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I have had quite a few requests to expand on the three grandsons mentioned in the last chapter sphere we go I************************************************************************************************************ Robert had a great childhood. His Dads were the best and then there was Grandpa Paul and his husband Carl. Robert and his brother/cousins called Paul “Papi” and Carl “Gramps” Robert’s real name was Bobby Jr. but he insisted on being called Robert. His hair was a dark auburn unlike his Dad’s lighter ginger hair. He had the darkest hair in the family except for Gramps, who was bald but who’s beard grew in coal black. He got his darker hair from the woman who gave birth to him. She had been a surrogate hired by Dad and Papi and had never been a part of his life after the birth. He didn’t even know her name nor did he want to. He had two brothers who were actually his cousins but they had been raised together. He knew his family was stranger than most. Lots of kids had two dads nowadays, but he didn't know anyone else whose two dads were also brothers like him and his brother. Tony had been named for a man who had helped Papi rescue his dads and uncle Marc. Shae was Marc an Sean’s son and lived with them in one of the other houses They called their home “The Village” and it was a walled compound with five smaller houses surrounding the main house Carl had it built when they decided to sell the house his Dad’s had lived in with Martin Gramps and Papi lived in the main house, His dads and he lived in another and Marc, Sean and Shae lived in a third. The other three were well kepy up but empty “That’s where you boys will live once I claim you” Papi told them but wouldn’t say what that meant He spent a lot of time at Uncle Buster and Aunt Martin’s place, Their condo was just a short bike ride away. “Aunt Martin” was what they called the strange, timid, reclusive man who lived with Uncle Buster. The two had gotten married in prison and had been released on the same day back when Robert was 11. Uncle Buster was a lot of fun. When Robert and his brothers were small they used his broad shoulders as diving platforms in the pool and he could toss a boy from the shallow end to the deep end with ease. He taught the boys to play poker and a lot of words they were not supposed to know, though he was a little vague about what they actually meant Aunt Martin was not fun, he would retreat to the bedroom when the boys visited Uncle Buster. He was never rude he just didn’t want to be around anyone but Uncle Buster Robert knew the basics of the story though the adults involved omitted a great deal. It was hard to think of Aunt Martin as a threat to anyone, One day when he was 16. Almost 17 he dropped by for a visit, He had been growing to look more like his dad Bobby in the face, everyone told him that. Aunt Martin started to head for the bedroom when he got there but stopped and turned to look at him more closely A strange, sharper look came into his eyes and he muttered “Should have been mine” under his breath The glare Uncle Buster shot Aunt Martin looked so out of place on Buster’s normally jovial face that it scared Robert a little and Aunt Martin flinched visibly “Robert, why don’t you head on home? I need to have a discussion with your Aunt” He said and he sounded pissed off Robert left quickly “It looks like someone needs to be reminded of their place” he heard Uncle Buster say as he closed the door A few days later as they all gathered for his 17th birthday party Aunt Martin seemed to limp a little and his eyes had returned to that normal slightly confused look. Robert never saw that sharpness in his eyes again All the adults always told the boys that Papi “Owned” them all though they never explained exactly what that meant. Robert just knew that every important decision about their lives was made by Papi and no one ever questions those decisions. All discipline also came from Papi. When Robert misbehaved as a child it was Papi who decided his punishment, which was usually time restricted to his room with only books for company. As he got older it was also time restricted from using his phone. Everyone learned to obey Papi without question and things went smoothly most of the time Robert was a bit of a nerd and seemed a bit uptight. He always wore a well fitted, ironed and starched, button up shirt that showed off his swimmer's build, sleek body well The day after his 18th birthday his Dads, Bobby and Mike asked him to get dressed in the new clothes Papi had bought him, they looked like what he normally wore but were a bit snugger They took him to the main house and into the room on the top floor none of the boys were allowed to go into. There was a lot of strange furniture in there and Papi sat against the far wall, in a throne like chair Papi was 65 now and with today’s expanded life expectancies that was barely considered middle aged. Most likely he was still in the first half of his life, He looked about the same age, Robert’s dads who appeared to be 30ish and he wore an outfit made all of tight black leather. He sat casually with his legs a little open and Robert noticed that his crotch was covered by a codpiece that bulged out quite a bit and was held on by snaps Gramps looked about 40 and was wearing only a leather jockstrap. He was kneeling next to the throne with his hands behind his back. Robert’s dads stripped down to similar jocks and went to kneel beside him in the same position “Have a seat” Papi told hun indicating a plain chair facing the throne and he sat as comfortably as he could. He had some vague idea of what happened in here between his dads and Papi. He would have to be really dense not to. If brothers could be lovers why not fathers and sons? “First of all, what you learn in here is not for your brother’s ears. These are adult matters and they will learn when they are adults” Papi started Papi told him the full story of his problems with Martin and he finally understood why Uncle Buster had been so mad that day. “Martin had not given your dad’s a choice. He forced them into slavery but they chose me over him. Marc had made that decision by the time he was 14. I want to own you and train you as my sexual slave like your dads are but I will not force you. You can say no and everyone will accept it.” Papi said “If you do say no you can continue to live here until you finish college and get on your feet. You will be welcome to visit any time you want after that and will always be welcome but any adult male who wants to live here permanently must be my slave and surrender control of their lives to me” Papi went on “If you say yes it’s a decision you can’t unmake, You will be my property for as long as we both live and if I pass you will become the property of your Uncle Marc. He’s the most like me and my chosen heie” he said “If you chose to become my slave you give up the right to make your own life decisions, I will choose who and if you marry, I will chose where you go to college and what you study or even if you go at all. I will control your cosmetic appearance with no restrictions, tattoos, piercings, and other modifications” he indicated the enlarged nipples on both his dad's chests. Robert had seen them many times before naturally bot they took on new meaning now “You will also serve me sexually in any way I see fit, I will place you in bondage and teach you to endure pain for me. Most importantly you have to accept that I will infect you with HIV. I am poz and very toxic and so are all the other adult males in the family so you would ger infected eventually anyway. We never use condoms or pull out. Those are your choices Robert, You can say no now and come back to submit at any time so I am not rushing you" Papi finished “Before I decide, can I ask questions and make a request?” Robert asked “Of course” Papi said “If I accept do I have to fuck other men? I know I will get fucked but do I have to fuck them?” “No, I don’t force anyone to top but why wouldn’t you want to?” Papi asked “I have seen you all by the pool in your swim suits and to be honest I don’t measure up” Robert said in his nerdy clinical voice that he used when he was explaining things to the olde members of the family, like how to use the TV remote. It was almost 2060 and those things were still confusing as hell to most people He showed no sign of embarrassment when he stood up, unzipped his pants and pulled out a proportionally thick 5 inch cock, It was what nature had given him, why should he be embarrassed? “With all you monsters around who would want this in them?” he asked Grams spoke up “Robert, what you have there we call a prostate pounder in the fucking business. It’s the perfect length for prostate stimulation. I actually think you will be a very popular top around here. Big looks nice and it feels great in different ways but getting pounded by that would be pure heaven. Try it before you give up the idea” Robert did blush at that but his cock got hard at the thought of fucking his Gramps' furry muscle ass “Ok. if you think I can make people feel good” he said a little flustered then he went on “You know that reproductive technology has taken leaps and bounds over the last couple decades, Men can have babies together now and men can even carry babies now, their own or as a surrogate” he said Robert always kept up on this kind of thing. He waned to study genetics and biometrics and join the team making all those advancements someday “Where are you going with this Robert?” Papi asked “I have been spending a lot of time with Uncle Buster, He has some health issues now and so does Aunt Martin, Papi, he wants to have a baby with Aunt Martin and they can’t, both for the health reasons and because he doesn’t know how Aunt Martin would react to being pregnant. He’s not to stable as it is. For the same reasons he knows they could not raise a baby with him but he wants to leave a part of Aunt Martin and he in the world when they are gone someday” Robert said “Papi, I want to surrogate for them and raise the baby here. If I like carrying a baby or even just don’t mind it I can become the family surrogate. When we use female surrogates and IVF we take a chance of producing female children, I can keep it all in the family!” He rushed on Paul stared at Robert open mouthed, what had he done to deserve such a wonderful, selfless grandson? He glanced at Bobby and Mike and saw tears of pride running don their faces “You know, any children yu have will be given the same choice you were when they turn 18” he asked Robert nodded ****************** A brief explanation of male “pregnancy” A man did not carry a