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Everything posted by Sn00wb00red
First time raw, planned or unplanned?
Sn00wb00red replied to Bibttmmiami's topic in General Discussion
Unplanned. I was in my early 20s and had been out for a few years but never taken it raw beyond the tip a few times. He was a coworker who was always into me, and after a long time flirting he finally convinced me to come to his house at lunchtime. He was 6’ lean nerdy guy, and was normally a bottom but was very interested in fucking me. Really pretty 8” uncut cock. (I still have a big uncut fetish from this being my first load) He got a little dom with me and was fucking my throat and ordering me around. Eventually I ended up face down on the bed and he asked if he could fuck me raw. I was really into the whole scene so I said yes, but said don’t cum in me. He slid inside me and started fucking me and it felt sooooo much better raw plus that uncut smoothness that only like a minute later I said “I want you to cum inside me” and that really turned him on and he picked up the pace and shot a huge load in my hole ten min later and then laid down on top of me, still inside me, while he got soft. I drove back to work with the load in my hole, leaking out. Went straight to the bathroom at work and squeezed some out and tasted it and jerked off with it. Can probably count the number of cocks I took wrapped since then with one hand. I was instantly converted into a pig bottom. He and I played every once in a while for a few years and he even brought a friend once while I was blindfolded, but that’s for another topic. -
Ended up deciding to cut out all the bs and paid to have a hottie come over. And oh, what a hottie. 28, blond white twink, like 5% body fat if that. Looked like a dancer. Also super sweet. A total find. We partied a lil bit and he fucked me for quite a while, in the middle of which I decided should be an overnight. He had a nice 7" uncut dick with decent thickness and a never-ending ability to get hard. He fucked me raw in a lot of positions. Most fun was me on my stomach, him turned opposite of what he should be - head to feet. This had the always awesome effect of prodding my prostate just enough to make me leak like a faucet the whole time. Eventually we decided to find another top. After some false starts, eventually his bf decided he wanted to join. Slim surfer-looking brown haired guy. Twink body. Nice cut 7" thick dick. Once everyone was here the real fun started. My boy fucked the living daylights out of me. His uncut cock feeling flawless inside me. His bf tag teamed me for 10-15 minutes. Then we decided to have them dp me. Took a bit of doing, but man, the feeling of them both making it past the sphincter and into you at the same time never gets old. They managed to even fuck me pretty hard with both in me, which is rare. After switching places over and over for what felt like an hour or two, so I barely even knew through the poppers haze who was in me when, or when it was two cocks and when it was one and a dildo, the original boy resumed fucking me hard. He shot a huuuge load in my well stretched hole. After 5 minutes, he did it again, then fell asleep on top of me, his softening cock still inside me for a full hour. Boyfriend was a little too sleepy to add to the two, unfortunately. Very satisfying night.
Been Nailed or Nailed a Porn Star
Sn00wb00red replied to subblkbtm's topic in Bareback Porn Discussion
Sage is super fun to hire. He bred me several times a few years ago. Some of the hottest times I've ever had. -
advice needed - being shook down by a near-trick
Sn00wb00red replied to Sn00wb00red's topic in General Discussion
I'm still so conflicted. I have not heard back from the guy since his texts thursday night. I have the cease and desist ready to go. I am sensitive to the idea that by scaring him he might not do this to anyone else ever again. I can't really see the down side to sending it. He'd be an utter fool with a death wish to try anything at that point, right? -
Yeah I am mostly not looking to show off at the gym. But you are right in that I should flaunt it more, especially when I am at the downtown location where it's more of a normal thing.
