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Status Updates posted by ErikRaw

  1. Thanks for the follow!

    1. evilcoyote


      You are most welcome 

  2. Thanks for the follow!

  3. Happy birthday!  Hope you have a fun weekend of good stogies and great sex!

    1. CigarBear68


      Thank you. I did indeed. And bourbon as well as my pipe. And of course plenty of raw fucking. 😈

  4. Looking good, Coach!

  5. thanks for the follow, Dad!

  6. I love the pics!  That hair is god-damned glorious!!

    1. viking8x6


      Thanks! I cut it a few years ago - it was time for a change, because reasons. But I do still miss it occasionally. I look at pics of myself from when I was younger and realize I had no fuckin idea how foxy I was back then.

    2. ErikRaw


      still looking good today!

    3. viking8x6


      Sexy yourself!


  7. thanks for the follow @Brownguy2020!  sweet looking ass!  should have no trouble finding someone to tap that!!

  8. Thanks for the follow @Amsterdam123.  Great cock, Sir!  

  9. Thanks for the follow!

  10. danke für das folgen! ich mag dein Bild, sexy!

  11. Thanks for the follow!  Beautiful dick in your profile!

  12. thanks for the follow!  nice looking dick, man!

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