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Everything posted by coyotesmiles

  1. This train wreck is way more entertaining than the Miley one...which wasn't really a trainwreck at all in my opinion lol
  2. Wow - this is really quite impressive. This entire story is like a total paradigm shift. Nice job.
  3. Yeah...I kind of wonder if this is just yet another bullshit media whatever 'cuz you know people are always playing spin doctor to everything.
  4. Hmm. I don't really know Paul Morris in great detail but I do know that in all of his publically available communications to, say, a member of the press or whomever- He has always struck me as very intelligent, very careful with his words, and surprisingly even handed and level in his discussion of every topic or question I've seen him address. Also, though seemingly random and unrelated, I also know from posts on Twitter that he has a very unique and totally refined and sophisticated taste in music. I actually do think this is indicative of a person who doesn't just fucking willy nilly do whatever. Oh, and of course obviously, T.I.M. is pretty fucking successful. So you know, I have a hard time believing that he would have been so stupid as to open himself to such a potentially damaging revelation without taking some sort of precautions and/or surrounding himself with equally intelligent and competent people who would also think about this. But what do I know, maybe everyone at T.I.M. is just high and fucking all the time and can't be bothered to cover their asses. I have no idea, I just wonder, "Okay, so T.I.M. says that they somewhat vaguely and imprecisely altered Jackson to Ethan's poz status and Jackson in turn gave his consent by saying, "Yes." Clearly it doesn't take a genius to realize that's not a particularly sound documentation of consent so I'm just wondering still, could T.I.M. have taken other precautions? I have no fucking clue. I will tell you this, and I've said this before on a different forum thread, human beings, homo sapiens, mankind- whatever you want to call the moron infestation on this planet destroyed any and every claim or right or whatever to moral and ethical codes years and years ago. First, human beings ceded their sovereignty to a bunch of dipshits who promised crap like "eternal salvation" and what not in exchange for utter obedience. Not a new problem, been around actually for millennia. Second, that's not really the real kicker, the real kicker is that pretty much all moral and ethical concepts/standards/etc stem directly from the Judeo-Christian religious system. Doesn't take much of a genius, rather just an observant eye, to realize, you know what? All of that morality and all of that ethics is fundamentally invalid as the religious system from which it arises is not just spiritually bankrupt and toxic, it's totally hypocritical. Thousands upon thousands of people were persecuted and deprived unjustly of both life, liberty, and property/possessions/whatever for bullshit nonsense like heresy and "witch craft." Excuse me? What the fuck? According to the Judeo-Christian religious system, their deity is not only omniscient and omnipresent, but fucking omnipotent...so why the fuck does that deity need a bunch of hoohas running around burning, hanging-whatever some deviant person? If "God" doesn't like someone, does it not stand to reason that "God" will deal with said person. On and on through the course of history this hypocritical whatever bullshit keeps popping up everywhere the Judeo-Christian system has spread. Bad enough that at points in history different sects have literally persecuted and killed each other, like seen in the Protestant/Catholic conflicts- Worse yet, Christian missionaries and Christianity was undoubtedly the principal impetus behind the obliteration of native/indigenous cultures and peoples all across this planet. Why? Because time and time again Christian morality whatever was the foundation from which political and military leaders concluded, "Oh, these heathen idiots are obviously totally in need of our guidance and direction and so we'll just take this lands, their lives, their liberties- everything." Third, Judeo-Christian religious thought/teachings is obviously an utter fiction by some unscrupulous assholes trying to pull a fast one over on pretty much everyone else. Why? Because there is zero respect, consideration, reverence whatever for the natural world or whatever you want to call it. Come on people let's not be a bunch of fucking morons. What kind of deity is going to "create" a world as intricate, diverse, and rich in life as this one and then say, directly or indirectly to its followers, "Doi di doi. Oh do whatever you want with this planet (I think the more precise wording is, depending on the translation, let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth). Wait a fucking minute. First stupid ass Adam gets kicked out of that bullshit Garden of Eden and then second, he and his descendents are given "rule" of everything? Y'all need to learn to start calling the bullshit because otherwise we are all going under and I can promise you it won't be pleasant if that happens. Anyway, that's all a super long winded, but I feel/think necessary way of demonstrating: You know what, at this stage in the game no one, I don't care if you're gods damned Pope or the mother fucking Dalai Lama or whatever- Nobody gets to be the voice of morality whatever. Like I said, humanity/mankind/whatever forfeited morality and ethics millennia ago. So you know what? Welcome to the fucking end of the world as we know it. Ya might as well go out with a bang. Or whatever.
