Olly's mouth and start pissing. Drinking slut said Jonas to Olly, drink their chem piss. Then you will fly even higher. Olly had to gag from the thought of what he was doing. But he persevered anyway he didn't want them to squeeze his balls. When Jack was done, it was Jason's turn and Jason too emptied his chem piss into Olly's mouth. Olly felt his belly fill with the warm chems piss from his brothers and began to fly even more than before. His body squirmed with horniness. He was ready, he was ready to embrace his new life as a slut, cumdump. Untie me he cried, untie me , I want to be a free slut. I want to be able to suck a pole and be fucked like a dog. The others looked at each other and saw that it was okay. They saw that they had broken him and knew that from now on he was their slut. They untied him, put a collar around his neck and hung a chain from it and attached the chain to a bracket in the wall. Now Olly could move freely but still couldn't get away. Olly crawled across the floor to Tom and began to suck him. Tom took hold of Olly's head and pushed his pole deep into Olly's throat. He began to gag and drool ran from his mouth but he persisted. Tom pulled Olly off his pole and spit in his face. You don't do that bad slut, Tom said. Fist me she Olly, I want to feel your fist in my pussy he said. We are going to make sure of that said Tom but don't think you can get my fist in your hole right away. But we have time to train you further hey slut, tomorrow is another day. But now you may first get my seed in your hole.

    So the rest of the evening went on. Olly had accepted his new life, and got several more loads of seed in his pussy. Jack and Jason, like their new brother, were also given a load of seed in their mouths and cunts and then taken to their cages. Olly who came in as Alpha man went out as cum dump and went home with his new masters and a cunt full of cum.


    The letter Jason had sent to his parents had arrived. Jason's parents had read it. His mother was weeping at the table but his father was sitting with a stiff pole in his pants. All he could think about was finding that master so he could get his son ...

    This is beyond hot!!! 👅 

  12. On 3/18/2022 at 1:48 PM, ChainedBoy said:

    I’ll admit it; I do enjoy a porn scene where the top visibly cums once of twice on the hole he was fucking and then plunges his dick back in to deliver the rest of his load. Visually it’s a hot sight. But in the moment, nothing compares with balls fully emptying inside the fuckhole. And that applies for the top and the bottom, IMHO. 

    What’s even hotter visually for me? Watching a cock and scrotum pulse over and over as the fucker empties entirely into the fuckhole. Hearing the fuckhole moan with cumjoy as he is made whole by white hot cum.

    For me, feeling it gush deep inside & hearing the top moan as his dick throbs as he humps my pussy balls deep is the ONLY way to get pounded & bred. 

    • Like 2
    • Piggy 1
  13. 10 hours ago, jbucktown said:

    Matt’s been working longer hours for about 2 weeks trying to get a project done at work.  It’s 1am and Matt has just finished his portion of the work.  He needs to be at work the next day to see how each of the team reacted to his portion of the work. 

    Matt is really horny though, so he signs on to AOL for a quick chat and a wank.  He gets into his city’s m4m chatroom easily and a familiar name hits Matt up.  It’s a dude Matt met at one of Alexander’s parties.  Matt knows he shouldn’t fuck around with more of Alexander’s friends.  They can be so bitchy and judgmental about guys who fuck around.  Ugh, but he wants to get fucked.  Matt is stroking his hard cock and decides to just get fucked.  He needs it.  As long as they use condoms and Matt doesn’t let another of Alexander’s friends fuck him bareback, there is nothing slutty about it.  The guy asks, “What’s up?”  Instead of fucking around with shy politeness, Matt says, “Horny. U?”  Guy says, “Same here. 😊”  Matt says, “Want to come over and fuck me?”  Guy says yes.  Matt gives his address and says, “bring condoms.”  Guy says, “Be there in 20 minutes.”

