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Posts posted by Hotload84

  1. This true story happened about 7 years ago. I had just started getting fucked by guys and it was always with a condom. One night, I started talking to a dom top on gay.com chat. I am 100% submissive and was enjoying talking to a dominant top. After several minutes, we talked about what he was into. He mentioned that he liked using a sub's mouth and ass. There was one catch, though. He never used condoms. This scared me and excited me at the same time. We talked for the next several days and, each time, he talked about how he only fucked bareback. He pointed me to a couple of bareback websites and those sites got me even hotter. I jerked off many times to those sites and thinking about getting fucked bare.

    Finally, after talking for a few more days, we talked about hooking up. I told him that I was interested but was scared about getting fucked since he only fucked bareback. He told me that I could just come over and suck him off and swallow his load. I agreed and drove over to his place. I was literally shaking when I got to his front door.

    I knocked and he invited me in. Immediately, he took control. He told me to strip and get on my knees. I quickly stripped and knelt as he requested. He pulled his pants down and put his quickly growing cock into my mouth. He put his hand on the back of my head and started using my mouth. It was so hot. After a few minutes, he told me to stop sucking and follow him into the bedroom. I followed him and he took off the rest of his clothes. He lay back on the bed and told me to start sucking him again. I started worshipping his cock striving to please him. I would lick around the head and then take his cock in my mouth and take it as deep as I could. I couldn't quite deep throat him, but he helped by putting his hand on the back of my head and pushing my head down. I gagged but that didn't stop him from continuing to use my mouth. It was incredibly hot! Finally, he said he wanted his balls licked. I stopped sucking him and moved down to lick his balls. I ran my tongue all over his balls. He told me to go lower - underneath his balls. I started running my tongue under his balls and really started moaning loudly.

    Finally, he said "I've had enough sucking. I am going to fuck you now."

    "Yes Sir" was all that I could reply.

    He had me get up and follow him over towards a chair. He told me to bend over the chair and hold my hands out. I did as I was told. He pulled some rope out from under the bed and quickly tied up my hands. Next, he tied the rope around a nearby pole. Now, I was naked, bent over the chair with no way of getting away. I knew he was going to fuck me and that he would be fucking me bare. I was nervous and excited at the same time. All kinds of thoughts ran through my mind - "Am I ready to get fucked bare? He told me that he was negative, but is he lying? He is going to cum in me no matter what. What can I do about it now? Nothing! Do I want him to start? NO! I want his bare cock and take his load!"

    While all of those thoughts were going through my mind, I felt his hard cock rubbing up and down my crack. Then, he stopped at my tight hole. I felt him squirt some lube on my hole and his cock was quickly placed back at the entrance. All of my thoughts changed to a single thought "I am about to get fucked bareback and I can't wait!" He started pushing his cock into my hole. Since I had only been fucked a few times, it hurt going in. I didn't care. All I knew was that I needed his hard bare cock in my hole. He kept pushing in until his cock was totally in my tight hole. He held it there for a few moments giving me a chance to adjust. Then he started slowly fucking me. He continued to thrust harder and faster. I was in heaven. I was finally getting fucked BARE and there was nothing I could do to stop it (not that I wanted to anyway!)

    Then he started talking to me - saying how he liked my tight hole and that he was going to breed me soon. He grabbed my hips tight and then groaned loudly and pushed hard. I was so fucking turned on - he was cumming in me. I was taking my first load! He kept thrusting making sure that he got his load deep.

    He held his cock in me for a few minutes to make sure I got every drop of his load. He pulled out and told me "You just took your first load. Did you enjoy it?"

    "Yes Sir. Thank you for giving me your load, Sir."

    We talked for a minute and then he had me get dressed. I put my clothes on and left. I had to run errands and I could feel his load in me the rest of the day.

    It was a near-perfect way to get bred the first time! That was about 7 years ago and I have never been fucked with a condom since. I only get fucked BARE and take all loads.

  2. I've moved this story to the Chem Sex Fiction section because, even if the chem part is fairly tangential, the desire for a bump seems to motivate the Tweeker's acquiescent to his Daddy's debauchery. I seem to recall an article in one of the weekly newspapers here in Philadelphia discussing the interface of drug-use and HIV transmission. This story would seem to follow suit.

  3. Nice story. Reminds me of an experience I had at the Midtowne on Santa Monica Blvd. in LA about 15 years ago. The top was an expert at getting my ass to open-up. I wish I had invited him to drop his load in my hole, but back then I was still straddling the fence, so to speak, wanting bareback sex, and yet also wanting to avoid infection, so after a few minutes of pleasure I extracted myself from his cock. In any event, I moved the story to General Bareback Sex Stories as there does not seem to be a bug-element in the experience.