  5. What the hell? Please tell me you're taking the piss or something because that's just a shitload of just stupid assumptions.
  6. Thanks for the message!

    Will do!


  7. umm...so i'm kind of in a rush right now, but i just wanted to throw out that i recall reading on T.I.M. a blog post (or something like that) in which a T.I.M. agent wrote something to the effect of, "We send Jackson Taylor a picture of Ethan's biohazard tattoo and told him, 'Just so you know what you are getting yourself into' and Jackson Taylor wrote back to us saying, 'Great' (or something to that effect). actually let me see if trusty Google can locate said page... found it http://www.treasureislandmedia.com/cart/MANFUCK-MANIFESTO.html Quoting from T.I.M. Begin quotes: JACKSON TAYLOR is a 20-year-old from Texas. When we told him he could get fucked by ETHAN WOLFE, he jumped at the chance: the kid is truly hungry for cock. But before we set anything up, I sent him a photo of ETHAN's brand-new tattoo: a big brazen biohazard right above his fat cock. "Just want you to know what you're getting into here," I said. JACKSON wrote back one word: "YES!" End quotes. Fuck that bullshit ain't flying not while I'm around...or Google for that matter...say hello to my little friend
  8. lol. speak of the devil.
  9. wow...this is actually a pretty touching/moving story...
  10. totally hot...excellent details btw- like the bottom not getting hard...like the bit about the top coming at the very beginning...that's something i've not really seen other tops do...i've got mixed feelings about that because if i'm really into the guy i'll go...well...a long time...but other wise after i cum and i can be pretty touch and go and i guess it's like the secret Southerner in me that's always like...hmm, gotta keep my company happy...
  11. did we just switch places or something lol
  12. uh..well i was 8 the first time and it was definitely raw...(he was 16)...after that...i'm not sure...i don't think i got fucked again until i was in my late teens...oh wait...there was a friend of mine who about my age who liked fucking me...but i think that was it...whatever...i don't really care i don't think. i went through a "dutiful" (as well or maybe it was more like "obligatory" or maybe just fucking stupid or whatever) phase in which i went back and forth between condoms and raw...but i never ever really liked condoms in fact they always hurt when i was bottoming and they were definitely boring when i topped and then once i broke up with my first partner, i was like FUCK THIS SHIT. and after that i was pretty much like no more condoms...and now i'm like, fuck condoms! let's just make up a fucking religion and tell everyone it is a sin to wear them! oh wait...isn't that what the Catholics do...hmm...they suck at everything...
  13. pipesmokin'manfucker (somebody is making it hard for their name to be entered manually...) anyway, context...yep...but then again, isn't that like everything? i mean really? like the whole poz/neg thing would be totally boring if like i dunno, everyone was doing it and whatever and blah blah blah...it's only actually really amusing/fun/interesting/appealing/cool/engaging/arousing/whatever/etc etc because at present there is a strong cultural taboo (whatever you want to call it) in place, and if that gets totally removed/eliminated, we'll be back to entertaining ourselves by jumping off buildings or something or not...whatever... you're signature is cute btw...for a dog.
  14. lol...lol...lol... props to you slinger! would tip my hat but actually, at least right now, i'm not wearing one...or...am i?
  15. hey...like isn't the fucking NSA or whomever like got this entire fucking country on some sort of surveillance? i'm not exactly going to say, hey what the fuck whatever like people should just shut up and go with whatever, but really? like...it kind of happens all over the world at the behest of the current governmental structures so if a duly elected democratic/republican government can do so, why can't the individual members?
