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Everything posted by AIDSfaggot

  1. Muscled off meds AIDS faggot looking for heavy infection AIDS, STDs, deadly toxic loads. Into outdoors, exhibition, slutty outfits, verbal

  2. AIDS faggot for twisted toxic AIDS play and talk, the sleazier and sicker the better. Chat or phone.

  3. FUcking greedy AIDS faggot looking for infected loads, and twisted talk/chat

  4. Finally, I had my screen name changed to what I reallly am. I"m a hungry AIDS faggot, always fucking greedy for toxic loads, AIDS, STDs, and heavy verbal twisted talk... Also into gear, scally sportskit, leather, skinhead, rybber, and ass abuse/fist/punchfist/huge dildos

  5. Fucking hot profile man, we should get AIDS together

  6. Fucking hot. You into AIDSfuck?

    1. Pigforpoz


      YES! Toby Steven on Facebook! AidsFuck on BBRT! I'm trying to get him to POZ me up!

    2. huis_rat


      all the aids pigs must play together .

  7. Muscled AIDS whore, been off meds for 11 months now, addicted to toxic loads and nasty breeding, love to play in gear, leather, skingear, sportskit. Been taking full blown aids tops only for the past 7 months, so I guess i'm now a complete worthless AIDSfaggot.

  8. So fucking sexy man, I'd take your toxic loads anytime...

  9. I fucking love Jace, he reminds of me when i first took Meth... 4 months after I was starting chasing AIDS and STDs, to become a filthy AIDS faggot. I really see Jace ending up like me, but trashier...
  10. Hi! I would like to change my screename to AIDSfaggot Thanks for this amazing wensite
  11. Fucking horny profile and stories man...

  12. Fuck man, I want your AIDS so fucking badly man, I want you to kill me with your AIDS man, so fucking want to take your toxic loads and fucking DIE man

  13. Hey thanks for the message mister. Would fucking love to take your toxic load in me...

    1. huis_rat


      i will give you my high toxic seed and more , 

  14. Only standard i've known recently is making sure the guys who fuck me are wasted, skinny, have aids look. I'll stick to my aids whore standards.
  15. Fucking horny profile mister. I hope i have the chance to take your toxic loads inside me soon...

  16. Muscled AIDS whore, been off meds for 8 months now, addicted to toxic loads and nasty breeding, love to play in gear, leather, skingear, sportskit. Been taking full blown aids tops only for the past 4 months, so I guess i'm now a complete worthless AIDSfaggot.

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