  4. Nope. I had eight siblings, three boys, and five sisters. I didn't like my brothers and did my best to avoid them, and my sisters? No way! Our cousins, aunts and uncles were largely unknown to us, so they barely entered into my consciousness. I do remember occasionally seeing my Dad's dick, and wanting to get a good view of it, but circumstance never permitted.

  5. Years ago, when I was in high school, I sang with the high school choir, and among the works we performed was a song (the title escapes me) the opening verse was something like "The maze of me - a seamless web of pain and join contrived, made by me, to puzzle me, to bury me alive." The voices moved in fifths, shifting into fourths, and then resolving into fifths. The tenor of the music was exquisite, albeit hollow. I suspect the fistee in TheBreeder's blog posting, wearing a tattoo of the word Conundrum, would relish the paradox implicit in the music.

  6. Ridiculous that this is even news worthy. Call me when the Pope stops lying to children about sin and hellfire.

    While I'm not sure expressly what lies attributed to the Pope bottomcub85 is referring to, I certainly can understand the voice of cynicism. The hierarchy of the Church has gone to great lengths to alienate great numbers of its traditional membership, let alone those on the outside. I recall a remark a friend made several years ago to the effect that the Church's stances on many, many issues would ultimately induce virtually all to regard the organization as irrelevant. Every time I see the Church withdraw, in the name of apparent inflexibility, from another of its traditional areas of focus (I'm thinking of the adoption business, in particular), my friend's prognostication comes back with a vengeance. Schools that fire out lesbians and gays or refuse to accept the children of same-sex couples are a sign the Church will be ultimately be forced to withdraw from much of the education arena. Twenty centuries down the drain for failure to adapt.

  7. This article from the NY Times touches on several points of controversy in which the Church has found itself embroiled. The Holy Father's comment about male prostitutes and condom use is commonsense, and, like many other commonsense statements, merely in keeping with what priests, religious, sisters and brothers on the street have been saying for years. I, for one, have never spoken with a priest who took a mono-dimensional view of human sexuality. Doubtless such priests exist, but I dare say many, if not most of them, are grand-standing, mostly for the benefit of their colleagues. Of course the arch-conservatives are already back-pedaling, trying to redefine what the Pope said. After all, God forbid the individual should be challenged to interpret his life experiences by his own intellect. Much better to goose-step in accordance with a very flawed ecclesiastical hierarchy. Every time I hear a clergyman preach about infallibility (whether that of the Pope or the bishops speaking as a whole) I recall how many times the Gospels report Jesus bitch-slapped St. Peter. I find it no less interesting that, apparently, St. Peter's stances shifted on occasion as a consequence of superior argument. And that was merely in the context of his life - he was martyred around 67 AD.

    How many more times the papacy has shifted its position as circumstances evolved. Are we looking at another such shift? We'll see. Was the Pope motivated by a new-found sense of humility? After all, he has been bitch-slapped (and arguably reasonably so) a great deal during his relatively short reign. Or did the reporter simply ask the right question? I understand his question was something like this: "Isn't it madness to argue against condom use under the following examples?" The examples centered on instances where condom use was clearly serving to preserve life, rather than those circumstances which the Church argues such use serve to intervene in the transmission of life. I hope I can find a transcript of the interview.

  8. These are hot stories. I've merged them as one is apparently based on the other. My guess is the posting by Rawtop is the newer of the two versions, basing this guess on the use of the acronym OMG. Certainly the phrase Oh my God has been in use for centuries, but the acronym, OMG, was, to the best of my knowledge, born of of SMS and text messaging.

  9. You could not be more correct, Rawtop. I've never understood why the two facilities in Philadelphia are so 'modest' (to be kind). I've long thought the Club Body Center, which is a series of two or three rowhouses that were internally merged, needs to be gutted and completely reconstructed. Although the management has been gradually making improvements to the facility, the improvements tend to be superficial (floors and staircases resurfaced, paint and paper), and don't address the fact that the underlying buildings are rowhouses. The Sansom Street Gym, although a clean and relatively new facility, is primitive compared with, for example, the Steamworks in Chicago. I have no idea what ROI the facilities could support were they more upscale, but it's reasonable to assume a population of 5.8 million in metropolitan Philadelphia could support a better facility. Hell - Pittsburgh, with a metropolitan population of about 1.7 million, has a better bath house than Philadelphia.

    The bath houses in Washington, (metropolitan area population 5.4 million) and NYC (metropolitan population 18.2 million) are not markedly better facilities than those in Philadelphia.

