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Everything posted by Jaymarcs

  1. I think he's got an account on barebackbastards - you just need a bogus/Rarely used email account.
  2. Maybe maybe not. The user has posted another video 11 hours ago. He may had decided to change the title? The person who first posted the link here would know if the vid is the same or not.
  3. You're not missng much this vid doesn't say "part" - It's likely the whole thing 11 minutes
  4. Relieving the body of unnecessary poisons ( Alcohol and Cigarettes ) Means your system isn't under attack from every angle and can go to work on dealing with one at a time. Smoking and heavy use of alcohol aside, even a work place environment that exposes either your lungs or skin to toxic gases or chemicals won't help. Allowing the body actual rest during your sleep helps too -lowing stress-causing actions won't hurt either. Personal experience
  5. YEs you can very easily pull vids from all tube sites. Monstercockland, and Squirt however, requires pay-membership access. But using Camtasia for Windows , you can grab those files. They are watermarked on Squirt. I've found Squirt to be the hardest files to pull. Yes, I pull a lot of Files - but I have no interest in sharing the content or claiming it as my own. Even these words are no longer mine, here in Cyberspace. Everything out here... Assume it's no longer yours. If you want to remain private and not have 30 year old pics of your ass on here floating around forever and ever, DON'T POST to the internet Vanity beats most people; they can't help but boast or show themselves... I think it's cute, but the most I'll give is my cock shot
  6. One of my favs - too bad there's no sound and the visual quality is blech but I think it drives the point home don't you? http://barebackbastards.com/media/15448/Stealthing_a_boy_with_a_pricked_condom/ and then there's http://barebackbastards.com/media/17369/broken_condom_breeding/ I've had these for years.
  7. hehe Yeah , I was thinking the same thing. I have used athletic socks, but they're definitely not manly for me. Oh , I don't mind if you offend - it's not like you maliciously seek out to offend anyone
  8. Unless he's wearing boots over them socks
  9. Yes that vid appears to be a part of a series of Clips called "bull breeder" .. I don't think the poster on Xtube is actually in this one
  10. I have them - But make another
  11. 6 pages and all the information I needed to view the one vid. Many of you didn't read the last 6 pages - there isn't that much text ... And much thanks however goes to Smutsy for posting the Tumblr link 1 day ago-There's a shitload of vids there. I just nabbed any that weren't pulled from xtube Thanks !
  12. You're kidding? You haven't seen Honey Boo Boo have you? Watch that or the Kardashians. You'll find that there are plenty of vapid humans out there... Much to my surprise they still get to vote We so much want to be loved and yet we're willing to be walked on for just a taste of it. But real love doesnt' endanger your life. Ever. Many of us don't love ourselves... That's the start of it... I do realize this is in the fiction section but the fine line in this story hits to many out there - so I felt I'd weigh in. I have nothing else to add. Most posters in this thread have achieved this admirably. Gents,
  13. Try this: http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=lVGTl-G182-It has two titles ( 'd already downloaded it anyways ) ... My Biggest thing is downloading any bareback content ( with ratings) from xtube the moment it's uploaded. This way I can stay on top of files that get deleted within 12 hours ...
  14. end of a bed or upside down works for me. I've never needed poppers - just more practice Practice practice practice/...... Practice is fun!!!!!! I hope I'll always need....practice
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