advice needed - being shook down by a near-trick
Sn00wb00red replied to Sn00wb00red's topic in General Discussion
Not going to the police yet, but I am leaning back towards sending him the legal nastygram. He may be scared off already based on how I replied to his text, but this will maybe ensure it... it can't hurt, right? -
advice needed - being shook down by a near-trick
Sn00wb00red replied to Sn00wb00red's topic in General Discussion
nope, he's gay. He even gave me his real name and email for paypal for the extortion, and when we were chatting and getting to know each other, sent me a link to this hospital's success story about his weight loss surgery as a teenager. So I have a ton of info on him. He even called his dealer before leaving from my home phone so I have that number too. I worry that by sending it, I'll be provoking further action. I know others need to be warned, but not at the expense of the privacy I am trying to prevent. -
I have a 6g frenum, not a PA, and as such can't really remove it for any length of time or it will close up. It's hard to even replace the jewelry. So I have to wear it at the gym. And I go to a pretty high-end gym, that has a decent gay clientele, but is not a gym people hook up in. So I have a tendency to hide it for the most part.
advice needed - being shook down by a near-trick
Sn00wb00red replied to Sn00wb00red's topic in General Discussion
I need to work out some agression on a big fat raw dick or a twink bottom now. -
advice needed - being shook down by a near-trick
Sn00wb00red replied to Sn00wb00red's topic in General Discussion
Actually, discussed with lawyer again and the agreement is he will likely make another attempt if he hasn't just given up, so we'll wait for that before proceeding -
advice needed - being shook down by a near-trick
Sn00wb00red replied to Sn00wb00red's topic in General Discussion
It actually is not. Defamation is by definition false or malicious misrepresentation. And to get to the point of criminal prosecution, he'd have to have actually followed through (not for the legal requirement, but for me to actually take that step), so prosecuting would actually be a very good defense professionally speaking. -
advice needed - being shook down by a near-trick
Sn00wb00red replied to Sn00wb00red's topic in General Discussion
Now I am leaning back towards sending the C&D. Here's my thinking: * The chances he does something just to screw me are low, but higher than the chances he would do anything after receiving legal notice. If this assumption is correct, this is a risk-reduction move * He would have to be well beyond sane, not just a dumb meth head criminal, to do anything whatsoever after receiving the C&D and it's explicit promise to bring the matter to the attention of authorities if he does not comply * There is a next step before actually bringing in the police and truly public records, etc - a civil harassment restraining order, which is not publicly accessible by anyone really. Only much later would an actual criminal case occur, and that has protections for crime victims privacy. So there are steps before actually having to bring this to the attention of the police dept in the unlikely event he does not comply with the C&D. -
advice needed - being shook down by a near-trick
Sn00wb00red replied to Sn00wb00red's topic in General Discussion
Yeah, he doesn't really have anything on me - it's 95% fabricated unverifiable crap. No video, no audio, no nothing. He knew my real name, so could easily web search me for other info about employer. So I'm using a false name from now on, and not hosting anything like that ever again. That lesson was learned. Still nothing, and we're over a day from the deadline. Since the last response I gave him was specifically to show me what he's got before I'd pay, knowing he doesn't have anything, I'm starting to get fairly confident he has moved on. I'm leaning towards unleashing the lawyers within minutes of any future contact. Authorities, etc would be farther down the road if it continues. I don't think I'd have to do more than this private cease and desist, which does not contain any defamatory material he could use, either. And nothing like what you describe is in the realm of the possible, mrpaulca. Thanks all for the advice. But we'll see how I feel moving forward over the weekend. -
advice needed - being shook down by a near-trick
Sn00wb00red replied to Sn00wb00red's topic in General Discussion
I'm totally out at work and work is very accepting so the downside isn't all that bad, except for the drugs part potentially. But I doubt anyone would believe him. I am starting to agree that I should hold off unless he contacts me again. -
advice needed - being shook down by a near-trick
Sn00wb00red replied to Sn00wb00red's topic in General Discussion
I'm *definitely* not paying him. The question is about whether to sick the lawyers on him or not. -
advice needed - being shook down by a near-trick
Sn00wb00red replied to Sn00wb00red's topic in General Discussion
The lawyer isn't giving clear advice. They are also split on whether to take this step or let it go. -
