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Everything posted by 1stimebare

  1. Definitely not a whore. Whores require cash.
  2. Was 24 first time I had sex with a guy. In my 40's before I had sex with a black guy. But took my first bareback load from a black guy. Begged him for it.
  3. And I get that circle too. Feel better knowing that it is not just me.
  4. Several years back I was at Parliament House in Augusta hooking up with a guy there. Or attempting to and it was not going well. Finally I said I needed some poppers so we threw on some clothes and walked to the office and bought some. Returned to the room and the next thing he said after I took a hit from the bottle was oh yes, that was a good investment. Turned out to be one of the best nights bottoming I have ever had.
  5. I was 24. Looking for an anniversary present for my folks and a guy in an antique shop came on to me. Ended coming back after closing and we traded blow jobs.
  6. Had my most recent injection and blood work last week. Still negative and still the only patient at that office getting apretude.
  7. I am on injectable prep. It's called apretude, think I spelled that correctly. It's still new, just had my 4th shot this week. And I see from the posts here if outside the US might not be an option yet where you are. But definitely makes me feel better about climbing into a sling. And it's not 4 times a year it's six.
  8. I am on injectable prep. It's called apretude, think I spelled that correctly. It's still new, just had my 4th shot this week. And I see from the posts here if outside the US might not be an option yet where you are. But definitely makes me feel better about climbing into a sling. And it's not 4 times a year it's six.
  9. Have you considered apretude, the injectable prep? Tho I understand in some countries its not available. I am on it and I am told I am the first and at this time still the only patient on it at my Dr's. office. Had to go with the injectable cause the kidney Dr said no to the pills due to potential damage to my kidneys.
  10. I am on injectable prep. It's called apretude, think I spelled that correctly. It's still new, just had my 4th shot this week. And I see from the posts here if outside the US might not be an option yet where you are. But definitely makes me feel better about climbing into a sling.
  11. It will be closer than some expected, but I will be surprised if the House does not change hands. The Senate was always more favorable to the dems this time due to the states up. Two years from now will be drastically different. As for Cheney making a presidential run as a Republican, LMFAO. She would get no where. She might be planning a John Anderson sort of run, but that would hurt the democrats because 2/3's or more of her voters would come from them so I bet they cut off her money or worse before they let that happen.
  12. Tonight at a sex party. Fucked by two guys but no actual loads. One of them was in my opinion the best cock there. A magnificent black cock.
  13. At the risk of offending someone, I find it hard(pardon the pun) to believe any man doesn't enjoy a hardon. But then I am not a total bottom. Nor do I want to be. Tho I am certainly not a total top either. And don't want to be.
  14. I have been to Timberfell and Parliament House in Augusta, both multiple times and both this year. I highly recommend them both. Timberfell is clothing optional everywhere except the lodge during meals. No dedicated play space, but the new owner is looking into adding that. In the meantime the sauna steamroom and the deck behind the tavern do tend to stay busy. Parliament House has the Pig Pen with I think it is 5 slings. Never been to any others but like both of those and plan to return. Might get to Rivers Edge one of these days. As for sex, either place can be good, or hit and miss. Go for a busy weekend if you can. Off weekends mean smaller crowds ans less chances for getting laid.
  15. There is a lot of that EVERYWHERE. It's just male human nature.
  16. I agree I don't think you would, at least not normally. As a vers guy however I might do different things at times. You go to a party planning one thing but if the right guy is there, your plans might change.
  17. Not long after getting my viagra prescription I used them both the same night. I felt a worrisome tightness in my chest and immediate stopped. Nothing to sent to the doctor, I just stopped did some research and realized how dangerous the mixture was and have ever since kept them at least 24 hours apart. Recently at a gay resort had a conversation with a guy who told me he felt 24 hours apart was not long enough. So was just wondering if anyone ever asked a doctor about this? I am scheduled for another visit next month and if I get the PA who I can talk to will ask her. If it's the doc himself(which it is not supposed to be) I won't bother since I have learned not to trust him. The PA offered to move me to another doctor and the only reason that hasn't been done yet is I like the PA and I had no intention of letting her have the fun of firing him when I could do it myself the next time I come face to face with him.
  18. Okay I know that poppers and viagra are not to be mixed. My question is how much time should separate them? If you used one how long should you wait before using the other? I had thought a day might be enough but have heard others say longer. And obviously the amount used, especially with poppers I am sure will affect that as some of us inhale a lot more on some occasions than on others. Plus I suppose whether your last viagra was a whole or a half pill can also factor in. Anyone ever had this discussion with their doctor?
  19. In a sling in the Pig Pen in Augusta GA this weekend. Only got one load and it was from the guy I went down there with. Had hoped for more. Was my first time going somewhere like that since getting on prep. Was by no means my first load from him. Will be back tho.
  20. I am on apretude now and so far tolerating it reasonably well. More pain from the covid booster than the apretude. Have not yet put it to the test so to speak but likely will do so in June.
  21. Anyone been to Cum Union in Augusta Georgia? How was it?
  22. Never met a guy who was to hairy for me. The more the better.
  23. I certainly did have to press the subject. First with the doctor and then to get a provider. One specialty pharmacy took up a lot of time discussing price only to later say they did not provide it and sent the doctor and I elsewhere to get it. But it finally got approved at no cost. Second shot has been received and first test will be at June Cum Union.
  24. Very true. The only reason I ended up on injectable is the kidney doctor ruled out the pills in my case because of their side effects. And the liver issues in my case are unique to me not something that would be required for everyone. All a part I guess of being older than the average Prep user.
  25. Well I have had my second dose and had blood work done to see if it is having any negative affects on my liver or kidneys. Asked the doctor how long yo wait before it has taken effect. She did not know and started reading the pamphlet, her best answer was 6 to 8 weeks after the second shot for MAXIMUM protection. Anyone else out here heard differently? To be honest not like I have not had bare sex before this, but did try to be careful about with who and all I can say was I was lucky never to have been infected because it certainly could have happened but luckily did not.
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