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Posts posted by TwinkChaserSlut

  1. On 2/13/2022 at 6:34 PM, Hotrawbutt4u said:

    I live in Cincinnati and have traveled to LA  and Portland for work and got bred in both cities on multiple occasions .

    I think that is about 2,200 miles

    I live in Cincinnati & I have traveled to LA & Malibu three times in the last three years on the way to & from visiting friends in California, Arizona, & Texas. I also hooked up in multiple states on the way out & back as all three trips were by car. Also, I just returned from a trip to Seattle last week & got laid every night. Seattle hook-up scene rocks!!! Totalling up those miles for each trip is in the multiple thousands, over 5,000 miles each trip.

  2. On 5/10/2021 at 12:52 PM, DannyBoyCMH said:

    Bump.  Anyone else into mpreg?

    Especially interested in potentially forming a group near Columbus, Ohio that is into this.  Just an idea my husband and I had.  Now that we're vaccinated, looking for tops to impregnate me.

    I'm in Cincinnati & interested.

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  3. Just now, FelchingPisser said:

    You can dump old messages.  Pull down the 'options' button and delete.

    How about "No"


    But you are MISSING THE POINT anyway. 

    I don't want to "dump old messages". I like to re-read and/or re-engage in email exchanges with members so why would I want to "dump" messages. How about a better idea? How about we have mailboxes that hold more than 10 messages. I mean, come on. It's 2022 now & storage is cheap, it's been cheap for at least 10 years now.

  4. On 10/20/2020 at 3:48 PM, rawTOP said:

    To be a little more specific… There were a few days where there were hundreds of new account registrations. They then used those accounts to send out spam private messages. The accounts were deleted and the PMs deleted as well. But in some ways the damage was done. People who had "send me an email when I receive a new PM" got the spam messages in their email inboxes. Clearly I can't delete email from your inboxes, so that couldn't be undone. Some of those users then reported those emails as spam to their email service providers. For example Google lets me see the percentage of emails that I send that are marked spam by their users. Most often it's 0%. Sometimes it's 0.2%, but it almost never gets above 0.5%. But this past Friday (days after I'd deleted everything I could) it spiked to 3.3%. Luckily it went right back to zero the next day, so Google should see it as an anomaly, not a meaningful pattern.

    The logical way to deal with all that was to simply turn off the messaging system for new users. This is (primarily) a forum site, not a private message system. So now if you come on here and immediately complain that you can't send PM, I'm gonna assume you're a spammer. Participate in the public parts of the community, earn some trust, and in time you'll be able to send PMs. Just not right away.

    I participate is most of the features if the site & I enjoy it. But I also enjoy getting private messages too. I sent admin a message asking if/how I can increase my mailbox size because it is now at 100% & I can't send or receive messages--& I don't have that many messages saved either. Which means that the mailbox size on BZ are really small. Anyway, the response I received was a "maybe" if I continued to rank up, which I have accomplished as well. I even offered to pay for a larger mailbox but that was ignored. HOW CAN WE INCREASE THE SIZE OF OUR BZ MAILBOXES???

  5. 3 minutes ago, bottomboib said:

    It is truly one of the most intoxicating addicting feelings you will ever experience. It has taken a hold of me and I've enjoyed every moment in other men's arms behind their backs. I cannot express the bliss that I experience in sneaking around.  Give yourself to it fully. Let it envelope you. Let it become a part of you.  Once you do that, you will know the unexplainable feelings that many of us feel. 

    Cheating is amazing.

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  6. Multiple penetration has always been a HUGE turnon for me. I was into double penetration long before it was standard in gay culture, particularly gay porn. So in that regard, I was way ahead of the curve. Lately, I have been fascinated by the idea of feeling 3 dicks up my twat at the same time. Has anyone experienced this before? If so, can you share details? It's hard to find porn with TP although DP is pretty much standard now. Thoughts? Experiences?

  7. 3 hours ago, BB10 said:

    I don’t know about that guy, but I know a cumdump who’s ass up every single day and the whole town uses him. He’s notorious for being a 24/7 cumdump and never turning cocks away. So, I’m sure it’s possible to collect that many if someone makes load collecting their entire life’s purpose 

    Sounds incredible! Who is this cumdump? Does he have any pics/vids?