  16. yeah! pipesmoke...whatevs
  17. Sorry, I was in San Francisco for the weekend, yes partially for Dore Alley or whatever...I keep forgetting all the different official names...but mostly for some other matters. Anyway, I didn't take my laptop so I deliberately ignored the web from Friday until Monday and then since then I've been in deep contemplation...which for me mostly amounts to watching lots of porn...yeah...not gonna lie about that. I don't mean to blow of this discussion, I just tend to be very through and precise when I'm responding to something and since, as would be expected, it seems like I've raised some hackles or something, I will be composing my replies a little more carefully...which for me can actually take days at times...sorry. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will really anything else... Case in point, rudeboyxxx- If you think I'm displaying aggression, you've seen nothing yet. Aggression from me is when I have burnt your buildings to the ground, salted the earth in every direction, killed every last one of your females, and left you in your own filth mourning your stupidity. Earlier? That was actually me on my pretty much best behavior...minus the Sunday suit.
  18. Rawtop- First, I'm not sure if you're reacting the way you are on purpose or what, but I thought I was clear when I wrote, "People are demanding, wanting, expressing- etc. That there be (in no particular order) -more videos with internal cum shots and no pulling out -more videos with poz talk -more videos that are obviously (not pretend or fantasy - but really actually so) poz tops fucking neg bottoms. -more and I'm not listing it because I want to go watch porn" That by writing "more and I'm not listing it" indicated that there is much more lying under the table or whatever fucking allusion you want to use. Let's see...PNP? Nastykinkpigs has sort of been fostering that but they don't seem to be doing so well with it. Xtube tolerates said video types but again, most of those tagged to PNP are pretty boring. What else...oh wait, yeah I already wrote "internal cum shots and no pulling out" Uh...that has nothing to do with poz or neg or whatever, you've got at least one gigantic thread in which people are bitching and moaning about how almost every porn (and it's true because I can say very confidently that I watch porn like nobody's business and I know that I right now can think of less than 5, though there probably are more, but I'd say maybe not even 10, full length (like more than 10 min) good quality (like the camera work is decent, the pixelation is not a problem), videos in which the top or tops cum fully inside with no pulling out. Yeah, there is a shit load of "breeding" and even "creampie" vids out there most of those consist of the top pulling out, coming outside, and then pushing back inside...that's not fucking breeding... That's what guys do! Who the fuck pulls out during sex and cums all over a guy AND then pushes back in? that makes no sense. First, I think out of, I dunno, maybe a hundred or so sexual partners in the last few years or whatever, I've met just one person that actually told me not to come in him...Maybe I'm just suffering from self-selection bias but I don't know...I've talked to other guys, Paul Morris says the same thing- it really seems that condom porn and even a lot of bareback porn is really kind of bullshit fiction in that what is portrayed isn't at all like actual sex between guys. Oh wait a minute, I just remembered, Sean Cody is totally shifting in this direction and is kind of killing it right now...so I dunno...he's getting actually a lot of shoots that are with the top cumming once inside and then once outside, but lately it seems like the models are sort of just doing whatever...which often seems to translate into they top cums inside. Anyway, I really should take a shower and get dressed so I'm going to cut this here, with just a few quick rejoiners. Why can't you use virtual currency like Bitcoin or whatever? I was talking to an employee for, at least she claimed, the most established gambling/casino/whatever style game company in the world, and she said that they bypass the currency restrictions by offering the players virtual currency. To me, being afraid of virtual currency is like being afraid of that your credit card is actually the tool of the Antichrist when in fact it's just a piece of plastic with a magnetic strip and blah blah blah whatever...plus anyone whose anyone knows that the Antichrist always sneaky, little old ladies in black for tools...oh wait...that was Damien...hmm. Anyhoo, you don't want a strategist you want a genie. It