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Status Updates posted by pigpozdad

  1. it's great to see guys like you take as much poz seed as possible

  2. yeah dude; weather is fine now, so you got to attract more poz daddies to poison your hole

  3. wanna have a contest about pozzing negs???

  4. is that your biohaz tat? did you get it as a pre-poz guy??

  5. Wow. U really are hot now. Summer is over so i wont go to AP for a while

  6. great hearing that you got syph for the 5th time. i remember 4 years ago when you started using the name AIDSWHORE. you just need it and cant go low enough. good piggy, we always need aids recepticles and i'm glad you never wanna stop till u r reinfected over n over

  7. I'm in the States, but I wish you'd visit and I could tell you where the raw poz parties are

  8. yeah, it's just about fucking and tradin AIDS

  9. it's great to pull out of a hole and see blood

  10. lets poz up as many holes as we can fuc

  11. beautiful name. wish more bttms would act like you

  12. good story -- i hope it was mainly true

  13. yeah. lov to help do him

  14. hot that lotta yng dudes wanna get the bug ASAP

  15. poz seed belongs inside your hole, for you to incubate it

  16. just keep taking more pics, keep getting piggy

  17. You have the proper attitude, so you'll get it soon

  18. it's time to chow down on some shyt, go to the lowest level, get Hep C

  19. looking for poz pigs

  20. hey fucker -- you found me on BBRT. yeah man, keep fkg

  21. i'm on scatboi.com as les_evil

  22. such a good AIDS transmitter

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