  10. Once a year, on Holy Thursday, the Mass contains a ritual in which the Catholic priest washes the feet of pre-selected members of the parish. This is done in recollection of the episode in John 13:2-10 when, at the conclusion of the Last Supper, Jesus washes the feet of His disciples. This is generally a world-wide practice - even the Pope himself does it. I can't imagine Father Larry was not, at some level, thinking about this ritual while ministering to TheBreeder's feet. Curious.

  11. Do you smoke? Do you do drugs? Do you drive too fast? Life is only worth living if you take risks. Someone mistakenly sent me an e-mail thinking my stories were about conversion. They're not. It's about the risk I choose to take and the risks others take or, in their stupidity or the heat of the moment, they indulge in what they really want, at some subconscious level.

    Man is an animal, pure and simple. Of course, the hunting and gathering occurs at your local market rather than caves and fields, but really what we desire as red-blooded men is to spread our seed. And we want human contact. Think of the act of fucking, pushing that rock hard (or at least MINE is rock hard) into the soft, warm, enveloping embrace of that ass chute. In the most intimate moment, we put a barrier we believe that will protect us from a microscopic entity or two. Maybe you're health conscious. Maybe you don't add sweetener in the pink packet for fear of cancer. Maybe you pay your taxes, drive at safe speeds, always use your turn signal and look both ways before crossing the street where a maniac with C4 explosives tied to his chest decides to proclaim holy jihad on your unsuspecting ass.

    An ass that has never felt the warmth of another man deep inside it. Take Bryan, for instance. He's a 32-year-old strawberry blond who chatted me up. I find it interesting, the 'mostly top' guys out there who, with a little rim job, flip over for it. Truth be know, Bryan didn't flip over. He just ground down until my cock was deep inside his ass. Bryan's lived a safe life. He has barely kissed another man in the past six years after his last bottom boyfriend left him to be a top. I don't think it was the pain of the break up as much as the fear of what he'd been exposed to. But 12 tests since, he'd only ended up with a case of crabs that he probably picked-up in the gym.

    Bryan's sex life, up until me, was online free porn samples. In his suburban loft apartment using a slightly out-of-date laptop, Bryan had whacked off to everything. Then he found a barebacking site. "I've never cum so much in my life," he types to me. "What does it feel like?" I chuckled. Another innocent about to be exposed to the reality of the world. "Beyond heaven," I respond. Well, a couple of days later, I am shaking Bryan's hand and entering his apartment, as he offers me a drink. A beer, of course, is my drink of choice. Bryan, instead, indulges in something more heavy, probably to loosen up. Now, I must say, Bryan had informed me that sex was out of the question. But I'd brought him this far in our conversations. I was going to take him all the way.

    The small talk proceeded with my usual wit and charm on high intensity, feeling the man out and getting his groove. After a while, he relaxed. Probably partially from the booze, but more likely cause, despite the charm, I hadn't made a move in his direction. This is a classic move. Patient people can do it. Hell, I wouldn't have moved in for the kill if I wasn't certain my mission couldn't be accomplished. That mission was cock in ass, sperm in ass -- mission success. So after dinner at a local swanky place and bit of wine, Bryan's strawberry was beginning to blossom into a cherry I was going to bust.

    "Have you tried poppers?" I ask him partially into a sex conversation Bryan had initiated himself. "Never," he says. "I heard they were bad." "Who told you that?" I asked. "People say," he responds, but his voice seems to trail off. "Well, the drug in poppers was originally developed to help people with heart problems," I try to sound official. Someone had mentioned that, but I could never really be sure if it's true or not. "Really?" he seems sincerely interested. He's not feigning anything. I reached into my pocket to extract a small brown bottle. "Yup," I say. "Seriously, you won't believe what it feels like." "Why?" he says. "What does it feel like?" "Imagine if everything happening to you is all you experience," I explain, making poppers sound more like a religious experience than a rush to head. "Imagine if there's no tomorrow, no yesterday, no two minutes from now and no this morning. Imagine if everything, every fiber of your being, is focused on the pinprick of the moment." He looks at me wide eyed, finally muttering, "Wow." I present the bottle, saying "The good news is that the effect of the poppers lasts just a few minutes." "But people talk about headaches," he begins. "Got some aspirin?" I ask. "I do," he responds. "More likely Advil or something. Need some?" "No, but if you get a headache, take some."

    I do a snort, not a deep one, and hand it to him. He's hesistant, but I knew the curiosity would get to him. Not long and he's madly kissing me. "Damn, I like that," he says. I smile: "I knew you would." After 20 minutes or so of making out, our clothes are off and we're writhing around on the couch. Pretty soon, I am in position to begin kissing his ass -- literally. I am working my tongue in and he's moaning like the bitch-in-heat he is. And that's when it happens. Sitting on the sofa, he climbs onto my lap and begins to kiss me. My cockhead touches gold, but I just leave it firmly against the hole when I pull away, snort a little and hand the bottle to him. He does a deep smell and relaxes so my cock head slips in. He begins to pull off right as the poppers kick into high gear and he begins to moan. The cock goes in deeper and deeper until he's completely sitting on my cock. In his ass. Raw.