is not strategic to seek to satisfy a maximal function when that ipso facto will dilute your core values, your product quality, etc etc. and in turn degenerate you, your company, your mission, etc etc. A LARGE PERCENT OF THE POPULATION DOES NOT EAT AT MCDONALDS BECAUSE THEY WANT TO DO SO THEY EAT THERE BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT IS ACCESSIBLE TO THEM. This is the gods damned fucking internet, it's about a magical as anything is going to get on this planet and if you want to do it, you can do it, by which I mean, take what is that you see distilled and reflected in Breeding Zone. There is obviously a lot of passion, interest, etc etc, here, and you can either channel it or you can put it on the back burner in order to be more mainstream or whatever (that's a total illusion btw). You can make all this that drives and engages and entices users to this site, you can take that and you can easily make it accessible to more, and in doing so offer even more than is currently in play. Like I said, I am more than happy to do a meta analysis of your site with no strings attached and no expectations of anything, and I will continue saying, I think that if I quantified all of the activity I could very easily demonstrate that there is an incredibly powerful interest in everything I've listed above, but then you could just as easily say that I skewed the statistics or whatever. Hell, I'd even be willing to take that meta analysis and actually do some indexing and projections and models on XTube and other such because I feel that what's going on is, there's actually a huge, huge market that is being essentially repressed and denied and shut down not because people don't want it, and not because there's not money to be had, but because there is stupid political and religious nonsense that fucks everything up, because really, it's wrong for a poz top to cum inside of a neg bottom? Oh...? What about the fucking rainforest? Nobody is right or wrong here anymore. At this point, the best bet is to just run with a hedonist attitude, and say, if it works it works and if it gets you off then great. So I'll close with this, yeah, you can spoon feed people generically pleasant sets of people having intercourse in the most broadly appealing manner (don't look at me Aesop said it), and you know what, yeah, you'll probably capture a decent chunk of the revenue stream. Or you can capitalize on the simple truth that novelty drives appeal and appeal brings in the customers. There are so many websites all across the web right now all pouring out a flood of pure drivel. The models look the same, it's the same set of actions (guys are clothed, take off clothes, a sucks b, b sucks a, a rims b, a fucks b, nobody fucking says anything, it's all super boring, then a cums and then cut, next? blah). I offer my assessment because I have liberally made use of your site with little contribution up until this point. I would like to see the users/members voices/wishes heard and acted upon, and I respect you for putting this together and getting things thus far. However, if you wish to seek maximal gain simply to have more money, then I tell you this, you will succeed undoubtedly for a time and perhaps that is fine with you, but know this, sooner or later someone is going to come out of the woodwork and they are going to do exactly what Martin Luther said you should do, "Sin and Sin Boldly" I could go on and on but I have a conference I'd like to attend so, and fuck me, I guess I'm just spooling out the shit right now, but here's a final thought. Have you ever heard of a webcomic called Order of the Stick? Do you know who does it? Do you know who reads it? Well I do, and it is, yes, super smart, very funny, and quite interesting...it's also a bunch of fucking stick figures that a grade schooler could draw. In short, it's not some incredible work of art, well actually...whatever Point being Rich Burlew the creator of OotS did a Kickstarter about a year ago and I think he requested a few tens of thousands of dollars. HE GOT A FUCKING 1.5 MILLION DOLLAR CASH INFLUX FROM Who? Who are these people that read his comic? I have no idea but apparently collectively they were able to throw literally about 1.5 million dollars that basically because of the way Kickstarter works, there are pretty much no strings attached and he can pretty much do whatever ever the fuck he wants. He's not the only one that's done this, it's happening all over Kickstarter. These guys aren't trying to please everyone, they know their market, they know their product and they're killing it and the fucking money doesn't lie... So whatever...
