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Everything posted by 1stimebare

  1. Get my second dose of apretude tomorrow. Maybe going to Cum union in June at Augusta?
  2. I have a copy of the leaflet, they gave it to me when I got the shot. Still haven't read it yet I will admit, since I figured seeing the list of possible side affects just after the shot was a good way to talk yourself into believing you had them. And I have no doubt the doctor is being conservative that's what doctors DO. At least this one didn't give me a safe sex talk which was all the Primary care doctor gave me when I asked for the prep prescription.
  3. Got my first apretude injection today. No cost not even my usual office visit co pay. Had to wait for an hour after the shot to make sure there was no reaction. Go back next month for another one and after that it's once every two months. Not considered fully protected till several weeks after the second shot. Actually till near time for the third. Or so I was told today. I am the first patient at that office to have been treated with apretude.
  4. Well I have just been informed that there will be NO charge at all for the apretude medication, tho I may still have my regular office visit co pay. Guess I will find that when I get to the office for the first injection.
  5. Well looks like it will cost me $94 per shot which is seven for the year, one for each of the first 2 months and then one every two months thereafter. But not sure if I will believe anything till after the fact.
  6. So today I called the doctors office and said order the Apretude but not to have it shipped till they quoted me a price. The office called back and said the specialty pharmacy THEN said they can't supply it and they would have to go somewhere else. So tomorrow I have to go back and fill out more forms and enroll in the company's financial assistance program. No idea yet what final costs to me will be. My God dealing with these folks is maddening. But you were right when you said whoever I had talked to was incompetent.
  7. Today I got a letter that I was approved for Apretude for one year. Does not say what the out of pocket cost to me will be. I will contact the doctors office and have them nail down a price and the assuming it is reasonable, move forward.
  8. Got a letter today saying claim denied. Also today got a call from the doctor it had been approved. But unsure how much of a copay there could be till prescription written. They did mention the company assistance program as well. Hopefully none.
  9. Well yesterday I was told it was not yet covered was under review. Today I am told it will be covered but till I get the actual prescription from the doctor can't tell the costs. It appears per insurance company that there is a 1500 a year deductible and then 30% co pay, on a bill of 2120 per dose. Tho they say till an actual prescription is submitted everything is a mere estimate. So looks like next step is the prescription itself and see what the real numbers look like before it is actually shipped. So hard to get a simple answer to what seems a simple question.
  10. It's a group plan. Retired now but still covered till Medicare kicks in and continues even after that as a back up to medicare.
  11. I find smokers have a bitter taste, but I'll still blow them. Loved it since I took my first one at 24. Late bloomer I guess.
  12. Thanks for the reply fskn, it is truly appreciated. How would I find out if the insurance is a grandfathered plan or not? I have had no real complaints about my insurance so far, as it has done me quite well. A 400k+ hospital bill left me with under 1k out of pocket. Tho I have ER visits cost me more than that hospital bill. And a two week physical rehab cost me more out of pocket than the two months in the hospital, which never quite made sense to me.
  13. Now that I am dealing with the PA I like her, but the next time I come face to face with s.o.b. I will tell him he is fired.
  14. I had an appointment with the doctor this week. I have been trying to get a prescription for prep for over a year now. Primary care doctor ignored my first 2 requests. The physicians assistant finally acted on it when I saw her. The infectious disease doctor spoke with the kidney doctor who says I can't do either truvada or descovy so only option is the injectable and then they have to closely monitor the liver. Still waiting for an answer as to cost. Anyone here on the injectable prep? If so I would really like to hear your experiences with it. Please. The infectious disease doctor is researching this one herself as she told me she has never yet prescribed it for anyone. I would be her first time using it. Would start with either two injections a month apart and then every 2 months or 28 days of pills followed by injections every 2 months. I suppose I could get a referral from her to a see a doctor in Raleigh might have more experience with it. Any thoughts out there. Part of my problem is a shall we say a complicated medical history that has me on 9 pills a day already due to past cardiac issues.
  15. I had an appointment with the doctor this week. I have been trying to get a prescription for prep for over a year now. Primary care doctor ignored my first 2 requests. The physicians assistant finally acted on it when I saw her. The infectious disease doctor spoke with the kidney doctor who says I can't do either truvada or descovy so only option is the injectable and then they have to closely monitor the liver. Still waiting for an answer as to cost. Anyone here on the injectable prep? If so I would really like to hear your experiences with it. Please.
  16. East of Raleigh here too.
  17. Sling fucks are incredibly hot as top or bottom.
  18. You can definitely tell a difference in the taste at least of some of the ones I have had. Smokers and guys who drink a lot of coffee I find have a different taste most definitely.
  19. Just watched it. Man he is incrdible.
  20. Only went there once during my one visit to San Francisco but had a great time. Was way back in the 90's. Remember meeting a super hot Aussie that I found incredibly attractive.
  21. You may have to clean out old messages in your box before you have room to send more
  22. As long as he is alive he will definitely be left in office thru the mid terms. 2 reasons. 1 if Harris were to move up they lose their tie breaking vote and they need that. After the mid terms probably not, one way or the other. 2. If Harris serves over half the term she would only be eligible for one more not two. So the last thing she wants is to move up before that halfway point is reached. But I agree that Biden is unlikely to last the full term and the idea of a second term seems nearly ludicrous.
  23. Capital Blvd or S. Wilmington?
  24. What happened to the story about the high school wrestlers. It was very hot but can't seem to find it now.
  25. Definitely a fan of it. Remember sucking off the best biggest cock I have ever had and then kissing him with it still in my mouth. I thought it was incredibly hot. He spit it out. Major disappointment.
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