    "I should get a condom," he says, as he rides my cock. I want to tell him it's a little too late for that, but I don't. Part of the charm. "Sure," I say. "Okay." But I just sit there and he continues to ride it. "It sure feels good," he says. "It sure as hell does." He's not a regular bottom or even a natural one. The hole is friggin' tight and I know his endurance is going to be minimal. So I begin to pump with his motion, entering him as deep as possible. We fuck like this for a few minutes, his eyes closed, not looking at me or acknowledging there's a raw cock in his ass. I hand him the poppers for another huff. He takes it.

    "I'm close," he says. "Me too," and I am. "AWWW..." he's moaning. "Would you...?" "What?" I say breathlessly as I take the poppers from his hand and snort some. "Would you cum? Now?" "Yessssssssssss" I say, as the high hits me. I let the cock throb and I release my load into his hole. He's letting out something close to a gutteral scream when his cock suddenly stands upright and the red head flairs. It looks almost like a cartoon snake spitting white stuff into the air that, like some obscene fountain, shoots up in an arc and lands just left of my chin. Three or four more spurts follow, all at a diminishing force, landing on my chest. There's a copious amount of spooge on my chest as he comes off my cock immediately, stands and walks away.

    The guilt of barebacking hits him. He runs to the bathroom, probably to try and flush out all the baby batter I've deposited into him. A few awkward moments later, I am on my way home. A few days later, he chats me up on-line for good barebacking videos. A few days after that, he calls and chats about nothing. A few days after that, he invites me over.

    The only thing I've converted is a man into fucking the way it should be.

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  12. It was one of those days at work when it seemed like half the office was out

    with some kind of bug. But I had an itch. I wanted to fuck.

    So I got online and within a few minutes, a guy and I chatted. I liked his

    rapid-fire response. He was horny like me and obviously wanted to get it on.

    He was 41 with a solid bod, or so the pics appeared. He was about 170 and 5

    feet, 6 inches tall with light brown hair and a nice goatee. He had some

    hair pretty much all over, but he was not a bear or even what I'd consider

    moderately hairy. He worked outdoors, so it was still tan, even here in the

    dead of a gloomy winter.

    In the last few moments of directions, he asked me how I wanted to be met at

    the door.

    "Naked," I responded.

    "No prob."

    Now, I've asked this of others and found, for the most part, people put

    something on, even if it's just a towel. But when the door swag open wide at

    his handsome home, I was pleased to see a naked and tattooed man.

    I pulled him close, kissing him deeply, and automatically cupping one of his

    ass cheeks. We were upstairs quickly and he was on his knees sucking my cock

    immediately. I removed much of my clothing leaving my cock sliding into his

    warm mouth. Letting him fully taste my now leaking cock. I grabbed his chin

    and bent over, my cock leaving his lips with a pop, until we were kissing

    deeply again.

    I finished removing what was left of my clothes in that kiss. I broke away

    and he looked up at me.

    Despite this butch man's appearance, it was obvious he craved to be

    dominated. And I was not going to disappoint.

    So I pushed him onto his hands and knees to get a closer look at his ass. I

    spread his cheeks and, with only a moment's pause, dived in tongue-first,

    jabbing at his pucker. Of course, I slobbered plenty. I love fucking with

    only spit as lube. Some call it prison lube. Whatever you want to call it,

    there's something natural about fucking with only spit and ass juice. Adding

    cum for good measure doesn't hurt either.

    "Oh fuck yea!" he grunted. "Taste my fuck hole."

    I dug in deeper, plunging my tongue in for a taste of that sweet, sweet


    "You gotta taste it too," I came up for air and pulled him up and around,

    kissing him so he could lick the flavor of his ass off my tongue. And he

    moaned as he voraciously kissed.

    I leaned back and guided his head toward my cock. He went down like a

    starving man at an all-you-can-eat buffet. He came up for air just a moment.

    "GODDAMN! I love precum!" He screamed. Then he went back to eating my cock,

    which I am sure was leaking plenty for him.

    I pushed him off after a while and hiked him up onto a low chair, pushing

    his legs high. I went down to that hole for just a moment before coming up

    on my knees. For the first time, I reached around to the pocket of my jeans

    and pulled out a brown bottle of poppers. I took a deep snort after opening

    it and handed it to him. He snorted deeply too and handed me the bottle

    back. I put the top on.

