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Everything posted by buzztham

  1. please post more it is a veary good story
  2. please pste more
  3. hi i was just wondering how this is going when do you think it will be up and running thanks for any info
  4. name slut phone text only 507 481 7654 location Austin Minnesota 559121 best time to hook up Tuesdays and every other weekend age 25 height 6' 2 weight 230# white want a hole to dump your load in look me up
  5. every time I scroll down the site jumps back up then works fine could this be fixed thanks
  6. just looking for and update on this and to see where it is at
  7. email because it's privet so I can have control of the information that let out
  8. if this was me I would have taken all of that cum in my ass http://www.pornerbros.com/104939/white-sperm-gay-lover-who-loves-drinking-tons-of-cum.html?wmid=324&sid=0
  9. do you have a link to this vid would love to see it
  10. when do you think the site is going to be ready
  11. is there anybody around Austin Minnesota that looking to fuck
  12. would love to learn to drink piss how should I go about starting this
  13. there are some \good tips in here that I want to try
  14. where can I buy poppers and how much do they cost roughly
  15. would love to have more of this story it makes makes for a great wank
  16. I don't think rawtop can talk about his lawsuits and if he can I don't think he should because if he says something about them they could be used against him
  17. in the united states the age seems to 16 and here is a link for world wide age of consent http://www.ageofconsent.com/ageofconsent.htm
  18. any black tops in or near Austin MN
  19. after 5 min it becomes a pain to keep sucking but i'll do to get fucked
  20. how is this going I hope it will be ready soon
  21. any new updates on this and hope it will be up and ready soon
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