  8. On 8/22/2021 at 12:16 PM, bottomboib said:

    First off, I simply love your mentality.  I love the disgrace and deception that you take pleasure in.  Its intoxicating at the least, and just reading your words makes me shake - thats how much my horniness overtakes me. 


    I've been cheated on multiple times in two different relationships.  The first was an overly piggy partner, we were both in our early 20s, and the amount of cheating, the type of cheating, was madness.  While he was wild in the bedroom with me, what I found out he was doing behind my back, much later on, was monstrous.  While I had a kinky side at that time, it was pretty much just fantasy, and I was very big into monogamy (go figure) and therefore me finding out about what he had done was devastating to the core.  I was concerned since he had started using drugs, and i knew there was some unprotected sex, but I was just more concerned with the deception and the hardcore nature of it.  He ended up leaving me at 23 to be with a 70 year old, and while I'm sure there were gold digger purposes to it, in the end, he was nasty, and he loved the age difference (I ended up finding out) and it brought him sincere pleasure sleeping with the oldest of men. 


    That relationship devastated me to the core.  I eventually found a much quieter, more well-put together guy, and experienced a pretty mundane and monogamous relationship with him.  After what i experienced with my ex, he certainly checked all the boxes for faithfulness decency. He wasn't very horny a lot of the time, and he was very vanilla.  As a way to spice up our sex life (I have an absolutely insane sex drive), we started talking about threesomes, and ya know, setting all the ground rules about being open and honest, blah blah blah.   I started playing around with this ultra skinny bi polar guy, he was hot, his dick was huge (im not a size queen, just saying though) and he had a much healthier sex drive.  I had kissed him as hard or harder than my boyfriend, but I knew it was all lust.  My bf had never gotten involved due to his lack of sex drive overall.  Finally one day my bf admitted, since he had been talking to the guy this whole time via messaging apps and stuff, that he actually liked him and wanted to go on a date with him, thinking we would make a good thruple if things worked out.  I was fine with that, our dinner was fine and we took him back to our place.  To my knowledge at that time, it was the first time my bf and him had met. Sitting on the couch he played the "its getting kind of hot in here card" and started to strip.  My bf eyed me because he know i could be uncomfortable about this, with my past relationship (yes, even though I had been with his guy a handful of times, it had always been one on one).  I went for it, kissing him, and my bf immediately approached and took him from me and that part of me inside snapped as I watched them make out.  We got into the bedroom quick, stripping totally, me kissing every part of his body while my bf went down on his big dick (my bf IS a size queen and a cocker sucker through and through).  Normal play ensued until we all came, there was no fucking.  Throughout all this however it was becoming apparently clear, even minute by minute, that I was enjoying them too together more than I was enjoying being involved.  And it was specific things too - i mean i certainly had no problem watching my bf's eyes roll into the back of his head sucking that big dick, but i was more turned on seeing their arms wrap around each other, how their fingers grabbed each other, and how heavily they kissed.


    We didn't hook up after that for a long time.  The episodes of mania that this guy went through were pretty bad, and while I wanted to see him and my bf every night in our bed together, that wasn't happening.  A year or so later this guy texted me out of the blue telling me that he had had my boyfriend hundreds of times without me knowing, half of that before we all met in the threesome described above.  Based on this guys mental history I kinda scoffed at it and thought nothing of it.  I texted my bf saying "oh here he goes again about some BS" and my bf broke down and said it was true.  Here i was on my way to work, with no face-to-face, and im hearing my bf admit that hes cheated, monstrously.  He kept saying he felt really bad, etc, etc., and while I expect many of you who read this will just say thats bullshit, knowing my bf the way I do, it was partially true.  Hes an overall good person in a lot of ways, sensitive, caring, etc.  However, he couldn't escape this boys grasp.  THAT dynamic, the good mixed with the uncontrollable lust, is what did it for me.  The guy told me he never wore a condom with my bf and the amount of loads in him eclipsed absolutely anything I've ever done.  My bf was texting me asking if I was mad at him, and to be honest, I wasn't even at all.  I felt...pride maybe? Contentment? at the very least i was stupid horny over it. I was dying to know what was said, how they loved each other, how crazy the sex had been, but I really only did get half answers.  When I got home that day I demanded my bf fuck me and tell me every single detail from every single time he had gone over there, but alas, again the half answers continued.  I think in some way this was because my bf couldn’t believe I was this turned on by it, and didn’t want to get caught in some entrapping situation, and then also, its because my bf doesn’t do well with begin verbal, at least with me at least.