baby inside his body like a woman though it looked like he did A man wore something called a “synth skin” which was like a bodysuit that covered him from his toes to his fingers and cut off at the neck. When he put it on it looked very much like nylon stocking material but quickly took on the appearance of the man’s own skin and settled just below the body hair except where the baby would be carried, where it cleverly grew matching body hair and it appeared seamless. Once it was settled you could not tell a man had it on, There were hole for the anus and tip of the penis naturally The synth skins of this era came with a gel like substance that contained the fertilized egg, held in status till the process was complete. The synth skin tapped directly into the tiny blood vessels that fed the skin to provide nourishment for the baby and to build a "womb". It also rearranged the body fat to provide a cushion around the baby to prevent chafing for the surrogate and protect the baby. It was the one drawback to this. A week after you started you looked about halfway along, you were definitely “showing” The baby was technically carried outside a man’s body against his abdomen, When the baby was full term a simple, mild bath of some chemicals dissolved the synth skin and left over fat and there was your baby. It should be noted that many women said with disgust “Men always get it easier” when they learned the delivery method but when asked if they wanted a similar method developed for women declined,, preferring the old way. Women are strange One benefit was that any scarring on the body, no matter how sever was gone when the synth skin dissolved. You emerged from your surrogacy with perfect, unblemished skin and no stretch marks. The women bitched about that too ************** “I will have to talk to Buster and Martin but I have no problem with that if they agree. Are their any more questions?” Paul asked “No Papi, I accept, I have wanted this for a long time, I had it pretty much figured out by the time I was 16” Robert said “What do I do” “Go ahead and finish taking off your pants then come kneel before me” Papi ordered Robert did so then looked up at his slightly feminine looking Papi Paul leaned forward and rubbed the boy’s nipple through that tight button up shirt, pinching it and getting a gas from his grandson’s lips “He is going to look so hot in these shirts once we pump his nipples out isn’t he Mike?” Paul asked Mike smiled and nodded, his own nipples still stuck out nearly an inch and he took pride in them now “Are you going to make the as big as Daddy Mike’s” Robert asked sounding excited “Would you like that?” Paul asked Robert swallowed then nodded looking up into his grandfather’s eyes “I'm going to make you wear tight shirts like this all the time. Even in public. You won’t be able to hide it” Paul said “I think they will notice the belly first” Robert said with a mischievous gleam in his eyes “I want my second baby to be my Uncle too. I want a baby with you Grandpa” “If we can do it safely for the baby” Paul told him Robert knew they could. The rigorous screening of the sperm of two genetically related men who wanted a baby together removed all possibility of genetic birth defects, Moreover, preliminary studies of these children, the first of which were young adults now, showed that they were usually highly intelligent and physically fit. They were no better or worse looking than other children though. The genetic screening was for possible health issues. It didn't preclude your baby from getting great grandpa Harvey’s huge nose if that’s what the genetic dice rolled. Luckily they had a really good looking family The same screening was now being done for all male/make babies, It just made sense now that the method had been perfected Paul unsnapped his codpiece and let his straining poz cock free then he took a handful of his grandson’s auburn hair and guided him to it. The boy opened his mouth and sucked like a first time cock sucker, he would learn in time to do better. Paul pushed into his throat and the boy only had a minimal gag reflex which was good "I'm going to piss in your mouth Robert and I want you to swallow it all" he told the surprised boy, then let loose Robert got most of it though some dribbled down his chin onto his shirt. He found he didn't mind the taste that much and started sucking harder when Papi was done The normal procedure was to immobilize a boy for his first fuck but Paul was so moved by his grandson’s selflessness that he made an exception, He stripped off Robert’s shirt and took the boy to the bed against the far wall He had Robert lay on his back and hold his legs up as he slid on top of him and gently worked the head of his huge cock inside. Robert bit his lip as it popped in groaning in pain but looking excited Paul paused then slowly began rocking forward just a bit and little by little entered this special boy who had just committed to him his life and devotion Robert was soon gasping in pleasure as his Papi slid almost 10 inches of rock hard HIV positive cock into his virgin neg ass “Ohhh God! Fuck me Grandpa! Knock me up like you knocked up my Dad!” he groaned Paul picked up the pace and his balls slapped that ass and lower back as he pushed Robert’ hips further off the bed, really plowing the boy “Here comes Grandpa’s poz load! I’m going to infect you and claim you forever! You are MINE!” Paul groaned as he shot his toxic viral load into his son’s son, filling his hole with family seed Robert stroked a couple times and shot all over his stomach and chest then scooped it up and licked his fingers Grandpa kissed him sharing his cum and the pulled out. Daddy Bobby took his place “I Have wanted to be in you on this day as long as I can remember Son. It's been 18 years in the coming but it was worth the wait” he said as he slid his cuck in to Robert’s charged cum lubed hole and kisses him hard “I want it too Dad. I love you, fuck you feel so good in me!” Robert said pulling his father down for a another kiss Bobby quickly added his poz load to Paul’s then Daddy Mike took his place between his nephews legs “Do you know how long I have wanted to do his?” Robert said as he played with and pulled on Mike’s nipples while he was getting fucked by him Daddy Mike grinned “I will help you with yours, We will get them nice and pumped soon” He said, then he added a third poz load to Roberts cum filled ass Finally Gramps, who had the biggest cock there slid in “Don’t cum while I am fucking you” He grinned down at Robert, He shot his pox load in just a couple minutes then rolled onto his back, raising his own legs “Show me what you can do! Really pound me! You aren’t going to hurt me and I need a good prostate pounding” he said Robert took him at his word and rammed his 5 incher all the way in. Gramps sucked n a hissing breath through his teeth “Fuck your cock is perfect! You hit it on the first thrust!” he groaned Robert fucked him as hard as he could and got that same hiss with every thrust! Gramps' cock rose all on it’s own and as Robert bred his first ass ever it erupted, spewing cum everywhere without Gramps touching it at al Back outside the dungeon Robert’s brothers pestered him for details and he loved their looks of disgust and frustration when he told them it was “Adult stuff” and they would just have to wait until they were adults. He smiled as they stalked off angrily ************* Paul went by to see Buster and Martin the next day “I need to talk to you both” he said as Martin started to rise to go in the bedroom “Stay where you are” Buster told his wife and he sank back into his chair, the look he gave Paul was not so friendly “Glad to see you are actually with us today Martin” Paul said as Martin looked away “Robert tells me you two want to have a baby” he said “I don’t see what business of yours that is” Martin muttered “He’s really with it today, He almost sounds like the Martin I married” Paul said to Buster “It comes and goes. I need to fuck him, he calms down after that. And yes I would love to have a son with Martin I truly love him, but you can see why we can’t and even if we did I could never leave him alone with the baby. I don’t think he would harm it but neglect is a real possibility” Buster said sadly “Robert has volunteered to surrogate for you and raise the baby at The Village where you could be a part of it’s life” Paul told them Buster got all misty eyed but Martin just muttered “You just want MY son. You want revenge!” Martin was sitting in a chair with his feet up on an ottoman. Paul shoved his feet to the side and sat facing him but Martin turned his face away “Look at me Martin!” he said gently then turned the man’s chin and looked him in the eyes “It’s been over 30 damn years since this all started. Will you fucking get over it? Will I try to make your son serve me? Damn right I will! But I won’t FORCE him like you did my boys. I will give him a choice and support him either way it goes. My grandson is offering his own body to help you and Buster out. Can’t you just accept that? iI not for your sake, for Busters?” Martin yanked his face away and his eyes fell on Buster who looked hopeful and hurt at the same time and his eyes softened “I want you to know this while you know it’s the real me talking Buster, I love you, Me, Martin, the real person in this body. I love you. I know why you keep me so controlled. The Darkness in my mind tells me to do terrible things when you don’t. If you want a baby with me then I will be happy to do my part” Martin said “For you, not for him” He said looking at Paul “I promise to make sure he is raised well and to give him a choice, Martin and you will probably be there to see it all” Paul said in a soft voice Of course they didn’t know Buster and Martin only had about 5 years left at that time They named the baby Buster Jr and he was the only person besides his husband Martin cared for in the world, He would sit and hold Jr. as he slept like the baby was his anchor to sanity, Jr was four when his real dad’s passed but everyone made sure he never forgot them and no one ever said an ill word to him about Martin as he grew up ******************************************************************************************************** Let me know what you think Scanbu
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There is more to come 🙂
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it's my pleasure 🙂 Thank you for the kind comments
The grandsons were surrogate chidden, one from each son that they made in part as gifts for their Dad. Martin and Buster had many years together and loved each other deeply. Love is always a redemption. Isn't it?