    Then I shoved my cock into his hole.

    I didn't ask if he wanted it raw or not. Didn't really give a shit. I was

    going to fuck him.

    There wasn't a protest. Just a loud grunt followed by a deep growl.

    Someone liked a cock in their ass.

    So I went to town, fucking the shit out of him, letting him know who was in

    control. I grabbed the arms of the chair and as I thrusted into him, I

    pulled on those arms so his ass was coming toward me as my cock was going


    He loved it.

    After about 10 minutes of non-stop fucking, I pulled out and backed away.

    His eyes popped open and gazed down at my red, rockhard cock.

    "Is that precum?" he finally asked, pointing at the bead of pearl on the tip

    of my cock.

    "Looks like it."

    There was a pause, but I knew what he wanted to ask. I didn't give him the

    chance. I stood up and pulled his face toward my cock. His mouth opened with

    anticipation, but I held it just an inch or two away.

    "You want that precum?" I asked.

    "Yes Sir," he said.

    "You want to taste your own ass juice?" I asked.

    "Yes Sir," he said, with no hesistation.

    "Ask me then," I said.

    He looked up at me, swallowed hard and then said, "Please, Sir, might I suck

    your cock? I would like to taste my ass juice and your precum on it."

    I looked as if I was contemplating, but then pulled his face to my cock and

    let him slurp it up. He was digging it.

    "Do your ass juice taste good, boy?" I asked.

    "Yes Sir," he said, coming off my cock only long enough to answer.

    I pulled him off and then turned him around to fuck him doggie style. I

    opened up his ass, seeing a lot of juice already leaking out of it. I

    scooped a little up. "Open your mouth," I said. He looked around and did so.

    As I pushed my wet left hand in front of his face and he started licking, I

    pushed my cock past the barrier again.

    I continued an assault on his ass, pulling out only to feed my cock to him.

    Letting him get a good taste of his ass and my precum. The combination of

    constant fucking, occasionally sucking and plenty of poppers had us ripe

    with sweat. I finally too him to his bedroom, pushing him flat and face down

    so I could really fuck him at will.

    I plunged my cock into his hole. Bare. Raw. By now, sweat was all we needed

    for lube. He was grunting with each thrust, pushing his ass up to meet my

    seven-and-a-half-inch cock.

    "Please, Sir," he said.

    "What?" I asked, still pushing my cock into his hole.

    "Would you please shoot your load?" he asked.

    "It's going deep inside your ass," I said with no emotion.

    He just moaned.

    A few minutes later, I was breathing hard. Almost there. Almost.

    And then I did it, pushing my cock as deep and as far inside as I could go.

    I let loose. My cock throbbed.

    "OH FUCK!" he screamed. "I CAN FEEL IT!"

    And my cum started shooting into his ass.

    "GAWD-FUCKING-DAMN! Feel that cum!" he screamed and grunted.

    After a few minutes of recovery, his ass massaging my still-hard cock, I

    pulled out and rolled over.

    "Thank you," he said, looking at me.

    "You're not done yet," I said.

    "Oh?" he looked.

    "Clean my cock off, boy," I said.

    He was only happy to oblige.

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  13. It's funny how people can fill in the blanks with what they want to believe.

    So I'm online the other day and I get asked the question I hear every once

    in a while: whether I fuck bare.

    "Been known to," I answer.

    "Yeah, I do safe mostly," he responds. "Only fucked bare in a relationship."

    "Of course," I reply. "My last LTR lasted 8 years."

    "Damn, when did it end?" he asks.

    "Last year," I respond.

    "Oh man, I bet you miss fucking bare," he writes.

    "Yup," I answer simply. Truth is, I fucked an ass earlier this week nice and

    raw. But I do miss having my cock inside an ass. His assumption, of course,

    is that I've been "safe" since my last relationship ended. But that's his


    You know what the stupid saying is about people who assume (makes an "ass"

    of "u" and "me"). But I can't help how people interpret what's being said.

    So with more small talk, we meet. I arrive at his place and discover he's

    hotter than the "jock" in his screen name even hinted at. Dark features --

    you could swear almost Middle Eastern -- with harshly black hair and a

    neatly trimmed goatee, he stood at five-foot-eight with less than 10-percent

    body fat leaving him around 165 pound. As instructed, he answered the door

    naked. His smooth pecs didn't bulge out but were quite defined above what

    was unmistakably an eight-pac.

    The almost perfect "V" down to his 30-inch waist highlighted an uncut cock,

    which hung relaxed but still around six inches. His legs were nicely built

    and lightly hairy -- not the standard gay man who worked only his chest.

    This was a true athletic man.