    We had the guy back over multiple times after that.  I got to watch them together understanding their history much more intimately.  I learned that while Im extremely horny and love sex, in the end, seeing them together, how they kissed, how they loved, how they couldn’t keep their hands off each other, was more euphoric and blissful for me than anything else.  I even got to hear my boyfriend whisper lustfully that he loved him, in the midst of the sex multiple times.  I took many pictures of the events, pictures I still masturbate to daily, if not multiple times a day.  I watched that raw cock enter my boyfriend without any questions ask, and I watched this guy try to impregnate him like it was his only mission on earth.  I didn’t interact much.  I wasn’t tied up or in another room, just watching and taking pictures.  I would overwhelmingly, however, middle of the sex get under my bf and start tonguing the cock of the bull who had him in his grasp, as it went in and out of my bfs hole.  And I would also clean his cock once multiple loads had been inserted.

    I really don’t know whats gone on since then, the guy hasn’t been around, off in mania again Im sure, but who knows if they have continued to do anything.  He swears he hasn’t, even though Im practically chomping at the bit to hear THAT HE HAS.  Nonetheless, I guess I don’t care.  I want this shy meek and mild bf of mine giving in monstrously in any way he can.  I’ve come to the realization that what my ex had done to me had come full circle, whereas back then what he had done was horrible, now, it was bliss.  I found myself reminiscing about my ex and how much more pleasure I could have extracted from that situation if I only felt the way I do NOW, back then.

    Nonetheless I agree with @twinkhunter.  Cheating should be deceptive, it should be destructive, and it should ALWAYS. BE. BAREBACK.  Lust is the greatest of all emotions to me, and man that are bent to its will like my bf should be revered.  Since then my bf and I have been very slutty together, on SOME occasions, (again with the low sex drive thing) but if Im honest doing anything with him has about a 10% euphoria feeling to the 100% I got finding out hes cheating.  Its crazy how wrapped up in it I am.  I masturbate nightly thinking of watching my relationship fall apart, watching lust destroy it, watching my bf become someone elses, and I love every feeling I get from it. 

    I certainly have no issues, in fact would love, to chat about this more.  If anyone wants to chat please message me.

    I'd live to chat with you about it. I completely relate. I live how you sucked the bull's cock in between him impregnating your boyfriend. 

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  9. On 9/11/2021 at 5:11 PM, fatbottom said:

    If you are a gay man with a boyfriend then either

    a) you are in an open relationship and he is fucking around

    b) you are not in an open relationship and he is fucking around

    c) you are not in an open relationship and he wants to fuck around

    d) you are not in an open relationship and he does not want to fuck around because he is totally dull

    Conclusion: whichever it is, you should fuck around

    Hilarious, hot, & so true!

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  10. On 8/27/2021 at 2:24 PM, BottomKyle said:

    It’s important to me that tops blow sperm balls deep in my guts until their load has entirely transferred into my hole.

    Having billions of babies and hot bio-fluids pulsate internally is truly a gift from man and is the only thing that helps cumdumps like me feel worthy.

    As a neg teen in the early 2000s, prior to the existence of any sort of prep, I’ll never forget the delighted faces of poz men when I told them they could nut in me as deep as possible. They were always the ones who tried hardest to get my young butt pregnant.


  11. On 9/5/2021 at 11:55 AM, Bokkierob said:

    I surprised my boy, Drew last night with a party. I invited 4 buddies all around my age so my "son" had 5 horny daddies ready to rail his ass. It was a real fuck fest. We passed him around, taking turns to pump his ass. So proud of my boy. He serviced all my buddies and Took all our loads deep in his ass. 

    Sounds real hot. Any footage? Pics?

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