The one who would have to turn evil is Warren. He holds al the power in that relationship as most subs do if a Dom/sub relationship is done right . If Warren wants Ted to be more evil he will. It's an interesting idea to toy around with. I will see what I can do with it. Thank you for your comment and suggestion 😈
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I'm working on a concept for a story in that world, It won't be quite perfect nut it will be better than it is now. Thank you for your comments 🙂
Tex woke up early and excited.. It was the biggest holiday of the year in their house! He rushed to the tree to open the gifts his family had bought him. He got a custom made “leather Daddy” outfit,, several bottles of lube, a new paddle, a gift card to Daddy's Boy Limited and a t-shirt that said “Grandpas make the best lovers” from the twins The tree was called The Family Tree and it was Father’s day. Nick had a surprise planned and had been working on it for over a year. He had gotten his Father’s day fucks from the twins yesterday. The boys had taken turns riding their father’s cock and taking his incestuous loads in their asses while Tex had spent time with his other son Barry and had lunch with his daughters Carry Nick had been working with Agnes over at Angel Research And Diagnostic ever since she had told him about some cutting edge research she was working on. People often forgot that Nick had made his original fortune off of a company that analyzed and sequenced DNA. He had a degree in genetic research after all Getting the samples from Tex without him figuring it all out was a little difficult. They needed a lot to work with. The cells were screened for every possible negative genetic marker and finally a sample of a few thousand “Genetically clean” cells was separated out, luckily both he and Tex had very few genetic problems in their ancestry, Nick’s own samples were processed the same way and finally combined with Tex’s in a new process that would change the world Nick’s phone buzzed with a text from Agnes “It’s time and it’s coming fast. You better get here soon Nick had told Tex to get dressed for a day out because he had a feeling it would be today and without explaining why he rushed his father/husband to the car Tex was surprised when Nick turned into the hospital parking lot . Agnes met them in the lobby and took them to a side room where they all changed into scrubs and put on masks and gloves, making Tex even more curious They all backed through a swinging door and into a delivery room where a woman was in labor “Nick, what the hell is going on!” Tex asked “The woman is a surrogate Tex, that’s our Baby she is having, Yours AND mine” Tex's jaw dropped “How?...” then he remembered. He and Nick were part of the 100. Their spirits had been there on The Entity Platform when it had said that thanks to Agnes and her research, different genders were no longer going to be needed for human reproduction (See the Zeke’s Tales chapter posted June 10th 2024) “We have the process of combining the genetic material in two sperm or two ova into a genetically neutral egg/. For you two we strenuously tested the resulting eggs for genetic defaults and found none, One was implanted into your surrogate and a perfectly normal pregnancy occurred” Agnes answers him “Nick’s knowledge of genetic sequencing and the equipment he created for doing it quickie were a huge help, It sped up our research by years. Your son will be the 100th same sex generated baby born, It took a bit longer because of the extra screenings we did to ensure a healthy child” Nick laughed “You are the most unobservant man in the world Tex. You never noticed that the smaller guest room has been converted to a nursery. The twins did most of the work and can’t wait to meet their new brother” “Our baby? Our son?” Tex said “Yes, I want to raise a child with you. With the anti aging drugs getting better and better we have decades healthy life ahead of us, It will mean a change in lifestyle for us and everyone knows that things we used to do in the open in the apartment will have to be more private, like before the Twins were 18” Nick said “Oh and your mother is here in town to help. She insisted” Nick threw in at the end “Did everyone know except me?” Tex asked a bit irritated “Pretty much” Nick answered flippantly “This was you Father’s Day surprise and they all wanted to help, they are all waiting to see the baby" The delivery was uneventful. This was the surrogates 4th time giving birth and she had never had a problem with the process They named the baby Gabriel Ezekiel after the two entities Nick and Tex now knew they were agents of and who had pushed them together in the first place. The influence of those two eternal spirits had started the ball rolling on all of this Tex had tears in his eyes as he held his new son for the first time. He had never dreamed almost a decade ago when he had married Nick that this day would come. The baby had a darker skin tone than either of his fathers and Nick’s hair, his face was Tex in miniature though They brought the baby home two days later and Tex’s mother was a huge help along with Carry and the twins Raesa, who everyone called Rae, was a stunning woman. Though she was in her 80s the anti aging drugs made her look and feel no older than 30. In fact she looked younger than either of her sons. She had dark skin and kept her hair short and blond She brooked no nonsense and when the twins had jokingly called her “Granny” she had blistered their hides with swear words and curses.that would embarrass a sailor. She moved into the larger guest room ans became a permanent part if their lives “All my family is here, why would I be anywhere else?” She explained, Her 4th husband had passed away a couple years ago leaving her comfortably well off and she had decided to dedicate her remaining years to her somewhat strange family, though she still dated, usually men less than half her aged. She accepted the strange relationships without question. “Who am I to judge” she would say Little Gabe had so much love growing up! His papas and twin brothers along with their husband JJ were just upstairs and Rue (She secretly let HIM call her Granny) was just next door. His other brother Barry came by often with his husband Wade. As well as Uncle Louis and his husband Alex His sister Carry had an apartment just a few floors down and she lived with her long term girlfriend Becky. They were tons of fun. They exposed him to many things but pushed him towards none of them. From the age of 5 they let him pick his own clothes and right now he was into “Buster Bear” shirts, It was his favorite cartoon. He didn’t really understand when Papa Tex said he “voiced” the character but Papa sure could imitate Buster Bear good They took him to ball games and museums. They took him fishing and had Barry teach him how to sew. Granny Rae taught him to dance and sing as well as how to cook. He grew up speaking fluent English, French and Arabic. Carry taught him how to ride on the back of a motorcycle and the best way to repair one in her opinion “You find yourself a good mechanic and let them do it” she told him she told him dryly when the twins kept making jokes about her automatically knowing how to fix a carburetor. The twins were funny but Gabe didn't get their jokes a lot of the time and this one seemed to irritate Carry His dads only requirements for him were that he do well in school and keep his room neat, also he was never to go upstairs without asking on the in house intercom if it was ok to come up “Adult stuff goes on up there and you should respect their privacy” Granny Rue told him, then she gave him a really cool necklace that he wore all the time now, He didn’t know that the necklace set off a buzzer in the upstairs bedrooms and locked the doors if he started up the stairs without permission With all their precautions they managed to keep Gabe from seeing things he shouldn’t while maintaining an active, even robust sex life When Gabe was in his first year of high school he went through the mandatory “Sex Ed” class where contraception and reproduction were explained. Both male/female reproduction and same sex reproduction The process had advanced greatly since his birth 14 years ago. A way had been found for men to carry their own children. In fact some straight couples were starting to chose that option when a pregnancy was to dangerous for the woman because of health reasons Gabe already knew most of this though. Papa Nick and Aunt Agnes were at the head of all that research. He knee that a man had successfully carried a baby for the first time when he was six years old. He also knew that some people didn’t like it but that popular support for the advancements had mostly shut them up Aunt Agnes had told him all that when he saw her. She was always present when he went to see his Doctor, who just happened to be her son Cole He had overheard Dr. Cole tell his mom “I have never cine across anything that says he is not a normal, healthy boy. There is no difference between him and a child conceived the old fashioned way” The adults in his life were open with him about sex, answering any questions he had in clinical but non-judgmental tones. He came out to the family when he was 16 by casually asking if he could go out on a date with a boy in his class he thought was really cute. The boy had asked him to go to a school dance with him Gabe rolled his eyes when he saw both his Papas among the adult chaperones at the dance. The two tried to play innocent but Gabe knee better. He notice them holding hands and watching, misty eyed as he danced with his date among the other kids The crowd was made up of about half boy/girl pairs and half same sex pairs also mixed race pairs were almost as common a same race ones. It just seemed natural to the kids as it did to most of their generation though they also understood that it had not always been like that Another required class they all had to take to graduate was a factual accounting of the history of race relations, the civil rights movement, the fight for sexual equality and the gay rights movement. They were studying the Stonewall Riots this week in Gabe’s class Gabe got his first real kiss that night but it didn’t go any further with both his Papa’s there pretending not to watch from a distance He dated the boy several more times but as young people do they soon found other interest, though they remained friends During Gabe’s senior year Granny Rae turned 100 years old and still looked 30. She also married her 5th husband that year who actually was 30… Go Granny She moved across town to a large house and Gabe missed her a lot though he saw her several times a week Gabe graduated at the top of his class in a four way tie for valedictorian with two girls and Shelby who was nonbinary His entire family made so much noise as he walked across the stage in his cap and gown that he blushed and grinned up at them They threw him a huge party in the apartment on his 18th birthday that went late into the evening The twins and JJ had already headed upstairs when Gabe and his Papas saw the last guests, Granny Rae and her husband to the elevator You would have to be a total idiot to live in this apartment for 18 years and not realize what was going on upstairs and Gabe had made some decisions “Wait a moment you two” Gabe said as his Papas turned to start up the stairs “What is it, Son?” Papa Tex asked Gabe stepped up to him, he was as tall as Papa Tex but built like Papa Nick with that more rounded ass and stockiness so it was easy to reach his lips as Gabe kissed him, really kissed him, tongue and all Then he did the same to Papa Nick and when he was done he took this startled Papas by the hands and led them upstairs ************************************************************************************************************ I hope you like my Father’s Day Special Story. It popped into my head when I realized how important the holiday would be in Nick and Tex’s home and family Let me know what you think! Scanbu
Great start. very creative and well written
He's always going to be a predator no matter what. He was that way before all the bad things happened to him and always will be. Thank you for the comment, I'm glad you are enjoying him
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I hope my stories can stay unpredictable or they will get boring. Thanks for your kind comment 🙂
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Make sure you read my other stories, most of them are in the same world and have a lot of connections back to this one. Thank you for your kind words
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Thank you! It was fun to write
Happy Father's day!