    When he turned around to walk away from me, his ass came into view and I had

    no doubt I'd enjoy myself. Not a bubble butt -- which tends to be more fat

    than muscle. This was one of those perky specimens that you could bounce


    I started unbuttoning as we walked toward his bedroom in his tiny apartment.

    He turned and dropped to his knees immediately and finished with my pants,

    not waiting a moment to engorge himself on my cock.

    He slurped messily while I slipped out of my shoes and took off my shirt.

    Sure, my six-foot-three-inch frame wasn't as impressive as his. But he

    wanted cock, and mine was perfect. At around seven inches, my rock hard cock

    stayed hard, even after I shot off.

    As he stood, we kissed for the first time, with my slipping off my pants and

    underwear. I turned him around and pushed him on the bed, taking charge. I

    started eating out his ass, immediately, causing him to push his ass further

    into my face. With obvious muscle control, he opened up and allowed my

    tongue entry easily. I mean, I was slobbering down his chute.

    I knew he was enjoying himself and this was a no-nonsense fuck. He wanted my

    cock in his ass.

    As I came up from his ass, gently tickling up his back, my cock hit his

    crack. I kissed the back of his neck as he handed me a condom.


    Of course, it was one of his, not one of my intentionally weakened variety.

    I took it, but continued to grind into his wet crack, kissing his neck.

    "Oh fuck man, I want that cock," he whispered.

    So I scooted down a bit and poised it at his hole. He looked up at me

    suspiciously, grinned and then flipped over, grabbing me so, in a fluid

    motion, I was on my back on the bed and he was on top.

    He must have once been a college wrestler or something. He took the condom

    from my hand, ripped it open with his teeth and pulled it out of the foil

    wrapper. As he leaned down to kiss me, I could feel his hand on my cock,

    stroking it. With again the deftness of someone who'd done this a dozen

    times, he sheathed my cock.


    Within a moment, his asshole was poised at the top of my cock and he dropped

    onto it like a long-starving man who had happened on an all-you-can-eat


    Of course it felt all right -- just not as good as entering the hole raw.

    We fucked in that position, him bouncing on my cock, almost silent for five

    or ten minutes. There was heavy breathing. He moved, again, in that cat-like

    movement until he was on his back, his head off the base of the bed -- my

    covered cock still in his ass.

    "Fuck, I want this ass raw," I'm thinking.

    As I looked at him, I looked past him and at my pants on the floor. I saw

    just the base of my popper bottle peaking out of the pocket. An idea began

    to form.

    I began fucking him harder and he started grunting. As I really got to

    fucking him, his less-than-supportive bed allowed me to push him closer

    toward the floor until he was off the bed completely. His ass up, my

    protected cock still slamming into him. Finally, I knew I could reach the


    I offered them to him first. These were my best poppers with a good,

    long-term high. I was surprised he took them and took a few, deep snorts. I

    kept my snorts short, because I knew the high would get to him soon.

    I fucked hard and deep. And he closed his eyes. He really started to moan.

    His ass clenched down around my cock. And he was approaching ecstasy.

    "Shit!" I exclaimed, pulling my cock completely out of his ass and sitting

    back on my haunches on his bed. I could see the shocked look on his face as

    his ass was empty suddenly. In a quick movement myself (well-enough

    practiced), I pinched the end of the condom and pulled, while holding the

    base. SNAP!

    "Damn condom broke," I said under my breath, breaking it myself and showing

    it to him. He scrambled up, still missing the cock in his ass.

    "I don't care," he said breathlessly.

    And he was on top of me, my uncovered cock in his ass immediately.

    He wanted cock, condom or no.

    AHHHH. It went in smoothly and his ass clenched down. His eyes were closed

    and he was some place else. I smiled up.

    He was grunting and grinding, forcing my raw cock as deep as possible into

    his ass. I knew my juices were leaking, coating his ass chute liberally.

    After a few minutes, I grabbed for the bottle of poppers, which had rolled

    against my right leg and opened it up. As I started my first deep snort, he

    opened his eyes and looked at me, slowing his assault on my cock.

    I really took in a good amount and handed the bottle to him.

    "Please don't cum in my ass," he said, taking the open bottle from my hand.

    "You've got nothing to worry about," I said.

    He snorted his next hit. And then he began to impale himself on my cock.

    Of course, you never tell me what I'm not going to do. I focused on the

    sensation of my cock entering his ass and the feeling it created. Then the

    waves of pleasure from the poppers hit me. It wasn't far to go, and pretty

    soon, I felt the cum boiling in my balls.

    I let go and my first load shot deep into his ass as he continued to bounce

    on my cock. Cum just had to be coating the inside of his ass. And I was

    feeling much better.