Looking for some unbiased advice. I met a guy on a hookup site a couple weeks ago, and he came over, hung out for about an hour (no sex) and then took off in search of some items with my money. Then he disappeared - his cell would not answer or even ring, no response at his email (I have his legit name/gmail/cell). I wrote it off as a mistake, and don't really care about the cash. So then two weeks later, the other night, he texts me out of the blue saying he wants to skype. When I said I was going to bed he texted 'if you go to bed it will be bad 4 u' Alarm bells started going off, so I asked if that was a threat and to not contact me again. About 30 minutes later he then texts a blatant extortion attempt. Via *text message*!!! Blatantly saying that if I did not pay him a number of thousand dollars by a certain time this morning he would send emails about my "hobbies" to my bosses and the media responsible for my industry, and cc me on the emails. He was claiming he had some voice recording, but he didn't even have a smartphone so I am 99.99% certain that is BS. I responded in a way that attempted to cut him off, saying that he had just committed a felony in writing. And then that if he wanted to extort me he'd have to show me what evidence he was going to send out or I would not believe him. He fought it briefly then shut up, and has not sent me any more messages since, despite the passed deadline 14 hours ago. He does indeed know where I work, and I have a mildly prominent public identity at my very prominent company. The risk is non-zero that he could at a minimum make me scramble and embarrass me, and at most would be damaging to some degree, although not that high really. I don't think he has any actual hard evidence of anything. I have no nude pics with my face in them. He witnessed some things but not recorded or anything. He saw via web search, my house, or something I said that I would be an easy target, and decided to try and shake me down. So I immediately contacted a lawyer I had worked with previously in another area of expertise, and got a referral to a criminal attorney and hired and discussed with them. The text message is enough to single-handedly convict, so there's leverage. The lawyer has crafted a cease and desist letter to send to him, threatening to go to the authorities with evidence of the felony if he does not immediately cease any communication with me or about me. Now the question is do I have it sent to him? On one hand this will scare him, and he should be scared shitless. On the other hand, he did disappear past his deadline when I didn't pay up, and this would *potentially* re-open/prolong things. If he was crazy he'd decide to escalate. But I think he's a crook but not crazy. The non-zero chance he actually damages me makes me want to have it sent to him. The potential to keep this incident alive and taking one step up the escalation chain. I didn't pay up so he may have already decided I was no longer an easy target and moved on. Obviously this was a huge mistake on my part and I am going to be 100x more careful moving forward, and never host unknown people again, especially not while doing anything else... So, what do you guys think I should do?
The first load I ever took
Sn00wb00red replied to Sn00wb00red's topic in General Bareback Sex Stories
yeah I still remember it so vividly even a decade later -
Posted this in the last load thread, but then realized it probably doesn't fit there and deserves its own thread. This goes back about 11-12 years and is 100% true. There was this guy at work who was a super nerdy programmer. Lean. Tall - about 6'. We were both out at work and he was super into me, but we're both bottoms. At some point he stopped working there, but we regularly chatting online and in one of our conversations he got kind of dominant with me, and I agreed to go over to his house at lunchtime. It was about 10 miles away. His place was total 20-something trashy ;-) But he had me strip down, and then he stripped down and had me suck him. He had a fucking gorgeous cock, about 8", uncut with the perfect amount of foreskin. I sucked him for a while then he had me get on the bed. He asked if I would take it raw. I was hesitant, but figured What the hell, he's pretty safe to bareback with. I told him he couldn't cum in me, but that he could fuck me raw. He had me get face down on the bed with my ass up and then he got on top of me. He used almost no lube - just used his foreskin and natural lube to push inside of me. I had taken a bare cock for a few minutes before, but no loads. His cock felt AMAZING. It had enough skin on it that it was really smooth, and I was good at taking cock by that point. He was pretty verbal with me and it was turning me on, saying my raw hole felt really good. After he had been in me for maybe 10 minutes, I told him softly I wanted him to cum in me. He didn't quite hear me at first, so asked for clarification. I said "please cum inside of me." He got super enthusiastic at that point and fucked me hard and raw and then with some very loud groans and some thrusts, he came deep inside of me. I could feel his cock pulse. He told me I was an amazing bottom. He laid down on top of me and stayed inside me for a while. I could feel his cock pulse in my hole as it got soft. He eventually came out of me, and I could feel his cum leaking down my balls. I got up and he gave me a small towel with which to wipe my ass. I then told him that was the first time I had taken a load. He got really affectionate then, and talked about how it was going to come out soon and I could probably not prevent it. I got back in my car, not having cum, and drove back to work. Eventually I got on the toilet at work and let out some wet air and his load, but I let it out into my hand and then jerked off and came with it as lube. To this day, he is the source of a few fetishes of mine - uncut cocks, bareback, and poppers - he loved getting me super high on poppers and loading me up. Once he even had a friend over with me blindfolded. I'll tell that story sometime soon.