Thank you 😈
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I was editing the next chapter while you wrote this. Apex is going to be mostly evil with some good, just like Tommy and Zeke are mostly good with some evil.
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Thank you! Comments like this make the writing and sharing even more rewarding
At least Martin and Buster had each other for many years. Martin got what he wanted just not how he expected it in the end. and Buster got a purpose in life. I'm glad you liked it
Apex sat in his car reading the message from “HIV Negative boy in a strictly closed Marriage”: I can’t stop reading your profile, looking at your pictures and fantasizing about your poz cock in my ass The problem is I truly love my husband, Ted. He is everything to me… except the dangerous bad noy I fell in love with. He changed to make me happy. To show me he was serious about making a life with me so how can I complain? I just miss the irresponsible, crazy romantic, motorcycle riding dangerous man he used to be. I need danger and excitement in my life but I also need him I’m alone all weekend and I think if you tell me to come to you I will. I have to have something dangerous in me and your cock is pure danger in so many ways. I’m hoping a dose of danger from you will satisfy my need and if I get pozzed I cam say it happened at work so I won’t lose my Ted. I can’t lose my Ted Let me know W. Apex smirked at the screed. This W was a little sloppy, Telling him the name of his husband and he didn’t notice that in the picture of his ass, which he had taken in a mirror, that there was another man visible in the background. Probably this Ted guy The message was typical. The sluts always loved their husbands and just needed a little danger. He wondered what this W did that he could get pozzed at work. Something in healthcare most likely. The ass picture was nice and this W met all his qualifications, so Apex decided to message him later and arrange a hookup for tomorrow, Maybe he could poz the needy little slut in the bed his husband fucked him in He went inside the hotel and to room 306 where his next hookup waited The man stepped back and let him in. “Hi, my name is Ted” he said a bit nervously Apex almost laughed. If he had been uncertain because the reflected image of this man he had just seen was not to clear, the name confirmed it. This was W’s, husband. This man was the rarest of rarities tor Apex, He said he was cheating AND since he only topped he was an anal virgin. That combination was almost irresistible. The potential to get both partners pozzed was so much higher “Well Ted, Lets get you pozzed up like the worthless slut you are” Apex said as he began stripping Ted’s eyes flashed a bit angrily at the words “worthless slut” But he didn’t say anything “How do you want me?” he asked instead “On your back Bitch, this is a breeding and that’s the best position to get you pregnant” Apex said and there was that flash of anger again. This Ted was not reacting like the typical cheating sluts he usually pozzed but his anger just made it even hotter for Apex Ted had dark brown hair cut in a slightly longer style that was currently in,, gray eyes, and a six o'clock shadow. He was one of those guys who had to shave twice a day His body was hairy and muscular and his cock was an impressive 9 inches, well impressive to anyone but Apex. He had a pretty ass but from the picture Apex knew his husbands was prettier Ted lay on his back and pulled his legs up as Apex used a convenient bottle of lube sitting on the nightstand then climbed into the bed his long thin limbs making him look almost like a skeleton, like death itself mounting this healthy neg man to give him it’s blessed disease Apex put the head of his cock at Ted’s unprotected neg hole and began rocking forward ever so slightly, coaxing that hole to open up and let his death stick in. The neg virgin gasped in pain as the head managed to pop in. Apex let him adjust for a moment and the pulled back out and pushed in harder. The look of shock on Ted's face was almost funny as about 7 inches rammed up into him. Apex slowly worked in further until he reached the inner ring. He pulled out until only the head was in then slammed back in bursting through that inner barrier “Holly fucking shit!” Ted gasped.t ears of pain running down his face. He was not enjoying this one bit and it was obvious to Apex that this man would probably never enjoy being fucked so he got even rougher. Ted was just another cheating slut like them all. Like Peter and they all deserved Apex’s gift He slid in and out of the writhing man who wasn’t even halfway hard and though "At least one of us is enjoying themselves". Ted's ass was as tight as a glove Ted stared up at him with a look of stony hatred on his face and Apex finally had to ask “Why are you doing this? You obviously don’t want this” he said still sliding in and out. He had no intention of stopping but he was curious now “I’m going to beat you to the punch, you evil bastard! No one is going to poz Warren but me! Now shut up and fuck me!” Ted snarled at him Apex was the one who was shocked this time, though he kept fucking “How did you even know who I was or that your husband was interested in me?” Apex asked “Warren can be a bit of a ditz and he never locks his phone, He left it in the bathroom last week and I heard him get a text so I picked it up to take to him, The screen lit up and there you were staring out at me" Ted said resentfully "Even worse there was cum on the back of the phone. He’s been beating off to your picture. He shoots all over and always misses some in the clean up” Ted said in a almost hopeless voice “I love him so much and maybe if I am poz like you he won’t leave me. He thinks I’m at a work seminar this weekend. I will even lie to him to keep him” “You are getting pozzed to kee[ your husband? Fuck, you are taking my gift out of love for him?” Apex asked slamming in hard “I don’t know what else to do to keep him!” Ted said, groaning in pain as that 12 inch toxic cock slid in and out of him “Fuuukkkk, here it comes! I’m pozzing your ass now!” Apex groaned and his balls started to empty toxic cum into this man who was not at all like the sluts he usually pozzed Ted just took it. He wanted this but not for himself. He was possibly sacrificing his neg status for his Warren. He would give anything to keep Warren As Apex caught his breath the voice in his head whispered “You still have time, You can hook up with with the other little slut before his husband gets home! You can get them both!” “No, not this time” Apex thought back Ted just lay there under him “I just hope this is enough” he said quietly to himself “I know what he wans and it’s honestly not me” Apex said, for once not wanting to break up a couple to make them pay for what Peter had done to him He didn’t stop to think about how twisted that thought was. It was just a part of who he was now, who Peter and his dad and his life had made him Apex reached out a long thin arm, picked up his phone off the nightstand and said “This came in just as I got here today” And he showed Ted the message from W. “He just wants the old you back” Apex told the man as he read “I have not touched him yet and I won’t if he never contacts me again “Fuck, I’m an idiot! I thought he wanted safe and stable. He didn't start dating me for real till I sold my motorcycle and he didn't accept my marriage proposal till I got a real job" Ted said “Did he ask you to change?” Apex asked. He was amused by the fact his cock was still in the man’s ass. He started slowly sliding in and out again. He wasn’t going to try to break these two up but he still wanted to try to make sure Ted was pozzed before he left Ted thought about it. not noticing what Apex was doing as he tried to remember Finally he said “No, he never did ask me. I just assumed” He was unconsciously pushing down on Apex's cock and his own cock was finally responding, probably because he was thinking so hardf about his husband “Maybe I was wrong about him learning to enjoy getting fucked” Apex thought with a smirk as his 12 inches worked it’s magic again. He sped up his thrusts and stroked Ted’s 9 inches in his bony hand “Slap him around a bit when you share my gift with him and he will love you forever” Apex said Ted felt his body responding to the fucking despite itself and groaned. This hurt so good… he already had one poz load in him… why not take another? Apex pushed in to the hilt and blasted his second load into this lovestruck fool as Ted’s cock erupted with cum that hit his chest and chin “Why did you show me that message? I don’t het the feeling that you are a very compassionate guy” Ted asked as they dressed “Because you are the first man I have fucked who didn’t remind me of my Ex, You did this out of love. Your Warren has no idea how lucky he is” Apex told him. For some reason he remembered his name was really Apollo for the first time in quite a while as he walked out of the room The voice in his head grumbled but Apex ignored it It was late evening now and as he walked through the lobby, past the hotel bar a young man coming of it stumbled into him “Hey Buddy!” The drunk boy said Come drink with me! I’m getting married tomorrow right here in this hotel and she’s a great girl! I’m so lucky!” Despite just having cum twice Apex’s cock started to get hard and the voice stopped grumbling He helped the man straighten up “That’s great! Let me buy you a drink or two to celebrate” he said steering his next victim back into the bar. Several drinks later he helped his new friend up to his room, carried would be a more accurate word than helped Apex shoved the boy face down on the bed then went back to close and lock the door He stripped the handsome straight boy who had long brown hair and an athletic build He used the boys own belt to tie his hands behind his back stuffed his briefs into his mouth and used his socks to tie the gag in place Then he stripped and crawled on top of this helpless soon to be married straight boy and pushed his cock in slowly The boy was unconscious and so relaxed from all the alcohol that it was not that hard to get his toxic poz cock up that neg hole He took his time, tearing up that undefended hole and getting it ready for impregnation with his viral babies He fucked the bride groom for hours and when he heard moans and saw movement he untied the gag, pulling his massive cock out till only a few inches was still