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About albentley

  • Birthday 11/11/1964

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  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
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  1. Hard to remember the actual age, but I know I was surprised when it happened. Chronic masturbator ever since.
  2. I agree with most of the comments on here. As an older man, I find that a higher proportion of younger guys - late teens and twenties - seem very keen to have sex with me. I am certainly not complaining about it but find this phenomenon very interesting. It seems like they all received the message that sex with older guys is something they should experience at least once. It also seems that any younger guy that accepts a drink from me, expects that by the end of the evening we will end up fucking. I see lots of general complaints about the younger generation but I certainly find them very tolerant and very willing to give a lot of pleasure to a reasonably prosperous, OK looking mature guy. I hope this interest of young guys in more mature men continues as I get older.
  3. Interesting topic. I agree with the comments. You should try it at least once. If you hate it then chalk it up to experience If you love it then learn to open wide and swallow deep.
  4. Haha yes. I have been with a few guys newish to getting fucked who have had to run to the toilet and empty their cum-stained shit. I find it kinda hot to be honest.
  5. Thanx for the follow..

    1. albentley


      No problem.  Pleasure is all mine.

  6. I don't think getting sloppy pretty quickly is a 'problem'. Sounds like a major advantage, especially for us men who like to fuck sloppy holes.
  7. To me the variety is also in the texture and the thickness of the cum. Much like all cocks are different then every man and boys cum is subtly different too.
  8. That really is a lovely arse picture

    1. dilated


      Well thanks! I aim to please

  9. As an older man here love the fact that so many of the younger guys are attracted to us older men. When I was young I was attracted to older men. Now I am older, I find younger men the most attractive.
  10. Yes and he always seemed like he was enjoying himself too. Mmm such a greedy slut.
  11. Lovely arsehole.

  12. Hi.  No thanks for following me back! All the best.

  13. Thanks for the follow😈

  14. Thanks for following me.  Love your profile pic mate.

  15. Great profile name mate.

    1. wh0rehole


      Thank you, SIR. I like to make it clear how easy I am.

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