    Sometimes bottoms might notice the change in the fuck sensations with the

    added lubricant. So I grabbed his hips, pushing him onto my cock and pulling

    him close to me for a kiss. I pulled my cock from his ass and scooted away,

    pushing him down onto his stomach.

    He still had the poppers, taking another snort.

    As I looked down from behind, my cock was shiny and angry red. Still rock

    hard, the head had shrunk a bit since releasing load number one. Around the

    hairy base, I could see the milky white "ring around the collar" of cum. And

    his hole seemed to be leaking a little viscous liquid of my spooge. As he

    handed me the bottle of poppers, I plunged in deep and held my cum-covered

    cock in his hole.

    I snorted more poppers and went to fucking.

    For the next 24 minutes, I fucked him in three other positions, ended back

    on his stomach, me slamming into his ass. As I was getting ready for my

    second load, I was grunting deeply.

    "FUCK ME!" he's screaming.


    Before I can say "cum," he's off my cock, pushing me back and scooting down.


    "CUM!" I say.

    I grab my cock and jerk a little, pushing me over the edge.

    My cum shoots out with such force, it hits his pecs with the first string of

    sperm. I push down, shooting the second load on the tip of his cock. He's

    scooping up all the cum he can grab and begins to jerk off, using my cum as


    The next few spurts shoot onto his flying hand. He's closing his eyes and

    groaning. A couple of moments later, a respectable load begins to fly out of

    his cock, landing on his sweaty chest.

    He collapses, stopping his furious jerking, but still breathing hard. I fall

    off to his side.

    After a few minutes of recovery, he never opens his eyes: "Damn, that felt

    SO much better than anything I've had in years."

    "Yeah," I say. "I know what you mean."

    A few more minutes pass and he rolls off the bed, standing up and looking

    back at me. "I'm going to shower."

    As he walks toward the bathroom, I can see a bead of some liquid snake down

    the inside of his leg.

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  14. Different saunas/clubs for different reasons.

    Chariots in Shoreditch, London is my favourite building because it has a heated swimming pool for nude swimming, several jacuzzis and a good mix of public, semi public and dark areas. A lot of the crowd who go there seem to be more interested in strutting and posing than having sex though. I haven't tried the sex clubs of south London yet, but my favourite north London sex club is The Playpit. The guys who go there, go to have sex and most of it is BB.

    I like to relax in a jacuzzi after being fucked. Ireland has two gay saunas in Dublin and two in Belfast. Sadly the raunchier BB friendly saunas in both Belfast and Dublin don't have jacuzzis while the tamer ( condom friendly ) saunas in Belfast and Dublin have the jacuzzis :-(

    I agree with this posting. Chariots in Shoreditch is excellent, but I've also played at a bath house on the south side of the Thames (I don't know the name, but I seem to recall the bath house was built into a train embankement). The building was interesting, and the crowd was fun.

  15. Hi there, Asianboy! Irish here . . . You asked about Asian boys that I might have infected . . .

    Just thought you'd be intrigued to know I had myself a little Asian boy yesterday here at the house. I found him in the local call boy pages (Frontiers Magazine). He is 22 years old, sweet, smooth and slim, born in Japan and going to UCLA. I will see him again, I'm sure. He has a really beautiful face, very full, kissable lips, and supper soft, sweet buns. He also has a delightfully respectable hard-on!

    I came home yesterday from the dentist from a tooth cleaning, and I thought, "Hey, this would be a good time…." I take very opportunity I can to renew and/or share my infection, and I figured anyone with the bug would prove efficacious. So I telephoned the guy and invited him over. He's a $150 boy. I asked him over the phone if he had HIV yet, and he was super sure he didn't (yeah, right, call boy). He didn't ask me back, which I thought odd, but hey. I didn't offer the news that I was totally poz. When he got here and entered the NAKED ZONE (anything beyond the front room of the house), he stripped and almost climbed onto my dick! Guess he didn’t need lube. In any event, I was a little surprised, as I wanted to set the pace. I kissed him long and hard to take control. He just kept sucking on my mouth as if he'd never been kissed before in his life!

    I got him to my bed, and threw him down on his stomach with a little force (surprised him a little, I think). Immediately I started drilling his ass with my tongue just as he had been trying to tonsil-clean me a few moments before. As he spread his legs to accommodate me, I reached underneath him to feel his considerable piece. I must have made love to him from here for half an hour or so. Although I was really bent from the Novocain, I took a hit or two from the poppers I keep for special occasions like this. His ass tissues began to swell slightly from the working I was giving them, and I could see a little blood when I stopped to look. Perfect, I thought. Now onto the next step.