inside. He had learned a trick for taming straight boys. The arch in his cock made the head slam right into the prostate when fucked them from behind and he pulled this far out. He rubbed that prostate bump repeatedly, keeping up the grinding till the boy was pushing back on him “Fuck dude! I can’t believe you are fucking me! God that feels so good! Don’t stop man!” the boy ground, stull half drunk “I’ve already shot two loads of toxic HIV positive cum in you. You want one more before I go ,pretty boy? It’s my wedding gift to you” Apex said “God just do it man! Cum in me!” The straight boy groaned spreading his legs wider Apex shoved in to the hilt and fired his fifth load of the day into the hopelessly pozzed ass and he felt the tell tail spasms around his cock that said the boy was cumming without touching himself He untied the boy who was asleep again and left him there “Enjoy your wedding” he said as he shut the door behind him It was 2 am when he got home, He fell into bed and passed out as the voice purred happily in his mind *********************** Warren was a little bummed that Apex Predator had not responded to him but he kind of felt like he had dodged a bullet too He heard a motorcycle pull up outside. Ted was not due back till tomorrow so he didn’t think much of it. Ted drove a sedan not a motorcycle anyway The front door burst open and Ted walked in, He wore jeans, a skin tight white t-shirt and a pair of dark sunglasses. His stylish hair has been cut down to a crew cut “Get your ass over here and kiss me bitch” he snapped at Warren “Show me how much you missed me” Warren was shocked but he flew to this new Ted's, or was it the old Ted’s arms and kissed him hard “You weren’t supposed to be home till tomorrow Baby!” Warren said “I wasn’t at a work seminar I was in a hotel room cheating on you” Ted said mater of factly “Wa… what?” Warren asked. He felt like Ted had thrown a glass of ice water in his face “You heard me bitch. Does the name Apex Predator ring a bell? You know, the guy you were going to cheat on ME with this weekend? That’s who I was with” he said a bit coldly “How did you know that?” Warren squeezed “Maybe someday you will learn to lock your phone” Ted said as Warren backed away, shaking his head Ted reached out, grabbed the front of Warren's shirt and pulled him nose to nose with him “You listen to me you stupid little slut. YOU ARE MINE! No one will poz you but ME! You got that? You understand me?” Teed shouted right into his face Warren was scared shitless… and so hard he was dripping in his shorts. He nodded numbly as Ted let him go “You want your Bad Boy back? You got it! I traded my car for a bike and I’m quitting my job. You can afford all the bills on hat you make so I’m going to let you take care of your man like the good little bitch you are” he snarled hitting off the words “I went our and got myself pozzed just for you and this is the price you are going to pay for that! If it didn’t take I will go back till I have it but NO ONE but me touches you? You got that?” he said in a menacing voice “Yes Baby, I don’t want anyone but you anyway!” Warren said throwing his arms around him and kissing him Ted smiled then and all his love for Warren showed in his eyes He pulled a small box out of his pocket, sank to one knee and opened it. There was a set of black rings inside and Warren was a little confused “Baby, I love you so much, I want to renew our wedding vows but this time you are getting the real me. Your Bad Boy is back to stay” he said and it was a promise “Will you marry me again?” he asked Warren nodded then said “Yes! Oh hell yes I will! I love my Bad Boy so much!” They slipped the new rings on their fingers and Warren noticed that they snuggled up to their old wedding bands perfectly He practically dragged Ted into the bedroom and it was the best sex they had ever had Ted would slap his ass as he slammed him from behind and every time he did he said “Mine!! This is MY ass!” Later as they lay in each other’s arms Ted said “I’m not really going to quit my job. Weddings are expensive and I want to do it up big this time” squeezing the center of his univers “I’d like that” Warren said snuggling in deeper Three months later they were both almost disappointed to test neg “Do you want me to go back to Apex for another round?” Ted asked “You know , it’s kind of crazy but I do want you to” Warren said after some thought “I want to be pozzed but I only want it from you” “I really want to poz you too, I want to share that with you forever” Ted said as he pulled out his phone and pulled up the Bareback Only app “Besides, we have to get an address from him so we can send him a wedding invitation” Warren said ************************************************************************************************************* Next Chapter: Enter The Doctor Let me know what you think! Scanbu
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Thank you for the kind words
Ok! One vote for evil 😈
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Martin raged in his mind as the guards escorted him into C Block He could not believe how fast Paul had taken everything from him. Bobby had divorced him, his money was gone and now he was here. In typical fashion Martin blamed everyone but himself for what had happened to him A huge hand fell on his shoulder and he was turned around A mountain of a man looked at him closely “You are Martin aren’t you?” the huge man said “How did you know that?” Martin asked more than a little afraid of this giant “The name’s Buster and I was in the visitation room the last time you came to talk to Paul. You pissed him off something terrible and I don’t rightly like that since Paul was kind of special to me” Buster said “You know Paul?” Martin squeaked in a frightened voice “Yup, he was here for years. He was a good friend the last few months. Now I don’t usually fuck guys because it take me forever to cum that way but I think I’m going to make you my personal bitch. You pissed off my friend and being my cum dump is gonna be your reward” Buster told him, sounding almost good natured about it as he groped a massive bulge in his loose pants “I don’t get fucked” Martin said automatically, he hated getting fucked and avoided it at all costs since he had been pozzed by a guy who said he was neg after he sent Paul to prison Buster laughed “You won’t be able to say that muck longer because I’m going to fuck you when, how and where I like from now on . Like I said, your my personal bitch. And don’t bother asking for help. I run things in C Block and no one is gonna lift a finger to stop me” Buster dragged him into his cell “This bitch is moving in with me” He told the guard “Fine with me” The guard said and walked off Buster put a hand on Martin’s shoulder and forced him to his knees “Why don’t you pull my pants down and kiss your new best friend, he needs some help getting hard, so you understand, if you make me force you or bite me it’s going to get much worse for you” The giant informed him Martin pulled Buster’s pants down and gaped. The thing hanging between Busters legs could not be real. Soft it was bigger than Martin’s cock was hard “Suck Bitch” Buster said Martin could barely get the head in his mouth Eventually Martin managed to get “his new best friend” hard, though his jaw and throat ached from the effort “Fuck there must ne horses who ate not this hung” He thought staring in horror at what this man intended to shove up his ass “Get your pants off and lay face down on the lower bunk” Buster told him. Having nowhere to run, Martin did what he was told Buster climbed on top of him and forced his legs apart. The head of his cock was the size f a small fist and he was not gentle as he pushed in. Martin shoved his own face into a pillow and screamed It took Buster almost half an hour to get all the way in that first time, Martin almost passes out several times from the pain of it When he was all the way in Buster started a slow in and out motion. He was not kidding about taking a long time to cum either. He fucked Martin for nearly two hours before cumming in him, depositing his load a couple inches past Martin’s inner ring and then pulling out leaving his hole gaping open “Good fuck Bitch, see you tonight” Buster said leaving Martin laying there barely able to feel his legs That night Martin got to find out what a Teddy Bear must feel like as Buster held him more like an object than a person. There was no escaping that grip and to be honest it was probably all that kept Martin from falling out of the narrow bed that was mostly taken up by Buster’s huge frame Paul had been a good leader for C Block and most people had liked him ot at least respected him. Martin was isolated. No one but Buster would even talk to him. He spent his days brooding in the cell he shared with Buster. A couple weeks after Martin became Buster’s personal Bitch a guard came and told him he had visitors As he walked into the visitation room he saw Buster shaking hands with Paul and Carl “I’m here to see my mom” Buster said indicating a tiny woman at a nearby table who smiled at them all. “I’m glad to see you both looking so good, freedom agrees with you . I got 15 more years before I get out. They put your friend Martin in C Block and he’s been getting a daily dose of my cock. He hasn’t thanked me once though” The huge man told them with a smirk Paul laughed “I’m surprised he can walk! That monster between your legs used to give me nightmares! Thank god you never tried to put it in me!” Buster smiled “You know I prefer to bottom but I’m making a special exception just for our friend. It teaches him humility if nothing else. Ahhh here is my Little Bitch now! I will let you two talk to him” and he ambled off to talk to his mom Martin sneered as he sat across from Paul and Carl “Come to gloat?” he asked snidely “Well maybe just a little” Paul said “I have to say you look terrible in prison orange. It's just not your color Martin” “I will get out someday Paul and when I do I will come after you and they boys with everything I have” Martin said hotly “Which is precisely nothing” Paul said with a smile “Your assets are gone, sold to pay off the money you stole and your legal bills, so don’t make threats you can’t follow through with” Martin ignored him “You know the one thing I comfort myself with? The fact that Bobby and Mike will carry my virus in them forever. I pozzed two of your precious sons and you can never undo that” he said