    Matt cleans out and showers, slips on some pajama bottoms.  Dude shows up about 1:30am.  The greeting is a bit awkward.  Matt leads the guy to his bed, realizes he doesn’t really remember his name but thinks it begins with an S….Steve, Sean, Shawn, Silas, Sammy…..whatever.  Matt lies back on the bed and pulls the guy to him.  The guy leans over and starts making out with Matt.  His hard cock pressing against Matt’s leg.  Matt spreads his legs a bit as they make out.  The guy can feel Matt’s hard cock too. 

    Matt pushes the guy’s shirt over his head and starts to open his jeans.  Matt rubs the cock over the boxer briefs.  The guy says, “Fuck you are sexy.  I’ve always wanted to fuck you.”  Matt says, “You will tonight.”  Matt pushes the guy’s jeans and underwear off.  Matt leans over and takes the guy’s cock in his mouth.  It is a good cock.  The cock feels good in his mouth – just wide enough to stretch his lips and just long enough to push at the back of Matt’s throat without choking him. 

    Matt is thirsty for sex and cock.  Matt starts really giving the guy good head.  He is sucking the guy all the way out and in his mouth, relaxing his throat, feeling the balls on his chin, making love to the cock.  The guy is moaning, saying stuff like, “Damn you love cock,” “This is the best head I’ve even gotten,” “Suck my cock.”  Matt is really into it.  The guy pulls his cock back and says, “Slow down.  I’ll cum before we fuck.”  Matt looks at the clock, it’s 2am.  He’s been sucking cock for almost 30 minutes. 

    Matt says, “Let’s fuck.”  They guy reaches for his jeans and feels his pockets, gets up to search his coat pockets, and says….”I don’t have a condom on me.  Do you have one?”  Matt says, “I asked you to bring them.  I’m out of condoms.”  The guy comes back over.  They guy feels Matt’s hard cock through his pajama pants.  He says, “You are so sexy.  Can I see more of you?”  Matt pushes off his pajama pants, spreads his legs and shows off his ass and cock for the guy.  The guy leans in for a kiss.  His hands rub Matt’s hole.  He says, “Your hole is so hot.  I can feel the heat coming off it.  You need to get fucked don’t you?”  Matt moans softly, “Yes.”  They make out and Matt is moaning and feeling the nice cock rub on his hole and inside his legs.  The guy takes his cock and presses it on Matt’s hole as they make out.  Matt reaches over and grabs a lube bottle, pops it open and lubes the guy’s cock.  Matt says, “Fuck me.” 

    The guy looks down and sees this beautiful twink, legs spread, hole ready, asking for a bareback fuck.  He lines up his cock and pushes slowly inside Matt’s unprotected ass.  The top moans.  Matt accommodates the top, letting his ass relax as the top (is his name Sammy?) pushes into him.  The top’s face is in bliss.  He looks like he is loving Matt’s ass.

    Matt feels the tops balls rest on his ass cheeks.  Matt runs his hands over the top’s back as the top (is his name Spence?) begins to fuck him.  Slowly at first, but then faster, more determined.  Matt is moaning now too as the top is fucking him.  He puts some lube on his cock and begins the jerk off.  Matt can see the top isn’t going to last too long. 

    The top is biting his lip and his eyes are closed.  He says, “Matt you have the best ass.  I’m going to cum soon.”  Matt reaches down and grabs the top’s ass (Is his name Sean?) and says, “Cum right in me.  Cum inside me.  Give me your load.”  The top says, “I’m cumming in your ass.”  Matt jerks his cock as he feels the warm cum shoot inside him.  Matt starts to shoot as the top’s cum breeds Matt’s unprotected ass.

    The top collapses in post orgasm bliss on Matt.  He cuddles Matt and they fall asleep.  The top wakes Matt up and breeds him two more times during the night. 

    Love the triple play from the top. 👅 

  14. I've had this conversation multiple times with my gay pals over the years. 

    What's the best way to be "ready"? Why is it that tops have little to no regard for the amount of time & energy it takes to present a nice, tight, clean pussy? Bottoms deserve a little more consideration don't they?

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