Where did you get (or give) your last load?
Sn00wb00red replied to rawTOP's topic in General Discussion
Met up with a fuckbud off a4a that I haven't seen in a while. Half-asian, half-white with a thick cock. He came over around midnight. We stayed up all night. Eventually invited a hot daddy over, which I don't usually go for. Ripped body, 50yo, nice thick and long cock. They tag teamed me for hours. Eventually the daddy decided to use me and cum inside me. Then the bud and I hung out for a bit, and then he mounted me and fucked me for a solid 30 minutes before shooting his seed deep inside me. Still have both loads inside me. -
Where did you get (or give) your last load?
Sn00wb00red replied to rawTOP's topic in General Discussion
This goes back about 11-12 years. 100% true. There was this guy at work. Super nerdy programmer. Lean. Tall - about 6'. We were both out at work and he was super into me, but we're both bottoms. At one point after he stopped working there we were chatting online and he got kind of dominant with me, and I agreed to go over to his house at lunchtime. It was about 10 miles away. His place was total 20-something trashy ;-) But he had me strip down, and then he stripped down and had me such him. He was about 8", perfectly uncut, and it was a fucking gorgeous cock. Perfect amount of foreskin. I sucked him for a while then he had me get on the bed. He asked if I would take it raw. I was hesitant, but figured what the hell, he's pretty safe to bareback with. I told him he couldn't cum in me, but that he could fuck me raw. He had me get face down on the bed with my ass up and then he got on top of me. He used almost no lube - just used his foreskin and natural lube to push inside of me. I had taken a bare cock for a few minutes before, but no loads. His cock felt AMAZING. It had enough skin on it that it was really smooth, and I was good at taking cock by that point. He was pretty verbal with me and it was turning me on. Saying my raw hole felt really good. After he had been in me for maybe 10 minutes, I told him softly I wanted him to cum in me. He didn't quite hear me at first so asked for clarification. I said "please cum inside of me". He got super enthusiastic at that point and fucked me hard and raw and then with some very loud groans and some thrusts, he came deep inside of me. I could feel his cock pulse. He told me I was an amazing bottom. He laid down on top of me and stayed inside me for a while. I could feel his cock pulse in my hole as it got soft. He eventually came out of me, and I could feel his cum leaking down my balls. I got up and he gave me a small towel to wipe my ass with. I then told him that was the first time I had taken a load. He got really affectionate then, and talked about how it was going to come out soon and I could probably not prevent it. I got back in my car, not having cum, and drove back to work. Eventually I got on the toilet at work and let out some wet air and his load, but I let it out into my hand and then jerked off and came with it as lube. To this day, he is the source of a few fetishes of mine - uncut cocks, bareback, and poppers - he loved getting me super high on poppers and loading me up. Once he even had a friend over with me blindfolded. I'll tell that story sometime soon.
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