viciously, hoping for at least a wince from Paul Paul just laughed. “Go ahead and tell him Carl, its why we came to see this pathetic looser in the first place. I want to watch his face crack and fall off when he finds out” “Well you see Martin, there was some question about that, I was fucking both boys twice a day for two weeks before you got ahold of them PrEP free. Paul came up with the idea. Anyway, it turns out both boys HIV strain exactly match mine, not yours, They were poz before you had a chance to infect them” Carl said a bit smugly He pulled a piece of paper showing the test results out of his pocket and laid it on the table “I don’t believe you! They would never have cheated on me!” Martin blustered but it was right there in black and white “Believe it” Paul said “I beat you, totally and completely. All three boys are mine because they WANT to be mine. You never had more than forced obedience. They never loved you like the love their Dad. You have no connection, no claim on them at all, not even your impotent virus in their veins” Martin looked like he wanted to luge across the table and strangle Paul “Go for it” Carl said quietly “I’d finally get to put my fist in your face and attacking a visitor would probably keep you here at least another five years” “I intend to be at every parole hearing you have, Bobby wants to come too. We will see if we can’t persuade them that you are where where you belong” Paul told him pleasantly “I will get my revenge on all of you!” Martin growled angry frustration Paul laughed “You sound like a villain in a bad movie, Martin. You are such a drama queen. You brought this all on yourself and I hope you enjoy every moment of it” Martin gave him a look of pure venom then stood stiffly, turned and stalked out of the room “What a nasty man” Buster’s mom said from a nearby table “But that was better than watching my soap operas! I thought he was going to explode!” “He’s quite a piece of work, isn’t he?” Buster said “There is just something wrong with him” Paul said shaking his head “Oh well, I have 15 years to beat it out of him, any advice on how to make it 'better’ for him? I got nothing else to do so I can make it my pet project” Buster said Paul thought about it and told the large man a few things, Carl added a few more “I will talk to my boys and see if they have anything to add and write you with it” Paul said and they shook their friends hand once more After Buster got the promised letter from Paul he made some changes to how he treated Martin “You are such a pretty girl, You know you deserve this and you secretly want it, You want to be my little bitch. I’m going to petition the Warden to let us get married so you can be my wife just like you secretly want” he would whisper in Martin’s ear as he fucked him. He pinched and stretched Martin's nipples with his large, rough fingers as well, keeping them constantly sore and eventually making them grow larger The Warden granted the partition and Martin seethed as he was forced to go through with the wedding, promising to be a good wife to Buster. The other men in C Block continued to avoid and isolate him so pretty much the only words spoken to him were Busters twisting manipulations while he got fucked by a cock that he was never able to take without pain, even after they had been fucking for years ******************************** 15 years later: Paul and Buster kept up a correspondence over the years and eventually Buster made a request of him that required some soul searching on Paul's part before he agreed Paul, Carl and Bobby waited outside the prison gates as Buster led a very timid, meek Martin out. The Warden had arranged for them to be released on the same day to prevent trouble Paul and Buster hugged then Paul regarded the wreck of a man that used to be Martin Martin avoided meeting anyone’s eyes and always tried to put himself behind Buster, as if the big man was his protector, his shield “Thank you for allowing him to be paroled Paul, he would have been lost and utterly defenseless in there without me. We have been together for almost 15 years and I actually do love him. Also, I'm the one who broke him so I need to take care of him now” Buster said quietly as Martin hid behind him, shying away from Paul, Carl and Bobby “It’s not you, he’s always like that now. He even thinks his name is “Buster’s Wife”, he wont even respond to "Martin" most of the time” Buster said sadly He turned and said “Come here Baby” and pulled Martin in front of him holding him protectively Martin looked at them “I know you don’t I?” he said hesitantly to Bobby “From another lifetime” Bobby said with compassion in his voice “We were married once, Marin” “Buster is my husband! I’m a good wife to him! I'm a good wife!” Martin said with an edge of panic in his voice “Shhhh Baby, Everything is ok, you are a good wife and I love you, stay calm” Bister said as he held the fretting Martin tightly, as if he might try to run off “He’s going to be on probation for the next 20 years or so and they will keep an ankle bracelet on hilt to track his location. We got you a nice condo near us and I arranged a monthly stipend for you Buster. I don’t think he should be left alone while you go to a job” Carl said and he sounded sad at what Martin had become “You are right, he falls apart if I’m away from him for more than an hour. Thank you all. I was worried how I would care for him and work at the same time” Buster said gratefully “This goes beyond even what he had planned for me and my brothers” Bobby said sadly “He’s totally broken” “You would have ended up just as broken but I doubt he would have cared for you like Buster is going to care for him” Paul said “He’s lucky others are not as selfish as he used to be” but even Paul had pity and compassion in his voice Buster became like a member of the family, the boys all went to visit with him a couple times a week as he cared for Martin who became more and more of a recluse, totally focused on Buster and only Buster. He would retreat tp the bedroom when Buster had visitors It continued that way for many years until, having not heard from Buster for a couple days, Paul went to check on them. No one answered the food and Paul used his key to let himself in He found them cold and still in bed together, Buster holding Martin clutched like a Teddy Bear The autopsy concluded “sudden unexplained heart stoppage” for both of them but it was unsure who had passed first Paul and Carl had them buried together, they stood at he grave side service surrounded by their family. Marc and his husband Sean, Bobby and Mike, who had found a small island nation where they could get legally married and now were close to their 20th anniversary and his three grandsons who were in their early 20s and also his slaves, as they should be They would miss Buster, the big man had been truly selfless in his devotion to caring for Martin Paul realized that, in the end, Martin had gotten what he had always wanted, Someone who loved hi, someone who devoted every waking moment to him. In his heart he hoped both Buster and Martin had found peace ******************************************************************************************************* Let me know what you think! Scanbu
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Glad you are enjoying it and there is more to come 😈
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- poz conversion
- stealth pozzing
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Thank you for your kind words. I come to care about my characters as I write out their lives and it's wonderful to hear others care as well
Warren was depressed. He loved his husband of just two years but something was missing. Ted has been so dashing in the beginning. He had continued to pursue Warren even after he had been told that Warren was already seriously dating someone else Ted had seemed like such a bad boy. You know the type, exciting, daring, could never hold a job, incredible looking and you just knew he would be fantastic in bed. He had seemed so dangerous! He would show up at Warren’s work on a motorcycle and bring him flowers at lunch time and all the girls in the office would tell him he was so lucky to have a hot guy chasing him Warren had finally given in and the sex was better than he imagined. Ted was hung and all top. He could fuck for hours and knew how to keep a bottom happy. Warren had ended it with his old boyfriend and started dating Ted Ted really did love him and he started cleaning up his act. Getting a steady job and settling down a bit. By the time they got married Ted had sold the motorcycle but he still treated Warren like the center of the universe Warren had everything a gay bottom boy could want but like so many bottom boys he craved more. He had deleted all his profiles on the hook up apps but then went back and made new ones that could not be identified as him, just to look and peruse other profiles On the Bareback Only site he had seen a profile with the name Apex Predator and had opened it several times. He always read the header “Warning! If you are completely happy with your man do not read further” and always stopped, going to the next profile Tonight, Ted lay sleeping soundly after they had fucked. As always it had been great for both of them but he sat in bed with his phone looking at that warning and thinking “Am I totally happy? Ted is the best husband ever but I miss my Bad Boy. I miss the feeling of danger he used to have. Besides, what harm could it do to look” He swiped the profile further up and almost gasped at the first picture ************ The man sat angled in a black chair with one long leg bent at the knee and propped up on the seat. He had long, unkempt, greasy hair and a scraggly beard, his muscles hung loosely on his tall lanky body and you could count his ribs under a light dusting of chest hair. His pelvis had almost no padding left at all and on his lower hip was a biohazard tattoo over a couple words His cock hung down a foot it seemed and looked even more oversized because of his thin, frail looking body. It was the thickest cock Warren had ever seen. The sexiest thing about him though was the evil, predatory gleam in his green eyes, that seemed to glow and the sneer of contempt on his face as he ran a long, bony finger along that cock It was like he knew he had you as soon as you saw that cock, saw him, felt the danger and allure he radiated in equal measure. This man would wreck your life and drag