  19. Seriously? You want to know how to capture a greater revenue stream or whatever and this is not obvious? Do you not monitor your own site? People are demanding, wanting, expressing- etc. That there be (in no particular order) -more videos with internal cum shots and no pulling out -more videos with poz talk -more videos that are obviously (not pretend or fantasy - but really actually so) poz tops fucking neg bottoms. -more and I'm not listing it because I want to go watch porn If you want, I'd be more than happy to literally operationalize all the forum talk and turn it into say a graph or something just to settle conclusively that the crux of your question lies on these axes. *People want to be stimulated, they don't want to see the same old boring shit over and over again. NOBODY right now is at all capitalizing on poz interest. ******** is super lame in that they just slap "toxic" on whatever, even old videos that are blatantly being recycled. Barebackbastards has poz this and poz that, but actually they've got pretty much zero apparently real poz, pozzing, poz talk videos. *Yeah it's a risk, yeah you're increasing your visibility on a very contentious topic, but ask yourself, if you're not capturing the revenue stream you'd like, do you want to just scoot along playing as safe as safe can be, or do you want to actually take the vast amount of user feedback, expressed wishes, etc, and actually turn around and supply that demand? That's all economics is, supply and demand. I'd even be willing to wager you that the demand for poz related porn (real and obvious) is such that if you took the risk of capitalizing on the expressed interest, the gain would far outweigh the loss. *People are obviously very interested in this because, if you're reading your own forums, there are entire threads where guys are saying the following: "Hey I found a hot poz video on XTube" "Cool" "Uh...removed?" "Hey, check out this hot audio video" "Uh...removed?" "I found this-" "Removed" Xtube had an awesome idea in terms of linking amature porn to pretty much the entire world, however, they're obviously imposing pretty arbitrary bullshit standards because, actually, there are a few "poz" videos (usually the audio is poor quality and hard to hear) in which a poz top is obviously cumming in, yes, sometimes a neg bottom. I've seen chatter across the web that Xtube is going to lose it's revenue stream because it's doing shitty stuff like that. Also, I'd totally suggest that you implement micropayment systems for the videos such that people, and you could try starting with an experimental donation type system to see how folks react, but here's the deal. Why the fuck should anyone pay a large sum, and I'd say anything over $1 is actually a large sum, for the privilege of just watching something that they may or may not even like? If they really like the video they can either pay again or maybe they might even pay to own...these days, I pretty much refuse to pay up front for any porn that I've not seen once through because there is so much bullshit tricks in the industry, but porn is, I can totally argue well, as much the pinnacle of art as anything is...not going to go there right now. I have fucking paid for a bunch of shitty ass videos on Xtube that were labelled bareback or breeding or whatever, and then...huh? Is that a fucking condom? What the fuck? Or...umm...where is the breeding? I didn't even see anything...I have better things to do with my time then go back to Xtube and confront them with this bullshit but it does piss me off greatly that I've spent a significant chunk of money on a bunch of super shitty Xtube videos. I just say this because if you treat your customers with respect rather than simply trying to squeeze as much money as possible from them, I think that you will find Raunchy Fuckers capturing an ever increasing revenue stream. The most satisfying, by which I mean that in which I felt that I paid a fair price for what I got, videos on Xtube were some okay to decent (the camera quality was much poorer than most of other pay to view Xtube videos, also, I have watched so much porn it is not even fucking funny so by now, if it's not fucking golden I'm like, turn that shit off) videos THAT ONLY CHARGE LESS THAN A DOLLAR FOR TEN OR MORE MINUTES. This is actually a huge issue. On Xtube there are assholes that are charging incredibly steep prices for short little videos that have catchy tags or catchy titles or catchy previews, but thus far, all of them actually suck ass when I actually pay and watch them. The exception being the one I cited above (again, I'm more than happy to actually formally crunch all this shit in a numeric manner for you if you're so interested because, hey, I'm sick and tired of shitty ass porn so if this gets me some better fucking porn- yay). Anyway, I could go on and on about this but I'm a little confused right now because I don't understand how it is that you have this awesome fucking site that is full of awesome users who are here day in and day out saying what they want...but not actually getting it, and then you're like... What? Poz category? What's that got to do with this? Huh? p.s. I apologize for being abrasive. I have zero patience right now, and I tip my hat to you for doing what you've done so far and whatever, but again, I'm going to say, if you want to really capture a strong portion of the revenue stream related to porn, you've got to differentiate yourself from your competitors, you've got to do it in a way that respects your customers, and you've got - eh fuck it. I'm going back to watching porn.
  20. Why is there no poz category on Raunchy Fuckers?
  21. uhh...so why the fuck do we keep dealing with Xtube when we've got Raunchy Fuckers? this Xtube shit is cold diarrhea now
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