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Posts posted by TwinkChaserSlut

  1. On 1/26/2022 at 6:41 PM, phukhole said:

    On that note, I'l be in PS taking loads this weekend (1/28 ad 1/29) at Motel 6 (downtown) if anyone wants to seed me.... I'm gonna try an open door thing, if I'm feeling ballsy. Otherwise, I'll be setting up one on ones.

    I hosted there in November. It's a good pump-dump hotel.

  2. 16 hours ago, ErosWired said:

    If the world’s largest nuclear military force ceased full cooperation with NATO, the organization might not be entirely dismantled, but its effectiveness against the aggression of the world’s second largest nuclear military force would become debatable.

    Yes, Putin will do more. He’s insane, and thus no amount of rational entreaty will influence him. Any rural-born man can tell you that when a dog goes mad, what you do is get your gun and put the beast down. You have to, before it hurts somebody. Putin’s a mad dog and needs to be put down. But this particular mad dog has the ability to render the planet an uninhabitable radioactive desert, and you can’t just grab him by the scruff of the neck.

    If Putin didn’t have his finger on the button of thousands of nuclear warheads, the powers of the world might be more willing to do the calculus and determine how much conventional strength might be employed to hold him in check. It may yet come to that. But a single mushroom cloud would make any such calculations meaningless in an instant.

    NATO isn’t just sitting back idly and watching. NATO is desperately trying to avoid World War III.

    Agree with you 100%! 

  3. I approach it with an "agree to disagree" sense of diplomacy when it comes to politics & religion. If I receive the same, consideration & courtesy in return, it can be a really good experience. I have little tolerance for political & PC bullies. I imagine that in some situations though, a dude who is a dickhead personality could also be sensational in the sack. 👅 

    • Upvote 1
  4. 58 minutes ago, rock-cock-jock said:

    Are you still attracted to the same type of guy or has your type changed? If not a particular physical feature, is there anything else that you tend to go for? Has your minimum threshold for agreeing to fuck a guy changed? What do you think is the main force behind your current standards?

    My "type(s)" continue to evolve but certain preferences for specific characteristics & phenotypes will never change.

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  5. 2 hours ago, faggotsub said:

    our present administration is going to lead us strait into hell messing with a Country that  has enough nuclear power to blow up the entire world

    The weakness of the US has set the stage for what's going to happen in Ukraine and Taiwan.

    How one administration could do so much damage to this country in one year is incredible, and they have 3 more years to go.

    We won't cut off Russia's Oil supply but they stop production here..  WTF is this madman and his administration thinking. Kerry said if we were at zero emissions it wouldn't  make  a difference without every other country doing the same.  so what the fuck are we doing...this from a guy parking his yacht in Rhode Island to avoid paying Massachusetts taxes.

    How the hell do we have morons like this running our country in the first place

    I hope the American people are happy with what they got when they voted in these assholes. And only a couple news agencies are reporting the results of the Durham report. God save us all. Our prayers to Ukraine for in a large part what WE have caused by picking an old corrupt family to lead us.  At almost 70 years old ive never seen anything like whats going on. in my entire life.

    Whats it going to take to stop this madness.???????????????????????

    I agree with you 100% but I think it is much bigger. I think it's important to realize that multiple things can be true at the same time: On the world stage, our current president is  perceived as an abysmal,  feeble leader who has led us & the world into the gates of hell because of his awful public policy positions, weakness, & overall incompetence. It's pretty clear that our previous leader (whether you hate him, love him or are indifferent to him & with all of his baggage) kept foreign tyrants at bay & kept our economy pumping. Let's not kid ourselves, Biden's perceived weakness & pacifist policies are not going to prevent Russia or China from pushing their evil agendas forward. 

    What's the answer? At this point, it goes WAY beyond quibbling about which side of the two-party political fence you are on. We need to unite as a country, put our political differences aside for a bit, & 

    2 hours ago, faggotsub said:

    our present administration is going to lead us strait into hell messing with a Country that  has enough nuclear power to blow up the entire world

    The weakness of the US has set the stage for what's going to happen in Ukraine and Taiwan.

    How one administration could do so much damage to this country in one year is incredible, and they have 3 more years to go.

    We won't cut off Russia's Oil supply but they stop production here..  WTF is this madman and his administration thinking. Kerry said if we were at zero emissions it wouldn't  make  a difference without every other country doing the same.  so what the fuck are we doing...this from a guy parking his yacht in Rhode Island to avoid paying Massachusetts taxes.

    How the hell do we have morons like this running our country in the first place

    I hope the American people are happy with what they got when they voted in these assholes. And only a couple news agencies are reporting the results of the Durham report. God save us all. Our prayers to Ukraine for in a large part what WE have caused by picking an old corrupt family to lead us.  At almost 70 years old ive never seen anything like whats going on. in my entire life.

    Whats it going to take to stop this madness.???????????????????????

    Agreed 👍 100%

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  6. 10 hours ago, Hotrawbutt4u said:

    Very hot. A friend of mine said you can get about anything you want in Seattle. He said he really got used

    Yes, Seattle is quite the place. Sure, it has the prissy, sparky queens whose heads explode with anyone over 30yo without twink or gym bods. But there is a huge cross section of guys who are more of the  "rural/country boy" type who are a lot less hung up on the typical, established lbbtq/fag standards & more about sucking, fucking, rimming, breeding & the more dl/tab○○ side of the hook-up scene.

    • Like 1
  7. On 10/17/2021 at 11:59 PM, rcc226 said:

    Ryan Carter here. Thank you, guys for the positive feedback and really nice messages. That vid, "Poz Cum Cube" is really one of my favorite scenes - it's hot, it's raw and it's totally real. I had a lot of fun making it and I love that you guys are getting off to it...I sure as fuck did! If you wanna watch it, you can find is on pornhub and barebackbastards. 

    Feel free to DM me on twitter @RCandDigger. 

    xo, RC870633375_RCassLakePowell.thumb.jpg.8a79d2babc92d4192c914d0398baf5e7.jpg

    Sexy profile Ryan!!! 👅 

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