you down to hell but you knew you would feel so good while he did it you would not care abut the consequences till afterwards The next picture was a closeup on the tattoo and the words under it were “Apex Predator” . The biohazard tattoo was black and a toxic green and seemed to drip poison onto the words below The final picture was of the man’s cock from the side with a ruler held next to it. The tip of his cock stuck out a fraction beyond the ruler but the cock had an arch that had to add at least an inch to the length. It looked somewhat thicker than a beer can it’s entire length. Large blue veins bulged all along the shaft The mans stats read: Height 6 ft 6 in Weight 175 lbs Age 31 Hair Black Body hair Moderate Eyes Green Cock size 12 inches plus HIV Status Poz, Unmedicated Position Top only BB Preference Bareback Only - No pulling out Partner status Neg, no PrEP The text read: I am only interested in two kinds of guys The first is neg guys who are cheating on a neg partner. You must be cheating. No cuckold situations. No open relationships. I want to breed you, infect you and for you to take it home tip your loving., unsuspecting partner/husband. I want to give you my gift and for you to share it with him without him knowing. If you are reading this, he is not satisfying you, so he deserves it and you deserve the satisfaction you know in your soul only I can give you The second type is neg anal virgins. Men who think they are straight move to the front of the line. I can tell if someone is lying to me or if they are already poz. I can also smell PrEP. You will only get one chance so don’t blow it Most of you will close my profile now and try to forget it but you will look again tomorrow or next week. You were doomed the moment you swiped down but I did warn you Most of you can’t meet my standards anyway but if you think you can message me. You may get the opportunity to service me and get my gift. You won’t know until you send that message ************** Warren was rock hard but he still closed the profile. He was a nurse in a hospice, He had seen HIV patients who looked only a little worse than this man come in and he had cared for them. None had turned him on at all but this Apex Predator did Warren would never want to bring HIV home to his wonderful Ted. The thought was ridiculous! It was evil! It was hot… NO not hot! It was wrong! And oh so hot... Warren went into the bathroom, pulled up the pictures of Apex Predator again and beat off his chubby six inch cock twice, though he had just gotten off with Ted, while they fucked He went back to bed and promised himself he would never look at that evil profile again but over the next weeks he thought about it constantly. When Ted fucked him he fantasized it was that huge poz cock, bare, sliding in and out of him, ready to share it’s gift of virus and infection ******* He and Ted had had a small fight about something unimportant and Warren knew he had been in the wrong but was being a little bitch about it. Ted’s job was sending him to a training seminar that would keep him out of town for the weekend and they had not really resolved things As he walked out the door Ted had stopped, put down his bag and taken Warren in his arms, kissing him “You know, I don’t care who was wrong, all I care about is that I love you and I am going to miss you so much” and then he had turned, picked up his bag and walked out, waving to Warren who stood forlornly in the open door as he got in his car Warren sighed as he watched him drive off. Ted was wonderful. Ted was the prefect, romantic, loving husband. He was everything Warren could want. Loyal, forgiving… Irritating Just once Warren had wanted some anger sex. A little roughness, some harsh words while his husband fucked him hard. Maybe even a hard slap on the ass. Ted had plenty of time for a quick fuck, but no, he had to leave an hour earlier than necessary just in case. Warren had deliberately picked this fight with him wanting some excitement!, Wanting his Bad Boy back! Wanting to feel that danger again... He pulled out his phone and edited his profile on the bareback )nly site ************* He renamed it “HIV Negative boy in a strictly closed Marriage” and uploaded a picture of his ass and body Stats: Height 5 ft 7 in Weight 135 lbs Age 28 Hair Blond Body hair Moderate Eyes Blue Cock size 6 inches and chubby HIV Status Neg. Recently Tested, Not on PrEP Position Bottom only BB Preference Bareback Only - Only with my husband Partner status Neg, no PrEP Very in love with my husband. Only on here to look and message with friends occasionally Then he messaged Apex Predator ****************** He had been born in the states of Greek immigrant parents. They had named him Apollo Preda. A friend in college had nicknamed him “Apex Predator” because he consistently got all the cutest boys into his bed, Even the straight ones if he wanted them In his junior year he had given all that up though because he had met Peter, a stunning blond haired, blue eyed freshman who seemed to sparkle in Apollo's eyes. The sex was great, Peter loved his huge cock and could take him without complaint. Apollo had fallen for the boy hard and they were talking about marrying someday Every day he did something special fir Peter if he could. He treated him like the sun rose and set just for him. One day he saw Peter hanging out with am older man, muscular, harry and handsome but didn’t think much of it A couple weeks later he nursed Peter through a flu like illness that lasted 3 days, making sure he was comfortable and got enough fluids. It was about three months later, a few weeks before they would be headed home for the summer that Peter said he wanted to try topping. Apollo didn’t even think about it. If his Peter wanted to top him then he would. Peter had a thick 6 ½ inch cock and he was very gentle the first time. After that they both topped when the mood hit them through Peer got rougher as time went on About a month before the end of term Apollo got sick and had the flu for three days. Peter took care if him but was gone for a few hours each day The term ended and they promised to keep in touch and call each other every day Peter didn’t miss a day till about two weeks into their summer break and then a few days later Apollo could bit reach him for three days, “I’m just so bust with family Baby, I’m sorry I will do better” Peter said and he did for about a week/ Then he started missing days again About two months into summer vacation Apollo heard from Peter for the last time, in a long text: First of all Apollo I do love you. Someday you will make some lucky boy a great man but that boy won't be me The man you saw me with was named Vince but I call him Master now, He treats me like a slut, whores me out to his friends and he deliberately infected me with HIV I love the way he treats me. I’m addicted to it. He told me the only way he would be my forever Master was if I Infected you. That’s why I started topping you. I’m fairly sure that when you got sick it was the “bug flu” and that if you go get tested you will find that you are HIV positive as well. I am dropping out of school to be Master’s full time slave. My family is upset but they don’t understand. I’m so lucky to have my Master and to serve him Master says he hopes you enjoy his gift and I hope you forgive me someday and find happiness with some boy who deserves you. Not a worthless slut like me I’m blocking your number after I send this. Please don’t try to find me, I have hurt you enough already Peter ********** Apollo cried for three weeks straight. He was not out to his family but he blew that secret out of the water when his mom asked him what was wrong His dad’s response was “That's what you get for being a faggot” The dark voice in Apollo’s mind started whispering to him about then Dad would have thrown Apollo out of the house but it belonged to mom, Everything belonged to mom. She was a rich girl who married a baker’s son because she loved him. That was years ago though and his dad was the one who got thrown out of the house and quickly, efficiently divorced “You don’t mess with my son. If I ever meet this Peter he will rue the day he was born and as for your father. I stopped loving his bigoted ass a long time ago” Mom had said and Apollo felt a little better A week or so before school started again Apollo was walking past a downtown bar and heard a familiar voice drift through the door as someone excited “Divorcing me because of that faggot son of hers” his dad’s voice slurred until it was cut off by the door closing That dark voice in his mind made a few suggestions and Apollo swerved and went into the bar He went to the far end the bar., not letting his father see him as he slipped into the attached package store and made a few purchases, then slipped back into the bar and waited, sipping on a club soda He followed his drunk dad as he left and when they got to the cheep hotel the older man was staying in he called out “Het Dad! Wait! His Dad turned, almost falling over and said “What do you want faggot?” “Just to talk Dad, I still love you, you are my Dad, can’t we talk things out?” he said Then he pulled a bottle of his Dad’s favorite bourbon out of the bag he was carrying “We can share this and talk Dad” He said in a wheedling voice His Dad’s eyes lit up “Sure Son! Come on in! I have been having to drink the cheap stuff since your mom dumped me” he said opening the door Three drinks later the bigot was snoring. He had not noticed Apollo was not drinking at all Apollo poured another drink and went over to his dad, slapping his face “Wake up and finish your drink Dad” He said in a commanding tone The man opened his eyes but only finished half the drink before he was passed out again Apollo slapped him again and when that didn’t work he opened the man’s shirt and pinched both his nipples hard, then torched his Dad in some very inappropriate places ti see if he would wake up Nothing got a response He hauled his Dad to the bed, stripping him completely naked and noted “My cock must come from Mom’s side of the family" as his dad’s very average sized cock flopped around “He does have a nice ass for an old man though” he thought, slapping those firm round cheeks. When his dad didn’t make a sound Apollo pulled the man’s belt out of his pants and went to town on that ass, spanking the man with a vengeance. He had felt this belt often enough growing up when he had done something wrong When his Dad’s ass glowed red he dropped