    I asked him if he liked to get FUCKED. His reply was entirely reasonable: only if he could cum down my throat later. OK, fine by me, buddy boy. Did I have condoms? Gosh, sorry, no. Fresh out. Well, OK but don't cum inside me. (Yeah right, whore boy. Don't be a whiner.) OK, I said. Would you like a small dildo to open you up? Yeah! Great! I have a ridged dildo that is super for that kind of work, as it invariably roughs up ass tissue. In a very short time, I knew for sure whose blood was spotting his pretty little hole. HIS. So I knew he was ready. I took out the dildo, then placed it at the edge of his ass, and PLUNGED it all the way back in up to the handle. He screamed (I'm not really into inflicting pain, but he was just too eager). I'm sorry baby. Daddy will be more gentle. Please don't FUCK me. No, no, Daddy will be more gentle. Of course I mounted him, nudging my cock into his hole.

    Now all of a sudden he wanted it and he couldn't get enough. He slid back onto my cock like he'd been waiting for it all his life. I hardly had to move! He was all rhythm and gyration and bucking and humping -- I'd created a monster! Given his chosen line of work, I suppose he probably had a natural aptitude. In any event, I must say he gave me a magnificent ride. While the poppers and stuff continued to flood my brain, I was running through my mind what to do about cumming. Part of me wanted to just let it go, and another part wanted to honor his request. Suddenly the moment was on us. I said "Here I cum!" I expected him to come sliding off me with that warning. Instead, he rammed his ass back onto my full hard cook and reached around to grab me so I couldn't pull out. Of course I exploded like I hadn’t cum in weeks! All over inside him! WHAT THE FUCK?

    In my post-orgasmic haze I could hardly move, particularly as I was savoring his turn of mind. At least he took the choice out of my hands. Then he turned around to look at me, and I could see that the kid was smiling broadly. WHAT THE FUCK? He pulled himself off my dick. As I reached for a cleanup towel to wipe up some cum, lube and shit, he slipped off my cock, rolled around, and laid a major lip-lock on me, breaking only to ask "You're poz, aren't you?" I couldn't figure out where the fuck his head was, but I answered honestly "I'm afraid so, baby. You didn't ask. But did tell me not to cum in your ass. What came over you?" "You really ARE poz, aren't you?" "Yes," I assured him, "Completely, guy. 100% poz." "Oh thanks, man" he murmured several times. “Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.” "OK, baby doll. I get it."

    "You promised," he said. "You said I could come in your mouth." "Would that make you happy, baby doll?" Suddenly he was all commando: "BLOW ME!" I was glad to oblige, but not without a little bravado of my own. By now we were both standing. I put my hands on his chest and shoved him back onto the bed. That sort of seemed to turn him on. I was on his meat in no time. I enjoy a nice cock. He was raging hard. He hadn't cum during our magnificent fuck. Just as I was wondering 'if it hadn't been good" for him, he said "It was all I could do not to waste this when you came up my ass. But you promised me I could come in your mouth. I want it way down your throat. I want to explode in your tight places like you did in mine." OK, I thought, this is a guy I can work with! "This is the deal though, man -- you want it, you gotta work for it. I want you to FUCK my throat, just like I just fucked your ass. I want you to plow my throat while I rest on my back, with my head over the edge of a pillow here at the side of the bed. Just fuck it deep and hard, with the same kind of rhythm you liked when you got your mancunt fucked."

    He got into that! In no time he was exploding in my throat. As he started, he shoved it way down my gullet and just blew! It was hot for me. When he finally collapsed all over me on the bed, I gathered him into my arms and kissed him again. "You got more than you bargained for today, baby doll." "I guess so," he said. "But I didn't get anything I didn't want." I had no idea the kid was looking for seed! I thought maybe I'd surprise him with a mind fuck about infecting him, only to find out he was looking for it! He explained "I've tested neg so far. No matter how much I fuck, who I fuck with, I just always come out neg." I tried to reassure him then. "Well, baby, you've been fertilized now." I promised him my continued help if he wanted it. He smile suggested he thought that would be a great idea.

    Then it was my turn to demand more attention. I said, "Remember when I called you, you said you were already tanked up. How about giving me another body fluid? Can you give me a load of piss to drink?" At first he couldn’t. Frankly, I'm not sure he'd ever done it before. So we waited and cuddled. All of a sudden he was ready. I made him take a long, sweet hit of poppers, as did I. "OK, babe, let it go!" As he let his clear lovely stream flow into my mouth, I wrapped my mouth around his dick and his eyes practically rolled into the back of his head. "FUCK! That's like one long run of cum! Wow! Where did you learn to do that?" he asked. My reply said it all: “experience.”

    Such fun. I'm certain I will see him again. How 'bout you? Anything exciting or interesting up your butt recently? Bye! Irish

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