his own pants. He was rock hard, Who knew hurting someone could be so hot He put the bottle and cup on the side table and mounted his father’s ass, ramming in brutally, sinking about six inches in that unsuspecting ass before it tightened convulsively and stopped him That got a reaction. His Dad started to wake up and Apollo put a drink in his hand bringing it to his lips. He drank it down and soon was asleep again, his ass unclenching and letting his Son work his toxic cock into that straight neg ass He pounded his father’s black furred ass until his balls stated to tighten, ready to breed his old man with his toxic virus “I wonder if you will still call us faggots after you test poz” He bent down and whispered in his fathers ear as his poz seed filled that undefended neg ass He kept his dad drunk and passed out and bred him a total of five times before dressing and laving the knocked up bitch face down on the bed, his ass dripping toxic cum "Enjoy my gift Dad" he said from the door as he left The day before he left to go back to college his Dad came by to pick up a few things from the house since it was obvious by now that his mom was not going to take him back She had an errand to run and really didn't want to talk to him so she left Apollo to watch him. They were in his mam’s bedroom when his dad bent over to get something. Apollo came up behind him and grabbed his hips, grinding his crotch into that ass “I enjoyed fucking you the other night Dad, you might want to get tested in a few months though, you probably have HIV. Your just another poz faggot now, or so everyone will think" he told the bigot Apollo outweighed his dad by 30 pounds of solid muscle and was 8 inches taller than him so he was not afraid of the man in the least. They both knew who would win if it came to a fight To his surprise his Dad moaned a little then stood up quickly, trying to cover it “I don’t know what you are talking about Son” The older man blustered but Apollo saw the little pup tent in the front of his pants “You were awake for part of that, You enjoyed it. You fucking bastard! You call me a faggot when you are the one who enjoys getting fucked!” Apollo said angrily “I had never been fucked before! You never checked but I came twice while you were in me. It just felt so dirty and so good” his dad said blushing Apollo stepped to the man and turned him around, twisting his arm behind him and reaching around to unbuckle his belt and push his pants down He dropped his own pants and forced his father to bend over, slamming his cock up his ass in hard, violent jabs “If you weren’t poz before you will be by the time I am done with you this time you fucking Bitch” he snarled "You are going crave your own son's cock up your ass, every day, for the rest of your life you pathetic faggot" His Dad didn’t fight him at all, In fact, he was eventually moaning and pushing back, even as his own son bred him with virus laden cum Apollo came in him three times within half an hour, then told him to get his shit and get the fuck out Back at school “Apex Predator” was reborn he even started calling himself “Apex” and soon everyone was calling him that He would see a boy walking across campus and the dark voice would whisper “That one” in his mind Within an hour Apex would have the man on his back, in his dorm room, taking his cock bare, breeding them with his toxic seed then kicking him out callously if they wanted to talk or cuddle afterwards He would go out to the local gay bar and look for couples, he always knew if they were out looking for a third or just enjoying a night out together but were closed. He also came to recognize the feelings, one for poz and one for neg, Finally he came understand the unattractive smell some neg men had faintly about them was PrEP in their blood When he spotted a closed couple he would wait for one to walk off to get drinks or go to the restroom and would simply walk up, push the other against the wall and start kissing them, He would press their hand to his usually rock hard cock through the leather of his pants and say “That wants to be in your raw” and any protests would usually cut off They usually barely resisted as he pulled them to the back room, turned them, pushed their pants down and pinned them against the wall with his cock splitting their ass open painfully. “I’m poz and you will be soon” He would whisper in their ear. “Make sure you share my gift with your husband” then he would slam in a few more strokes and breed those unprotected neg asses deep and knocking them up with his virus. Then sending them back, shame faced to their men after they straighten their clothes. For some reason they all just accepted what he had done to them. They were all sluts who secretly wanted it, they were all like Peter He would watch from nearby as they found their husbands and made some excuse. They usually left soon, sometimes shooting him a troubled glance or two before they did He finished last year of college and celebrated with a trip to Las Vegas where he happened upon a tattoo shop just off the strip. He was surprised to find that the owner was Mike of the singing duo Billy and Mike. “Give it to me” was one of his favorite songs and Mike was rumored to have a cock about the size of Apex’s own and also to be poz “I get in the mood to put my hands on a tattoo gun now and then. I like to keep in practice in and the tattoo artist who usually runs the shop for me has the week off” Mike told him “So how can I help you?” Apex told him what he wanted and Mike grinned, looked around and then pulled up his shirt to reveal the biohazard tattoo on his lower hip in front They designed the Apex Predator, biohazard tattoo together, Mike drawing a sketch on paper. When all was agreed they made an appointment to meet back hertz early the next day, the tattoo would take several hours The next day they both got rock hard as soon as the tattooing started and could tell that they were a comparable size from the bulges snaking down their thighs but it didn’t go any further, They could both tell the other was not a bottom and there was that professionalism thing on Mike’s part. Mike chose to forget that his Boy, Hank had started out as a client When the tattoo was finished Mike told him how to care for it over the next week or so till it healed Apex spent the next few years pozzing every neg virgin he could and breaking up neg couples. He didn't really force anyone, they were all just worthless sluts who threw away love for a rush of lust. They deserved to lose their men He his health started to worsen and even the drk voice in his head suggested he go on meds but he refused. He got thinner and thinner but it just made the neg boys want him more ************************* The Darkness looked out from behind Apollo/Apex’s eyes The other forces in the world thought it wanted to end the world but what fun was that? If it did that who would it have to play with? These mortals made great toys Destroying people’s relationships or even destroying their soul was so much more fun than ending the world, Besides, even the ones it destroyed had fun while it was happening. They were getting what they asked for. They wanted to be destroyed deep down inside The Darkness had an opposite called The Light naturally You would think that it was all about love and happiness but no All The Light cared about was making up arbitrary moral codes and using it’s followers to force others to live by them. Far more evil had been done because of The Light than because of The Darkness. Bigotry. racism, religious fanaticism? Lay all those right at The Light's feet Apollo/Apex was The Darkness's very best agent and he was going to let that stupid virus The Darkness had gotten him infected with to recruit him, kill him "Not of I have anything to say about it, and I do” The Darkness though Two other forces in the world. Order and Chaos, had brought about a new strain of HIV that was non lethal. It also had a fairly good chance of passing from a bottom to a top during unprotected sex The Darkness got Apollo/Apex to respond to a hook up add for a ginger haired slut boy taking loads in a hotel room. It turned off it’s agent’s poz sensing ability as he got there. t had to send Apollo/Apex back three times over several months before it was sure the man was inflected with The Angel Strain of HIV To hide what it had done The Darkness stopped its agent’s physical appearance from changing as his HIV was suppressed by the Angel Strain. Apollo/Apex goy healthier but he didn’t look healthier and that was just fine with The Darkness ***************** Apex did notice that he generally had felt better for the last few months. He had even put on about 15 pounds but then the weight gain stopped He no longer looked like a walking skeleton but he didn’t look anywhere near the optimal weight for his height He could however go about clothed and draw far less attention than before when people shied way from the obviously sick man. Well the neg boys hadn't shied away and still didn't His phone pinged and he recognized the sound of a message from the Bareback Only hookup app. He got sevral a day bit most were from saying “I know I don’t meet all your standards but…” these just got deleted This one was from a profile titled “HIV Negative boy in a strictly closed Marriage” He was sitting in his car outside the hotel a neg boy who was cheating on his husband and he planned to poz and send back home to infect his unsuspecting man “Interesting” Apex thought as he read he message later. Right now a cheating slut was waiting for his virus to infect him. He got out of his car and went to room 306 where the slut said he was waiting The neg man let him in "Hi, my name is Ted" He said nervously as Apex looked him up and down Apex almost laughed, remembering the message he had just read "Well Ted, lets get you pozzed up like the worthless slut you are" Apex said starting to undress *************************************************************************************** I’m going to try to keep Apex evil and heartless for as long as I can but you know me, There will eventually be a “Tommy” like character introduced most likely Let me know if you want Apex kept like he is Scanbu
- 41 replies
- 24
- poz conversion
- stealth pozzing
- (and 3 more)
Yeah, but villains got to monologue. I was tempted to have him say he was doing it because his dad never loved him but that would have been to much 😆
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